数据同步代码示例:- object MarketMysqlToHiveEtl extends SparkHivePartitionOverwriteApplication{
- /**
- * 删除已存在的分区
- *
- * @param spark SparkSessions实例
- * @param date 日期
- * @param properties 数据库配置
- */
- def delete_partition(spark: SparkSession, properties:Properties, date: String):Unit={
- val odsDatabaseName = properties.getProperty("hive.datasource.ods")
- DropPartitionTools
- .dropPartitionIfExists(spark,odsDatabaseName,"ods_t_money_record","ds",date)
- DropPartitionTools
- .dropPartitionIfExists(spark,odsDatabaseName,"ods_t_account","ds",date)
- }
- /**
- * 抽取数据
- * @param spark SparkSession实例
- * @param properties 数据库配置
- * @param date 日期
- */
- def loadData(spark: SparkSession, properties:Properties, date: String): Unit ={
- // 删除历史数据,解决重复同步问题
- delete_partition(spark,properties,date)
- // 获取数据源配置
- val odsDatabaseName = properties.get("hive.datasource.ods")
- val dataSource = DataSourceUtils.getDataSourceProperties(FinalCode.MARKET_MYSQL_FILENAME,properties)
- var sql = s"select id,account_id,type,original_id,original_code,money,reason,user_type,user_id,organization_id," +
- s"create_time,update_time,detail,deleted,parent_id,counts,'${date}' AS ds from TABLENAME where date(update_time) ='${date}'"
- // 同步数据
- MysqlToHiveTools.readFromMysqlIncrement(spark,dataSource,sql.replace("TABLENAME","t_money_record"),
- s"${odsDatabaseName}.ods_t_money_record",SaveMode.Append,"ds")
- sql = s"select id,code,customer_code,name,mobile,type,organization_id,organization_name,create_time,update_time,deleted,status,customer_name," +
- s"customer_id,channel_type,nike_name,version,register_Time,'${date}' AS ds from TABLENAME where date(update_time) ='${date}'"
- MysqlToHiveTools.readFromMysqlIncrement(spark,dataSource,sql.replace("TABLENAME","t_account"),
- s"${odsDatabaseName}.ods_t_account",SaveMode.Append,"ds")
- }
- /**
- * 数据etl
- * @param spark SparkSession实例
- * @param SparkSession 数据库配置
- */
- def etl(spark: SparkSession, properties:Properties): Unit = {
- val sparkConf = spark.sparkContext.getConf
- // 获取同步的日期
- var lastDate = sparkConf.get("spark.etl.last.day", DateUtils.getLastDayString)
- val dateList = new ListBuffer[String]()
- if(lastDate.isEmpty){
- // 未配置,设置为前一天
- lastDate = DateUtils.getLastDayString
- }
- if(lastDate.contains("~")){
- // 如果是时间段,获取时间段中的每一天,解析为时间list
- val dateArray = lastDate.split("~")
- DateUtils.findBetweenDates(dateArray(0), dateArray(1)).foreach(it => dateList.append(it))
- }else if(lastDate.contains(",")){
- // 如果是使用,分隔的多个日期,解析为时间list
- lastDate.split(",").foreach(it => dateList.append(it))
- }else{
- // 添加进时间列表
- dateList.append(lastDate)
- }
- // 循环同步每天的数据
- dateList.foreach(it => loadData(spark, properties, it))
- }
- def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
- job() {
- val sparkAndProperties = SparkUtils.get()
- val spark = sparkAndProperties.spark
- val properties = sparkAndProperties.properties
- // 调度任务
- etl(spark,properties)
- }
- }
- }
复制代码 删除Partition的代码示例:- object DropPartitionTools {
- /**
- * 删除指定的Partition
- * @param SparkSession实例
- * @param database数据库名称
- * @param table表名称
- * @param partitionKey 分区字段的名称
- * @param partitionValue 具体的分区值
- */
- def dropPartitionIfExists(spark: SparkSession, database: String, table: String, partitionKey: String, partitionValue:String): Unit ={
- val df = spark.sql(
- s"""
- | show tables in ${database} like '${table}'
- |""".stripMargin)
- if(df.count() > 0 ){
- // 表存在,删除分区
- spark.sql(
- s"""
- |ALTER TABLE ${database}.${table} DROP IF EXISTS PARTITION (${partitionKey}='${partitionValue}')
- |""".stripMargin)
- }
- }
- /**
- * 删除Partition
- * @param SparkSession实例
- * @param database数据库名称
- * @param table表名称
- * @param partitionKey 分区字段的名称
- */
- def dropHistoryPartitionIfExists(spark: SparkSession, database: String, table: String, partitionKey: String): Unit ={
- val df = spark.sql(
- s"""
- | show tables in ${database} like '${table}'
- |""".stripMargin)
- if(df.count() > 0 ){
- // 表存在,删除历史分区,获取8天前的日期
- val sevenDay = DateUtils.getSomeLastDayString(8);
- spark.sql(
- s"""
- |ALTER TABLE ${database}.${table} DROP IF EXISTS PARTITION (${partitionKey} ='${sevenDay}')
- |""".stripMargin)
- }
- }
- }
复制代码 从RDS同步数据到HIVE的代码示例:- object MysqlToHiveTools {
- /**
- * 从mysql抽取数据到hive -- 全量
- * @param spark spark实例
- * @param dataSource 数据库配置信息
- * @param tableName 抽取的数据库表名
- * @param destTableName 目标表名
- * @param mode 抽取的模式
- */
- def mysqlToHiveTotal(spark: SparkSession, dataSource: JSONObject,tableName: String, destTableName:String,mode: SaveMode, partition: String): Unit = {
- val sql = "(select * from " + tableName + ") as t"
- mysqlToHive(spark, dataSource, sql, destTableName, mode, partition)
- }
- /**
- * 从mysql抽取数据到hive -- 增量量
- * @param spark spark实例
- * @param dataSource 数据库配置信息
- * @param sql 抽取数据的SQL
- * @param destTableName 目标表名
- * @param mode 抽取的模式
- */
- def readFromMysqlIncrement(spark: SparkSession, dataSource: JSONObject,sql: String, destTableName:String,mode: SaveMode, partition: String): Unit = {
- mysqlToHive(spark, dataSource, sql, destTableName, mode, partition)
- }
- /**
- * 真正的抽取数据
- * @param spark spark实例
- * @param properties 数据库配置信息
- * @param sql 抽取数据的SQL
- * @param destTableName 目标表名
- * @param mode 抽取的模式
- */
- def mysqlToHive(spark: SparkSession, dataSource: JSONObject,sql: String, destTableName:String, mode: SaveMode, partition: String):Unit={
- val df = spark.read.format("jdbc")
- .option("url",dataSource.getString("url"))
- .option("driver",dataSource.getString("driver"))
- .option("fetchSize", 10000)
- .option("numPartitions",2)
- .option("dbtable",s"(${sql}) AS t")
- .option("user",dataSource.getString("user"))
- .option("password",dataSource.getString("password"))
- .load()
