《python运维脚本》: python运维脚本实践
- # 默认模块, 执行命令
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible web_group -a "hostname"
- # 如果需要一些管道操作,则使用shell
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible web_group -m shell -a "ps -ef|grep nginx" -f 50
- # 编写脚本
- [root@m01 ~]# vim /root/yum.sh
- #!/usr/bin/bash
- yum install -y vsftpd
- #在本地运行模块,等同于在远程执行,不需要将脚本文件进行推送目标主机执行
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible web_group -m script -a "/root/yum.sh"
复制代码 软件管理模块
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible web_group -m yum -a "name=httpd state=present"
- name
- httpd #指定要安装的软件包名称
- file:// #指定本地安装路径(yum localinstall 本地rpm包)
- http:// #指定yum源(从远程仓库获取rpm包)
- state #指定使用yum的方法
- installed,present #安装软件包
- removed,absent #移除软件包
- latest #安装最新软件包
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible-doc yum
- exclude=kernel*,foo* #排除某些包
- list=ansible #类似于yum list查看是否可以安装
- disablerepo="epel,ol7_latest" #禁用指定的yum仓库
- download_only=true #只下载不安装 yum install d
- #添加yum仓库
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible web_group -m yum_repository -a "name=zls_epel description=EPEL baseurl=https://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/$releasever/$basearch/" -i ./hosts
- #仓库名和配置文件名不同
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible web_group -m yum_repository -a 'name=zls_epel description=EPEL file=test_zls baseurl=https://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/base/$releasever/$basearch/ gpgcheck=no' -i ./hosts
- #添加mirrorlist
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible web_group -m yum_repository -a 'name=zls_epel description=EPEL file=test_zls baseurl=https://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/base/$releasever/$basearch/ gpgcheck=no mirrorlist=http://mirrorlist.repoforge.org/el7/mirrors-rpmforge enabled=no' -i ./hosts
- #删除yum仓库及文件
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible web_group -m yum_repository -a 'name=zls_epel file=test_zls state=absent' -i ./hosts
- #开起gpgcheck
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible web_group -m yum_repository -a 'name=zls_epel description=EPEL file=test_zls baseurl=https://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/base/$releasever/$basearch/ gpgcheck=yes gpgkey=http://mirrors.aliyun.com/centos/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-7' -i ./hosts
- name #指定仓库名,如果没有file则为仓库文件名
- baseurl #指定yum源
- gpgcheck #指定检查秘钥
- no
- yes
- enabled #是否启用仓库
- no
- yes
复制代码 ansible文件管理模块
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible backup -m -a 'src=/root/zls_xxx.conf dest=/etc/rsyncd.conf owner=root group=root mode=0644'
- src:指定源文件位置(管理机上的文件)
- dest:指定你要推送到主机的目标位置
- owner:指定属主
- group:指定属组
- mode:指定权限
- backup:是否备份,第一次推,没有每份,对端机器存在该文件,并且内容不一致,才会做备份
- yes:推送之前,先备份目标主机的源文件
- no:不备份
- remote_src:源文件是否在远端的机器上
- yes:是
- no:否
- content:往指定目标文件中写入内容
- 授权
- 创建目次
- 创建文件
- 创建软毗连
- 删除目次,文件,软毗连
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible all -m file -a 'path=/opt/test/zls owner=www group=www mode=0722 state=directory'
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible all -m file -a 'path=/code owner=www group=www recurse=yes'
