LFU (Least Frequently Used) 是一种用于缓存管理的算法。它通过跟踪每个缓存项被访问的频率来决定哪些项应该被移除。LFU算法倾向于保留那些利用频率较高的项,而移除那些利用频率较低的项。以下是LFU算法的具体先容:
- 计数器:每个缓存项都有一个计数器,用于记载该项被访问的次数。
- 增加计数:每次缓存项被访问时,其计数器加一。
- 移除策略:当缓存满时,移除计数器值最小的项。如果有多个项的计数器值类似,则根据预定规则(如最早被访问的项)移除其中一个。
- 哈希表 (cache):用于存储缓存项及其计数器。
- 优先队列 (min-heap):用于快速找到计数器值最小的项。
- 插入/更新缓存项:
- 如果缓存项已存在,更新其计数器并调整优先队列中的位置。
- 如果缓存项不存在,检查缓存是否已满。如果已满,移除优先队列中计数器值最小的项,然后插入新项。
- 访问缓存项:
- 如果缓存项存在,更新其计数器并调整优先队列中的位置。
- 如果缓存项不存在,返回未命中。
- 数据访问具有显着的热点数据,且热点数据相对稳固。
- 需要高效管理缓存资源,减少缓存未命中率。
- package lfu
- import (
- "container/list"
- "sync"
- )
- type entry struct {
- key any
- value any
- freq int
- }
- type LFUCache struct {
- mtx sync.Mutex // protects the cache
- capacity int
- size int
- minFreq int
- cache map[any]*list.Element
- frequency map[int]*list.List
- }
- // NewLFUCache creates a new LFU cache
- func NewLFUCache(capacity int) *LFUCache {
- return &LFUCache{
- capacity: capacity,
- cache: make(map[any]*list.Element),
- frequency: make(map[int]*list.List),
- }
- }
- // Get retrieves a value from the cache
- func (c *LFUCache) Get(key any) any {
- c.mtx.Lock()
- defer c.mtx.Unlock()
- if elem, found := c.cache[key]; found {
- c.incrementFrequency(elem)
- return elem.Value.(*entry).value
- }
- return nil
- }
- // Put inserts or updates a value in the cache
- func (c *LFUCache) Put(key, value any) {
- c.mtx.Lock()
- defer c.mtx.Unlock()
- if c.capacity == 0 {
- return
- }
- if elem, found := c.cache[key]; found {
- elem.Value.(*entry).value = value
- c.incrementFrequency(elem)
- } else {
- if c.size == c.capacity {
- c.evict()
- }
- newEntry := &entry{key, value, 1}
- if c.frequency[1] == nil {
- c.frequency[1] = list.New()
- }
- elem := c.frequency[1].PushFront(newEntry)
- c.cache[key] = elem
- c.minFreq = 1
- c.size++
- }
- }
- // incrementFrequency increases the frequency of a cache entry
- func (c *LFUCache) incrementFrequency(elem *list.Element) {
- e := elem.Value.(*entry)
- oldFreq := e.freq
- e.freq++
- c.frequency[oldFreq].Remove(elem)
- if c.frequency[oldFreq].Len() == 0 {
- delete(c.frequency, oldFreq)
- if c.minFreq == oldFreq {
- c.minFreq++
- }
- }
- if c.frequency[e.freq] == nil {
- c.frequency[e.freq] = list.New()
- }
- newElem := c.frequency[e.freq].PushFront(e)
- c.cache[e.key] = newElem
- }
- // evict removes the least frequently used cache entry
- func (c *LFUCache) evict() {
- list := c.frequency[c.minFreq]
- elem := list.Back()
- if elem != nil {
- list.Remove(elem)
- delete(c.cache, elem.Value.(*entry).key)
- c.size--
- }
- }
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Author: mengbin
blog: mengbin
Github: mengbin92
cnblogs: 恋水无意
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