在 上一篇文章,介绍了.NET的2种向量类型(Vector4、Vector)。本文来介绍第3种。
.NET Core 3.0 增加了对内在函数(Intrinsics Functions)的支持,并增加了第3种向量类型——
3. 总位宽固定的向量(Vector of fixed total bit width)。例如 只读结构体 Vector64、Vector128、Vector256,及辅助的静态类 Vector64、Vector128、Vector256。这些向量类型没有Nuget包,只能在 .NET Core 3.0或更高版本的.NET环境中运行。
内在函数就是CPU的特殊指令集,其中有向量运算相关的。例如x86体系的向量指令集,有 SSE(Streaming SIMD Extensions,流式SIMD扩展)、AVX(Advanced Vector Extensions,高级矢量扩展)等;且 Arm体系的向量指令集,有 NEON(学名为“Advanced single instruction multiple data”,缩写为“AdvSIMD”)等。
2.1 文档查看心得
- System.Runtime.Intrinsics:用于提供各种位宽的向量类型,如 只读结构体 Vector64、Vector128、Vector256,及辅助的静态类 Vector64、Vector128、Vector256。官方文档说明:包含用于创建和传递各种大小和格式的寄存器状态的类型,用于指令集扩展。有关操作这些寄存器的说明,请参阅 System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86 和 System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Arm。
- System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86:用于提供x86体系的内在函数类,如Avx等。官方文档说明:公开 x86 和 x64 系统的 select 指令集扩展。 对于每个扩展,这些指令集表示为单独的类。 可以通过查询相应类型上的 IsSupported 属性来确定是否支持当前环境中的任何扩展。
- System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Arm:用于提供Arm体系的内在函数类,如AdvSimd等。官方文档说明:公开 ARM 系统的 select 指令集扩展。 对于每个扩展,这些指令集表示为单独的类。 可以通过查询相应类型上的 IsSupported 属性来确定是否支持当前环境中的任何扩展。
对于每一个内在函数类,都提供静态属性 IsSupported,用于检查当前运行环境是否支持该指令集。例如“Avx.IsSupported”,是用于检测是否支持AVX指令集。
观察子命名空间里的内在函数类,发现有些类的后缀是“64”(如Avx.X64,及Arm里的AdvSimd.Arm64),这些是64位模式下特有的指令集,它们的指令一般比较少。平时应尽量使用后缀不是“64”的类,因为这些它们是 32位或64位 环境都能工作的类。
很快就能能找到求和相关的静态方法“Add”,且它利用了重载,有 Single、Double 这2种签名的函数:
- Add(Vector256, Vector256)
- Add(Vector256, Vector256)
本文只需要处理单精度浮点数,于是只需使用后者。点击它的链接,查看该方法的详细文档。内容如下。- __m256 _mm256_add_ps (__m256 a, __m256 b)
- VADDPS ymm, ymm, ymm/m256
- C#
- public static System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector256<float> Add (System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector256<float> left, System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Vector256<float> right);
- 参数
- left Vector256<Single>
- right Vector256<Single>
- 返回 Vector256<Single>
复制代码 此时发现内在函数的文档说明,不如平常的.NET方法的文档详细,例如 参数、返回值 没有说明,且方法简介里是 2行奇怪的文字。
- 第1行是 对应C语言版的内在函数的申明。如 __m256 _mm256_add_ps (__m256 a, __m256 b),“_mm256_add_ps”是函数名. __m256是256位的向量类型,对应C#的 Vector256 .
- 第2行是 对应CPU指令的申明。如 VADDPS ymm, ymm, ymm/m256,“VADDPS”是指令名. ymm是256位寄存器,m256是“256位数据的内存地址”,对应C#的 Vector256 .
例如AVX是Intel提出来的指令集,故可去Intel的文档。Intel已提供了便于在线查询的文档《Intel® Intrinsics Guide》, 地址是“https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/docs/intrinsics-guide/index.html”.
摘录一下Intel文档对“_mm256_add_ps”的说明——- Synopsis
- __m256 _mm256_add_ps (__m256 a, __m256 b)
- #include <immintrin.h>
- Instruction: vaddps ymm, ymm, ymm
- CPUID Flags: AVX
- Description
- Add packed single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in a and b, and store the results in dst.
