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在腾讯云上安装 K3S
后续会在这套 K3S 集群上安装 Rancher

  • 高可用

    • 3 台master 的 k3s 集群

  • 数据备份

    • k3s 数据备份到 腾讯云对象存储 cos

  • 尽量复用公有云的能力

    • Tencent Cloud Controller Manager (❌ 因为腾讯云已经放弃维护相关源码, 所以无法复用)
    • SVC LoadBalancer 调用 CLB (❌ 因为腾讯云已经放弃维护相关源码, 所以无法复用)
    • 备份 - 使用腾讯云 COS


  • 有腾讯云账户,账户至少拥有如下权限:auto k3s 安装 - 设置 CAM 以及这些权限:

    • QcloudTAGFullAccess

  • 该腾讯云账号有对应的 API 密钥,地址:访问密钥 - 控制台 (tencent.com) ,或者拥有相关权限:cam:QueryCollApiKey 和 cam:CreateCollApiKey
  • 一台 linux  操作机,用于部署 autok3s
  • 一个对象存储通 cos,用于备份
  • 已有的镜像仓库的一些账号密码或认证信息,包括:quay,docker,腾讯云 (用于加速 pull push镜像)
    ℹ️ Info:
    腾讯云 tcr 广州 提供免费个人版实例,可以使用并添加:

K3S 安装注意事项

  • 通过autok3s部署
  • 通过 autok3s 安装后, 默认 k8s api 通过 公网 IP 进行通信, 需要调整 systemd 配置使其通过内网进行通信.
  • ⚠️付费模式,安装后可根据具体情况在将付费模式控制台改为:包年包月
K3S 安装参数

本次 K3s 安装参数如下:

  • Master 3台
  • Worker: 0
  • Region:shanghai (ap-shanghai)
  • zone:二区(ap-shanghai-2)
  • Instance Type:S5.MEDIUM8
  • Image: img-22trbn9x (ubuntu 20.04)
  • instanceChargeType:默认后付费,且无法调整。⚠️安装后控制台改为:PREPAID
  • Disk: CLOUD_SSD (ℹ️ CLOUD_PREMIUM(高性能云盘), CLOUD_SSD(SSD云硬盘))
  • Disk Size: 50 G
  • VPC ID: 空(autok3s 会自动创建)
  • Subnet ID: 空(autok3s 会自动创建)
  • Internet Max Bandwidth Out:5 (可以按需调小)
  • Security Group Ids:空, 让 autok3s 自动创建, 集群创建好之后再调整安全组, 缩小入口范围
  • EIP:是否使用弹性公网IP false
  • Tags (见下文)
  • K3s Version: v1.21.7+k3s1
  • Cluster: true
  • Master Extra Args: 见下文
  • Cluster模式: true
  • Registry(见下文)
  • UI:true
⚠️ Warning:
执行 autok3s 创建前, 如果选择已有的安全组, 那么 CVM 实例至少需要应用以下安全组规则:
  1. Rule        Protocol    Port      Source             Description
  2. InBound     TCP         22        ALL                SSH Connect Port
  3. InBound     TCP         6443      K3s agent nodes    Kubernetes API
  4. InBound     TCP         10250     K3s server & agent Kubelet
  5. InBound     UDP         8472      K3s server & agent (Optional) Required only for Flannel VXLAN
  6. InBound     TCP         2379,2380 K3s server nodes   (Optional) Required only for embedded ETCD
  7. OutBound    ALL         ALL       ALL                Allow All
特别是: 22 端口必须要对操作机的公网IP 开放
原因: autok3s 自动部署公有云时, 通过公网IP 上传 KeyPair, 如果没有以上安全组, autok3s 会执行失败. 报错如下: ( 就是公网 IP)
  1. level=error msg="[ssh-dialer] init dialer [] error: [tencent] calling getInstanceStatus error. region: ap-shanghai, zone: ap-shanghai-2, instanceName: [ins-ggxozpyl ins-cfi2vio1 ins-78rkem0b], message: not `RUNNING` status"