- if(partition == null || partition.isEmpty){
- df.write.format("parquet").mode(mode).saveAsTable(destTableName)
- }else{
- df.write.format("parquet").mode(mode).partitionBy("ds").saveAsTable(destTableName)
- }
- }
- }
复制代码 Spark Application代码示例- trait SparkHivePartitionOverwriteApplication extends Logging{
- def getProperties(): Properties ={
- val prop:Properties = new Properties()
- val inputStream = this.getClass.getClassLoader.getResourceAsStream("config.properties")
- prop.load(inputStream);
- prop
- }
- def job(appName: String = null,
- master: String = null)(biz: => Unit): Unit = {
- var spark: SparkSession = null
- System.setProperty("HADOOP_USER_NAME", "mapred")
- val prop:Properties = getProperties()
- if (null == appName) {
- spark = SparkSession.builder
- .config("spark.sql.parquet.writeLegacyFormat", true)
- .config("spark.sql.sources.partitionOverwriteMode","dynamic")
- .config("hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode","nonstrict")
- .config("spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreParquet",false)
- .enableHiveSupport
- .getOrCreate
- var sparkAndProperties = SparkAndProperties(spark, prop)
- SparkUtils.set(sparkAndProperties)
- } else {
- spark = SparkSession.builder.master(master).appName(appName)
- .config("spark.sql.parquet.writeLegacyFormat", true)
- .config("spark.sql.sources.partitionOverwriteMode","dynamic")
- .config("hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode","nonstrict")
- .config("spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreParquet",false)
- .config("spark.testing.memory","2147480000")
- .config("spark.driver.memory","2147480000")
- .enableHiveSupport.getOrCreate
- var sparkAndProperties = SparkAndProperties(spark, prop)
- SparkUtils.set(sparkAndProperties)
- SparkUtils.set(sparkAndProperties)
- }
- biz
- spark.stop()
- SparkUtils.remove()
- }
- }
- case class SparkAndProperties(spark: SparkSession,
- properties: Properties)
复制代码 四、配套生态
a. 自定义UDF函数- object ParseIp {
- def evaluate(ip: String):String= {
- // 具体的IP解析服务
- SplitAddress.getPlaceFromIp(ip)
- }
- }
复制代码 b. 使用自定义UDF函数- object TraceTmpEtl extends SparkHivePartitionOverwriteApplication{
- /**
- * 数据同步任务
- * @param spark sparkSession实例
- * @param properties 数据库配置
- * @param date 日期
- */
- def tmp_t_trace_user_visit_real_time_statistic(spark: SparkSession,properties:Properties,date: String):Unit ={
- // 获取数据库配置的数据库名称
- val odsDatabaseName = properties.get("hive.datasource.ods")
- val tmpDatabaseName = properties.get("hive.datasource.tmp")
- // 注册自定义的UDF函数
- spark.udf.register("parseIP", (ip: String) => SplitAddress.getPlaceFromIp(ip))
- // 在Spark SQL中使用UDF函数
- spark.sql(
- s"""
- |INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE ${tmpDatabaseName}.tmp_t_statistic partition(ds='${date}')
- |select
- | `id` ,
- | `create_time` ,
- | `update_time` ,
- | `ip` ,
- | replace( replace( replace(replace( case when parseIP(ip) rlike '^中国' then replace(parseIP(ip),'中国','')
- | when parseIP(ip) rlike '^内蒙古' then replace(parseIP(ip),'内蒙古','内蒙古自治区')
- | when parseIP(ip) rlike '^广西' then replace(parseIP(ip),'广西','广西壮族自治区')
- | when parseIP(ip) rlike '^西藏' then replace(parseIP(ip),'西藏','西藏自治区')
- | when parseIP(ip) rlike '^宁夏' then replace(parseIP(ip),'宁夏','宁夏回族自治区')
- | when parseIP(ip) rlike '^新疆' then replace(parseIP(ip),'新疆','新疆维吾尔自治区')
- | when parseIP(ip) rlike '^香港' then replace(parseIP(ip),'香港','香港特别行政区')
- | when parseIP(ip) rlike '^澳门' then replace(parseIP(ip),'澳门','澳门特别行政区')
- | else parseIP(ip) end, "省", "省."),"市", "市."),"县", "县."),"区", "区.") as ip_place,
- | `page_view`
- |from ${odsDatabaseName}.ods_t_statistic where ds ='${date}'
- |""".stripMargin)
- }
- /**
- * 数据etl
- * @param spark SparkSession实例
- * @param properties 数据库配置
- */
- def etl(spark: SparkSession, properties:Properties): Unit = {
- val lastDate = DateUtils.getLastDayString
- tmp_t_trace_user_visit_real_time_statistic(spark,properties, lastDate)
- }
- def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
- job() {
- val sparkAndProperties = SparkUtils.get()
- val spark = sparkAndProperties.spark
- val properties = sparkAndProperties.properties
- etl(spark,properties)
- }
- }
- }
复制代码 刚开始数据库设置同步设置文件直接写死,但是后续发现这样存在一些安全性的问题,后来采用将数据库相关的设置组合为一个JSON字符串,将其加密之后生存到MongoDB中,在使用时举行查询解密。- public class DataSourceUtils {
- private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DataSourceUtils.class);
- public static JSONObject getDataSourceProperties(String dataSourceKey,Properties properties){
- List<ServerAddress> adds = new ArrayList<>();
- try {
- String filePath = properties.getProperty("spark.mongo.properties.file.url");
- properties = new Properties();
- File file = new File(filePath);
- FileInputStream inputStream = null;
- inputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
- properties.load(inputStream);
- }catch (Exception e){
- logger.info("not load file, reason:" + e.getMessage());
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- String mongoUrl = properties.getProperty("mongo_url");
- String mongoPort = properties.getProperty("mongo_port");
- String mongoDbName = properties.getProperty("mongo_dbName");
- String mongoCollect = properties.getProperty("mongo_collect");
- String mongoUser = properties.getProperty("mongo_user");
- String mongoPassword = properties.getProperty("mongo_password");
- String desKey = properties.getProperty("data_des_key");
- ServerAddress serverAddress = new ServerAddress(mongoUrl, Integer.parseInt(mongoPort));
- adds.add(serverAddress);
- List<MongoCredential> credentials = new ArrayList<>();
- MongoCredential mongoCredential = MongoCredential.createScramSha1Credential(mongoUser, mongoDbName, mongoPassword.toCharArray());
