.NET Aspire Preview 4 is now available! Here's a summary of what's new in this preview release:
.NET Aspire Preview 4 现已推出!以下是此预览版中新增内容的摘要:
- Podman
- Support for running apps with podman
支持使用 podman 运行应用程序
- Dashboard 仪表板
- Standalone container image, see sample
- Accessibility improvements, including shortcuts with Shift+?
辅助功能改进,包括 Shift + ? 快捷键
- Metrics table view, toggle between graph or table
- Databases and Entity Framework improvements
- New management tools, MySQL (phpMyAdmin) and MongoDB (mongo-express)
新的管理工具,MySQL (phpMyAdmin) 和 MongoDB (mongo-express)
- Entity Framework migrations issues resolved, see sample
- Database server resource updates
- Database container resource updates
- New Enrich APIs, Enrich[Provider]DdContext
新的 Enrich API, Enrich[Provider]DdContext
- External parameters, see .NET Aspire docs: External parameters
外部参数,请参阅 .NET Aspire 文档:外部参数
- New idioms: 新习语:
- DistributedApplicationBuilder.ExecutionContext, and the IsPublisherMode
DistributedApplicationBuilder.ExecutionContext 和 IsPublisherMode
- PublishAs, RunAs, and As APIs
PublishAs 、 RunAs 和 As API
- API improvements API 改进
- Change container properties, WithImageTag
更改容器属性, WithImageTag
- Splitting bind and volume mounts, WithVolumeMount and WithBindMount
拆分绑定和卷安装, WithVolumeMount 和 WithBindMount
- Components 成分
- Containers with Azure resource mapping (with more planned)
具有 Azure 资源映射的容器(还有更多计划)
- Redis -> Azure Redis
- Postgres -> Azure Database for PostgresSQL
- SQL Server -> Azure SQL Server
SQL 服务器 -> Azure SQL 服务器
- Deployment 部署
- New primitive, the Azure Bicep resource
新primitive,Azure Bicep 资源
- AZD has been updated to include better support for deployment scenarios to align with preview-4 of .NET Aspire
AZD 已更新,包含对部署方案的更好支持,以与 .NET Aspire 的 preview-4 保持一致
- The deployment manifest now only contains six resource types, see .NET Aspire manifest format for deployment tool builders
部署清单如今仅包含六种资源类型,请参阅部署工具构建器的 .NET Aspire 清单格式
- Emulators updates 模仿器更新
- Change from UseEmulator to RunAsEmulator
从 UseEmulator 更改为 RunAsEmulator
For more information, see .NET Aspire docs: Preview 4.
有关详细信息,请参阅 .NET Aspire 文档:预览版 4。
来自 https://github.com/dotnet/aspire/discussions/2815
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