- *
- system.query_log
- query_duration_ms > 30000
- AND event_time >= '2024-12-31 15:50:00'
- AND event_time <= '2024-12-31 17:50:00'
- event_time desc;
复制代码 2、查询一段时间报错的语句
- *
- system.query_log
- exception !=''
- AND event_time >= '2024-12-31 15:50:00' -- 只查看过去一周的数据
- AND event_time <= '2024-12-31 17:50:00'
- event_time desc;
复制代码 3、查询某一段时间内指定sql范例的执行次数分布。
- select
- toStartOfMinute (query_start_time) as time,
- count() as cnt
- from
- clusterAllReplicas(default, system.query_log) #这个dms 平台执行不了,需要命令行执行。
- # clickhouse-client --host=xxxx.clickhouse.ads.aliyuncs.com --port=3306 --user=root --password='xxx'
- where
- event_time > '2024-12-31 15:55:00'
- and event_time < '2024-12-31 16:01:00'
- and is_initial_query = 1
- and user not in('default', 'aurora')
- and type in ('QueryFinish', 'ExceptionWhileProcessing')
- and query_kind = 'Select'
- group by
- time
- order by
- cnt;
复制代码 检察某一段时间内sql执行范例的分布。
- select
- toStartOfMinute (query_start_time) as time,
- query_kind,
- count()
- from
- clusterAllReplicas (default, system.query_log)
- where
- query_start_time > '2024-12-31 15:30:00'
- and query_start_time < '2024-12-31 16:10:00'
- group by
- time,
- query_kind
- order by
- time
- limit
- 50
复制代码 检察某一范例语句指定时间内平均执行时间
- select
- toStartOfMinute (query_start_time) as time,
- avg(query_duration_ms) as a
- from
- clusterAllReplicas (default, system.query_log)
- where
- query_start_time > '2024-12-31 15:30:00'
- and query_start_time < '2024-12-31 16:10:00'
- and normalized_query_hash = '808563827218856330'
- group by
- time
- order by
- a desc
- limit
- 50
复制代码 检察雷同语句再不同节点的执行速率。
- select
- substring(hostname (), 38, 8) as host,
- type,
- query_duration_ms
- from
- clusterAllReplicas (default, system.query_log)
- where
- query_start_time > '2024-12-31 15:30:00'
- and query_start_time < '2024-12-31 16:10:00'
- and initial_query_id = 'c9f00929-1e12-4aff-bda3-0370d1a1ba0f'
- and type = 'QueryFinish'
- limit
- 50
复制代码 检察查询慢sql排名靠前的执行节点。
- select
- substring(hostname (), 38, 8) as host,
- type,
- query_duration_ms
- from
- clusterAllReplicas (default, system.query_log)
- where
- query_start_time > '2024-12-31 15:59:00'
- and query_start_time < '2024-12-31 16:01:00'
- and is_initial_query = 0
- and query_kind = 'Select'
- order by
- query_duration_ms desc
- limit
- 50
复制代码 检察排名靠前的所有范例慢日志节点分布, user != ‘default’
- select
- substring(hostname (), 38, 8) as host,
- type,
- query_duration_ms
- from
- clusterAllReplicas (default, system.query_log)
- where
- query_start_time > '2024-12-31 15:59:00'
- and query_start_time < '2024-12-31 16:01:00'
- and is_initial_query = 1
- and user != 'default'
- order by
- query_duration_ms desc
- limit
- 50
复制代码 检察慢日志的时间分布。
- select
- *
- from
- (
- select
- toStartOfMinute (query_start_time) as time,
- avg(query_duration_ms) as query_duration_ms_avg,
- quantile (0.5) (query_duration_ms) AS query_duration_ms_p50,
- quantile (0.95) (query_duration_ms) AS query_duration_ms_p95,
- quantile (0.99) (query_duration_ms) AS query_duration_ms_p99,
- count() as cnt
- from
- clusterAllReplicas (default, system.query_log)
- where
- event_time >= '2024-12-31 12:45:00'
- and event_time < '2025-01-01 12:00:00'
- and is_initial_query = 1
- and has (databases, 'system') = 0
- and type in (2, 3)
- and query_kind = 'Select'
- group by
- time
- )
- order by
- time;
复制代码 免责声明:如果侵犯了您的权益,请联系站长,我们会及时删除侵权内容,谢谢合作!更多信息从访问主页:qidao123.com:ToB企服之家,中国第一个企服评测及商务社交产业平台。 |