【HarmonyOS NEXT】解决自界说弹框和键盘之间安全隔断的问题
- @CustomDialog
- @Component
- struct CustomDialogExample {
- @Link textValue: string
- @Link inputValue: string
- controller?: CustomDialogController
- cancel: () => void = () => {
- }
- confirm: () => void = () => {
- }
- build() {
- Column() {
- TextInput({ placeholder: '', text: this.textValue }).height(60).width('90%')
- .onChange((value: string) => {
- this.textValue = value
- })
- .defaultFocus(true)
- Text('Whether to change a text?').fontSize(16).margin({ bottom: 10 })
- Flex({ justifyContent: FlexAlign.SpaceAround }) {
- Button('cancel')
- .onClick(() => {
- if (this.controller != undefined) {
- this.controller.close()
- this.cancel()
- }
- }).backgroundColor(0xffffff).fontColor(Color.Black)
- Button('confirm')
- .onClick(() => {
- if (this.controller != undefined) {
- this.inputValue = this.textValue
- this.controller.close()
- this.confirm()
- }
- }).backgroundColor(0xffffff).fontColor(Color.Red)
- }.margin({ bottom: 10 })
- }.borderRadius(10)
- .height(px2vp(500))
- .offset({ x: 0, y: 16})
- }
- }
复制代码 调用页面源码:
- @Entry
- @Component
- struct TextPage {
- @State textValue: string = ''
- @State inputValue: string = 'click me'
- dialogController: CustomDialogController | null = new CustomDialogController({
- builder: CustomDialogExample({
- cancel: ()=> { this.onCancel() },
- confirm: ()=> { this.onAccept() },
- textValue: $textValue,
- inputValue: $inputValue
- }),
- cancel: this.exitApp,
- autoCancel: true,
- onWillDismiss:(dismissDialogAction: DismissDialogAction)=> {
- console.info("reason=" + JSON.stringify(dismissDialogAction.reason))
- console.log("dialog onWillDismiss")
- if (dismissDialogAction.reason == DismissReason.PRESS_BACK) {
- dismissDialogAction.dismiss()
- }
- if (dismissDialogAction.reason == DismissReason.TOUCH_OUTSIDE) {
- dismissDialogAction.dismiss()
- }
- },
- keyboardAvoidMode: KeyboardAvoidMode.DEFAULT,
- alignment: DialogAlignment.Bottom,
- // offset: { dx: 0, dy: -20 },
- gridCount: 4,
- customStyle: false,
- cornerRadius: 10,
- backgroundColor: Color.Black
- })
- // 在自定义组件即将析构销毁时将dialogController置空
- aboutToDisappear() {
- this.dialogController = null // 将dialogController置空
- }
- onCancel() {
- console.info('Callback when the first button is clicked')
- }
- onAccept() {
- console.info('Callback when the second button is clicked')
- }
- exitApp() {
- console.info('Click the callback in the blank area')
- }
- build() {
- Column() {
- Button(this.inputValue)
- .onClick(() => {
- if (this.dialogController != null) {
- this.dialogController.open()
- }
- }).backgroundColor(0x317aff)
- }.width('100%').margin({ top: 5 })
- }
- }
复制代码 二、解决方案
起首我们要搞清晰,自界说弹框的根本用法,会发现在CustomDialogExample中,build是弹框结构的具体样式的一部分,在调用页面TextPage ,实在也会设置弹框的一些样式属性,比方:customStyle。
- @CustomDialog
- @Component
- struct CustomDialogExample {
- @Link textValue: string
- @Link inputValue: string
- controller?: CustomDialogController
- cancel: () => void = () => {
- }
- confirm: () => void = () => {
- }
- build() {
- Column() {
- TextInput({ placeholder: '', text: this.textValue }).height(60).width('90%')
- .onChange((value: string) => {
- this.textValue = value
- })
- .defaultFocus(true)
- Text('Whether to change a text?').fontSize(16).margin({ bottom: 10 })
- Flex({ justifyContent: FlexAlign.SpaceAround }) {
- Button('cancel')
- .onClick(() => {
- if (this.controller != undefined) {
- this.controller.close()
- this.cancel()
- }
- }).backgroundColor(0xffffff).fontColor(Color.Black)
- Button('confirm')
- .onClick(() => {
- if (this.controller != undefined) {
- this.inputValue = this.textValue
- this.controller.close()
- this.confirm()
- }
- }).backgroundColor(0xffffff).fontColor(Color.Red)
- }.margin({ bottom: 10 })
- }.width("90%")
- .borderRadius(15)
- .backgroundColor(Color.White)
- .borderWidth(5)
- .height(px2vp(500))
- .offset({ x: 0, y: 16})
- }
- }
复制代码 调用页面源码:
- @Entry
- @Component
- struct TextPage {
- @State textValue: string = ''
- @State inputValue: string = 'click me'
- dialogController: CustomDialogController | null = new CustomDialogController({
- builder: CustomDialogExample({
- cancel: ()=> { this.onCancel() },
- confirm: ()=> { this.onAccept() },
- textValue: $textValue,
- inputValue: $inputValue
- }),
- cancel: this.exitApp,
- autoCancel: true,
- onWillDismiss:(dismissDialogAction: DismissDialogAction)=> {
- console.info("reason=" + JSON.stringify(dismissDialogAction.reason))
- console.log("dialog onWillDismiss")
- if (dismissDialogAction.reason == DismissReason.PRESS_BACK) {
- dismissDialogAction.dismiss()
- }
- if (dismissDialogAction.reason == DismissReason.TOUCH_OUTSIDE) {
- dismissDialogAction.dismiss()
- }
- },
- keyboardAvoidMode: KeyboardAvoidMode.DEFAULT,
- alignment: DialogAlignment.Bottom,
- gridCount: 4,
- customStyle: true,
- cornerRadius: 10,
- backgroundColor: Color.Black
- })
- // 在自定义组件即将析构销毁时将dialogController置空
- aboutToDisappear() {
- this.dialogController = null // 将dialogController置空
- }
- onCancel() {
- console.info('Callback when the first button is clicked')
- }
- onAccept() {
- console.info('Callback when the second button is clicked')
- }
- exitApp() {
- console.info('Click the callback in the blank area')
- }
- build() {
- Column() {
- Button(this.inputValue)
- .onClick(() => {
- if (this.dialogController != null) {
- this.dialogController.open()
- }
- }).backgroundColor(0x317aff)
- }.width('100%').margin({ top: 5 })
- }
- }
复制代码 免责声明:如果侵犯了您的权益,请联系站长,我们会及时删除侵权内容,谢谢合作!更多信息从访问主页:qidao123.com:ToB企服之家,中国第一个企服评测及商务社交产业平台。 |