作者简介:Java范畴优质创作者、CSDN博客专家 、CSDN内容合伙人、掘金特邀作者、阿里云博客专家、51CTO特邀作者、多年架构师设计履历、多年校企互助履历,被多个学校常年聘为校外企业导师,指导学生毕业设计并到场学生毕业答辩指导,有较为丰富的相干履历。等待与各位高校教师、企业讲师以及偕行交换互助
收藏点赞不迷路 关注作者有利益
语言环境:Java: jdk1.8
数据库:Mysql: mysql5.7
应用服务器:Tomcat: tomcat8.5.31
系统叙述的是使用热门旅游景点数据分析系统的设计与实现,对于Python、B/S结构、MySql举行了较为深入的学习与应用。重要针对系统的设计,描述,实现和分析与测试方面来表明开辟的过程。开辟中使用了 django框架和MySql数据库技术搭建系统的整体架构。使用这些技术联合实际需求开辟了具有个人中心、门票信息管理、名宿信息管理、系统管理等功能的系统,最后对系统举行相应的测试,测试系统有无存在题目以及测试用户权限来优化系统,最后系统达到预期目标。
- # coding:utf-8
- __author__ = "ila"
- import logging, os, time
- from django.http import JsonResponse
- from django.apps import apps
- from wsgiref.util import FileWrapper
- from django.http import HttpResponse,HttpResponseRedirect
- from django.shortcuts import redirect
- from .config_model import config
- from util.codes import *
- from util import message as mes
- from util.baidubce_api import BaiDuBce
- from util.locate import geocoding
- from dj2.settings import dbName as schemaName
- from dj2.settings import hasHadoop
- from django.db import connection
- from hdfs.client import Client
- def schemaName_cal(request, tableName, columnName):
- '''
- 计算规则接口
- '''
- if request.method in ["POST", "GET"]:
- msg = {"code": normal_code, 'data': []}
- allModels = apps.get_app_config('main').get_models()
- for m in allModels:
- if m.__tablename__ == tableName:
- data = m.getcomputedbycolumn(
- m,
- m,
- columnName
- )
- print(data)
- if data:
- try:
- sum='%.05f' % float(data.get("sum"))
- except:
- sum=0.00
- try:
- max='%.05f' % float(data.get("max"))
- except:
- max=0.00
- try:
- min='%.05f' % float(data.get("min"))
- except:
- min=0.00
- try:
- avg='%.05f' % float(data.get("avg"))
- except:
- avg=0.00
- msg['data'] = {
- "sum": sum,
- "max": max,
- "min": min,
- "avg": avg,
- }
- break
- return JsonResponse(msg)
- def schemaName_file_upload(request):
- '''
- 上传
- '''
- if request.method in ["POST", "GET"]:
- msg = {"code": normal_code, "msg": "成功", "data": {}}
- req_dict = request.session.get("req_dict")
- type = req_dict.get("type")
- file = request.FILES.get("file")
- if file:
- filename = file.name
- filesuffix = filename.split(".")[-1]
- file_name = "{}.{}".format(int(float(time.time()) * 1000), filesuffix)
- if type != None and '_template' in type:
- file_name="{}.{}".format(type,filesuffix)
- filePath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front", file_name)
- print("filePath===========>", filePath)
- with open(filePath, 'wb+') as destination:
- for chunk in file.chunks():
- destination.write(chunk)
- msg["file"] = file_name
- # 判断是否需要保存为人脸识别基础照片
- req_dict = request.session.get("req_dict")
- type1 = req_dict.get("type", 0)
- print("type1=======>",type1)
- type1 = str(type1)
- if type1 == '1':
- params = {"name":"faceFile","value": file_name}
- config.createbyreq(config, config, params)
- if '是' in hasHadoop or 'spark' in hasHadoop:
- try:
- client = Client("")
- client.upload(hdfs_path=f'/{file_name}', local_path=filePath, chunk_size=2 << 19, overwrite=True)
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"hdfs upload error : {e}")
- return JsonResponse(msg)
- def schemaName_file_download(request):
- '''
- 下载
- '''
- if request.method in ["POST", "GET"]:
- req_dict = request.session.get("req_dict")
- filename = req_dict.get("fileName")
- filePath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front", filename)
- print("filePath===========>", filePath)
- if '是' in hasHadoop or 'spark' in hasHadoop:
- try:
- client = Client("")
- client.download(hdfs_path=f'/{filename}', local_path=filename, overwrite=True)
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"hdfs download error : {e}")
- file = open(filePath, 'rb')
- response = HttpResponse(file)
- response['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
- response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s' % os.path.basename(filePath)
- response['Content-Length'] = os.path.getsize(filePath)
- return response
- def schemaName_follow_level(request, tableName, columnName, level, parent):
- '''
- '''
- if request.method in ["POST", "GET"]:
- msg = {"code": normal_code, 'data': []}
- # 组合查询参数
- params = {
- "level": level,
- "parent": parent
- }
- allModels = apps.get_app_config('main').get_models()
- for m in allModels:
- if m.__tablename__ == tableName:
- data = m.getbyparams(
- m,
- m,
- params
- )
- # 只需要此列的数据
- for i in data:
- msg['data'].append(i.get(columnName))
- break