- credentials.add(mongoCredential);
- MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(adds, credentials);
- MongoDatabase mongoDatabase = mongoClient.getDatabase(mongoDbName);
- MongoCollection<Document> collection = mongoDatabase.getCollection(mongoCollect);
- //指定查询过滤器
- Bson filter = Filters.eq("key", dataSourceKey);
- //指定查询过滤器查询
- FindIterable findIterable = collection.find(filter);
- //取出查询到的第一个文档
- Document document = (Document) findIterable.first();
- //打印输出
- String content = DESUtil.decrypt(desKey, document.getString("content"));
- return JSON.parseObject(content);
- }
- public static Properties json2Properties(JSONObject jsonObject){
- String tmpKey = "";
- String tmpKeyPre = "";
- Properties properties = new Properties();
- j2p(jsonObject, tmpKey, tmpKeyPre, properties);
- return properties;
- }
- private static void j2p(JSONObject jsonObject, String tmpKey, String tmpKeyPre, Properties properties){
- for (String key : jsonObject.keySet()) {
- // 获得key
- String value = jsonObject.getString(key);
- try {
- JSONObject jsonStr = JSONObject.parseObject(value);
- tmpKeyPre = tmpKey;
- tmpKey += key + ".";
- j2p(jsonStr, tmpKey, tmpKeyPre, properties);
- tmpKey = tmpKeyPre;
- } catch (Exception e) {
- properties.put(tmpKey + key, value);
- System.out.println(tmpKey + key + "=" + value);
- }
- }
- }
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- }
- }
复制代码- #!/bin/sh
- ##### env ###########
- export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_151
- export SPARK_HOME=/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/spark
- export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${SPARK_HOME}/bin:${PATH}
- export SPARK_USER=hadoop
- export HADOOP_USER_NAME=hadoop
- LAST_DAY="$1"
- echo LAST_DAY
- spark-submit \
- --class net.app315.bigdata.operatereport.ods.MarketMysqlToHiveEtl \
- --conf spark.sql.hive.metastore.version=2.1.1 \
- --conf spark.sql.hive.metastore.jars=/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/hive/lib/* \
- --jars /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/spark/jars/mysql-connector-java-5.1.48.jar,/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/spark/jars/druid-1.1.10.jar \
- --master yarn \
- --deploy-mode cluster \
- --executor-memory 4G \
- --driver-memory 2G \
- --num-executors 4 \
- --executor-cores 2 \
- --conf spark.dynamicAllocation.minExecutors=1 \
- --conf spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors=8 \
- --conf spark.yarn.am.attemptFailuresValidityInterval=1h \
- --conf spark.yarn.max.executor.failures=128 \
- --conf spark.yarn.executor.failuresValidityInterval=1h \
- --conf spark.task.maxFailures=4 \
- --conf spark.yarn.maxAppAttempts=2 \
- --conf spark.scheduler.mode=FIFO \
- --conf spark.network.timeout=420000 \
- --conf spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled=true \
- --conf spark.executor.heartbeatInterval=360000 \
- --conf spark.sql.crossJoin.enabled=true \
- --conf spark.mongo.properties.file.url=/opt/conf/mongo.properties \
- --conf spark.etl.last.day="${LAST_DAY}" \
- ./target/spark-operate-report-project-1.0.jar
复制代码- nodes:
- - name: bigdata_market_ods_etl
- type: command
- config:
- command: sh -x ./script/bigdata_market_ods_etl.sh "${spark.etl.last.day}"
- failure.emails: mxx@xxx.com
- - name: bigdata_market_dim_etl
- type: command
- config:
- command: sh -x ./script/bigdata_market_dim_etl.sh "${spark.etl.last.day}"
- failure.emails: mxx@xxx.com
- dependsOn:
- - bigdata_market_ods_etl
- - name: bigdata_market_dw_etl
- type: command
- config:
- command: sh -x ./script/bigdata_market_dw_etl.sh "${spark.etl.last.day}"
- failure.emails: mxx@xxx.com
- dependsOn:
- - bigdata_market_dim_etl
- - bigdata_user_dw_etl
复制代码 五、备注
- 数据的变更越来越频繁,基于之前SparkSQL任务的方式,只要需要对表结构举行变更,就需要重新修改Scala代码,然后重新举行任务的打包,这对于一些不认识代码的人来说,不太友好,而且本钱也很高。
- 虽然使用了Presto对HIVE的数据查询举行了加速,但是地点数据量越来越大,分析要求越来越复杂,即席查询越来越多,由于集群本身资源有限,查询能力出现了显著瓶颈。
- 数据存储与查询放弃了HDFS+HIVE+Presto的组合,转而采用现代化的MPP数据库StarRocks,StarRocks在数据查询的效率层面非常良好,在相同资源的情况下,可以解决现在遇到的数据查询瓶颈。
- 数据同步放弃了SparkSQL,转而采用更加轻量级的DATAX来举行,其只需要通过简朴的设置,即可完成数据的同步,同时其也支持StarRocks Writer,开辟职员只需要具备简朴的SQL知识,就可以完成整个数据同步任务的设置,难度大大降低,效率大大提升,友好度大大提升。
- 定时任务调度放弃Azkaban,采用现代化的任务调度工作Apache DolphinScheduler,通过可视化的页面举行调度任务工作流的设置,更加友好。
数据同步在这种方式下变动非常简朴,只需要可视化的设置DataX任务,即可自动调度。下面的一个任务的设置示例- {
- "job": {
- "setting": {
- "speed": {
- "channel":1
- }
- },
- "content": [
- {
- "reader": {
- "name": "mysqlreader",
- "parameter": {
- "username": "",
- "password": "",
- "connection": [
- {
- "querySql": [
- "SELECT CustomerId AS customer_id FROM base_info.base_customer where date(UpdateTime) > '${sdt}' and date(UpdateTime) < '${edt}'"
- ],
- "jdbcUrl": [
- "jdbc:mysql://IP:3306/base_info?characterEncoding=utf-8&useSSL=false&tinyInt1isBit=false"
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- "writer": {
- "name": "starrockswriter",
- "parameter": {
- "username": "xxx",
- "password": "xxx",
- "database": "ods_cjm_test",
- "table": "ods_base_customer",
- "column": ["id"],
- "preSql": [],
- "postSql": [],
- "jdbcUrl": "jdbc:mysql://IP:9030/",
- "loadUrl": ["IP:8050", "IP:8050", "IP:8050"],
- "loadProps": {
- "format": "json",
- "strip_outer_array": true
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
复制代码 数据同步过程中,遇到了另外一个问题,即业务存在大量的分库分表的,这些分库分表的逻辑五花八门,60张左右的逻辑板,经太过库分表之后达到了惊人的5000多张,为每张表设置任务很显然不太正常,这就需要能够在举行数据同步的时候动态生成需要的表列表,把表列表设置到DataX的设置文件中去。
颠末技术的调用,Apache DolphinScheduler的Python任务类型很适合做这个事情,由于公司本身使用了Apache DolphinScheduler3.0的版本,其Python任务还不支持返回数据到鄙俚节点,但是社区最新版本已经支持该能力,因为按照已实现版本对其举行改造。
改造之后,Python节点能够将数据通报给他的鄙俚节点,因此使用Python脚本查询获取需要举行同步的表列表,将其通报给DataX节点,完成动态表的数据同步- import pymysql
- import datetime
- def select_all_table(date: str):
- result_list = []
- sql = """
