一、depthai ROS驱动
一、depthai ROS驱动
(1)驱动下载地址:2. C++ 开辟快速上手 — DepthAI Docs documentation
- sudo apt install ./depthai_2.17.1_arm64.deb
- //运行
- Python3 utilities/cam_test.py -mres 400 -cams rgb,m left,m right,m camd,m
复制代码 (2)或者运行python脚本打开相机
- import depthai as dai
- import cv2
- cam_list = ["CAM_B", "CAM_C", "CAM_D","CAM_A"]
- cam_socket_opts = {
- "CAM_A": dai.CameraBoardSocket.RGB,
- "CAM_B": dai.CameraBoardSocket.LEFT,
- "CAM_C": dai.CameraBoardSocket.RIGHT,
- "CAM_D": dai.CameraBoardSocket.CAM_D,
- }
- pipeline = dai.Pipeline()
- cam = {}
- xout = {}
- for c in cam_list:
- cam[c] = pipeline.create(dai.node.MonoCamera)
- cam[c].setResolution(dai.MonoCameraProperties.SensorResolution.THE_800_P)
- if c == "CAM_A":
- cam[c].initialControl.setFrameSyncMode(dai.CameraControl.FrameSyncMode.OUTPUT)
- else:
- cam[c].initialControl.setFrameSyncMode(dai.CameraControl.FrameSyncMode.INPUT)
- # cam[c].initialControl.setExternalTrigger(4, 3)
- cam[c].setBoardSocket(cam_socket_opts[c])
- cam[c].setFps(20)
- xout[c] = pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut)
- xout[c].setStreamName(c)
- cam[c].out.link(xout[c].input)
- config = dai.Device.Config()
- config.board.gpio[6] = dai.BoardConfig.GPIO(
- dai.BoardConfig.GPIO.OUTPUT, dai.BoardConfig.GPIO.Level.HIGH
- )
- # config.version = dai.OpenVINO.VERSION_UNIVERSAL
- with dai.Device(config) as device:
- device.startPipeline(pipeline)
- print('Connected cameras:')
- for p in device.getConnectedCameraFeatures():
- print(f' -socket {p.socket.name:6}: {p.sensorName:6} {p.width:4} x {p.height:4} focus:', end='')
- print('auto ' if p.hasAutofocus else 'fixed', '- ', end='')
- print(*[type.name for type in p.supportedTypes])
- q = {}
- for c in cam_list:
- q[c] = device.getOutputQueue(name=c, maxSize=1, blocking=False)
- cv2.namedWindow(c, cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
- cv2.resizeWindow(c, (640, 480))
- while not device.isClosed():git clone https://github.com/ethz-asl/kalibr.git
- frame_list = []
- for c in cam_list:
- pkt = q[c].tryGet()
- if pkt is not None:
- print(c + ":", pkt.getTimestampDevice())
- frame_list.append((c, pkt.getCvFrame()))
- # cv2.imshow(c, frame)
- if frame_list:
- print("-------------------------------")
- for c,frame in frame_list:
- cv2.imshow(c, frame)
- #print("-------------------------------")
- key = cv2.waitKey(1)
- if key == ord("q"):
- break
复制代码 (3)使用python脚本
- '''
- func:驱动DepthAi套件的相机
- by:2024.7.5
- '''
- import depthai as dai
- import cv2
- import queue
- class CamerDrive():
- cam_list = ['rgb', 'left', 'right', 'camd']
- cam_socket_opts = {}
- pipeline = dai.Pipeline()
- # 初始化两个字典,用于存储摄像头节点和XLinkOut节点
- cam = {}
- xout = {}
- #
- frameQueue = {}
- device = None
- # myFrameQueue = {}
- # 构造函数
- def __init__(self):
- self.cam_socket_opts = {
- 'rgb': dai.CameraBoardSocket.RGB, # Or CAM_A 板载接口名称可复用
- 'left': dai.CameraBoardSocket.LEFT, # Or CAM_B
- 'right': dai.CameraBoardSocket.RIGHT, # Or CAM_C
- 'camd': dai.CameraBoardSocket.CAM_D,
- }
- # 配置相机节点
- def cameraNodeConfig(self):
- for c in self.cam_list:
- # 创建MonoCamera节点(注意:这里可能对于RGB摄像头需要改为ColorCamera)
- self.cam[c] = self.pipeline.create(dai.node.MonoCamera)
- # if c == 'rgb':
- # self.cam[c] = self.pipeline.create(dai.node.ColorCamera)
- # 设置摄像头分辨率为800P
- self.cam[c].setResolution(dai.MonoCameraProperties.SensorResolution.THE_800_P)
- # 根据摄像头类型设置帧同步模式
- if c == 'rgb':
- self.cam[c].initialControl.setFrameSyncMode(dai.CameraControl.FrameSyncMode.OUTPUT) # 输出同步模式
- else:
- self.cam[c].initialControl.setFrameSyncMode(dai.CameraControl.FrameSyncMode.INPUT) # 输入同步模式
- # 设置摄像头连接到板载的哪个接口
- self.cam[c].setBoardSocket(self.cam_socket_opts[c])
- # 创建XLinkOut节点,用于将摄像头数据输出到主机
- self.xout[c] = self.pipeline.create(dai.node.XLinkOut)
- # 设置输出流的名称
- self.xout[c].setStreamName(c)
- # 将摄像头的输出链接到XLinkOut的输入
