图中左侧为⼯作区,右侧为版本库。Git 的版本库⾥存了很多东西,此中最重要的就是暂存区。在创建 Git 版本库时,Git 会为我们⾃动创建⼀个唯⼀的 master 分⽀,以及指向 master 的⼀个指针叫 HEAD。当对⼯作区修改(或新增)的⽂件执⾏ git add 命令时,暂存区⽬录树的⽂件索引会被更新。 当执⾏提交操作 git commit 时,master 分⽀会做相应的更新,可以简单明白为暂存区的⽬录树才会被真正写到版本库中。 查看.git文件
当执行文件的git add操作后,会在.git/objects/中存储blob对象存储文件内容(blob对象本身只包含文件的内容,不包含文件名或任何其他元数据)并在.git/index/存储对应的二进制文件,当执行git commit操作后,会将暂存区中的文件commit进master中。,同时commit id和tree会存储进.git/object/中
- .git/
- |-- branches
- |-- config
- |-- description
- |-- HEAD
- |-- hooks
- | |-- applypatch-msg.sample
- | |-- commit-msg.sample
- | |-- post-update.sample
- | |-- pre-applypatch.sample
- | |-- pre-commit.sample
- | |-- prepare-commit-msg.sample
- | |-- pre-push.sample
- | |-- pre-rebase.sample
- | `-- update.sample
- |-- info
- | `-- exclude
- |-- objects
- | |-- info
- | `-- pack
- `-- refs
- |-- heads
- `-- tags
复制代码 HEAD是默认指向master分支的指针 - [paper@VM-16-16-centos ~]$ cat .git/HEAD
- ref: refs/heads/master
复制代码 而master指向commit id,是执行提交对象的标识符,使用git cat-file -p [commit id]可以查看commit id中存储的内容,包罗tree、parent(commit id)、author、committer
- [paper@VM-16-16-centos ~]$ cat .git/refs/heads/master
- 886c3d8a8e78088374d4ecfdcceaf91467f49571
- [paper@VM-16-16-centos ~]$ git cat-file -p
- 886c3d8a8e78088374d4ecfdcceaf91467f49571
- tree cf987c72c4a93e8a2d35d2aab4a4b1085011006f
- parent f21b3cfa4aa4d2a1bea886feb4864cc8905b815d
- parent 93bc771fc95e137549ba4b58b9b597b3d46256c3
- author yuan-peiqi <paper13240347791@163.com> 1725344145 +0800
- committer yuan-peiqi <paper13240347791@163.com> 1725344145 +0800
- file1
复制代码 在tree内可查看提交线上的blob对象
- [paper@VM-16-16-centos ~]$ git cat-file -p
- cf987c72c4a93e8a2d35d2aab4a4b1085011006f
- 100644 blob 7a8b68e7de2ee6ef4d404ff8c7d65a083c084d07 file1
复制代码 在blob内可查看文件内写入的信息
- [paper@VM-16-16-centos ~]$ git cat-file -p
- 7a8b68e7de2ee6ef4d404ff8c7d65a083c084d07
- hello git
- hello world
- write aaa for new branch
复制代码 修改文件
当执行commit命令之后,暂存区的内容被提交了,暂存区的文件依然存在,当更改工作区后,工作区的内容不会自动更新至暂存区,必要手动的git add才能实现将修改添加至暂存区,使用git status指令就可以查看修改后的文件是否完成添加和提交。
- [paper@VM-16-16-centos ~]$ git status
- # On branch master
- # Changes not staged for commit:
- # (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
- # (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
- #
- # modified: file1
- #
- # Untracked files:
- # (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
- #
- # .bash_history
- # .bash_logout
- # .bash_profile
- # .bashrc
- # .cache/
- # .gitconfig
- # .viminfo
- # file
- no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
复制代码 但git status指令只能查看状态,不能确切表现那边改动了,使用git diff [file]和git diff HEAD [file]可以查看那边出现改动,此中git diff [file]可以查看暂存区和工作区的差异,git diff HEAD [file]可以查看版本库和工作区的差异
- [paper@VM-16-16-centos ~]$ git diff file1
- diff --git a/file1 b/file1
- index 7a8b68e..0d99f10 100644
- --- a/file1
- +++ b/file1
- @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
- hello git
- hello world
- write aaa for new branch
- +wirte bbb for new branch
- [paper@VM-16-16-centos ~]$ git diff HEAD file1
- diff --git a/file1 b/file1
- index 7a8b68e..0d99f10 100644
- --- a/file1
- +++ b/file1
- @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
- hello git
