pg插件开发发起在linux情况下进行, windows可以采用虚拟机的方式开发.
- 准备虚拟机, 利用的是ubuntu22.04, 太新的版本会依赖拉取有问题
- 安装开发工具和依赖:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y git clang gcc make build-essential libz-dev zlib1g-dev strace libssl-dev pkg-config libreadline-dev libpg-dev flex bison libxml2-dev libxslt-dev libxml2-utils xsltproc
- 安装rust: curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
- 安装cargo: sudo apt-get install cargo
- 安装pgrx: cargo install cargo-pgrx
- 初始化pgrx: cargo pgrx init 这会安装12 - 17版本的pg.
耐心等待所有步骤完成后, 就可以利用pgrx新建模板来写插件了
hello pgrx
执行命令新建pg扩展项目: cargo pgrx new
假如有需要, 可以修改自己要用的pg版本配置文件来方便调试, 例如要用pg16就改.pgrx/data-16
- pg_hba.conf和pg_ident.conf 支持外部工具连接pg
- postgresql.conf设置日志输出级别
进入pgrx新建的项目目录后, 在控制台执行cargo pgrx run pg16表示在postgre16版本运行该插件.
默认端口起始是28800, 因此pg16开放的端口是28816(pg17就是28817),假如开放允许外部连接可以利用这个端口进去(pgrx run命令会自动接入到pg控制台模式)
执行sql安装pg扩展:- create extension <project_name>;
- SELECT extname AS "Extension Name", extversion AS "Version"
- FROM pg_extension;
复制代码 的来源是自己建立的项目名称.
例: use pgrx::{debug1, debug5}
按照pg级别利用, 有:
- debug5!
- debug4!
- debug3!
- debug2!
- debug1!
- info!
- notice!
- warning!
- error!
- log!
see: 自定义类型官方示例
自定义类型需要实现序列化和反序列化:- #[derive(PostgresType, Deserialize, Serialize)]
- pub struct MyType {}
复制代码 重载运算符
see: 重载运算符官方示例- #[pg_operator(immutable, parallel_safe)]
- #[opname(||)]
- fn mytype_concact(mut left: MyType, right: MyType) -> MyType {
- left.0.push_str(&right.0);
- left
- }
复制代码 处理panic
官方提供了一个叫做PgTryBuilder的实现, 用来捕获rust中的panic.- #[pg_extern]
- fn maybe_panic(panic: bool, trap_it: bool, message: &str) {
- PgTryBuilder::new(|| {
- if panic {
- panic!("panic says: {}", message)
- // std::panic::panic_any(42)
- }
- })
- .catch_rust_panic(|cause| {
- // we can catch general Rust panics. The `error` argument is a pg_sys::panic::CaughtError::RustPanic
- // enum variant with the payload from the originating panic
- if trap_it {
- if let CaughtError::RustPanic { ereport, payload } = &cause {
- warning!("{:#?}", ereport);
- if let Some(s) = payload.downcast_ref::<String>() {
- // we have access to the panic!() message
- warning!("{}", s);
- return;
- } else {
- // this won't happen with this example, but say the `panic_any(42)` was used
- // instead. Then we'd be here, and we can just raise another `panic!()`, which
- // will be what's ultimately reported to Postgres.
- //
- // In this case, Postgres' LOCATION error slot will be this line, and the CONTEXT
- // slot will show the line number of the original `panic_any(42)` above
- panic!("panic payload not a `String`");
- }
- }
- unreachable!("internal error: `CaughtError` not a `::RustPanic`");
- } else {
- cause.rethrow()
- }
- })
- // finally block always runs after the catch handlers finish (even if they rethrow or raise
- // their own panic, like in this case)
- .finally(|| warning!("FINALLY!"))
- .execute()
- }
复制代码 在插件中执行SQL
see: 官方spi示例
see: hook列表(没有试过)
这是一个在hook中执行sql的示例:- #[pg_guard]
- pub unsafe extern "C" fn _PG_init() {
- PgTryBuilder::new(|| {
- let vec = generate_rsa_key().unwrap();
- Spi::connect(move |mut client| {
- let init_schema = format!(
- r#"
- create schema if not exists {};
- "#,
- );
- match client.update(init_schema.as_str(), None, None) {
- Ok(_) => {}
- Err(_) => {
- return;
- }
- };
- let init_sql = format!(
- r#"
- create table if not exists {}.t_rsa_key(
- id serial8 not null primary key,
- public_key text,
- private_key text
- );
- "#,
- );
- client.update(init_sql.as_str(), None, None).unwrap();
- let insert_sql = format!(
- r#"
- insert into {}.t_rsa_key (public_key,private_key) values ('{}','{}');
- "#,
- PROJECT_SCHEMA, vec[0], vec[1]
- );
- client.update(insert_sql.as_str(), None, None).unwrap();
- })
- })
- .execute();
- }
复制代码 关于_PG_init被调用多次的解决方式
(TODO: 实在我也没行止理这个问题)
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