- SELECT concat('"', table_name, '"')
- FROM information_schema.`TABLES`
- WHERE table_schema='hydra_production_flow'
- and table_name like 't_package_flow_log_%'
- and table_name like '%_{}'
- """.format(date)
- conn = pymysql.connect(host='', port=3306, user='', passwd='',
- db='information_schema')
- cur = conn.cursor()
- cur.execute(query=sql)
- while 1:
- res = cur.fetchone()
- if res is None:
- break
- result_list.append(res[0])
- cur.close()
- conn.close()
- return result_list
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- # 获取当前年月
- # 获取当前日期
- today = datetime.date.today()
- # 计算前一天的日期
- yesterday = today - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
- current_date = yesterday.strftime("%Y_%m")
- table_list = select_all_table(current_date)
- table_str = ",".join(table_list)
- # 设置变量,传递给下游节点
- print('${setValue(table_list=%s)}' % table_str)
复制代码- {
- "job": {
- "setting": {
- "speed": {
- "channel":1
- }
- },
- "content": [
- {
- "reader": {
- "name": "mysqlreader",
- "parameter": {
- "username": "xxx",
- "password": "xxxx",
- "column": [
- "id",
- "concat('t_package_flow_log_',DATE_FORMAT(create_time,'%Y_%m'))",
- "operation_type"
- ],
- "where": "date(create_time) ${operator_symbol} '${dt}'",
- "connection": [
- {
- "table": [
- ${table_list}
- ],
- "jdbcUrl": [
- "jdbc:mysql://xx:3306/hydra_production_flow?characterEncoding=utf-8&useSSL=false&tinyInt1isBit=false"
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- "writer": {
- "name": "starrockswriter",
- "parameter": {
- "username": "xxxxxx",
- "password": "xxxxxxx",
- "database": "ods_cjm",
- "table": "ods_t_package_flow_log",
- "column": ["id", "table_name","operation_type"],
- "preSql": [],
- "postSql": [],
- "jdbcUrl": "jdbc:mysql://IP:9030/",
- "loadUrl": ["IP:8050", "IP:8050", "IP:8050"],
- "loadProps": {
- "format": "json",
- "strip_outer_array": true
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
复制代码 四、踩坑记录
自从采用Apache DolphinScheduler + StarRocks数据方案以来,统统都很安稳发展;但是随着时间的推移,总会出现新的问题。
- 由于等保的要求,线上RDS数据库不再支持通过公网访问,又因为StarRocks也在内网,这就导致了之前的数据同步链路彻底断裂,需要新的方案。
- 由于数据结构的频繁变更、服务器资源导致的任务调度非常等等原因,需要重跑数据的需求越来越多,这就导致需要不停的修改任务的调度参数(如日期),现在已经上线了10个业务的调度任务,也就是重新同步一次,就需要依次修改调度这10个任务,这期间还需要专人举行状态的跟踪,纵然修改调度,压力很大。
鉴于新的资源有限,原本内网提供了4台8C32G的服务器,但是新的RDS地点内网只能提供一台最大4C8G的服务器。因此放弃了使用Apache DolphinScheduler来举行调度,直接使用crontab调用对应的Python脚本举行DataX任务调度。
DataX的KafkaWriter实现- public class KafkaWriter extends Writer {
- public static class Job extends Writer.Job {
- private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Job.class);
- private Configuration conf = null;
- @Override
- public List<Configuration> split(int mandatoryNumber) {
- List<Configuration> configurations = new ArrayList<Configuration>(mandatoryNumber);
- for (int i = 0; i < mandatoryNumber; i++) {
- configurations.add(conf);
- }
- return configurations;
- }
- private void validateParameter() {
- this.conf.getNecessaryValue(Key.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS, KafkaWriterErrorCode.REQUIRED_VALUE);
- this.conf.getNecessaryValue(Key.TOPIC, KafkaWriterErrorCode.REQUIRED_VALUE);
- }
- @Override
- public void init() {
- this.conf = super.getPluginJobConf();
- logger.info("kafka writer params:{}", conf.toJSON());
- this.validateParameter();
- }
- @Override
- public void destroy() {
- }
- }
- public static class Task extends Writer.Task {
- private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Task.class);
- private static final String NEWLINE_FLAG = System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n");
- private Producer<String, String> producer;
- private String fieldDelimiter;
- private Configuration conf;
- private Properties props;
- private AesEncryption aesEncryption;
- private List<String> columns;
- @Override
- public void init() {
- this.conf = super.getPluginJobConf();
- fieldDelimiter = conf.getUnnecessaryValue(Key.FIELD_DELIMITER, "\t", null);
- columns = conf.getList(Key.COLUMN_LIST, new ArrayList<>(), String.class);
- props = new Properties();
- props.put("bootstrap.servers", conf.getString(Key.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS));
- props.put("acks", conf.getUnnecessaryValue(Key.ACK, "0", null));//这意味着leader需要等待所有备份都成功写入日志,这种策略会保证只要有一个备份存活就不会丢失数据。这是最强的保证。
- props.put("retries", conf.getUnnecessaryValue(Key.RETRIES, "5", null));
- props.put("retry.backoff.ms", "1000");
- props.put("batch.size", conf.getUnnecessaryValue(Key.BATCH_SIZE, "16384", null));
- props.put("linger.ms", 100);
- props.put("connections.max.idle.ms", 300000);
- props.put("max.in.flight.requests.per.connection", 5);
- props.put("socket.keepalive.enable", true);
- props.put("key.serializer", conf.getUnnecessaryValue(Key.KEYSERIALIZER, "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer", null));
- props.put("value.serializer", conf.getUnnecessaryValue(Key.VALUESERIALIZER, "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer", null));
- producer = new KafkaProducer<String, String>(props);
- String encryptKey = conf.getUnnecessaryValue(Key.ENCRYPT_KEY, null, null);
- if(encryptKey != null){
- aesEncryption = new AesEncryption(encryptKey);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void prepare() {
- AdminClient adminClient = AdminClient.create(props);
- ListTopicsResult topicsResult = adminClient.listTopics();
- String topic = conf.getNecessaryValue(Key.TOPIC, KafkaWriterErrorCode.REQUIRED_VALUE);
- try {
- if (!topicsResult.names().get().contains(topic)) {
- new NewTopic(
- topic,
- Integer.parseInt(conf.getUnnecessaryValue(Key.TOPIC_NUM_PARTITION, "1", null)),
- Short.parseShort(conf.getUnnecessaryValue(Key.TOPIC_REPLICATION_FACTOR, "1", null))
- );
- List<NewTopic> newTopics = new ArrayList<NewTopic>();