- hello world
- write aaa for new branch
- +wirte bbb for new branch
复制代码 版本回退
执⾏ git reset 命令⽤于回退版本,可以指定退回某⼀次提交的版本。要解释⼀下“回退”本质是要将版本库中的内容进⾏回退,⼯作区或暂存区是否回退由命令参数决定: git reset 命令语法格式为: git reset [-- soft | -- mixed | -- hard ] [ HEAD ]
- --mixed 为默认选项,使⽤时可以不⽤带该参数。该参数将暂存区的内容退回为指定提交版本内容,⼯作区⽂件保持不变。
- --soft 参数对于⼯作区和暂存区的内容都不变,只是将版本库回退到某个指定版本。
- --hard 参数将暂存区与⼯作区都退回到指定版本。切记⼯作区有未提交的代码时不要⽤这个命令,因为⼯作区会回滚,你没有提交的代码就再也找不回了,所以使⽤该参数前⼀定要慎重。
HEAD 说明:
- 可直接写成 commit id,表⽰指定退回的版本
- HEAD 表⽰当前版本
- HEAD^ 上⼀个版本
- HEAD^^ 上上⼀个版本
直接在文件中删除,或者使用git checkout --[file]指令
- [paper@VM-16-16-centos ~]$ vim file1
- [paper@VM-16-16-centos ~]$ cat file1
- hello git
- hello world
- write aaa for new branch
- 11111:
- [paper@VM-16-16-centos ~]$ git checkout -- file1
- [paper@VM-16-16-centos ~]$ cat file1
- hello git
- hello world
- write aaa for new branch
复制代码 已经add,但没有commit:
此时在工作区和暂存区修改了,对于工作区可以使用上述方法打消修改,对于暂存区可以使用git reset --mixed指令修改
- [paper@VM-16-16-centos ~]$ git add file1
- [paper@VM-16-16-centos ~]$ git status
- # On branch master
- # Changes to be committed:
- # (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
- #
- # modified: file1
- #
- # Untracked files:
- # (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
- #
- # .bash_history
- # .bash_logout
- # .bash_profile
- # .bashrc
- # .cache/
- # .file1.swp
- # .gitconfig
- # .viminfo
- # file
- [paper@VM-16-16-centos ~]$ git reset HEAD file1
- Unstaged changes after reset:
- M file1
- [paper@VM-16-16-centos ~]$ git status
- # On branch master
- # Changes not staged for commit:
- # (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
- # (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
- #
- # modified: file1
- #
- # Untracked files:
- # (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
- #
- # .bash_history
- # .bash_logout
- # .bash_profile
- # .bashrc
- # .cache/
- # .file1.swp
- # .gitconfig
- # .viminfo
- # file
- no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
- [paper@VM-16-16-centos ~]$ git checkout -- file1
- [paper@VM-16-16-centos ~]$ git status
- # On branch master
- # Untracked files:
- # (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
- #
- # .bash_history
- # .bash_logout
- # .bash_profile
- # .bashrc
- # .cache/
- # .file1.swp
- # .gitconfig
- # .viminfo
- # file
- nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
复制代码 已经add,而且也commit了:
可以直接使用git reset --hard HEAD^回退到上一个版本
- [paper@VM-16-16-centos ~]$ vim file1
- [paper@VM-16-16-centos ~]$ git add file1
- [paper@VM-16-16-centos ~]$ git commit -m "file1"
- [master 9348ccd] file1
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
- [paper@VM-16-16-centos ~]$ git reset --hard HEAD^
- HEAD is now at 886c3d8 file1
- [paper@VM-16-16-centos ~]$ git status
- # On branch master
- # Untracked files:
- # (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
- #
- # .bash_history
- # .bash_logout
- # .bash_profile
- # .bashrc
- # .cache/
- # .file1.swp
- # .gitconfig
- # .viminfo
- # file
- nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
复制代码 删除文件
- rm -rf file1
- git rm file1
- git commmit -m "delete file1"
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