- 1 - 银行管理员(使用管理员密码)查看所有用户信息
- 2 - 进入银行系统提示功能
- 3 - 用户密码管理
- 4 - 账户开户/销户
- 5 - 存款/取款
- 6 - 用户间转账
- 7 - 用户余额查询
- 8 - 常见错误检查和提示
复制代码 代码实现:
- import random
- import string
- class Account(object):
- def __init__(self, name, password, money):
- self.user_id = self.__get_random_char(6)
- self.name = name
- self.password = password
- self.money = money
- print(f"""
- 成功创建账户!
- 【账户ID】: {self.user_id}
- 【账户名】: {self.name}
- 【账户余额】: {self.money}
- """)
- @staticmethod
- def __get_random_char(num):
- all_str = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits
- str_list = random.choices(all_str, k=num)
- return "".join(str_list)
- class Bank:
- def __init__(self, name, admin_pwd):
- self.name = name
- self.admin_pwd = admin_pwd
- self.accounts = dict()
- self.api_map = None
- def add_order_set(self, api_map):
- setattr(self, "api_map", api_map)
- self.query_support_func(custom=True)
- def api(self, input_order):
- if not isinstance(self.api_map, dict):
- print("请先添加接口指令集!")
- return
- func_tuple = self.api_map.get(input_order)
- if func_tuple:
- func_tuple[0]()
- else:
- print(f"指令 {input_order} 暂未收录, 请在先在接口指令集中添加指令!")
- def checkout_account_by_id(self, account_id=None, *args):
- if account_id in self.accounts:
- return self.accounts[account_id]
- else:
- print(f"未查询到该账号在本银行的账户信息!请先开户或重新确认银行账号!")
- return None
- def check_pwd_correct_by_AccountID(self, account_id=None, input_num=3, *args):
- account_id = account_id or input("请输入账户ID: ")
- account = self.checkout_account_by_id(account_id)
- for _ in range(input_num):
- pwd = input("请输入操作密码: ")
- if account.password == pwd:
- return True
- else:
- print(f"账户 {account.user_id} 密码输出错误, 请重新输入!")
- else:
- print("密码输入错误超过尝试次数!")
- return False
- def query_all_user(self, input_num=2, *args):
- for _ in range(input_num):
- pwd = input("请输入管理员密码: ")
- if self.admin_pwd == pwd:
- print(f"共计 {len(self.accounts)} 名用户;名单如下: ")
- for index, account in enumerate(self.accounts.values()):
- print(f"{index + 1} >>【账户ID】: {account.user_id} 【账户名】: {account.name} 【账户余额】: {account.money}")
- return
- else:
- print(f"密码输出错误, 请重新输入!")
- else:
- print("密码输入错误超过尝试次数!")
- def query_support_func(self, custom=False, *args):
- if not custom:
- print(f"""
- ===== 欢迎进入【{self.name}银行】系统 =====
- 【本银行支持以下业务】:
- <查询可办理的业务>
- <查询余额>
- <存取款>
- <转账>
- <账户开户>
- <账户销户>
- """)
- elif custom and isinstance(self.api_map, dict):
- menu_str = f"""
- ===== 欢迎进入【{self.name}银行】系统 =====
- <本银行支持以下业务>:
- 【指令】\t\t=>\t\t【功能说明】
- """
- for custom_order, func_tuple in self.api_map.items():
- if isinstance(custom_order, (int, str)) and len(func_tuple) == 2 and isinstance(func_tuple[1], str):
- menu_str += f"""{custom_order}\t\t=>\t\t"{func_tuple[1]}"\n\t\t\t"""
- else:
- print("""
- 自定义指令集格式错误,请按如下格式设置指令集:
- {
- 操作指令1:(功能函数1, 功能描述1),
- 操作指令2:(功能函数2, 功能描述2),
- .....
- }
- """"")
- print(menu_str)
- else:
- print("自定义指令集格式错误")
- def query_money(self, account_id=None, *args):
- print("\n-------------------【正在查询】-------------------")
- account_id = account_id or input("请输入查询账户ID: ")
- account = self.checkout_account_by_id(account_id)
- if not account or not self.check_pwd_correct_by_AccountID(account_id):
- return
- print(f"""
- 【账户ID】: {account.user_id}
- 【账户名】: {account.name}
- 【账户余额】: {account.money}
- """)
- def add_money(self, account_id=None, a_money=None, *args):
- print("\n-------------------【正在存入】-------------------")
- account_id = account_id or input("请输入存入账户ID: ")
- account = self.checkout_account_by_id(account_id)
- if not account:
- return
- money = a_money or float(input("请输入存款金额: "))
- account.money += money
- print(f"用户 {account.name} 名下账户【{account_id}】成功存入 {money} 元,【账户余额】:{account.money}")
- return money
- def reduce_money(self, account_id=None, r_money=None, *args):
- print("\n-------------------【正在支取】-------------------")
- account_id = account_id or input("请输入支取账户ID: ")
- account = self.checkout_account_by_id(account_id)
- money = r_money or float(input("请输入支取金额: "))
- if not account or not self.check_pwd_correct_by_AccountID(account_id):
- return
- if account.money < money:
- print("账户余额不足!")
- return
- account.money -= money
- print(f"用户 {account.name} 账户【{account_id}】成功支取 {money} 元,【账户余额】:{account.money}")
- return money
- def transfer_money(self, *args):
- print("\n-------------------【转账中..... 】-------------------")
- transfer_out_account_id = input("请输入金额转出账户ID: ")
- transfer_out_account = self.checkout_account_by_id(transfer_out_account_id)
- if not transfer_out_account:
- return
- transfer_in_account_id = input("请输入金额转入账户ID: ")
- transfer_in_account = self.checkout_account_by_id(transfer_in_account_id)
- if not transfer_in_account:
- return
- money = self.reduce_money(transfer_out_account_id)
- if money is not None:
- self.add_money(transfer_in_account_id, money)
- def create_account(self, *args):
- name = input("请输入账户名: ")
- password = input("请输入账户密码: ")
- account = Account(name, password, money=0)
- self.accounts[account.user_id] = account
- return account
- def del_account(self, *args):
- account_id = input("请输入账户ID: ")
- account = self.checkout_account_by_id(account_id)
- if not account or not self.check_pwd_correct_by_AccountID(account_id):
- return
- if account.money != 0:
- print("账户余额不为0,请先取出余额以后再操作!")
- return
- self.accounts.pop(account_id)
- print(f"账户【{account_id}】成功销户")
- return True
- def custom():
- print("这里是自定义功能函数!")
- kylin = Bank("麒麟", "999999")
- func_map = {
- # 操作指令:(功能函数, 功能描述)
- "admin": (kylin.query_all_user, "管理员操作"),
- "业务办理": (kylin.query_support_func, "查询可办理的业务"),
- "余额查询": (kylin.query_money, "查询余额"),
- "存款": (kylin.add_money, "存款"),
- "取款": (kylin.reduce_money, "取款"),
- "转账": (kylin.transfer_money, "转账"),
- "开户": (kylin.create_account, "账户开户"),
- "销户": (kylin.del_account, "账户销户"),
- "其他业务": (custom, "其他业务办理"),
- }
- kylin.add_order_set(func_map)
- while True:
- order = input("请选择您需要办理的业务: ")
- kylin.api(order)
复制代码 结果展示:
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