- adminClient.createTopics(newTopics);
- }
- adminClient.close();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new DataXException(KafkaWriterErrorCode.CREATE_TOPIC, KafkaWriterErrorCode.REQUIRED_VALUE.getDescription());
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void startWrite(RecordReceiver lineReceiver) {
- logger.info("start to writer kafka");
- Record record = null;
- while ((record = lineReceiver.getFromReader()) != null) {
- if (conf.getUnnecessaryValue(Key.WRITE_TYPE, WriteType.TEXT.name(), null)
- .equalsIgnoreCase(WriteType.TEXT.name())) {
- producer.send(new ProducerRecord<String, String>(this.conf.getString(Key.TOPIC),
- Md5Encrypt.md5Hexdigest(recordToString(record)),
- aesEncryption ==null ? recordToString(record): JSONObject.toJSONString(aesEncryption.encrypt(recordToString(record))))
- );
- } else if (conf.getUnnecessaryValue(Key.WRITE_TYPE, WriteType.TEXT.name(), null)
- .equalsIgnoreCase(WriteType.JSON.name())) {
- producer.send(new ProducerRecord<String, String>(this.conf.getString(Key.TOPIC),
- Md5Encrypt.md5Hexdigest(recordToString(record)),
- aesEncryption ==null ? recordToJsonString(record) : JSONObject.toJSONString(aesEncryption.encrypt(recordToJsonString(record))))
- );
- }
- producer.flush();
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void destroy() {
- if (producer != null) {
- producer.close();
- }
- }
- /**
- * 数据格式化
- *
- * @param record
- * @return
- */
- private String recordToString(Record record) {
- int recordLength = record.getColumnNumber();
- if (0 == recordLength) {
- return NEWLINE_FLAG;
- }
- Column column;
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
- for (int i = 0; i < recordLength; i++) {
- column = record.getColumn(i);
- sb.append(column.asString()).append(fieldDelimiter);
- }
- sb.setLength(sb.length() - 1);
- sb.append(NEWLINE_FLAG);
- return sb.toString();
- }
- /**
- * 数据格式化
- *
- * @param record 数据
- *
- */
- private String recordToJsonString(Record record) {
- int recordLength = record.getColumnNumber();
- if (0 == recordLength) {
- return "{}";
- }
- Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
- for (int i = 0; i < recordLength; i++) {
- String key = columns.get(i);
- Column column = record.getColumn(i);
- map.put(key, column.getRawData());
- }
- return JSONObject.toJSONString(map);
- }
- }
- }
复制代码 举行数据加密的实现:- public class AesEncryption {
- private SecretKey secretKey;
- public AesEncryption(String secretKey) {
- byte[] keyBytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode(secretKey);
- this.secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, 0, keyBytes.length, "AES");
- }
- public String encrypt(String data) {
- try {
- Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES");
- cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey);
- byte[] encryptedBytes = cipher.doFinal(data.getBytes());
- return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(encryptedBytes);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
- public String decrypt(String encryptedData) throws Exception {
- Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES");
- cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, secretKey);
- byte[] decodedBytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode(encryptedData);
- byte[] decryptedBytes = cipher.doFinal(decodedBytes);
- return new String(decryptedBytes);
- }
- }
复制代码 Kafka的公网设置
Kafka的表里网设置,只需要修改kafka/config下面的server.properties文件中的如下设置即可。- # 配置kafka的监听端口,同时监听9093和9092
- listeners=INTERNAL://kafka节点3内网IP:9093,EXTERNAL://kafka节点3内网IP:9092
- # 配置kafka的对外广播地址, 同时配置内网的9093和外网的19092
- advertised.listeners=INTERNAL://kafka节点3内网IP:9093,EXTERNAL://公网IP:19092
- # 配置地址协议
- listener.security.protocol.map=INTERNAL:PLAINTEXT,EXTERNAL:PLAINTEXT
- # 指定broker内部通信的地址
- inter.broker.listener.name=INTERNAL
复制代码 Python脚本需要能够自动生成对应的DataX调度的设置文件和shell脚本,自动调度DataX举行任务的执行。因此颠末调研,采用自定义设置文件,通过读取设置文件,动态生成对应的DataX任务脚本和调度脚本,调度任务执行。
自定义的设置文件示例1:- {
- "datasource": {
- "host": "xxxxxx",
- "port": "3306",
- "username": "xxxxx",
- "password": "xxxxxxx",
- "properties": {
- "characterEncoding": "utf-8",
- "useSSL": "false",
- "tinyInt1isBit": "false"
- }
- },
- "table": {
- "database": "app",
- "table": "device",
- "column": [
- "Id AS id",
- "CompanyName AS company_name",
- "CompanyId AS company_id",
- "SecretKey AS secret_key",
- "Brand AS brand",
- "ModelType AS model_type",
- "Enable AS enable",
- "CAST(CreateTime as CHAR) AS create_time",
- "CAST(UpdateTime as CHAR) AS update_time"
- ],
- "where": "date(UpdateTime) >= '$[yyyy-MM-dd-8]'",
- "searchTableSql": []
- },
- "kafka": {
- "topic": "mzt_ods_cjm.ods_device"
- }
- }
复制代码 支持分库分表的设置文件示例2- {
- "datasource": {
- "host": "xxxxxxx",
- "port": "3306",
- "username": "xxxxxxx",
- "password": "xxxxxxxx",
- "properties": {
- "characterEncoding": "utf-8",
- "useSSL": "false",
- "tinyInt1isBit": "false"
- }
- },
- "table": {
- "database": "hydra_logistics_flow",
- "table": "",
- "column": [
- "id",
- "concat('t_logistics_sweep_out_code_flow_',DATE_FORMAT(create_time,'%Y')) AS table_name",
- "cus_org_id",
- "CAST(create_time as CHAR) AS create_time",
- "replace_product_id",
- "replace_product_name",
- "replace_product_code"
- ],
- "where": "date(create_time) >= '$[yyyy-MM-dd-8]'",
- "searchTableSql": [
- "SELECT concat('t_logistics_sweep_out_code_flow_',YEAR(SUBDATE(CURDATE(), 1))) AS TABLE_NAME",
- "SELECT concat('t_logistics_sweep_out_code_flow_',YEAR(DATE_SUB(DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY), INTERVAL 1 YEAR))) AS TABLE_NAME"
- ]
- },
- "kafka": {
- "topic": "mzt_ods_cjm.ods_t_logistics_sweep_out_code_flow"
- }
- }
复制代码 如上的设置文件,表明如下:
KEY说明datasourceRDS数据源datasource.hostRDS数据库的hostdatasource.port>RDS数据库的端口datasource.usernameRDS数据库的用户名datasource.passwordRDS数据库的密码datasource.propertiesjdbc连接的参数,连接时拼接为?key=value&key=valuetable要同步的表信息table.databaseRDS数据库名称table.tableRDS中表的名称,分库分表的可以为空table.columnRDS表中要同步的字段列表,支持取别名和使用函数table.where同步数据的过滤条件table.searchTableSql查询表名称的SQL语句,用于动态分库分表kafkakafka相关的设置kafka.topic数据要写入的kafka topic的名称- import json
- import os
- import pymysql
- import re
- from datetime import datetime
- from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
- import uuid
- import subprocess
- import logging
- import hmac
- import hashlib
- import base64
- import urllib.parse
- import urllib
- import requests
- import time
- from typing import List, Mapping
- def list_files_in_directory(directory_path: str) -> List[str]:
- """
- 获取目录下的所有以.json结尾的文件
- :param directory_path: 目录
- :return: 文件列表
- """
- entries = os.listdir(directory_path)
- # 过滤出所有文件
- files = [entry for entry in entries if
- os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory_path, entry)) and entry.endswith(".json")]
- logging.info(f"读取配置文件数量:{len(files)}")
- return files
- def read_file_content(file_path: str) -> str:
- """
- 读取文件内容
- :param file_path: 文件路径
- :return: 文件内容
- """
- with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
- content = file.read()
- return content
- def read_all_files_in_directory(directory_path: str) -> Mapping[str, str]:
- """
- 读取文件夹下面的所有文件的内容
- :param directory_path: 文件夹路径
- :return: 内容map
- """
- logging.info(f"开始读取所有的配置文件信息")
- files = list_files_in_directory(directory_path)
- file_contents = {}
- for file in files:
- file_path = os.path.join(directory_path, file)
- content = read_file_content(file_path)
- file_contents[file] = content
- sorted_items = sorted(file_contents.items())
- sorted_dict = dict(sorted_items)
- return file_contents
- def search_table_list(datasource: json, search_table_sql_list: List[str]) -> List[str]:
- """
- 执行语句获取表信息
- :param datasource: 数据源信息
- :param search_table_sql_list: 查询表的SQL语句
- :return: 表列表
- """
- logging.info(f"开始查询需要同步的表")
- host = datasource['host']
- port = int(datasource['port'])
- username = datasource['username']
- password = datasource['password']
- conn = pymysql.connect(host=host,
- port=port,
- user=username,
- passwd=password,
- db='',
- charset='utf8',
- connect_timeout=200,
- autocommit=True,
- read_timeout=2000
- )
- table_name_list = []
- for search_table_sql in search_table_sql_list:
- search_table_sql = parse_where_sql(search_table_sql)
- with conn.cursor() as cursor:
- cursor.execute(query=search_table_sql)
- while 1:
- res = cursor.fetchone()
- if res is None:
- break
- table_name_list.append(res[0])
- return table_name_list
- def general_default_job_config() -> json:
- """
- 生成默认的datax配置
- :return: 默认的配置
- """
- default_job_json = """
- {
- "job": {
- "setting": {
- "speed": {
- "channel":1
- }
- },
- "content": [
- {
- "reader": {
- "name": "mysqlreader",
- "parameter": {
- "username": "test",
- "password": "test1234",
- "connection": [
- {
- "querySql": [
- "SELECT id, code from test.t_open_api_classify"
- ],
- "jdbcUrl": [
- "jdbc:mysql://IP:3306/test?characterEncoding=utf-8&useSSL=false&tinyInt1isBit=false"
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- "writer": {
- "name": "kafkawriter",
- "parameter": {
- "bootstrapServers": "IP:9092,IP:9092,IP:9092",
- "topic": "test-m-t-k",
- "ack": "all",
- "batchSize": 1000,
- "retries": 0,
- "keySerializer": "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer",
- "valueSerializer": "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer",
- "fieldDelimiter": ",",
- "writeType": "json",
- "topicNumPartition": 1,
- "topicReplicationFactor": 1,
- "encryptionKey": "5s8FGjerddfWkG/b64CGHHZYvQ=="
- }
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- """
- return json.loads(default_job_json, encoding='utf-8')
- def general_jdbc_url(json_config: json) -> str:
- """
- 根据数据源信息生成jdbc url
- :param json_config: 配置
- :return: jdbc url
- """
- logging.info(f"开始解析jdbc url")
- host = json_config['datasource']['host']
- port = int(json_config['datasource']['port'])
- database = json_config['table']['database']
- url = "jdbc:mysql://{}:{}/{}".format(host, port, database)
- # 解下properties
- properties = json_config['datasource']['properties']
- properties_list = []
- if properties is not None and len(properties) > 0:
- for key, value in properties.items():
- properties_list.append(key + "=" + str(value))
- url = url + "?" + "&".join(properties_list)
- logging.info(f"jdbc url: {url}")
- return url
- def parse_where_sql(where_sql: str) -> str:
- """
- 解析where语句
- :param where_sql: 原始where语句
- :return: 转换之后的where语句
- """
- # 定义支持的类型 $[yyyyMMdd+N_Y] $[yyyyMMdd-N_Y]
- # 正则表达式模式
- logging.info(f"还是解析where语句:where_sql: {where_sql}")
- pattern = r"\$\[.*?\]"
- return re.sub(pattern, replacement_function, where_sql)
- def replacement_function(match):
- """
- 替换函数
- :param match: 匹配结果
- :return: 替换之后的结果
- """
- matched_text = match.group(0)
- return calc_datetime(matched_text)
- def calc_datetime(expression: str) -> str:
- """
- 计算时间表达式
- :param expression: 表达式
- :return: 计算之后的值
- """
- logging.info(f"开始计算时间参数:expression: {expression}")
- # 设置映射
- format_units = {
- "yyyy": "%Y",
- "MM": "%m",
- "dd": "%d",
- "HH": "%H",
- "mm": "%M",
- "ss": "%S"
- }
- unit_map = {
- "Y": "yyyy",
- "M": "MM",
- "d": "dd",
- "H": "HH",
- "m": "mm",
- "s": "ss"
- }
- # 解析参数
- expression = expression[2:-1]
- # 判断其开头,截取尾部
- min_unit = None
- for key, value in format_units.items():
- if key in expression:
- min_unit = key
- expression = expression.replace(key, value)
- # 替换完毕,确定是否有数字
- logging.info(f"转换为Python格式的表达式:expression: {expression}")
- # 定义正则表达式模式
- pattern = r'([^0-9]+)([-+]\d+(\*\d+)?)(?:_([YMdHms]))?'