- Operation
- FOR j := 0 to 7
- i := j*32
- dst[i+31:i] := a[i+31:i] + b[i+31:i]
- dst[MAX:256] := 0
- Latency and Throughput
- Architecture Latency Throughput (CPI)
- Alderlake 2 0.5
- Icelake Intel Core 4 0.5
- Icelake Xeon 4 0.5
- Skylake 4 0.5
复制代码 可见它除了常规的说明信息外,还提供了“Operation”(伪代码)、“Latency and Throughput”(延迟和吞吐量)。其中对我们最有用的是 “Operation”(伪代码),能清晰的了解该内在函数的操作细节。
例如对于“_mm256_add_ps”,就是将256位数据,分为8组 32位浮点数,分别进行加法运算。高于256位的内容会置零,这个是跟AVX-512有关的,本文不用理会它。
2.2 搭建测试项目(BenchmarkVectorCore30)及处理准备工作
首先需等搭建测试项目。由于.NET Core 3.0才支持这种向量类型,于是得使用VS2019来打开解决方案文件(BenchmarkVector.sln)。
然后建立新项目“BenchmarkVectorCore30”,它是 .NET Core 3.0 控制台程序的项目。并让“BenchmarkVectorCore30”引用共享项目“BenchmarkVector”。
新增的测试函数,也准备放在BenchmarkVectorDemo类里。此时需考虑让 BenchmarkVectorDemo类兼容之前的运行环境(.NET Core 2.0、.NET Framework 4.5 等),于是可以利用条件编译来处理。
由于需要在多个地方进行条件编译判断,故专门定义一个“Allow_Intrinsics”(允许内在函数)的条件编译符号比较好。于是修改了“BenchmarkVectorDemo.cs”的顶部内容,摘录如下。- #if NETCOREAPP3_0_OR_GREATER
- #define Allow_Intrinsics
- #endif
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.IO;
- using System.Numerics;
- using System.Reflection;
- using System.Text;
- using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
- #if Allow_Intrinsics
- using System.Runtime.Intrinsics;
- using System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86;
- #endif
- using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
- namespace BenchmarkVector {
- /// <summary>
- /// Benchmark Vector Demo
- /// </summary>
- static class BenchmarkVectorDemo {
复制代码 说明——
- 用“NETCOREAPP3_0_OR_GREATER”进行条件编译检查,检查通过时定义“Allow_Intrinsics”条件编译符号。因为本文测试的是.NET Core 3.0新增功能,于是使用 .NET Core 时代新增的条件编译符号“NETCOREAPP3_0_OR_GREATER”就行了,不用使用“.NET Framework兼容的条件编译写法”(因为 .NET Framework不支持“NETCOREAPP3_0_OR_GREATER”等内置符号,恰好它也不支持内在函数,故不会有“Allow_Intrinsics”符号,正好满足了本文的条件编译需求)。
- 在支持内在函数(Allow_Intrinsics)时,使用using指令导入“System.Runtime.Intrinsics”、“System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86”这2个命名空间。
2.3 编写基于AVX的浮点数组求和函数(SumVectorAvx)
参考SumVectorT的经验,我们可以写出SumVectorAvx。代码如下。- private static float SumVectorAvx(float[] src, int count, int loops) {
- #if Allow_Intrinsics
- float rt = 0; // Result.
- //int VectorWidth = 32 / 4; // sizeof(__m256) / sizeof(float);
- int VectorWidth = Vector256<float>.Count; // Block width.
- int nBlockWidth = VectorWidth; // Block width.
- int cntBlock = count / nBlockWidth; // Block count.
- int cntRem = count % nBlockWidth; // Remainder count.
- Vector256<float> vrt = Vector256<float>.Zero; // Vector result.
- int p; // Index for src data.
- int i;
- // Load.
- Vector256<float>[] vsrc = new Vector256<float>[cntBlock]; // Vector src.
- p = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < cntBlock; ++i) {
- vsrc[i] = Vector256.Create(src[p], src[p + 1], src[p + 2], src[p + 3], src[p + 4], src[p + 5], src[p + 6], src[p + 7]); // Load.