- path:指定文件或目录的路径
- owner:指定属主
- group:指定数组
- mode:指定权限
- src:做 软/硬 链接的时候使用,指定源文件
- recurse:是否递归授权
- yes:递归授权
- no:仅授权当前目录
- state:
- directory:创建目录
- touch:创建文件
- link:做软链接
- hard:做硬链接
- absent:删除
- file:配合 modification_time access_time 修改文件的属性,stat
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible backup -m get_url -a 'url=http://test.driverzeng.com/Nginx_File/nginx.txt dest=/root checksum=md5:8f8dd0f79bc6ef2148ca3494070a86a1'
- url:指定下载文件的地址
- dest:指定下载的路径
- mode:指定权限
- checksum:指定加密的算法
- sha256
- md5
- # 批量将日志拉取到操控机器
- ansible test -m fetch -a 'src=/opt/apache-tomcat-jtour-chu-code/logs/2021-10/jtour-chu-code-2021-10-11-catalina.tar.gz dest=/tcy'
- # 说明
- -m 指定模块
- src 目标主机源文件
- dest 保存槽控机/tcy目录
复制代码 ansible服务管理模块
- #启动crond并加入开机自启
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible web_group -m service -a "name=crond state=started enabled=yes"
- #停止crond并删除开机自启
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible web_group -m service -a "name=crond state=stoped enabled=no"
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible 'c6,backup' -m service -a 'name=crond state=stopped'
- name:指定服务名称
- state:
- started:启动服务
- stopped:停止服务
- restarted:重启服务
- reloaded:重新加载服务
- enabled:开机自启
复制代码 ansible用户管理模块
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible all -m user -a 'name=zlsqqq uid=10201 group=root shell=/sbin/nologin create_home=false'
- name:指定用户名
- uid:指定uid -u
- group:只能指定组名,不能指定gid -g
- shell:指定登录的方式 -s
- create_home:是否创建家目录
- true,yes:创建
- false,no:不创建
- comment:指定注释 -c
- groups:指定附加组(配合append,如果不加append覆盖) -G
- append:创建附加组的时候,追加 -a
- remove:删除用户的时候,是否同时删除家目录和邮件文件
- true,yes:删除
- fasle,no:不删除
- state
- present:创建
- absent:删除
- generate_ssh_key:是否创建秘钥对
- yes:创建
- no:不创建
- ssh_key_bits:指定秘钥对加密长度
- ssh_key_file:指定私钥文件的位置
- system:是否是系统用户 -r
- yes:是系统用户
- no:不是系统用户
复制代码 group
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible all -m group -a 'name=xxxx gid=10010 state=present'
- name:指定组名
- gid:指定组id
- state:
- present:创建
- absent:删除
复制代码 ansible定时任务模块
- # 注意:定时任务这里是根据name来判断被管理端是否被推送,如果删除定时任务某一条的语句也只是删除name就好了
- # 创建
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible all -m cron -a "name='sync time' minute=*/5 job='ntpdate time1.aliyun.com &>/dev/null'"
- # 删除(删除是根据注释来删除的 name)
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible all -m cron -a "name='time' state=absent"
- name:指定定时任务的名字(添加一个备注)
- state:
- present:创建定时任务
- absent:删除定时任务
- minute:分 (0-59) */5 10-20 10,20
- hour:时(0-23)
- day:日(1-31)
- month:月(1-12)
- weekday:周(0-6)
复制代码 ansible磁盘挂载模块
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible web_group -m mount -a 'path=/mnt src= fstype=nfs state=mounted'
- path:挂载到本地的目录
- src:对端目录
- fstype:文件系统类型
- nfs
- ext4
- ext3
- state:
- present:只写入开机自动挂载的文件中,不挂载
- mounted:既写入文件,又挂载
- absent:卸载设备,并且清理开机自动挂载文件
- unmounted:只卸载不清理文件
- 推荐:
- - 挂载的时候:mounted
- - 卸载的时候:absent
复制代码 ansible关闭selinux模块
- #修改配置文件关闭selinux,必须重启
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible web_group -m selinux -a 'state=disabled' -i ./hosts
- [WARNING]: SELinux state temporarily changed from 'enforcing' to 'permissive'. State change will take effect next reboot.