- return JsonResponse(msg)
- def schemaName_follow(request, tableName, columnName):
- '''
- 根据option字段值获取某表的单行记录接口
- 组合columnName和columnValue成dict,传入查询方法
- '''
- if request.method in ["POST", "GET"]:
- msg = {"code": normal_code, 'data': []}
- # 组合查询参数
- params = request.session.get('req_dict')
- columnValue = params.get("columnValue")
- params = {columnName: columnValue}
- allModels = apps.get_app_config('main').get_models()
- for m in allModels:
- if m.__tablename__ == tableName:
- data = m.getbyparams(
- m,
- m,
- params
- )
- if len(data)>0:
- msg['data'] = data[0]
- break
- return JsonResponse(msg)
- def schemaName_location(request):
- '''
- 定位
- :return:
- '''
- if request.method in ["POST", "GET"]:
- msg = {"code": normal_code, "msg": mes.normal_code, "address": ''}
- req_dict = request.session.get('req_dict')
- datas = config.getbyparams(config, config, {"name": "baidu_ditu_ak"})
- if len(datas) > 0:
- baidu_ditu_ak = datas[0].get("baidu_ditu_ak")
- else:
- baidu_ditu_ak = 'QvMZVORsL7sGzPyTf5ZhawntyjiWYCif'
- lat = req_dict.get("lat", 24.2943350100)
- lon = req_dict.get("lng", 116.1287866600)
- msg['address'] = geocoding(baidu_ditu_ak, lat, lon)
- return JsonResponse(msg)
- def schemaName_matchface(request):
- '''
- baidubce百度人脸识别
- '''
- if request.method in ["POST", "GET"]:
- try:
- msg = {"code": normal_code}
- req_dict = request.session.get("req_dict")
- face1 = req_dict.get("face1")
- file_path1 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),"templates/front",face1)
- face2 = req_dict.get("face2")
- file_path2 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "templates/front", face2)
- data = config.getbyparams(config, config, {"name": "APIKey"})
- client_id = data[0].get("value")
- data = config.getbyparams(config, config, {"name": "SecretKey"})
- client_secret = data[0].get("value")
- bdb = BaiDuBce()
- score = bdb.bd_check2pic(client_id, client_secret, file_path1, file_path2)
- msg['score'] = score
- return JsonResponse(msg)
- except:
- return JsonResponse({"code": 500, "msg": "匹配失败", "score": 0})
- def schemaName_option(request, tableName, columnName):
- '''
- 获取某表的某个字段列表接口
- :param request:
- :param tableName:
- :param columnName:
- :return:
- '''
- if request.method in ["POST", "GET"]:
- msg = {"code": normal_code, 'data': []}
- new_params = {}
- params = request.session.get("req_dict")
- if params.get('conditionColumn') != None and params.get('conditionValue') != None:
- new_params[params['conditionColumn']] = params['conditionValue']
- allModels = apps.get_app_config('main').get_models()
- for m in allModels:
- if m.__tablename__ == tableName:
- data = m.getbyColumn(
- m,
- m,
- columnName,
- new_params
- )
- msg['data'] = data
- break
- return JsonResponse(msg)
- def schemaName_remind_tablename_columnname_type(request, tableName, columnName, type)->int:
- '''
- 前台提醒接口(通用接口,不需要登陆)
- '''
- if request.method in ["POST", "GET"]:
- msg = {"code": normal_code, 'data': []}
- # 组合查询参数
- params = request.session.get("req_dict")
- remindstart = int(params.get('remindstart')) if params.get('remindstart') != None else None
- remindend = int(params.get('remindend')) if params.get('remindend') != None else None
- if int(type) == 1: # 数字
- if remindstart == None and remindend != None:
- params['remindstart'] = 0
- elif remindstart != None and remindend == None:
- params['remindend'] = 999999
- elif remindstart == None and remindend == None:
- params['remindstart'] = 0
- params['remindend'] = 999999
- elif int(type) == 2: # 日期
- current_time = int(time.time())
- if remindstart == None and remindend != None:
- starttime = current_time - 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 2
- params['remindstart'] = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(starttime))
- endtime = current_time + 60 * 60 * 24 * remindend
- params['remindend'] = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(endtime))
- elif remindstart != None and remindend == None:
- starttime = current_time - 60 * 60 * 24 * remindstart
- params['remindstart'] = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(starttime))
- endtime = current_time + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 2
- params['remindend'] = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(endtime))
- elif remindstart == None and remindend == None:
- starttime = current_time - 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 2