- p += VectorWidth;
- }
- // Body.
- for (int j = 0; j < loops; ++j) {
- // Vector processs.
- for (i = 0; i < cntBlock; ++i) {
- vrt = Avx.Add(vrt, vsrc[i]); // Add. vrt += vsrc[i];
- }
- // Remainder processs.
- p = cntBlock * nBlockWidth;
- for (i = 0; i < cntRem; ++i) {
- rt += src[p + i];
- }
- }
- // Reduce.
- for (i = 0; i < VectorWidth; ++i) {
- rt += vrt.GetElement(i);
- }
- return rt;
- #else
- throw new NotSupportedException();
- #endif
- }
复制代码 对比 SumVectorT,除了将 Vector 类型换为 Vector256,因.NET Core 3.0的限制,还有这些变化——
- Vector256 未提供构造函数,且 Vector256.Create 不支持数组参数(.NET 7才支持数组参数、Span参数),故只能使用最笨的逐个元素传递的办法。
- Vector256 不支持运算符重载(.NET 7才支持),需改为使用“Avx.Add”。
- Vector256 不支持索引器(.NET 7才支持),需改为扩展方法 GetElement 来获取每个元素的值。
2.4 使用Span改进数据加载(SumVectorAvxSpan)
在C/C++里,对于值类型的指针,是支持做 reinterpret_cast(重新解释数据类型) 类型转换的,这样就能避免对数据做类型转换的开销。但是在C#里,只能在“非安全代码”里使用指针与reinterpret_cast,但“非安全代码”一般是尽量少用。
.NET Core 2.1 支持 Span(切片),可以用Span来实现 reinterpret_cast,便解决了这一难题。具体办法是使用 “MemoryMarshal.Cast”来做 reinterpret_cast。
代码如下。- private static float SumVectorAvxSpan(float[] src, int count, int loops) {
- #if Allow_Intrinsics
- float rt = 0; // Result.
- int VectorWidth = Vector256<float>.Count; // Block width.
- int nBlockWidth = VectorWidth; // Block width.
- int cntBlock = count / nBlockWidth; // Block count.
- int cntRem = count % nBlockWidth; // Remainder count.
- Vector256<float> vrt = Vector256<float>.Zero; // Vector result.
- int p; // Index for src data.
- ReadOnlySpan<Vector256<float>> vsrc; // Vector src.
- int i;
- // Body.
- for (int j = 0; j < loops; ++j) {
- // Vector processs.
- vsrc = System.Runtime.InteropServices.MemoryMarshal.Cast<float, Vector256<float> >(new Span<float>(src)); // Reinterpret cast. `float*` to `Vector256<float>*`.
- for (i = 0; i < cntBlock; ++i) {
- vrt = Avx.Add(vrt, vsrc[i]); // Add. vrt += vsrc[i];
- }
- // Remainder processs.
- p = cntBlock * nBlockWidth;
- for (i = 0; i < cntRem; ++i) {
- rt += src[p + i];
- }
- }
- // Reduce.
- for (i = 0; i < VectorWidth; ++i) {
- rt += vrt.GetElement(i);
- }
- return rt;
- #else
- throw new NotSupportedException();
- #endif
- }
复制代码 2.5 使用指针改进数据加载(SumVectorAvxPtr)
- LoadAlignedVector256(Single*):__m256 _mm256_load_ps (float const * mem_addr)。从已对齐的地址加载。
- LoadVector256(Single*):__m256 _mm256_loadu_ps (float const * mem_addr)。从未对齐的地址加载。由于.NET中应由.NET自动管理内存地址,故一般情况下应使用它,保险一点。
但这些加载方法都是用指针参数的。故我们需要启用“非安全代码”,才能编写使用了指针的函数。修改项目属性,切换到“Build”页面,Configuration 下拉框选择“All Configurations”,然后勾选“Allow unsafe code”(允许非安全代码),保存,这便允许了“非安全代码”。
随后使用fixed语句可以得到数组起始数据的指针,并可用指针地址计算,来代替数组索引计算。代码如下。- private static float SumVectorAvxPtr(float[] src, int count, int loops) {
- #if Allow_Intrinsics && UNSAFE
- unsafe {
- float rt = 0; // Result.