- web01 | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python"
- },
- "changed": true,
- "configfile": "/etc/selinux/config",
- "msg": "Config SELinux state changed from 'enforcing' to 'disabled'",
- "policy": "targeted",
- "reboot_required": true,
- "state": "disabled"
- }
- web02 | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python"
- },
- "changed": true,
- "configfile": "/etc/selinux/config",
- "msg": "Config SELinux state changed from 'enforcing' to 'disabled'",
- "policy": "targeted",
- "reboot_required": true,
- "state": "disabled"
- }
- #临时关闭
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible web_group -m shell -a 'setenforce 0' -i ./hosts
- web02 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
- web01 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible web_group -m shell -a 'getenforce' -i ./hosts
- web02 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
- Permissive
- web01 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
- Permissive
复制代码 ansible防火墙模块
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible web_group -m firewalld -a 'service=http permanent=yes state=enabled' -i ./hosts
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible web_group -m firewalld -a "service=http immediate=yes permanent=yes state=enabled" -i ./hosts
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible web_group -m firewalld -a "port=8080-8090/tcp immediate=yes permanent=yes state=enabled" -i ./hosts
- service #指定开放或关闭的服务名称
- port #指定开放或关闭的端口
- permanent #是否添加永久生效
- state #开启或者关闭
- enabled
- disabled
- zone #指定配置某个区域
- rich_rule #配置辅规则
- masquerade #开启地址伪装
- immediate #临时生效
- source #指定来源IP
复制代码 ansible主机模块(setup )
- 比如: 1.根据不同主机不同IP创建对应IP的目次 2.根据不同主机不同主机名创建对应主机名的目次 3.自动化运维平台需要自动获取到主机的IP地点,内存信息,磁盘信息,主机名...等 4.如果安装数据库,分配内存为物理内存的80%,此时有3台不同物理内存的机器2G、4G、16G 写一个playbook的情况下,我需要获取到对应主机的内存并作出计算,写判定。
- 1.setup
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible web01 -m setup
- 这里显示东西实在太多了,就不放内容了。。。
- 所以一般用此模块都会和下面这些操作使用,只过滤有用信息
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible web01 -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_default_ipv4'
- web01 | SUCCESS => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "ansible_default_ipv4": {
- "address": "",
- "alias": "eth0",
- "broadcast": "",
- "gateway": "",
- "interface": "eth0",
- "macaddress": "00:0c:29:f8:98:80",
- "mtu": 1500,
- "netmask": "",
- "network": "",
- "type": "ether"
- },
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python"
- },
- "changed": false
- }
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible web01 -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_fqdn'
- web01 | SUCCESS => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "ansible_fqdn": "web01",
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python"
- },
- "changed": false
- }
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible web01 -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_memory_mb'
- web01 | SUCCESS => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "ansible_memory_mb": {
- "nocache": {
- "free": 1622,
- "used": 360
- },
- "real": {
- "free": 1068,
- "total": 1982,
- "used": 914
- },
- "swap": {
- "cached": 0,
- "free": 1023,
- "total": 1023,
- "used": 0
- }
- },
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python"
- },
- "changed": false
- }
- web01 | SUCCESS => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "ansible_memory_mb": {
- "nocache": {
- "free": 1622,
- "used": 360
- },
- "real": {
- "free": 1068,
- "total": 1982,
- "used": 914
- },
- "swap": {
- "cached": 0,
- "free": 1023,
- "total": 1023,
- "used": 0
- }
- },
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python"
- },
- "changed": false
- }
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible_devices^C
- [root@m01 ~]# ansible web01 -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_devices'
- web01 | SUCCESS => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "ansible_devices": {
- "sda": {
- "holders": [],
- "host": "SCSI storage controller: LSI Logic / Symbios Logic 53c1030 PCI-X Fusion-MPT Dual Ultra320 SCSI (rev 01)",
- "links": {
- "ids": [],
- "labels": [],
- "masters": [],
- "uuids": []
- },
- "model": "VMware Virtual S",