- self.cam[c].out.link(self.xout[c].input)
- def depthAIConfig(self):
- config = dai.Device.Config()
- # 将GPIO引脚6配置为输出模式,并设置初始电平为高
- config.board.gpio[6] = dai.BoardConfig.GPIO(dai.BoardConfig.GPIO.OUTPUT,
- dai.BoardConfig.GPIO.Level.HIGH)
- # 使用Device类创建一个设备实例,并传入之前配置的配置对象。同时,使用with语句确保设备在使用完毕后正确关闭。
- # with dai.Device(config) as device:
- self.device = dai.Device(config)
- # 启动pipeline对象
- self.device.startPipeline(self.pipeline)
- # 遍历相机列表,为每个相机设置输出队列、OpenCV窗口,并初始化FPS计算对象。
- for c in self.cam_list:
- self.frameQueue[c] = self.device.getOutputQueue(name=c, maxSize=1, blocking=False) # 获取相机输出队列,非阻塞模式
- cv2.namedWindow(c, cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) # 为每个相机创建一个OpenCV窗口
- cv2.resizeWindow(c, (640, 480)) # 调整窗口大小
- def get_Frame(self):
- while True:
- for c in self.cam_list:
- # 尝试从输出队列中获取一帧数据。
- try:
- pkt = self.frameQueue[c].tryGet()
- if pkt is not None:
- # 将数据包转换为OpenCV的Mat对象并显示。
- frame = pkt.getCvFrame()
- cv2.imshow(c, frame)
- else:
- print('sda')
- key = cv2.waitKey(1)
- if key == ord('q'):
- break
- except:
- pass
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- a = CamerDrive()
- a.cameraNodeConfig()
- a.depthAIConfig()
- a.get_Frame()
复制代码 二、获取相机内参
- mkdir -p dai_ws/src
- cd dai_ws/src
- git clone https://gitee.com/oakchina/depthai-ros.git
- cd ..
- source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
- rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
- catkin_make
- source devel/setup.bash
复制代码 2.执行相机对应的launch文件
- cd dai_ws
- source devel/setup.bash
- roslaunch depthai_examples mobile_publisher.launch camera_model:=OAK-D
复制代码 3.查看相机内参
- rostopic echo -n 1 /mobilenet_publisher/color/camera_info
复制代码 4.相机内参效果
相机内参Intrinsics: k表现等距畸变系数,mu,mv对应焦距,v,u对应主点坐标。 相机外参Extrinsics(从右目往左目): rotation表现旋转矩阵, translation表现平移矩阵。 D、K、R、P 分别为畸变参数,内参矩阵,改正矩阵,投影矩阵。
seq: 0
secs: 1719912958
nsecs: 823117551
frame_id: "oak_rgb_camera_optical_frame"
height: 720
width: 1280
distortion_model: "plumb_bob"
畸变参数D: [-1.87286, 16.683033, 0.001053, -0.002063, 61.878521, -2.158907, 18.424637, 57.682858, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
内参矩阵 K: [1479.458984, 0.0, 950.694458, 0.0, 1477.587158, 530.697632, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
R: [0.9997062937394856, -0.023389961528659683, 0.006343181957754751, 0.0233922879452606, 0.999726320114537, -0.0002928052810344399, -0.006334597252184302, 0.0004411008211352551, 0.9999798389506251]
P: [1479.458984, 0.0, 950.694458, 0.0, 0.0, 1477.587158, 530.697632, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
binning_x: 0
binning_y: 0
x_offset: 0
y_offset: 0
height: 0
width: 0
do_rectify: False
| 三、OAK相机外参
- git clone https://gitee.com/oakchina/depthai.git
- python3 install_requirements.py
- //运行
- python3 calibrate.py -s 2.75 -ms 2.05 -brd OAK-D -cd 0 -c 1 -mst 1
复制代码 -db:表现默认板,表现你正在使用 Charuco 标记。
- -nx:x 方向上的 Charuco 标记数。
- -c:每次显示多边形时拍摄的照片数目(可选,建议在你的环境下省略)。
- -cd:拍摄照片前的倒计时时间(以秒为单位)(可选,建议用于更快的图像校准)。
- -s:Charuco 标记周围的正方形大小(以厘米为单位)。
- -ms:标记的大小(以厘米为单位)。
- -brd:设备的板(在本例中为 OAK-D-SR-POE)
- {
- "board_config":
- {
- "name": "OAK-D",
- "revision": "R1M0E1",
- "cameras":{
- "CAM_A": {
- "name": "rgb",
- "hfov": 89.5水平视场角
- "type": "color"相机类型
- },
- "CAM_B": {
- "name": "left",
- "hfov": 71.86,
- "type": "mono",
- "extrinsics": {
- "to_cam": "CAM_C",
- "specTranslation": {
- "x": -7.5,
- "y": 0,
- "z": 0
- },
- "rotation":{
- "r": 0,
- "p": 0,
- "y": 0
- }
- }
- },
- "CAM_C": {
- "name": "right",
- "hfov": 71.86,
- "type": "mono",
- "extrinsics": {
- "to_cam": "CAM_A",
- "specTranslation": {
- "x": 3.75,
- "y": 0,
- "z": 0
- },
- "rotation":{
- "r": 0,
- "p": 0,
- "y": 0
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "stereo_config":{
- "left_cam": "CAM_B",
- "right_cam": "CAM_C"
- }
- }
- }
复制代码 标定效果
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