导航栏,输入fei,然后tab可进入当前扩展:Quick Query FeiFeiYeChuan CSDN Blogs,然后输入内容,即可在FeiFeiYeChuan博客下查找相干技能内容。
在博客的导航栏插入 Tip 按钮,点击按钮,界面中间显示“Quick Redirect To FeiFeiYeChuan”的快速导航。点击即可快速进入博客主页。
- {
- "manifest_version": 3,
- "name":"Quick Query FeiFeiYeChuan CSDN Blogs",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "icons": {
- "16": "images/icon16.png",
- "32": "images/icon16.png",
- "64": "images/icon16.png"
- },
- "background":{ # background 随浏览器运行
- "service_worker": "service-worker.js",
- "type": "module"
- },
- "permissions":["storage", "alarms"], # 内存权限和闹钟定时权限
- "minimum_chrome_version": "102",
- "omnibox":{
- "keyword": "fei" # 使用导航栏,必须用到omnibox。关键字是 fei。
- },
- "host_permissions": ["https://extension-tips.glitch.me/*"],
- "content_scripts": [ # content内容
- {
- "matches": [
- "https://*.csdn.net/*",
- "https://blog.csdn.net/*",
- "https://*/blog.csdn.net/*"
- ],
- "js": ["content.js"]
- }
- ]
- }
复制代码 3、service-worker.js
- import './sw-omnibox.js'; // 导入js文件
- import './sw-tips.js';
- // Save default API suggestions
- chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(({ reason }) => {
- console.log("reason:", reason)
- if (reason === 'install') { // 安装完成插件
- chrome.storage.local.set({
- apiSuggestions: ['Python', 'Django', 'Freeswitch']
- });
- console.log("apiSuggestions:", chrome.storage.local.get("apiSuggestions"))
- }
- if (reason === 'update') { // 更新插件
- chrome.storage.local.set({
- apiSuggestions: ['Python', 'Django', 'Freeswitch']
- });
- console.log("apiSuggestions:", chrome.storage.local.get("apiSuggestions"))
- }
- });
复制代码 4、sw-omnibox.js
- console.log("sw-omnibox.js")
- 'https://so.csdn.net/so/search?t=blog&u=feifeiyechuan&q='; // 指定博客下查询内容
- // Display the suggestions after user starts typing
- chrome.omnibox.onInputChanged.addListener(async (input, suggest) => { // omibox内容改变事件
- await chrome.omnibox.setDefaultSuggestion({
- description: '输入FeiFeiYeChuan关键查询'
- });
- const { apiSuggestions } = await chrome.storage.local.get('apiSuggestions');
- console.log("111apiSuggestions:", apiSuggestions)
- const suggestions = apiSuggestions.map((api) => {
- return { content: api, description: `Open CSDN FeiFeiYeChuan.${api}` };
- });
- console.log("222suggestions:", suggestions)
- suggest(suggestions);
- });
- // Open the reference page of the chosen API
- chrome.omnibox.onInputEntered.addListener((input) => { // omibox回车事件
- console.log("chrome.tabs:", chrome.tabs)
- chrome.tabs.create({ url: URL_CHROME_EXTENSIONS_DOC + input });
- console.log("chrome.tabs:", chrome.tabs)
- // Save the latest keyword
- updateHistory(input);
- });
- async function updateHistory(input) { // 更新内存apiSuggestions
- const { apiSuggestions } = await chrome.storage.local.get('apiSuggestions');
- console.log("apiSuggestions:", apiSuggestions)
- apiSuggestions.unshift(input);
- console.log("apiSuggestions:", apiSuggestions)
- apiSuggestions.splice(NUMBER_OF_PREVIOUS_SEARCHES);
- console.log("apiSuggestions:", apiSuggestions)
- return chrome.storage.local.set({ apiSuggestions });
- }
复制代码 5、sw-tips.js
- console.log("sw-tips.js")
- // Fetch tip & save in storage
- const updateTip = async () => {
- const tips = [
- "<p><a href='https://blog.csdn.net/feifeiyechuan'>Quick Redirect To FeiFeiYeChuan</a></p>",
- "<p><a href='https://blog.csdn.net/feifeiyechuan'>Quick Redirect To FeiFeiYeChuan</a></p>",
- "<p><a href='https://blog.csdn.net/feifeiyechuan'>Quick Redirect To FeiFeiYeChuan</a></p>",
- "<p><a href='https://blog.csdn.net/feifeiyechuan'>Quick Redirect To FeiFeiYeChuan</a></p>",
- "<p><a href='https://blog.csdn.net/feifeiyechuan'>Quick Redirect To FeiFeiYeChuan</a></p>",
- "<p><a href='https://blog.csdn.net/feifeiyechuan'>Quick Redirect To FeiFeiYeChuan</a></p>",
- "<p><a href='https://blog.csdn.net/feifeiyechuan'>Quick Redirect To FeiFeiYeChuan</a></p>",
- ];
- const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * tips.length);
- return chrome.storage.local.set({ tip: tips[randomIndex] });
- };
- const ALARM_NAME = 'tip';
- // Check if alarm exists to avoid resetting the timer.
- // The alarm might be removed when the browser session restarts.
- async function createAlarm() {
- const alarm = await chrome.alarms.get(ALARM_NAME);
- if (typeof alarm === 'undefined') {
- chrome.alarms.create(ALARM_NAME, {
- delayInMinutes: 1,
- periodInMinutes: 1440
- });
- updateTip();
- }
- }
- chrome.alarms.clearAll()
- createAlarm();
- // Update tip once a day
- chrome.alarms.onAlarm.addListener(updateTip);
- // Send tip to content script via messaging
- chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((message, sender, sendResponse) => { // 接受content
- if (message.greeting === 'tip') {
- console.log("chrome.storage.local.get('tip'):", chrome.storage.local.get('tip'))
- chrome.storage.local.get('tip').then(sendResponse);
- return true;
- }
- });
复制代码 6、content.js
- (async () => {
- // Sends a message to the service worker and receives a tip in response
- const { tip } = await chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ greeting: 'tip' });
- const nav1 = document.querySelector('.toolbar-container-left');
- const vip = document.querySelector('.toolbar-btn-vip');
- const nav = nav1? nav1: vip;
- const tipWidget = createDomElement(`
- <button type="button" popovertarget="tip-popover" popovertargetaction="show" style="padding: 0 12px; height: 36px;background:red;line-height:36px;">
- <span style="display: block; font: var(--devsite-link-font,500 14px/20px var(--devsite-primary-font-family));">Tip</span>
- </button>
- `);
- const popover = createDomElement(
- `<div id='tip-popover' popover style="margin: auto;">${tip}</div>`
- );
- document.body.append(popover);
- nav.append(tipWidget);
- })();
- function createDomElement(html) {
- const dom = new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, 'text/html');
- return dom.body.firstElementChild;
- }
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