通过Terraform创建云主机时,在某些业务场景下,一个机器需要挂载多个云盘,一般云厂商都是单独创建云主机和云硬盘然后通过attachment的资源去挂载,因此我们的模板大致如下:- resource "tencentcloud_instance" "basic" {
- instance_name = var.instance_name
- password = "xxx"
- }
- resource "tencentcloud_cbs_storage" "storage" {
- for_each = var.data_disks
- storage_name = each.key
- storage_type = each.value.disk_type
- storage_size = each.value.size
- }
- resource "tencentcloud_cbs_storage_attachment" "attachment" {
- count = length(tencentcloud_cbs_storage.storage)
- storage_id = element(values(tencentcloud_cbs_storage.storage)[*].id, count.index)
- instance_id = tencentcloud_instance.basic.id
- }
- variable "data_disks" {
- type = map(object({
- disk_type = string
- size = number
- }))
- description = "Instance Data Disks"
- default = {}
- }
复制代码 这个模板我们不停用了很久,完全满足多盘的需求,也具有一定机动性,但是随着全方位降本的需求,在服务优化等措施下,业务方评估可以考虑减少云盘数量,因为机型的特殊性,机器也不能回收重新创建。
这个征象是不在我的预期当中的,分析Terraform的日记:- # tencentcloud_cbs_storage_attachment.attachment[0] must be replaced
- -/+ resource "tencentcloud_cbs_storage_attachment" "attachment" {
- ~ id = "disk-mcklmp5z" -> (known after apply)
- ~ storage_id = "disk-mcklmp5z" -> "disk-rspjpenh" # forces replacement
- # (1 unchanged attribute hidden)
- }
- # tencentcloud_cbs_storage_attachment.attachment[1] must be replaced
- -/+ resource "tencentcloud_cbs_storage_attachment" "attachment" {
- ~ id = "disk-rspjpenh" -> (known after apply)
- ~ storage_id = "disk-rspjpenh" -> "disk-k9c5lg1v" # forces replacement
- # (1 unchanged attribute hidden)
- }
- # tencentcloud_cbs_storage_attachment.attachment[2] must be replaced
- -/+ resource "tencentcloud_cbs_storage_attachment" "attachment" {
- ~ id = "disk-k9c5lg1v" -> (known after apply)
- ~ storage_id = "disk-k9c5lg1v" -> "disk-jl5g1u7f" # forces replacement
- # (1 unchanged attribute hidden)
- }
- # tencentcloud_cbs_storage_attachment.attachment[3] must be replaced
- -/+ resource "tencentcloud_cbs_storage_attachment" "attachment" {
- ~ id = "disk-jl5g1u7f" -> (known after apply)
- ~ storage_id = "disk-jl5g1u7f" -> "disk-mytvnnif" # forces replacement
- # (1 unchanged attribute hidden)
- }
复制代码 发现attachment的索引是index,减盘的时候索引会重新计算,这就是attachment资源被销毁重建,导致云盘被卸载的原因。
原因明确了,那就好解决了,可以用for_each来解决这个问题,如下:- resource "tencentcloud_cbs_storage_attachment" "attachment" {
- for_each = toset(values(tencentcloud_cbs_storage.storage)[*].id)
- storage_id = each.key
- instance_id = tencentcloud_instance.foo.id
- }
复制代码 事情每每没那么顺遂:- │ Error: Invalid for_each argument
- │
- │ on main.tf line 61, in resource "tencentcloud_cbs_storage_attachment" "attachment":
- │ 61: for_each = toset(values(tencentcloud_cbs_storage.storage)[*].id)
- │ ├────────────────
- │ │ tencentcloud_cbs_storage.storage is object with 6 attributes
- │
- │ The "for_each" value depends on resource attributes that cannot be
- │ determined until apply, so Terraform cannot predict how many instances will
- │ be created. To work around this, use the -target argument to first apply
- │ only the resources that the for_each depends on.
复制代码 好吧,在Terraform论坛发现一个issue:
简而言之,就是foreach要求他的map key必须是已知明确的值,不能是依赖其他资源的值,所以会有如上错误。知道限制了调整下模板:- resource "tencentcloud_cbs_storage_attachment" "attachment" {
- for_each = var.data_disks
- storage_id = tencentcloud_cbs_storage.storage[each.key].id
- instance_id = tencentcloud_instance.basic.id
- }
复制代码 圆满解决,新创建的实例用上新的模板,但是存量的实例无法调整还是得忍受下盘重新挂载的问题。
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