- "partitions": {
- "sda1": {
- "holders": [],
- "links": {
- "ids": [],
- "labels": [],
- "masters": [],
- "uuids": [
- "8e547355-994a-4bad-a941-da93f4f1cdfd"
- ]
- },
- "sectors": "2097152",
- "sectorsize": 512,
- "size": "1.00 GB",
- "start": "2048",
- "uuid": "8e547355-994a-4bad-a941-da93f4f1cdfd"
- },
- "sda2": {
- "holders": [],
- "links": {
- "ids": [],
- "labels": [],
- "masters": [],
- "uuids": [
- "9e4d046c-02cf-47bd-a4bf-1e8b5fa4bed5"
- ]
- },
- "sectors": "2097152",
- "sectorsize": 512,
- "size": "1.00 GB",
- "start": "2099200",
- "uuid": "9e4d046c-02cf-47bd-a4bf-1e8b5fa4bed5"
- },
- "sda3": {
- "holders": [],
- "links": {
- "ids": [],
- "labels": [],
- "masters": [],
- "uuids": [
- "7348b9b1-f2a7-46c6-bede-4f22224dc168"
- ]
- },
- "sectors": "37746688",
- "sectorsize": 512,
- "size": "18.00 GB",
- "start": "4196352",
- "uuid": "7348b9b1-f2a7-46c6-bede-4f22224dc168"
- }
- },
- "removable": "0",
- "rotational": "1",
- "sas_address": null,
- "sas_device_handle": null,
- "scheduler_mode": "deadline",
- "sectors": "41943040",
- "sectorsize": "512",
- "size": "20.00 GB",
- "support_discard": "0",
- "vendor": "VMware,",
- "virtual": 1
- },
- "sr0": {
- "holders": [],
- "host": "IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 IDE (rev 01)",
- "links": {
- "ids": [
- "ata-VMware_Virtual_IDE_CDROM_Drive_00000000000000000001"
- ],
- "labels": [],
- "masters": [],
- "uuids": []
- },
- "model": "VMware IDE CDR00",
- "partitions": {},
- "removable": "1",
- "rotational": "1",
- "sas_address": null,
- "sas_device_handle": null,
- "scheduler_mode": "deadline",
- "sectors": "2097151",
- "sectorsize": "512",
- "size": "1024.00 MB",
- "support_discard": "0",
- "vendor": "NECVMWar",
- "virtual": 1
- },
- "sr1": {
- "holders": [],
- "host": "IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 IDE (rev 01)",
- "links": {
- "ids": [
- "ata-VMware_Virtual_IDE_CDROM_Drive_10000000000000000001"
- ],
- "labels": [],
- "masters": [],
- "uuids": []
- },
- "model": "VMware IDE CDR10",
- "partitions": {},
- "removable": "1",
- "rotational": "1",
- "sas_address": null,
- "sas_device_handle": null,
- "scheduler_mode": "deadline",
- "sectors": "2097151",
- "sectorsize": "512",
- "size": "1024.00 MB",
- "support_discard": "0",
- "vendor": "NECVMWar",
- "virtual": 1
- }
- },
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python"
- },
- "changed": false
- }
- ansible_all_ipv4_addresses:仅显示ipv4的信息。
- ansible_devices:仅显示磁盘设备信息。
- ansible_distribution:显示是什么系统,例:centos,suse等。
- ansible_distribution_major_version:显示是系统主版本。
- ansible_distribution_version:仅显示系统版本。
- ansible_machine:显示系统类型,例:32位,还是64位。
- ansible_eth0:仅显示eth0的信息。
- ansible_hostname:仅显示主机名。
- ansible_kernel:仅显示内核版本。
- ansible_lvm:显示lvm相关信息。
- ansible_memtotal_mb:显示系统总内存。
- ansible_memfree_mb:显示可用系统内存。
- ansible_memory_mb:详细显示内存情况。
- ansible_swaptotal_mb:显示总的swap内存。
- ansible_swapfree_mb:显示swap内存的可用内存。
- ansible_mounts:显示系统磁盘挂载情况。
- ansible_processor:显示cpu个数(具体显示每个cpu的型号)。
- ansible_processor_vcpus:显示cpu个数(只显示总的个数)。
复制代码 ansible解压模块
- ## 注意:unarchive可以解压任何格式的压缩包,前提条件就是远端的机器上必须有该包的解压命令
- # 1.包只需要放在管理端,不需要放在被控端
- # 2.如果执意要放在被控端,使用remote_src=true
- ansible backup -m unarchive -a 'src=/root/wordpress-5.0.3-zh_CN.tar.gz dest=/tmp remote_src=yes'
- ansible web02 -m unarchive -a 'src=/root/QQ.zip dest=/root'
- src:指定源文件在哪里(压缩包的路径)
- dest:指定你要解压的位置在哪里
- remote_src:指定该包是否在远端机器
- yes:在
- no:不在
- # 案例操作演示:
- - name: unzip php and nginx
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ item.src }}"
- dest: "{{ item.dest }}"
- with_items:
- - { src: "/ansible/nginx/nginx.php.tar.gz" , dest: "/opt" }
- - { src: "/ansible/nginx/wordpress-5.0.3-zh_CN.tar.gz" , dest: "/code" }
复制代码 ansible 数据库模块
- grant all on *.* to wp@'%' identified by '123'
- # 操作演示 (创建库)
- mysql_db:
- name: 库名
- state: prensent
- # 操作演示 (创建用户)
- - name: Create WordPress User
- mysql_user:
- #login_user: 'root' # 如数据库主机连接数据库有设置用户,此处写上连接用户
- #login_password: '123' # 如数据库主机连接数据库有设置密码,此处写上连接密码
- #login_host: 'localhost' # 如数据库主机连接数据库有设置仅本地登录,此处写上为本地登录
- name: wp_user # 指定创建数据库用户
- password: '123' # 指定创建用户的密码
- host: '%' # 指定用户能在所有主机远程连接使用
- priv: '*.*:ALL' # 指定用户具备对所有库中所有表的权限
- state: present # 指定用户状态为安装
复制代码 ansible之template模块
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