- int VectorWidth = Vector256<float>.Count; // Block width.
- int nBlockWidth = VectorWidth; // Block width.
- int cntBlock = count / nBlockWidth; // Block count.
- int cntRem = count % nBlockWidth; // Remainder count.
- Vector256<float> vrt = Vector256<float>.Zero; // Vector result.
- Vector256<float> vload;
- float* p; // Pointer for src data.
- int i;
- // Body.
- fixed(float* p0 = &src[0]) {
- for (int j = 0; j < loops; ++j) {
- p = p0;
- // Vector processs.
- for (i = 0; i < cntBlock; ++i) {
- vload = Avx.LoadVector256(p); // Load. vload = *(*__m256)p;
- vrt = Avx.Add(vrt, vload); // Add. vrt += vsrc[i];
- p += nBlockWidth;
- }
- // Remainder processs.
- for (i = 0; i < cntRem; ++i) {
- rt += p[i];
- }
- }
- }
- // Reduce.
- for (i = 0; i < VectorWidth; ++i) {
- rt += vrt.GetElement(i);
- }
- return rt;
- }
- #else
- throw new NotSupportedException();
- #endif
- }
复制代码 2.6 完整的BenchmarkVector类
此时,完整的BenchmarkVector类的代码如下。- #if NETCOREAPP3_0_OR_GREATER
- #define Allow_Intrinsics
- #endif
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.IO;
- using System.Numerics;
- using System.Reflection;
- using System.Text;
- using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
- #if Allow_Intrinsics
- using System.Runtime.Intrinsics;
- using System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86;
- #endif
- using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
- namespace BenchmarkVector {
- /// <summary>
- /// Benchmark Vector Demo
- /// </summary>
- static class BenchmarkVectorDemo { /// /// Is release make. /// public static readonly bool IsRelease =#if DEBUG false#else true#endif ; /// /// Output Environment. /// /// Output . /// The indent. public static void OutputEnvironment(TextWriter tw, string indent) { if (null == tw) return; if (null == indent) indent=""; //string indentNext = indent + "\t"; tw.WriteLine(indent + string.Format("IsRelease:\t{0}", IsRelease)); tw.WriteLine(indent + string.Format("EnvironmentVariable(PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER):\t{0}", Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER"))); tw.WriteLine(indent + string.Format("Environment.ProcessorCount:\t{0}", Environment.ProcessorCount)); tw.WriteLine(indent + string.Format("Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem:\t{0}", Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem)); tw.WriteLine(indent + string.Format("Environment.Is64BitProcess:\t{0}", Environment.Is64BitProcess)); tw.WriteLine(indent + string.Format("Environment.OSVersion:\t{0}", Environment.OSVersion)); tw.WriteLine(indent + string.Format("Environment.Version:\t{0}", Environment.Version)); //tw.WriteLine(indent + string.Format("RuntimeEnvironment.GetSystemVersion:\t{0}", System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment.GetSystemVersion())); // Same Environment.Version tw.WriteLine(indent + string.Format("RuntimeEnvironment.GetRuntimeDirectory:\t{0}", System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment.GetRuntimeDirectory()));#if (NET47 || NET462 || NET461 || NET46 || NET452 || NET451 || NET45 || NET40 || NET35 || NET20) || (NETSTANDARD1_0)#else tw.WriteLine(indent + string.Format("RuntimeInformation.FrameworkDescription:\t{0}", System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation.FrameworkDescription));#endif