本文解释 交叉熵损失(Cross-Entropy Loss),并团结对比学习的应用说明它如何工作,以及如何让正样本对更近、负样本对更远。
L = − ∑ i = 1 C y i log ( y ^ i ) L = -\sum_{i=1}^C y_i \log(\hat{y}_i) L=−i=1∑Cyilog(y^i)
- ( C C C ):类别数。
- ( y i y_i yi ):真实类别分布(通常是独热编码,只有真实类别对应位置为 1)。
- ( y ^ i \hat{y}_i y^i ):模型推测的概率分布(通常是通过 softmax 得到的概率值)。
L = − log ( y ^ j ) L = -\log(\hat{y}_j) L=−log(y^j)
- ( j j j ) 是真实类别的索引。
- ( y ^ j \hat{y}_j y^j ) 是模型推测的真实类别概率。
- 惩罚错误推测:
- 如果模型推测的真实类别概率 ( y ^ j \hat{y}_j y^j ) 较小,则损失 ( − log ( y ^ j ) -\log(\hat{y}_j) −log(y^j) ) 很大,从而对模型施加较大的惩罚,迫使模型学习更高的真实类别概率。
- 比方,若 ( y ^ j = 0.1 \hat{y}_j = 0.1 y^j=0.1 ),损失 ( − log ( 0.1 ) = 2.3 -\log(0.1) = 2.3 −log(0.1)=2.3 )。
- 奖励精确推测:
- 如果模型推测的真实类别概率 ( y ^ j \hat{y}_j y^j ) 较大(靠近 1),损失很小,表现模型在这一样本上的推测靠近抱负。
- 比方,若 ( y ^ j = 0.9 \hat{y}_j = 0.9 y^j=0.9 ),损失 ( − log ( 0.9 ) = 0.11 -\log(0.9) = 0.11 −log(0.9)=0.11 )。
- 鼓励模型信心:
- 模型推测越靠近 1 或 0(置信度更高),交叉熵的结果会更低,模型学习的效果越好。
Softmax 与交叉熵的关系
交叉熵损失通常和 Softmax 一起使用,Softmax 是将原始的 logits 转换为概率分布的函数:
y ^ i = exp ( z i ) ∑ k = 1 C exp ( z k ) \hat{y}_i = \frac{\exp(z_i)}{\sum_{k=1}^C \exp(z_k)} y^i=∑k=1Cexp(zk)exp(zi)
- ( z i z_i zi ):模型输出的 logits 值(未归一化的分数)。
- ( y ^ i \hat{y}_i y^i ):Softmax 输出的归一化概率。
Softmax 确保输出概率总和为 1,使得它适合作为概率分布与真实标签举行比较。
在对比学习任务(如 CLIP)中,交叉熵损失被用来拉近正样本对的相似度,同时拉远负样本对的相似度。
比方,在 CLIP 模型中:
- 输入:
- 一批图像和对应的文本形貌。
- 模型通过编码器天生图像和文本的嵌入向量 ( z_image , z_text \text{z\_image}, \text{z\_text} z_image,z_text )。
- 计算 logits(相似度矩阵):
- 两个向量的相似度通常用点积或余弦相似度计算:
logits_per_image [ i ] [ j ] = sim ( z_image i , z_text j ) \text{logits\_per\_image}[j] = \text{sim}(\text{z\_image}_i, \text{z\_text}_j) logits_per_image[j]=sim(z_imagei,z_textj)
- 计算概率分布:
- 使用 softmax 将相似度矩阵的每一行归一化为概率分布,表现图像 ( i i i ) 对应文本 ( j j j ) 的匹配概率。
- 交叉熵损失:
- 对于每个图像 ( i i i ),真实匹配文本的索引为 ( j j j ),交叉熵损失是:
L = − log ( P ( positive ) ) L = -\log(P(\text{positive})) L=−log(P(positive))
- ( P ( positive ) P(\text{positive}) P(positive) ) 是正样本的 softmax 概率值。
- 批量大小 = 3,logits(相似度矩阵):
logits_per_image = [ 2.0 0.5 − 1.0 0.3 1.8 0.2 − 0.5 0.4 1.5 ] \text{logits\_per\_image} = \begin{bmatrix} 2.0 & 0.5 & -1.0 \\ 0.3 & 1.8 & 0.2 \\ -0.5 & 0.4 & 1.5 \end{bmatrix} logits_per_image= 2.00.3−−
- Softmax 概率:
- 第一行(图像 1 的概率分布):
P ( positive ) = exp ( 2.0 ) exp ( 2.0 ) + exp ( 0.5 ) + exp ( − 1.0 ) ≈ 0.71 P(\text{positive}) = \frac{\exp(2.0)}{\exp(2.0) + \exp(0.5) + \exp(-1.0)} \approx 0.71 P(positive)=exp(2.0)+exp(0.5)+exp(−1.0)exp(2.0)≈0.71
P ( negative , j = 2 ) ≈ 0.23 , P ( negative , j = 3 ) ≈ 0.06 P(\text{negative}, j=2) \approx 0.23, \quad P(\text{negative}, j=3) \approx 0.06 P(negative,j=2)≈0.23,P(negative,j=3)≈0.06
- 交叉熵损失:
- 如果图像 1 和文本 1 是正样本对:
L = − log ( P ( positive ) ) ≈ − log ( 0.71 ) = 0.34 L = -\log(P(\text{positive})) \approx -\log(0.71) = 0.34 L=−log(P(positive))≈−log(0.71)=0.34
- 优化目标:
- 提高正样本概率: 比方将 logits 中的 ( 2.0 ) 调高。
- 降低负样本概率: 比方将 logits 中的 ( 0.5, -1.0 ) 调低。
通过反向传播,交叉熵损失会对 logits 施加以下影响:
- 正样本对: 提升其 logits 值,让正样本的相似度更高。
- 负样本对: 降低其 logits 值,让负样本的相似度更低。
在对比学习中,交叉熵损失团结 softmax 通过最大化正样本对的概率 ( P ( positive ) P(\text{positive}) P(positive) ) 和最小化负样本对的概率,从而学习到一个区分度更高的嵌入空间。这种方法被广泛应用于大模型(如 CLIP、SimCLR)中,用于学习视觉与文本、差别视角图像等的语义匹配。
What is Cross-Entropy Loss?