  1. curl -sS http://rancher-mirror.cnrancher.com/autok3s/install.sh  | INSTALL_AUTOK3S_MIRROR=cn sh
  1. Downloading package http://rancher-mirror.rancher.cn/autok3s/v0.4.6/autok3s_linux_amd64 as /tmp/autok3s_linux_amd64
  2. Download complete.
  3. Running with sufficient permissions to attempt to move autok3s to /usr/local/bin
  4. New version of autok3s installed to /usr/local/bin
  5. Version: {"gitVersion":"v0.4.6","gitCommit":"4537e6ee2aea8b204a72f7b6c377edb154f7c058","gitTreeState":"","buildDate":"2021-12-28T04:15:30Z","goVersion":"go1.16.2","compiler":"gc","platform":"linux/amd64"}
  6. Downloading package http://rancher-mirror.rancher.cn/kube-explorer/v0.2.7/kube-explorer-linux-amd64 as /tmp/kube-explorer-linux-amd64
  7. Download complete.
  8. Running with sufficient permissions to attempt to move kube-explorer to /usr/local/bin
  9. New version of kube-explorer installed to /usr/local/bin
  10. Skipping /usr/local/bin/kubectl symlink to autok3s, already exists
您可以通过以下 CLI 命令启动本地 UI。
  1. autok3s serve --bind-address --bind-port 8087
⚠️ Warning:
  1. INFO[0000] run as daemon, listening on
访问 UI:http://:8087
AutoK3s UI 模板

如果今后要多次安装,可以在 UI 上创建可复用的模板,模板包括如下固定参数:

  • Credential Options:

    • 腾讯云 Secret Id
    • 腾讯云 Secret Key

  • Instance Options

    • Basic

      • Region:ap-shanghai
      • Zone:ap-shanghai-2
      • Instance Type: S5.MEDIUM8
      • Image: img-22trbn9x (ubuntu 20.04)
      • Disk Category: CLOUD_SSD
      • Disk Size: 50 G

    • Network

      • Internet Max Bandwidth Out:5
      • EIP: Disable
      • ⚠️ 注意:另外 3 个参数:VPC ID、SubnetID、Security Group Ids 每次创建时需要按需填写或留空

    • SSH Public

      • SSH User:ubuntu
      • SSH Port:22
      • Keypair Id : 留空(⚠️ 注意:如果 Keypair Id 留空,会自动生成 Keypair)

    • SSH Private

      • SSH Agent Auth:Disable
      • SSH Key Path: 留空(⚠️ 注意:如果上面选择了 Keypair Id, 那么对应的SSH Key Path 也要填写)

    • Advance

      • 打了 3 个 tags,方便后续管理:

        • app=rancher
        • env=prod
        • provider=k3s

  • K3s Options

    • Basic

      • K3s Channel: stable
      • K3s Version: v1.21.7+k3s1 (ℹ️ Info: 202201 根据 suse 官网选型的最新稳定版,k3s v1.21.7+k3s1,后面会按需调整版本)
      • Cluster: Enable(启用集群模式,使用 etcd 组成高可用集群)
      • K3s Install Script:http://rancher-mirror.cnrancher.com/k3s/k3s-install.sh

    • Master

      • Master: 3
      • Master Extra Args:
        1. --write-kubeconfig-mode "644" --pause-image registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/rancher/pause:3.6 --etcd-s3 --etcd-snapshot-schedule-cron 0 0 * * * --etcd-s3-endpoint cos.ap-shanghai.myqcloud.com --etcd-s3-access-key <your-cos-access-key> --etcd-s3-secret-key  <your-cos-secret-key> --etcd-s3-bucket  <your-cos-bucket> --etcd-s3-folder /rancher/k3s

    • Worker

      • Worker: 0

    • Advance: 留空
    • TLS Sans: 留空 (⚠️ 如果前面会使用 CLB 作为负载均衡,那么建议填上 CLB VIP)
    • Registry, 见下面registries.yaml