- params['remindstart'] = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(starttime))
- endtime = current_time + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 2
- params['remindend'] = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(endtime))
- allModels = apps.get_app_config('main').get_models()
- for m in allModels:
- if m.__tablename__ == tableName:
- data = m.getbetweenparams(
- m,
- m,
- columnName,
- params
- )
- msg['count'] = len(data)
- break
- return JsonResponse(msg)
- def schemaName_tablename_remind_columnname_type(request, tableName, columnName, type):
- '''
- 后台提醒接口,判断authSeparate和authTable的权限
- '''
- if request.method in ["POST", "GET"]:
- print("schemaName_tablename_remind_columnname_type==============>")
- msg = {"code": normal_code, 'data': []}
- req_dict = request.session.get("req_dict")
- remindstart = int(req_dict.get('remindstart')) if req_dict.get('remindstart')!=None else None
- remindend = int(req_dict.get('remindend')) if req_dict.get('remindend')!=None else None
- print("req_dict===================>",req_dict)
- allModels = apps.get_app_config('main').get_models()
- for m in allModels:
- if m.__tablename__ == tableName:
- tableModel=m
- break
- # 获取全部列名
- columns = tableModel.getallcolumn(tableModel, tableModel)
- # 当前登录用户所在表
- tablename = request.session.get("tablename")
- # 当列属性authTable有值(某个用户表)[该列的列名必须和该用户表的登陆字段名一致],则对应的表有个隐藏属性authTable为”是”,那么该用户查看该表信息时,只能查看自己的
- try:
- __authTables__ =tableModel.__authTables__
- except:
- __authTables__ = {}
- if __authTables__ != {}:
- for authColumn, authTable in __authTables__.items():
- if authTable == tablename:
- params = request.session.get("params")
- req_dict[authColumn] = params.get(authColumn)
- break
- '''__authSeparate__此属性为真,params添加userid,后台只查询个人数据'''
- try:
- __authSeparate__ =tableModel.__authSeparate__
- except:
- __authSeparate__ = None
- if __authSeparate__ == "是":
- tablename = request.session.get("tablename")
- if tablename != "users" and 'userid' in columns:
- try:
- pass
- # req_dict['userid'] = request.session.get("params").get("id")
- except:
- pass
- # 组合查询参数
- if int(type) == 1: # 数字
- if remindstart == None and remindend != None:
- req_dict['remindstart'] = 0
- elif remindstart != None and remindend == None:
- req_dict['remindend'] = 999999
- elif remindstart == None and remindend == None:
- req_dict['remindstart'] = 0
- req_dict['remindend'] = 999999
- elif int(type) == 2: # 日期
- current_time = int(time.time())
- if remindstart == None and remindend != None:
- starttime = current_time - 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 2
- req_dict['remindstart'] = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(starttime))
- endtime = current_time + 60 * 60 * 24 * remindend
- req_dict['remindend'] = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(endtime))
- elif remindstart != None and remindend == None:
- starttime = current_time + 60 * 60 * 24 * remindstart
- req_dict['remindstart'] = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(starttime))
- endtime = current_time + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 2
- req_dict['remindend'] = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(endtime))
- elif remindstart == None and remindend == None:
- starttime = current_time - 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 2
- req_dict['remindstart'] = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(starttime))
- endtime = current_time + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 2
- req_dict['remindend'] = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(endtime))
- else:
- starttime = current_time + 60 * 60 * 24 * remindstart
- req_dict['remindstart'] = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(starttime))
- endtime = current_time + 60 * 60 * 24 * remindend
- req_dict['remindend'] = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(endtime))
- print("req_dict==============>",req_dict)
- allModels = apps.get_app_config('main').get_models()
- for m in allModels:
- if m.__tablename__ == tableName:
- data = m.getbetweenparams(
- m,
- m,
- columnName,
- req_dict
- )
- msg['count'] = len(data)
- break
- return JsonResponse(msg)
- def schemaName_sh(request, tableName):
- '''
- 根据主键id修改table表的sfsh状态接口
- '''
- if request.method in ["POST", "GET"]:
- print('tableName=========>', tableName)
- msg = {"code": normal_code, "msg": "成功", "data": {}}