Cross-entropy loss measures the difference between two probability distributions:
- The true labels’ distribution (ground truth).
- The predicted probability distribution (from the model, e.g., softmax output).
The formula for cross-entropy loss is:
L = − ∑ i = 1 C y i log ( y ^ i ) L = -\sum_{i=1}^C y_i \log(\hat{y}_i) L=−i=1∑Cyilog(y^i)
- ( C C C ): The number of classes.
- ( y i y_i yi ): The true label for class ( i i i ) (1 if true, 0 otherwise, in one-hot encoding).
- ( y ^ i \hat{y}_i y^i ): The predicted probability for class ( i i i ) (output of the softmax).
For a single example, if the ground truth class is ( j j j ), the loss simplifies to:
L = − log ( y ^ j ) L = -\log(\hat{y}_j) L=−log(y^j)
How Does Cross-Entropy Work?
- Penalizes incorrect predictions:
- If the model predicts a probability far from the true class (( y ^ j \hat{y}_j y^j ) is small), the loss is high because ( − log ( y ^ j ) -\log(\hat{y}_j) −log(y^j) ) is large.
- Example: If ( y ^ j = 0.1 \hat{y}_j = 0.1 y^j=0.1 ), then ( − log ( 0.1 ) = 2.3 -\log(0.1) = 2.3 −log(0.1)=2.3 ).
- Rewards correct predictions:
- If the model predicts a high probability for the true class (( y ^ j \hat{y}_j y^j ) close to 1), the loss is small.
- Example: If ( y ^ j = 0.9 \hat{y}_j = 0.9 y^j=0.9 ), then ( − log ( 0.9 ) = 0.11 -\log(0.9) = 0.11 −log(0.9)=0.11 ).
- Encourages probabilistic confidence:
- Predictions close to 0 or 1 result in higher confidence and a lower loss.
Connection to Softmax
Cross-entropy loss is typically used after a softmax activation function, which normalizes raw logits into probabilities:
y ^ i = exp ( z i ) ∑ k = 1 C exp ( z k ) \hat{y}_i = \frac{\exp(z_i)}{\sum_{k=1}^C \exp(z_k)} y^i=∑k=1Cexp(zk)exp(zi)
- ( z i z_i zi ): The raw score (logit) for class ( i i i ).
- ( y ^ i \hat{y}_i y^i ): The predicted probability for class ( i i i ).
The softmax ensures that the output probabilities sum to 1, making them suitable for comparing to one-hot encoded true labels.
How It Maximizes Positive Class Similarity (Contrastive Setting)
In contrastive learning (e.g., CLIP), cross-entropy loss is used to pull positive pairs closer together while pushing negative pairs apart. Here’s how it works:
- Positive Pair Similarity:
- If the predicted similarity for the positive pair (e.g., ( y ^ positive \hat{y}_{\text{positive}} y^positive )) is high, ( − log ( y ^ positive ) -\log(\hat{y}_{\text{positive}}) −log(y^positive) ) is small, reducing the loss. This encourages the model to further increase the similarity.
- Negative Pair Similarity:
- For negative pairs, their probabilities are part of the denominator in the softmax:
P ( positive ) = exp ( sim ( pos ) ) exp ( sim ( pos ) ) + ∑ exp ( sim ( neg ) ) P(\text{positive}) = \frac{\exp(\text{sim}(\text{pos}))}{\exp(\text{sim}(\text{pos})) + \sum \exp(\text{sim}(\text{neg}))} P(positive)=exp(sim(pos))+∑exp(sim(neg))exp(sim(pos))
- Increasing ( exp ( sim ( neg ) ) \exp(\text{sim}(\text{neg})) exp(sim(neg)) ) reduces ( P ( positive ) P(\text{positive}) P(positive) ), increasing the loss. Therefore, the model learns to lower the similarity for negative pairs.
By optimizing the cross-entropy loss, the model dynamically adjusts logits to maximize the positive pair similarity while minimizing the negative pair similarity.
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