PyInstaller会在打包时自动为我们收集一些依赖项,特别是我们在打包PyQt/PySide相关的应用时,PyInstaller会自动包含我们步伐通常不必要的文件,如'tanslations'文件夹,'plugins/imageformats'等,通常这些文件会使我们最终的exe文件变大。在网上没有找任何好的方法来排除这些文件,从这个Issue 里我们可以看到一种方法就是在打包之前先删除PyQt安装目次中的不必要文件,这种做法能达到目的,但在我看来实在是不够优雅。
PyInstaller其实最终都依赖spec文件来获取依赖及其它配置项,而天生spec文件内容是由一个模板(控制, 以是我们可以在天生之前去修改(patch)下这个模板,就可以达到控制依赖项的目的。
- import PyInsatller.building.templates as pyi_spec_templates
- from PyInstaller.__main__ import run as pyi_build
- # copy from
- # add datas and binaries filter after Analysis
- onefiletmplate = """# -*- mode: python ; coding: utf-8 -*-
- %(preamble)s
- a = Analysis(
- %(scripts)s,
- pathex=%(pathex)s,
- binaries=%(binaries)s,
- datas=%(datas)s,
- hiddenimports=%(hiddenimports)s,
- hookspath=%(hookspath)r,
- hooksconfig={},
- runtime_hooks=%(runtime_hooks)r,
- excludes=%(excludes)s,
- noarchive=%(noarchive)s,
- optimize=%(optimize)r,
- )
- # begin filter any datas you want
- datas = []
- for dest_name, src_name, res_type in a.datas:
- # 在这里添加过滤逻辑
- datas.append((dest_name, src_name, res_type))
- a.datas = datas
- # end filter datas
- # begin filter any binaries you want
- binaries = []
- for dest_name, src_name, res_type in a.binaries:
- # 在这里添加过滤逻辑
- binaries.append((dest_name, src_name, res_type))
- a.binaries = binaries
- # end filter datas
- pyz = PYZ(a.pure)
- %(splash_init)s
- exe = EXE(
- pyz,
- a.scripts,
- a.binaries,
- a.datas,%(splash_target)s%(splash_binaries)s
- %(options)s,
- name='%(name)s',
- debug=%(debug_bootloader)s,
- bootloader_ignore_signals=%(bootloader_ignore_signals)s,
- strip=%(strip)s,
- upx=%(upx)s,
- upx_exclude=%(upx_exclude)s,
- runtime_tmpdir=%(runtime_tmpdir)r,
- console=%(console)s,
- disable_windowed_traceback=%(disable_windowed_traceback)s,
- argv_emulation=%(argv_emulation)r,
- target_arch=%(target_arch)r,
- codesign_identity=%(codesign_identity)r,
- entitlements_file=%(entitlements_file)r,%(exe_options)s
- )
- """
- pyi_spec_templates.onefiletmplt = onefiletmplate # ==> patch the template string here
- # build exe
- pyi_build(['', '--onefile', ...])
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