tw.WriteLine(indent + string.Format("BitConverter.IsLittleEndian:\t{0}", BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)); tw.WriteLine(indent + string.Format("IntPtr.Size:\t{0}", IntPtr.Size)); tw.WriteLine(indent + string.Format("Vector.IsHardwareAccelerated:\t{0}", Vector.IsHardwareAccelerated)); tw.WriteLine(indent + string.Format("Vector.Count:\t{0}\t# {1}bit", Vector.Count, Vector.Count * sizeof(byte) * 8)); tw.WriteLine(indent + string.Format("Vector.Count:\t{0}\t# {1}bit", Vector.Count, Vector.Count*sizeof(float)*8)); tw.WriteLine(indent + string.Format("Vector.Count:\t{0}\t# {1}bit", Vector.Count, Vector.Count * sizeof(double) * 8)); Assembly assembly = typeof(Vector4).GetTypeInfo().Assembly; //tw.WriteLine(string.Format("Vector4.Assembly:\t{0}", assembly)); tw.WriteLine(string.Format("Vector4.Assembly.CodeBase:\t{0}", assembly.CodeBase)); assembly = typeof(Vector).GetTypeInfo().Assembly; tw.WriteLine(string.Format("Vector.Assembly.CodeBase:\t{0}", assembly.CodeBase)); } /// /// Do Benchmark. /// /// Output . /// The indent. public static void Benchmark(TextWriter tw, string indent) { if (null == tw) return; if (null == indent) indent = ""; //string indentNext = indent + "\t"; // init. int tickBegin, msUsed; double mFlops; // MFLOPS/s . double scale; float rt; const int count = 1024*4; const int loops = 1000 * 1000; //const int loops = 1; const double countMFlops = count * (double)loops / (1000.0 * 1000); float[] src = new float[count]; for(int i=0; i< count; ++i) { src[i] = i; } tw.WriteLine(indent + string.Format("Benchmark: \tcount={0}, loops={1}, countMFlops={2}", count, loops, countMFlops)); // SumBase. tickBegin = Environment.TickCount; rt = SumBase(src, count, loops); msUsed = Environment.TickCount - tickBegin; mFlops = countMFlops * 1000 / msUsed; tw.WriteLine(indent + string.Format("SumBase:\t{0}\t# msUsed={1}, MFLOPS/s={2}", rt, msUsed, mFlops)); double mFlopsBase = mFlops; // SumVector4. tickBegin = Environment.TickCount; rt = SumVector4(src, count, loops); msUsed = Environment.TickCount - tickBegin; mFlops = countMFlops * 1000 / msUsed; scale = mFlops / mFlopsBase; tw.WriteLine(indent + string.Format("SumVector4:\t{0}\t# msUsed={1}, MFLOPS/s={2}, scale={3}", rt, msUsed, mFlops, scale)); // SumVectorT. tickBegin = Environment.TickCount; rt = SumVectorT(src, count, loops); msUsed = Environment.TickCount - tickBegin; mFlops = countMFlops * 1000 / msUsed; scale = mFlops / mFlopsBase; tw.WriteLine(indent + string.Format("SumVectorT:\t{0}\t# msUsed={1}, MFLOPS/s={2}, scale={3}", rt, msUsed, mFlops, scale)); // SumVectorAvx.#if Allow_Intrinsics if (Avx.IsSupported) { try { tickBegin = Environment.TickCount; rt = SumVectorAvx(src, count, loops); msUsed = Environment.TickCount - tickBegin; mFlops = countMFlops * 1000 / msUsed; scale = mFlops / mFlopsBase; tw.WriteLine(indent + string.Format("SumVectorAvx:\t{0}\t# msUsed={1}, MFLOPS/s={2}, scale={3}", rt, msUsed, mFlops, scale)); // SumVectorAvxSpan. tickBegin = Environment.TickCount; rt = SumVectorAvxSpan(src, count, loops); msUsed = Environment.TickCount - tickBegin; mFlops = countMFlops * 1000 / msUsed; scale = mFlops / mFlopsBase; tw.WriteLine(indent + string.Format("SumVectorAvxSpan:\t{0}\t# msUsed={1}, MFLOPS/s={2}, scale={3}", rt, msUsed, mFlops, scale)); // SumVectorAvxPtr. tickBegin = Environment.TickCount; rt = SumVectorAvxPtr(src, count, loops); msUsed = Environment.TickCount - tickBegin; mFlops = countMFlops * 1000 / msUsed; scale = mFlops / mFlopsBase; tw.WriteLine(indent + string.Format("SumVectorAvxPtr:\t{0}\t# msUsed={1}, MFLOPS/s={2}, scale={3}", rt, msUsed, mFlops, scale)); } catch (Exception ex) { tw.WriteLine("Run SumVectorAvx fail!"); tw.WriteLine(ex); } }#endif } /// /// Sum - base. /// /// Soure array. /// Soure array count. /// Benchmark loops. /// Return the sum value. private static float SumBase(float[] src, int count, int loops) { float rt = 0; // Result. for (int j=0; j< loops; ++j) { for(int i=0; i< count; ++i) { rt += src[i]; } } return rt; } /// /// Sum - Vector4. /// /// Soure array. /// Soure array count. /// Benchmark loops. /// Return the sum value. private static float SumVector4(float[] src, int count, int loops) { float rt = 0; // Result. const int VectorWidth = 4; int nBlockWidth = VectorWidth; // Block width. int cntBlock = count / nBlockWidth; // Block count. int cntRem = count % nBlockWidth; // Remainder count. Vector4 vrt = Vector4.Zero; // Vector result. int p; // Index for src data. int i; // Load. Vector4[] vsrc = new Vector4[cntBlock]; // Vector src. p = 0; for (i = 0; i < vsrc.Length; ++i) { vsrc[i] = new Vector4(src[p], src[p + 1], src[p + 2], src[p + 3]); p += VectorWidth; } // Body. for (int j = 0; j < loops; ++j) { // Vector processs. for (i = 0; i < cntBlock; ++i) { // Equivalent to scalar model: rt += src[i]; vrt += vsrc[i]; // Add. } // Remainder processs. p = cntBlock * nBlockWidth; for (i = 0; i < cntRem; ++i) { rt += src[p + i]; } } // Reduce. rt += vrt.X + vrt.Y + vrt.Z + vrt.W; return rt; } /// /// Sum - Vector. /// /// Soure array. /// Soure array count. /// Benchmark loops. /// Return the sum value. private static float SumVectorT(float[] src, int count, int loops) { float rt = 0; // Result. int VectorWidth = Vector.Count; // Block width. int nBlockWidth = VectorWidth; // Block width. int cntBlock = count / nBlockWidth; // Block count. int cntRem = count % nBlockWidth; // Remainder count. Vector vrt = Vector.Zero; // Vector result. int p; // Index for src data. int i; // Load. Vector[] vsrc = new Vector[cntBlock]; // Vector src. p = 0; for (i = 0; i < vsrc.Length; ++i) { vsrc[i] = new Vector(src, p); p += VectorWidth; } // Body. for (int j = 0; j < loops; ++j) { // Vector processs. for (i = 0; i < cntBlock; ++i) { vrt += vsrc[i]; // Add. } // Remainder processs. p = cntBlock * nBlockWidth; for (i = 0; i < cntRem; ++i) { rt += src[p + i]; } } // Reduce. for (i = 0; i < VectorWidth; ++i) { rt += vrt[i]; } return rt; } /// /// Sum - Vector AVX. /// /// Soure array. /// Soure array count. /// Benchmark loops. /// Return the sum value. private static float SumVectorAvx(float[] src, int count, int loops) {#if Allow_Intrinsics float rt = 0; // Result. //int VectorWidth = 32 / 4; // sizeof(__m256) / sizeof(float); int VectorWidth = Vector256.Count; // Block width. int nBlockWidth = VectorWidth; // Block width. int cntBlock = count / nBlockWidth; // Block count. int cntRem = count % nBlockWidth; // Remainder count. Vector256 vrt = Vector256.Zero; // Vector result. int p; // Index for src data. int i; // Load. Vector256[] vsrc = new Vector256[cntBlock]; // Vector src. p = 0; for (i = 0; i < cntBlock; ++i) { vsrc[i] = Vector256.Create(src[p], src[p + 1], src[p + 2], src[p + 3], src[p + 4], src[p + 5], src[p + 6], src[p + 7]); // Load. p += VectorWidth; } // Body. for (int j = 0; j < loops; ++j) { // Vector processs. for (i = 0; i < cntBlock; ++i) { vrt = Avx.Add(vrt, vsrc[i]); // Add. vrt += vsrc[i]; } // Remainder processs. p = cntBlock * nBlockWidth; for (i = 0; i < cntRem; ++i) { rt += src[p + i]; } } // Reduce. for (i = 0; i < VectorWidth; ++i) { rt += vrt.GetElement(i); } return rt;#else throw new NotSupportedException();#endif } /// /// Sum - Vector AVX - Span. /// /// Soure array. /// Soure array count. /// Benchmark loops. /// Return the sum value. private static float SumVectorAvxSpan(float[] src, int count, int loops) {#if Allow_Intrinsics float rt = 0; // Result. int VectorWidth = Vector256.Count; // Block width. int nBlockWidth = VectorWidth; // Block width. int cntBlock = count / nBlockWidth; // Block count. int cntRem = count % nBlockWidth; // Remainder count. Vector256 vrt = Vector256.Zero; // Vector result. int p; // Index for src data. ReadOnlySpan vsrc; // Vector src. int i; // Body. for (int j = 0; j < loops; ++j) { // Vector processs. vsrc = System.Runtime.InteropServices.MemoryMarshal.Cast(new Span(src)); // Reinterpret cast. `float*` to `Vector256*`. for (i = 0; i < cntBlock; ++i) { vrt = Avx.Add(vrt, vsrc[i]); // Add. vrt += vsrc[i]; } // Remainder processs. p = cntBlock * nBlockWidth; for (i = 0; i < cntRem; ++i) { rt += src[p + i]; } } // Reduce. for (i = 0; i < VectorWidth; ++i) { rt += vrt.GetElement(i); } return rt;#else throw new NotSupportedException();#endif } /// /// Sum - Vector AVX - Ptr. /// /// Soure array. /// Soure array count. /// Benchmark loops. /// Return the sum value. private static float SumVectorAvxPtr(float[] src, int count, int loops) {#if Allow_Intrinsics && UNSAFE unsafe { float rt = 0; // Result. int VectorWidth = Vector256.Count; // Block width. int nBlockWidth = VectorWidth; // Block width. int cntBlock = count / nBlockWidth; // Block count. int cntRem = count % nBlockWidth; // Remainder count. Vector256 vrt = Vector256.Zero; // Vector result. Vector256 vload; float* p; // Pointer for src data. int i; // Body. fixed(float* p0 = &src[0]) { for (int j = 0; j < loops; ++j) { p = p0; // Vector processs. for (i = 0; i < cntBlock; ++i) { vload = Avx.LoadVector256(p); // Load. vload = *(*__m256)p; vrt = Avx.Add(vrt, vload); // Add. vrt += vsrc[i]; p += nBlockWidth; } // Remainder processs. for (i = 0; i < cntRem; ++i) { rt += p[i]; } } } // Reduce. for (i = 0; i < VectorWidth; ++i) { rt += vrt.GetElement(i); } return rt; }#else throw new NotSupportedException();#endif } }}
复制代码 2.7 测试结果
在我的电脑(lntel(R) Core(TM) i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz、Windows 10)上运行时,x64、Release版程序的输出信息为:- BenchmarkVectorCore30
- IsRelease: True
- EnvironmentVariable(PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER): Intel64 Family 6 Model 142 Stepping 10, GenuineIntel
- Environment.ProcessorCount: 8
- Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem: True
- Environment.Is64BitProcess: True
- Environment.OSVersion: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
- Environment.Version: 3.1.26
- RuntimeEnvironment.GetRuntimeDirectory: C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App\3.1.26\