  • Additional Options

    • UI: explorer

  1. mirrors:
  2.   docker.io:
  3.     endpoint:
  4.       - "https://mirror.ccs.tencentyun.com"
  5.       - "https://registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com"
  6.       - "https://docker.mirrors.ustc.edu.cn"
  7.   quay.io:
  8.     endpoint:
  9.       - "https://mirror.ccs.tencentyun.com"   
  10. configs:
  11.   'ccr.ccs.tencentyun.com':
  12.     auth:
  13.       username: <your-account-id>
  14.       password: <your-registry-password>
AutoK3s 通过 UI 创建 K3S 集群

访问 UI 界面, 点击 Quick Start,  Provider 选择 tencent;
然后在下方填入自定义的信息, 主要是填写 Network 的信息, 如下图:

点击 Create, 等待返回结果即可.
AutoK3s CLI 命令

您也可以通过以下 CLI 在 腾讯云上快速创建一个 3 master, 0 worker 节点的 K3s 高可用集群。
  1. autok3s create --provider tencent --cluster --enable [ "explorer" ] --k3s-channel stable --k3s-install-mirror INSTALL_K3S_MIRROR=cn --k3s-install-script http://rancher-mirror.cnrancher.com/k3s/k3s-install.sh --k3s-version v1.21.7+k3s1 --master 3 --master-extra-args '--write-kubeconfig-mode "644" --pause-image registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/rancher/pause:3.6 --etcd-s3 --etcd-snapshot-schedule-cron 0 0 * * * --etcd-s3-endpoint cos.ap-shanghai.myqcloud.com --etcd-s3-access-key <your-cos-access-key> --etcd-s3-secret-key <your-cos-secret-key> --etcd-s3-bucket <your-cos-bucket> --etcd-s3-folder /rancher/k3s' --name rancher-1 --ssh-port 22 --ssh-user ubuntu --tls-sans <your-clb-ip> --worker 0 --disk-category CLOUD_SSD --disk-size 50 --image img-22trbn9x --instance-type S5.MEDIUM8 --internet-max-bandwidth-out 5 --keypair-id <your-keypair-id> --region ap-shanghai --secret-id <your-tencent-secret-id> --secret-key <your-tencent-secret-key> --tags 'app=rancher' --tags 'env=prod' --tags 'provider=k3s' --zone ap-shanghai-2 --vpc <your-vpc-id> --subnet <your-subnet-id> --registry /etc/autok3s/registries.yaml
  1. time="2022-02-12T14:52:16+08:00" level=info msg="[tencent] executing create logic..."
  2. INFO[0000] [tencent] use existing key pair
  3. time="2022-02-12T14:52:16+08:00" level=info msg="[tencent] 3 masters and 0 workers will be added"
  4. time="2022-02-12T14:52:16+08:00" level=info msg="[tencent] check default security group autok3s in region ap-shanghai"
  5. time="2022-02-12T14:52:16+08:00" level=info msg="[tencent] create default security group autok3s in region ap-shanghai"
  6. time="2022-02-12T14:52:16+08:00" level=info msg="[tencent] check rules of security group autok3s"
  7. time="2022-02-12T14:52:18+08:00" level=info msg="[tencent] 3 number of master instances will be created"
  8. time="2022-02-12T14:52:23+08:00" level=info msg="[tencent] 3 number of master instances successfully created"
  9. time="2022-02-12T14:52:23+08:00" level=info msg="[tencent] waiting for the instances [ins-xxxxx] to be in `RUNNING` status..."
  10. time="2022-02-12T14:52:54+08:00" level=info msg="[tencent] instances [ins-xxxxx] are in `RUNNING` status"
  11. time="2022-02-12T14:52:54+08:00" level=info msg="[tencent] executing init k3s cluster logic..."
  12. time="2022-02-12T14:52:54+08:00" level=info msg="[tencent] creating k3s master-1..."
  13. mirrors:
  14.     docker.io:
  15.         endpoint:
  16.             - https://mirror.ccs.tencentyun.com
  17.             - https://registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com
  18.             - https://docker.mirrors.ustc.edu.cn
  19.     quay.io:
  20.         endpoint:
  21.             - https://mirror.ccs.tencentyun.com
  22. configs:
  23.     ccr.ccs.tencentyun.com:
  24.         auth:
  25.             username:
  26.             password:
  27.             auth: ""
  28.             identity_token: ""
  29.         tls: null
  30. auths: {}
  31. time="2022-02-12T14:53:26+08:00" level=info msg="[cluster] k3s master command: curl -sLS http://rancher-mirror.cnrancher.com/k3s/k3s-install.sh | INSTALL_K3S_MIRROR=cn K3S_TOKEN='xxxxxxx' INSTALL_K3S_EXEC='server  --tls-san xxxxx --tls-san xxxxxxxx --tls-san xxxxxxx --node-external-ip xxxxxx --write-kubeconfig-mode "644" --pause-image registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/rancher/pause:3.6 --disable-cloud-controller --cluster-cidr --cluster-init' INSTALL_K3S_VERSION='v1.21.7+k3s1' sh -"
  32. [INFO]  Using v1.21.7+k3s1 as release
  33. [INFO]  Downloading hash http://rancher-mirror.cnrancher.com/k3s/v1.21.7-k3s1/sha256sum-amd64.txt
  34. [INFO]  Downloading binary http://rancher-mirror.cnrancher.com/k3s/v1.21.7-k3s1/k3s
  35. [INFO]  Verifying binary download
  36. [INFO]  Installing k3s to /usr/local/bin/k3s
  37. [INFO]  Creating /usr/local/bin/kubectl symlink to k3s
  38. [INFO]  Creating /usr/local/bin/crictl symlink to k3s
  39. [INFO]  Creating /usr/local/bin/ctr symlink to k3s
  40. [INFO]  Creating killall script /usr/local/bin/k3s-killall.sh
  41. [INFO]  Creating uninstall script /usr/local/bin/k3s-uninstall.sh
  42. [INFO]  env: Creating environment file /etc/systemd/system/k3s.service.env
  43. [INFO]  systemd: Creating service file /etc/systemd/system/k3s.service
  44. [INFO]  systemd: Enabling k3s unit
  45. [INFO]  systemd: Starting k3s
  46. time="2022-02-12T14:53:59+08:00" level=info msg="[tencent] successfully created k3s master-1"
  47. time="2022-02-12T14:53:59+08:00" level=info msg="[tencent] creating k3s master-2..."
  48. ...
  49. time="2022-02-12T14:54:35+08:00" level=info msg="[tencent] successfully created k3s master-2"
  50. time="2022-02-12T14:54:35+08:00" level=info msg="[tencent] creating k3s master-3..."
  51. ...
  52. time="2022-02-12T14:55:06+08:00" level=info msg="[tencent] successfully created k3s master-3"
  53. apiVersion: v1
  54. clusters:
  55. - cluster:
  56.     certificate-authority-data: ......
  57.     server:
  58.   name: default
  59. contexts:
  60. - context:
  61.     cluster: default
  62.     user: default
  63.   name: default
  64. current-context: default
  65. kind: Config
  66. preferences: {}
  67. users:
  68. - name: default
  69.   user:
  70.     client-certificate-data: ......
  71.     client-key-data: ......
  72. time="2022-02-12T14:55:06+08:00" level=info msg="[tencent] deploying additional manifests"
  73. time="2022-02-12T14:55:06+08:00" level=info msg="[tencent] successfully deployed additional manifests"
  74. time="2022-02-12T14:55:06+08:00" level=info msg="[tencent] successfully executed init k3s cluster logic"
  75. ---
  76. time="2022-02-12T14:55:07+08:00" level=info msg="[tencent] successfully deployed manifests"
  77. time="2022-02-12T14:55:07+08:00" level=info msg="=========================== Prompt Info ==========================="
  78. time="2022-02-12T14:55:07+08:00" level=info msg="Use 'autok3s kubectl config use-context prod-ha.ap-shanghai.tencent'"
  79. time="2022-02-12T14:55:07+08:00" level=info msg="Use 'autok3s kubectl get pods -A' get POD status`"



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