- matches = re.match(pattern, expression)
- # 输出拆分结果
- if matches:
- date_part = matches.group(1)
- remainder = matches.group(2)
- unit = matches.group(4)
- if unit is not None and unit in unit_map.keys():
- min_unit = unit_map[unit]
- return calculate_expression(min_unit, date_part, remainder)
- else:
- return expression
- def calculate_expression(min_unit: str, date_part: str, remainder: str) -> str:
- """
- 计算表达式
- :param min_unit: 最小单位
- :param date_part: 日期表达式部分
- :param remainder: 偏移量部分
- :return: 计算之后的结果
- """
- logging.info(f"开始计算表达式:min_unit: {min_unit}, date_part: {date_part}, remainder:{remainder}")
- # 获取当前日期和时间
- now = datetime.now()
- # 计算时间的偏移量
- if remainder is None:
- # 格式化的日期
- formatted_datetime = now.strftime(date_part)
- logging.info(f"日期偏移量为空,返回值:{formatted_datetime}")
- return formatted_datetime
- else:
- # 计算偏移量
- plus_or_sub = remainder[0:1]
- offset = eval(remainder[1:])
- logging.info(f"计算偏移量,plus_or_sub:{plus_or_sub}, offset:{offset}")
- if min_unit == 'yyyy':
- if plus_or_sub == '-':
- now = now - relativedelta(years=offset)
- else:
- now = now + relativedelta(years=offset)
- elif min_unit == 'MM':
- if plus_or_sub == '-':
- now = now - relativedelta(months=offset)
- else:
- now = now + relativedelta(months=offset)
- elif min_unit == 'dd':
- if plus_or_sub == '-':
- now = now - relativedelta(days=offset)
- else:
- now = now + relativedelta(days=offset)
- elif min_unit == 'HH':
- if plus_or_sub == '-':
- now = now - relativedelta(hours=offset)
- else:
- now = now + relativedelta(hours=offset)
- elif min_unit == 'mm':
- if plus_or_sub == '-':
- now = now - relativedelta(minutes=offset)
- else:
- now = now + relativedelta(minutes=offset)
- elif min_unit == 'ss':
- if plus_or_sub == '-':
- now = now - relativedelta(seconds=offset)
- else:
- now = now + relativedelta(seconds=offset)
- formatted_datetime = now.strftime(date_part)
- logging.info(f"日期偏移量为空,返回值:{formatted_datetime}")
- return formatted_datetime
- def general_reader(json_config: json) -> json:
- """
- 生成配置的reader部分
- :param json_config: 配置
- :return: JSON结果
- """
- logging.info(f"开始生成DataX的配置JSON文件的reader内容")
- reader_json = json.loads("{}", encoding='utf-8')
- reader_json['name'] = "mysqlreader"
- reader_json['parameter'] = {}
- reader_json['parameter']['username'] = json_config['datasource']['username']
- reader_json['parameter']['password'] = json_config['datasource']['password']
- reader_json['parameter']['column'] = json_config['table']['column']
- reader_json['parameter']['connection'] = [{}]
- reader_json['parameter']['connection'][0]['table'] = json_config['table']['table']
- reader_json['parameter']['connection'][0]['jdbcUrl'] = [general_jdbc_url(json_config)]
- where_sql = json_config['table']['where']
- if where_sql is not None and where_sql != '':
- reader_json['parameter']['where'] = parse_where_sql(where_sql)
- return reader_json
- def general_writer(json_config: json) -> json:
- """
- 生成配置的Writer部分
- :param json_config: 配置
- :return: JSON结果
- """
- columns = json_config['table']['column']
- new_columns = []
- for column in columns:
- column = str(column).replace("`", "")
- if " AS " in str(column).upper():
- new_columns.append(str(column).split(" AS ")[1].strip())
- else:
- new_columns.append(str(column).strip())
- logging.info(f"开始生成DataX的配置JSON文件的Writer内容")
- writer_json = json.loads("{}", encoding='utf-8')
- writer_json['name'] = "kafkawriter"
- writer_json['parameter'] = {}
- writer_json['parameter']['bootstrapServers'] = "IP:19092,IP:19093,IP:19094"
- writer_json['parameter']['topic'] = json_config['kafka']['topic']
- writer_json['parameter']['ack'] = "all"
- writer_json['parameter']['batchSize'] = 1000
- writer_json['parameter']['retries'] = 3
- writer_json['parameter']['keySerializer'] = "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer"
- writer_json['parameter']['valueSerializer'] = "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer"
- writer_json['parameter']['fieldDelimiter'] = ","
- writer_json['parameter']['writeType'] = "json"
- writer_json['parameter']['topicNumPartition'] = 1
- writer_json['parameter']['topicReplicationFactor'] = 1
- writer_json['parameter']['encryptionKey'] = "5s8FGjerddfWkG/b64CGHHZYvQ=="
- writer_json['parameter']['column'] = new_columns
- return writer_json
- def general_datax_job_config(datax_config: str):
- """
- 生成job的配置内容
- :param datax_config: 配置
- :return: 完整的JSON内容
- """
- logging.info(f"开始生成DataX的配置JSON文件内容, {datax_config}")
- json_config = json.loads(datax_config, encoding='utf-8')
- # 判定是否需要查询表
- datasource = json_config['datasource']
- table = json_config['table']['table']
- search_table_sql_list = json_config['table']['searchTableSql']
- if search_table_sql_list is not None and len(search_table_sql_list) > 0:
- # 查询表列表,覆盖原来的配置信息
- table_list = search_table_list(datasource, search_table_sql_list)
- else:
- table_list = [table]
- json_config['table']['table'] = table_list
- # 开始生成配置文件
- job_json = general_default_job_config()
- job_json['job']['content'][0]['reader'] = general_reader(json_config)
- job_json['job']['content'][0]['writer'] = general_writer(json_config)
- return job_json
- def write_job_file(base_path: str, job_config: json) -> str:
- """
- 生成job的JSON配置文件
- :param base_path: 根路径
- :param job_config: 配置信息
- :return: 完整的JSON文件路径
- """
- # 生成一个脚本
- logging.info(f"开始创建DataX的配置JSON文件")
- date_day = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
- timestamp_milliseconds = int(datetime.now().timestamp() * 1000)
- # 生成UUID
- file_name = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace("-", "") + "_" + str(timestamp_milliseconds) + ".json"
- # 完整文件路径
- # 创建文件夹
- mkdir_if_not_exist(base_path + "/task/datax/json/" + date_day)
- complex_file_path = base_path + "/task/datax/json/" + date_day + "/" + file_name
- logging.info(f"完整的DataX的配置JSON文件路径:{complex_file_path}")
- with open(complex_file_path, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- f.write(json.dumps(job_config, ensure_ascii=False))
- return complex_file_path
- def mkdir_if_not_exist(path):
- """
- 创建目录
- :param path: 目录路径
- :return: None
- """
- os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
- def write_task_file(base_path: str, python_path: str, datax_path: str, job_file_path: str) -> str:
- """
- 写shell脚本文件
- :param base_path: 跟路径
- :param python_path: python执行文件路径
- :param datax_path: datax执行文件路径
- :param job_file_path: JSON配置文件路径
- :return: shell脚本的完整路径
- """
- # 组合内容
- logging.info(f"开始创建Shell脚本文件")
- task_content = python_path + " " + datax_path + " " + job_file_path
- # 生成一个脚本
- date_day = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
- timestamp_milliseconds = int(datetime.now().timestamp() * 1000)
- # 生成UUID
- task_file_name = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace("-", "") + "_" + str(timestamp_milliseconds) + ".sh"
- # 完整文件路径
- # 创建文件夹
- mkdir_if_not_exist(base_path + "/task/datax/shell/" + date_day)
