当前.NET环境下,生成WebApi代理类的工具已经有很多选择了,好比OpenApi Generator,NSwag和Refitter等,不同的工具生成的代码风格以及实现方式略有不同,好比Refitter生成的客户端是Refit风格.
本人比较喜好Refit风格的标注风格因此还是比较喜好使用Refitter的,TA生成的代码风格如下:- [Headers("Accept: application/json")]
- [Get("/pet/{petId}")]
- Task<Pet> GetPetById(long petId);
复制代码 不过呢今天介绍的主角是Kiota,这个MS于2023年正式发布的一款代理生成工具,体验还是挺棒的,绝不浮夸的说,算是这一领域的新贵了!
- 支持多种语言:C#、CLI、Go、Java、PHP、Python、Ruby、Swift 和 TypeScript
- 使用 OpenAPI 描述的全部功能
- 可以或许轻松实施新的语言支持
- 通过在核心库上构建,仅生成须要的源代码
- 最小化外部依赖性
- 使用 JSON Schema 描述生成基于基元的模子序列化/反序列化代码
- 仅允许为OpenAPI描述的指定子集生成代码
- 生成使 IDE 可以或许主动完成以资助发现 API 资源的代码
- 启用对 HTTP 功能的完全访问
当前以我们使用最多的Windows操作系统为例,首先安装NET8SDK,然后打开命令行工具,安装Kiota,当前最新版已经更新到了 1.17.0:- dotnet tool install --global Microsoft.OpenApi.Kiota
文档地点为: https://petstore3.swagger.io/api/v3/openapi.json
当然了你也可以使用自己的WebApi;Schema文件下载完成后 我们使用命令行工具定位到对应的文件夹,然后键入如下命令:- kiota generate -l CSharp -o output -d petstore.json -n PetShops.V3
复制代码 这里解释一下参数:
- -l是客户端目的语言,CSharp就是C#
- -o表示生成的代理类文件生存的文件夹
- -d表示对应的schema文件,
- -n表示生成的代理类的命名空间
接下来我们引用Kiota必须的几个类库:- [/code]这里假设PetShop的接口需要简单验证才能访问:
- 我们首先定义一个名为SimpleAuthenticationProvider的类,该类实现了IAuthenticationProvider接口,代码如下:
- [code]internal class SimpleAuthenticationProvider(string baseUrl, string? userName, string? password) : IAuthenticationProvider
- {
- public async Task AuthenticateRequestAsync(
- RequestInformation request,
- Dictionary<string, object>? additionalAuthenticationContext = null,
- CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
- {
- using var httpClient = new HttpClient()
- {
- BaseAddress = new Uri(baseUrl)
- };
- httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(
- new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/xml"));
- var authRequest = await httpClient.GetAsync(
- $"v3/user/login?username={userName}&password={password}", cancellationToken);
- if (!authRequest.IsSuccessStatusCode)
- {
- throw new Exception("Authentication failed");
- }
- var session = await authRequest.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(cancellationToken);
- Console.WriteLine($"session: {session}");
- await Task.CompletedTask;
- //todo:
- }
- }
复制代码 上面的代码很简单就是模拟一个登录,然后后面的请求就存在了session即可进行后续的接口调用,如果有些认证是JWT之内的这里可以把得到的Token传入到后续的Header中,当然认证请求务必缓存起来,不消每个接口调用都请求一次!
以下是简单的调用接口:- //分别调用条件查询Pet,以及根据Id查询指定的Pet
- app.MapGet("/test", async () =>
- {
- var baseUrl = "https://petstore3.swagger.io/api/v3";
- var userName = "万雅虎";
- var password = "12345";
- var adaptor = new HttpClientRequestAdapter(
- new SimpleAuthenticationProvider(baseUrl, userName, password))
- {
- BaseUrl = baseUrl
- };
- var api = new ApiClient(adaptor);
- var pets = await api.Pet.FindByStatus.GetAsync(x =>
- {
- x.QueryParameters.StatusAsGetStatusQueryParameterType =
- PetShops.V3.Pet.FindByStatus.GetStatusQueryParameterType.Sold;
- });
- var pet = await api.Pet[1].GetAsync();
- return new { Pets = pets, Pet = pet };
- });
复制代码 不出意外请求乐成了:
我们使用MS提供的示例代码扩展一下IServiceCollection和IHttpClientBuilder- using Microsoft.Kiota.Http.HttpClientLibrary;
- /// <summary>
- /// Service collection extensions for Kiota handlers.
- /// </summary>
- public static class KiotaServiceCollectionExtensions
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// Adds the Kiota handlers to the service collection.
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="services"><see cref="IServiceCollection"/> to add the services to</param>
- /// <returns><see cref="IServiceCollection"/> as per convention</returns>
- /// <remarks>The handlers are added to the http client by the <see cref="AttachKiotaHandlers(IHttpClientBuilder)"/> call, which requires them to be pre-registered in DI</remarks>
- public static IServiceCollection AddKiotaHandlers(this IServiceCollection services)
- {
- // Dynamically load the Kiota handlers from the Client Factory
- var kiotaHandlers = KiotaClientFactory.GetDefaultHandlerTypes();
- // And register them in the DI container
- foreach(var handler in kiotaHandlers)
- {
- services.AddTransient(handler);
- }
- return services;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Adds the Kiota handlers to the http client builder.
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="builder"></param>
- /// <returns></returns>
- /// <remarks>
- /// Requires the handlers to be registered in DI by <see cref="AddKiotaHandlers(IServiceCollection)"/>.
- /// The order in which the handlers are added is important, as it defines the order in which they will be executed.
- /// </remarks>
- public static IHttpClientBuilder AttachKiotaHandlers(this IHttpClientBuilder builder)
- {
- // Dynamically load the Kiota handlers from the Client Factory
- var kiotaHandlers = KiotaClientFactory.GetDefaultHandlerTypes();
- // And attach them to the http client builder
- foreach(var handler in kiotaHandlers)
- {
- builder.AddHttpMessageHandler((sp) => (DelegatingHandler)sp.GetRequiredService(handler));
- }
- return builder;
- }
- }
复制代码 然后实现一个Api的ClientFactory:- //这里是伪代码,因为认证需要根据Api按需实现,比如这里是匿名请求
- public class PetShopClientFactory
- {
- private readonly IAuthenticationProvider _authenticationProvider;
- private readonly HttpClient _httpClient;
- public PetShopClientFactory(HttpClient httpClient)
- {
- _authenticationProvider = new AnonymousAuthenticationProvider();
- _httpClient = httpClient;
- }
- public ApiClient GetClient() {
- return new ApiClient(new HttpClientRequestAdapter(_authenticationProvider, httpClient: _httpClient));
- }
- }
复制代码 然后在服务注册中添加如下代码:- // ----------- Add this part to register the generated client -----------
- // Add Kiota handlers to the dependency injection container
- builder.Services.AddKiotaHandlers();
- // Register the factory for the PetShop client
- builder.Services.AddHttpClient<PetShopClientFactory>((sp, client) => {
- // Set the base address and accept header
- // or other settings on the http client
- client.BaseAddress = new Uri("https://petstore3.swagger.io/api/v3");
- client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept", "application/json");
- }).AttachKiotaHandlers(); // Attach the Kiota handlers to the http client, this is to enable all the Kiota features.
- // Register the PetShop client
- builder.Services.AddTransient(sp => sp.GetRequiredService<PetShopClientFactory>().GetClient());
- // ----------- Add this part to register the generated client end -------
复制代码 最后我们在使用的地方注入ApiClient即可!
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