- req_dict = request.session.get("req_dict")
- allModels = apps.get_app_config('main').get_models()
- for m in allModels:
- if m.__tablename__ == tableName:
- # 查询结果
- data1 = m.getbyid(
- m,
- m,
- req_dict.get('id')
- )
- if data1[0].get("sfsh") == '是':
- req_dict['sfsh'] = '否'
- else:
- req_dict['sfsh'] = '否'
- # 更新
- res = m.updatebyparams(
- m,
- m,
- req_dict
- )
- # logging.warning("schemaName_sh.res=====>{}".format(res))
- if res!=None:
- msg["code"]=crud_error_code
- msg["code"]=mes.crud_error_code
- break
- return JsonResponse(msg)
- def schemaName_upload(request, fileName):
- '''
- '''
- if request.method in ["POST", "GET"]:
- return HttpResponseRedirect ("/{}/front/{}".format(schemaName,fileName))
- def schemaName_group_quyu(request, tableName, columnName):
- '''
- {
- "code": 0,
- "data": [
- {
- "total": 2,
- "shangpinleibie": "水果"
- },
- {
- "total": 1,
- "shangpinleibie": "蔬菜"
- }
- ]
- }
- '''
- if request.method in ["POST", "GET"]:
- msg = {"code": normal_code, "msg": "成功", "data": {}}
- allModels = apps.get_app_config('main').get_models()
- where = {}
- for m in allModels:
- if m.__tablename__ == tableName:
- for item in m.__authTables__.items():
- if request.session.get("tablename") == item[1]:
- where[item[0]] = request.session.get("params").get(item[0])
- msg['data'] = m.groupbycolumnname(
- m,
- m,
- columnName,
- where
- )
- break
- return JsonResponse(msg)
- def schemaName_value_quyu(request, tableName, xColumnName, yColumnName):
- '''
- 按值统计接口,
- {
- "code": 0,
- "data": [
- {
- "total": 10.0,
- "shangpinleibie": "aa"
- },
- {
- "total": 20.0,
- "shangpinleibie": "bb"
- },
- {
- "total": 15.0,
- "shangpinleibie": "cc"
- }
- ]
- }
- '''
- if request.method in ["POST", "GET"]:
- msg = {"code": normal_code, "msg": "成功", "data": {}}
- allModels = apps.get_app_config('main').get_models()
- where = {}
- for m in allModels:
- if m.__tablename__ == tableName:
- for item in m.__authTables__.items():
- if request.session.get("tablename") == item[1]:
- where[item[0]] = request.session.get("params").get(item[0])
- msg['data'] = m.getvaluebyxycolumnname(
- m,
- m,
- xColumnName,
- yColumnName,
- where
- )
- break
- return JsonResponse(msg)
- def schemaName_value_riqitj(request, tableName, xColumnName, yColumnName, timeStatType):
- if request.method in ["POST", "GET"]:
- msg = {"code": normal_code, "msg": "成功", "data": {}}
- where = ' where 1 = 1 '
- allModels = apps.get_app_config('main').get_models()
- for m in allModels:
- if m.__tablename__ == tableName:
- for item in m.__authTables__.items():
- if request.session.get("tablename") == item[1]:
- where = where + " and " + item[0] + " = '" + request.session.get("params").get(item[0]) + "' "
- sql = ''
- if timeStatType == '日':
- sql = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT({0}, '%Y-%m-%d') {0}, sum({1}) total FROM {3} {2} GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT({0}, '%Y-%m-%d')".format(xColumnName, yColumnName, where, tableName, '%Y-%m-%d')
- if timeStatType == '月':
- sql = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT({0}, '%Y-%m') {0}, sum({1}) total FROM {3} {2} GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT({0}, '%Y-%m')".format(xColumnName, yColumnName, where, tableName, '%Y-%m')
- if timeStatType == '年':
- sql = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT({0}, '%Y') {0}, sum({1}) total FROM {3} {2} GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT({0}, '%Y')".format(xColumnName, yColumnName, where, tableName, '%Y')
- L = []
- cursor = connection.cursor()
- cursor.execute(sql)
- desc = cursor.description
- data_dict = [dict(zip([col[0] for col in desc], row)) for row in cursor.fetchall()]
- for online_dict in data_dict:
- for key in online_dict:
- if 'datetime.datetime' in str(type(online_dict[key])):
- online_dict[key] = online_dict[key].strftime(
- "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
- else:
- pass
- L.append(online_dict)
- msg['data'] = L
- return JsonResponse(msg)
- def schemaName_spider(request, tableName):
- if request.method in ["POST", "GET"]:
- msg = {"code": normal_code, "msg": "成功", "data": []}
- # Linux
- cmd = "cd /yykj/python/9999/spider08375 && scrapy crawl "+tableName+"Spider -a databaseName=djangoqo04n"
- # Windows
- # cmd = "cd C:\\test1\\spider && scrapy crawl " + tableName + "Spider"
- os.system(cmd)
- return JsonResponse(msg)
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