- complex_file_path = base_path + "/task/datax/shell/" + date_day + "/" + task_file_name
- logging.info(f"完整的shell脚本路径: {complex_file_path}")
- with open(complex_file_path, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- f.write(task_content)
- # 添加执行权限
- current_permissions = os.stat(complex_file_path).st_mode
- # 添加执行权限 (权限值 0o111 表示用户、组和其他人的执行权限)
- new_permissions = current_permissions | 0o111
- # 使用 os.chmod 设置新的权限
- os.chmod(complex_file_path, new_permissions)
- return complex_file_path
- def signs(dd_secret: str, timestamp: str) -> str:
- """
- 钉钉机器人签名
- :param dd_secret: 秘钥
- :param timestamp: 时间戳
- :return: 签名
- """
- secret_enc = dd_secret.encode('utf-8')
- string_to_sign = '{}\n{}'.format(timestamp, dd_secret)
- string_to_sign_enc = string_to_sign.encode('utf-8')
- hmac_code = hmac.new(secret_enc, string_to_sign_enc, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest()
- sign = urllib.parse.quote(base64.b64encode(hmac_code))
- return sign
- def real_send_msg(dd_secret: str, dd_access_token: str, text: json):
- """
- 发送钉钉机器人消息
- :param dd_secret: 秘钥
- :param dd_access_token: token
- :param text: 内容
- :return: None
- """
- timestamp = str(round(time.time() * 1000))
- sign = signs(dd_secret, timestamp)
- headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
- web_hook = f'https://oapi.dingtalk.com/robot/send?access_token={dd_access_token}×tamp={timestamp}&sign={sign}'
- # 定义要发送的数据
- requests.post(web_hook, data=json.dumps(text), headers=headers)
- def send_msg(dd_secret: str, dd_access_token: str, job_start_time: str, total_count: int, success_count: int, fail_task_list: List[str]):
- """
- 组合钉钉消息
- :param dd_secret: 秘钥
- :param dd_access_token: token
- :param job_start_time: 任务开始时间
- :param total_count: 总任务数
- :param success_count: 成功任务数
- :return: NONE
- """
- title = '### <font color=#CCCC00>数据同步结果</font>'
- if success_count == total_count:
- title = '### <font color=#00FF00>数据同步结果</font>'
- elif success_count == 0:
- title = '### <font color=#FF0000>数据同步结果</font>'
- end_time = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
- result = {
- "msgtype": "markdown",
- "markdown": {
- "title": "数据同步结果",
- "text": title + ' \n\n\n\n- '
- + "总同步任务数:" + str(total_count) + "\n\n- "
- + "成功任务数:" + str(success_count) + "\n\n- "
- + "失败任务数" + str(total_count - success_count) + "\n\n- "
- + "开始时间:" + str(job_start_time) + "\n\n- "
- + "结束时间:" + str(end_time) + "\n\n- "
- + "失败列表:" + str(fail_task_list) + "\n\n "
- }
- }
- if success_count < total_count:
- result['markdown']['at'] = json.loads("{"atMobiles": ["12345678997"]}")
- real_send_msg(dd_secret, dd_access_token, result)
- def run_job(dd_secret, dd_access_token, job_start_time, base_path: str, python_script_path: str, datax_json_path: str):
- """
- 运行任务
- :param dd_secret: 秘钥
- :param dd_access_token: token
- :param job_start_time: 任务开始时间
- :param base_path: 根路径
- :param python_script_path: Python执行路径
- :param datax_json_path: datax执行路径
- :return: NONE
- """
- task_content_list = read_all_files_in_directory(base_path + "/task/config/")
- success_count = 0
- total_count = len(task_content_list)
- fail_task_list = []
- for task_content in task_content_list:
- try:
- logging.info(f"开始生成,配置文件名称:{task_content}")
- job_config = general_datax_job_config(task_content_list[task_content])
- job_file_path = write_job_file(base_path, job_config)
- shell_path = write_task_file(base_path, python_script_path, datax_json_path, job_file_path)
- logging.info(f"shell脚本创建成功,路径为:{base_path}")
- # 调用脚本
- call_shell(shell_path)
- success_count += 1
- except Exception as e:
- fail_task_list.append(task_content)
- logging.error(f"配置文件:{task_content} 执行失败", e)
- # 发送消息
- send_msg(dd_secret, dd_access_token, job_start_time, total_count, success_count, fail_task_list)
- def call_shell(shell_path: str):
- """
- 执行shell脚本
- :param shell_path: shell脚本路径
- :return: NONE
- """
- logging.info(f"调用shell脚本,路径为:{shell_path}")
- result = subprocess.run(shell_path,
- check=True,
- shell=True,
- universal_newlines=True,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- # 输出标准输出
- logging.info(f"shell脚本{shell_path}标准输出:%s", result.stdout)
- # # 输出标准错误输出
- logging.info(f"shell脚本{shell_path}标准错误输出:%s", result.stderr)
- # # 输出返回码
- logging.info(f"shell脚本{shell_path}的返回码:%s", result.returncode)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- """
- 码中台数据同步任务脚本
- 使用前请修改如下配置信息:
- - secret 钉钉机器人的秘钥
- - access_token 钉钉机器人的token
- - python_path Python的安装路径
- - datax_path datax的执行文件路径
- """
- # 钉钉配置
- start_time = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
- secret = ''
- access_token = ''
- python_path = "/usr/bin/python3"
- datax_path = "/opt/datax-k/bin/datax.py"
- # 当前脚本文件的目录路径
- script_dir = '/opt/data-job'
- curr_date_day = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
- # 创建文件夹
- mkdir_if_not_exist(script_dir + "/logs/" + curr_date_day)
- logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO,
- format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(lineno)d - %(message)s',
- filename='logs/' + curr_date_day + '/app.log',
- filemode='w')
- run_job(secret, access_token, start_time, script_dir, python_path, datax_path)
- logging.shutdown()
复制代码 我们在之前的任务同步中,遇到的问题便是日期的修改很贫苦,因此我们需要一个更加简朴的方式来举行日期的批量更新。在我们上面的调度脚本中,包含了对日期表达式的解析,我们自定义了一种时间的表达式$[yyyyMMddHHmmss+/-N_Y] 通过解析该表达式,我们可以生成需要的任意时间,该时间表达式的含义为:
- yyyy 表示年份
- MM 表示月份
- dd 表示日期
- HH 表示24进制小时
- mm 表示分钟
- ss 表示秒
- _Y 表示加减的单位,可以是YMdHms(年、月、日、时、分、秒)
日期现在可以盘算,但是我们需要能够批量修改设置文件中的WHERE条件中的时间表达式,如我们想同步8天前的数据,我们就需要将脚本中的表达式修改为$[yyyyMMdd-8_d] ,即代表当前时间减去8天,这样我们就可以同步八天前那一天的数据,但是我们可能想同步从8天气到现在的所有数据,那么我们希望我们也能批量修改where表达式中的条件,如将=改为>=。
[code]import jsonimport osimport loggingfrom typing import List, Mappingimport refrom datetime import datetime, datedef list_files_in_directory(directory_path: str) -> List[str]: """ 获取目录下的所有以.json结尾的文件 :param directory_path: 目录 :return: 文件列表 """ entries = os.listdir(directory_path) # 过滤出所有文件 files = [entry for entry in entries if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory_path, entry)) and entry.endswith(".json")] logging.info(f"读取设置文件数量:{len(files)}") return filesdef read_file_content(file_path: str) -> str: """ 读取文件内容 :param file_path: 文件路径 :return: 文件内容 """ with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: content = file.read() return contentdef read_all_files_in_directory(directory_path: str) -> Mapping[str, str]: """ 读取文件夹下面的所有文件的内容 :param directory_path: 文件夹路径 :return: 内容map """ logging.info(f"开始读取所有的设置文件信息") files = list_files_in_directory(directory_path) file_contents = {} for file in files: file_path = os.path.join(directory_path, file) content = read_file_content(file_path) file_contents[file] = content sorted_items = sorted(file_contents.items()) sorted_dict = dict(sorted_items) return file_contentsdef parse_where_sql(where_sql: str, sub_day: int, comparator: str = None) -> str: """ 解析where语句 :param where_sql: 原始where语句 :param sub_day: 天数 :param comparator: 比较符 包罗 = != > < >= |