链接:332. 重新安排行程 - 力扣(LeetCode)
  - 1 class Solution:
- 2 def findItinerary(self, tickets: List[List[str]]) -> List[str]:
- 3 if(not tickets): return tickets
- 4 targets={}
- 5 for i in tickets:
- 6 if(i[0] not in targets.keys()): targets[i[0]]=[]
- 7 targets[i[0]].append(i[1])
- 8 for i in targets: targets[i].sort()
- 9 re=['JFK']
- 10 self.backtracking(len(tickets),targets,re,"JFK")
- 11 return re
- 12 def backtracking(self,lens,targets,re,tic):
- 13 if(len(re)==lens+1): return True
- 14 if(tic not in targets or not targets[tic]): return False
- 15 for i,dest in enumerate(targets[tic]):
- 16 if(i>0 and dest==targets[tic][i-1]): continue
- 17 targets[tic].pop(i)
- 18 re.append(dest)
- 19 if(self.backtracking(lens,targets,re,dest)): return True
- 20 targets[tic].insert(i, dest)
- 21 re.pop()
- 22 return False
复制代码 findItinerary51:N皇后
链接:51. N 皇后 - 力扣(LeetCode)
同一列没有Q,45° 135°对角线没有Q,可以放
  - 1 import copy
- 2 class Solution:
- 3 def solveNQueens(self, n: int) -> List[List[str]]:
- 4 if(not n): return []
- 5 #预置棋盘,所有位置均可以放
- 6 path=[]
- 7 for i in range(n):
- 8 path.append(copy.deepcopy(['.']*n))
- 9 re=[]
- 10 self.backtracking(n,re,path,0)
- 11 return re
- 12 def backtracking(self,n,re,path,startID):
- 13 #一次遍历完成
- 14 if(startID==n):
- 15 re.append(self.get_result(path))
- 16 return
- 17 for i in range(n):
- 18 #是否可以放Q
- 19 if(self.isValid(startID,i,n,path)):
- 20 path[startID][i]='Q'
- 21 self.backtracking(n,re,path,startID+1)
- 22 #回溯棋盘
- 23 path[startID][i]='.'
- 24
- 25 def isValid(self,x,y,n,path):
- 26 #一列有Q
- 27 for i in range(n):
- 28 if('Q' == path[i][y]): return False
- 29 i=x-1
- 30 j=y-1
- 31 #45°对角线
- 32 while i>=0 and j>=0:
- 33 if(path[i][j]=='Q'): return False
- 34 i-=1
- 35 j-=1
- 36 i=x-1
- 37 j=y+1
- 38 #135°对角线
- 39 while i>=0 and j<n:
- 40 if(path[i][j]=='Q'): return False
- 41 i-=1
- 42 j+=1
- 43 return True
- 44 def get_result(self,path):
- 45 re=[]
- 46 for i in path:
- 47 s=''
- 48 for j in i:
- 49 s+=j
- 50 re.append(s)
- 51 return re
复制代码 solveSudoku=================================================================================================================

链接:242. 有效的字母异位词 - 力扣(LeetCode)
  - 1 class Solution:
- 2 def solveSudoku(self, board: List[List[str]]) -> None:
- 3 """
- 4 Do not return anything, modify board in-place instead.
- 5 """
- 6 for i in range(len(board)):
- 7 for j in range(len(board[0])):
- 8 if(board[i][j]!='.'): continue
- 9 for k in range(1,10):
- 10 if(self.isValid(i,j,str(k),board)):
- 11 board[i][j]=str(k)
- 12 if self.solveSudoku(board): return True
- 13 board[i][j]='.'
- 14 return False
- 15 return True
- 16 def isValid(self,x,y,k,board):
- 17 #行
- 18 if k in board[x]: return False
- 19 #列
- 20 for i in range(9):
- 21 if board[i][y]==k: return False
- 22 xi=x-x%3
- 23 yj=y-y%3
- 24 #9宫
- 25 for i in range(xi,xi+3):
- 26 for j in range(yj,yj+3):
- 27 if board[i][j]==k: return False
- 28 return True
复制代码 isAnagram349:两个数组的交集
链接:349. 两个数组的交集 - 力扣(LeetCode)
  - 1 class Solution:
- 2 def isAnagram(self, s: str, t: str) -> bool:
- 3 if(len(s)!=len(t)): return False
- 4 for i in s:
- 5 if s.count(i)!=t.count(i): return False
- 6 return True
复制代码 intersection202:快乐数
链接:202. 快乐数 - 力扣(LeetCode)
  - 1 class Solution:
- 2 def intersection(self, nums1: List[int], nums2: List[int]) -> List[int]:
- 3 nums1=list(set(nums1))
- 4 nums2=list(set(nums2))
- 5 re=[]
- 6 for i in nums1:
- 7 if(i in nums2): re.append(i)
- 8 return re
复制代码 isHappy
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