- RuntimeInformation.FrameworkDescription: .NET Core 3.1.26
- BitConverter.IsLittleEndian: True
- IntPtr.Size: 8
- Vector.IsHardwareAccelerated: True
- Vector<byte>.Count: 32 # 256bit
- Vector<float>.Count: 8 # 256bit
- Vector<double>.Count: 4 # 256bit
- Vector4.Assembly.CodeBase: file:///C:/Program Files/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/3.1.26/System.Numerics.Vectors.dll
- Vector<T>.Assembly.CodeBase: file:///C:/Program Files/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/3.1.26/System.Private.CoreLib.dll
- Benchmark: count=4096, loops=1000000, countMFlops=4096
- SumBase: 6.871948E+10 # msUsed=4938, MFLOPS/s=829.485621709194
- SumVector4: 2.748779E+11 # msUsed=1218, MFLOPS/s=3362.8899835796387, scale=4.054187192118227
- SumVectorT: 5.497558E+11 # msUsed=609, MFLOPS/s=6725.7799671592775, scale=8.108374384236454
- SumVectorAvx: 5.497558E+11 # msUsed=609, MFLOPS/s=6725.7799671592775, scale=8.108374384236454
- SumVectorAvxSpan: 5.497558E+11 # msUsed=625, MFLOPS/s=6553.6, scale=7.9008
- SumVectorAvxPtr: 5.497558E+11 # msUsed=610, MFLOPS/s=6714.754098360656, scale=8.095081967213115
复制代码 从中可以看出,SumVectorAvx这3个函数的性能,与SumVectorT差不多。这是因为SumVectorT在该电脑上是256bit,表示它内部使用AVX指令集来硬件加速运算,故性能与手工开发AVX的函数差不多。故应尽可能的使用 Vector,这样能适应各种硬件,而不是每一种硬件都开发一套。除非是需要使用内在函数时,才使用 Vector256 等类型,但它需要针对不同的硬件平台分别去开发。
由于预先转换了数据类型,导致 SumVectorAvx与另外2个函数的性能差不多。但在实际使用时,类型转换带来的内存分配等开销很大,应尽量避免。于是当不允许“不安全代码”时,应该用Span来避免类型转换;而在允许“不安全代码”时,可以用指针来编写。
- Span(切片):优点是无需启用“不安全代码”,能实现reinterpret_cast等操作来避免多余的开销,自带数据越界检查。缺点是部分内在函数不支持Span(内建函数到了.NET7,才全面改善Span的支持),性能比指针稍低(因多了数据越界检查)。
- Unsafe code(不安全代码):优点是能使用所有内在函数,能充分利用指针的reinterpret_cast等特点来减少多余的开销,便于移植 C/C++ 的SIMD代码,性能比Span高(因没有数据越界检查)。缺点是需要启用“不安全代码”,且程序员疏忽时会遇到 数据越界 等问题。
3.1 搭建测试项目(BenchmarkVectorCpp)
Visual Studio支持在同一个解决方案文件(*.sln)里建立不同编程语言的项目。
于是用VS2017打开本文的解决方案文件(BenchmarkVector.sln),添加一个C++的“Console App”项目,命名为“BenchmarkVectorCpp”。
3.2 基本算法(SumBase)
可参考先前C#的SumBase,来编写它的C++版函数。代码如下。- // Sum - base.
- float SumBase(const float* src, size_t count, int loops) {
- float rt = 0; // Result.
- size_t i;
- for (int j = 0; j < loops; ++j) {
- for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- rt += src[i];
- }
- }
- return rt;
- }
复制代码 3.3 Avx版算法(SumVectorAvx)
可参考先前C#的SumVectorAvxPtr,来编写它的C++版函数。代码如下。- // Sum - Vector AVX.
- float SumVectorAvx(const float* src, size_t count, int loops) {
- float rt = 0; // Result.
- size_t VectorWidth = sizeof(__m256) / sizeof(float); // Block width.
- size_t nBlockWidth = VectorWidth; // Block width.
- size_t cntBlock = count / nBlockWidth; // Block count.
- size_t cntRem = count % nBlockWidth; // Remainder count.
- __m256 vrt = _mm256_setzero_ps(); // Vector result. [AVX] Set zero.
- __m256 vload; // Vector load.
- const float* p; // Pointer for src data.
- size_t i;
- // Body.
- for (int j = 0; j < loops; ++j) {
- p = src;
- // Vector processs.
- for (i = 0; i < cntBlock; ++i) {
- vload = _mm256_load_ps(p); // Load. vload = *(*__m256)p;
- vrt = _mm256_add_ps(vrt, vload); // Add. vrt += vload;
- p += nBlockWidth;
- }
- // Remainder processs.
- for (i = 0; i < cntRem; ++i) {
- rt += p[i];
- }
- }
- // Reduce.
- p = (const float*)&vrt;
- for (i = 0; i < VectorWidth; ++i) {
- rt += p[i];
- }
- return rt;
- }
复制代码 _mm256_load_ps、_mm256_add_ps等函数名,在C#的内在函数的文档里可以看到,且可在Intel文档里查看详细说明。详见“ 2.1 文档查看心得”。
3.4 测试方法(Benchmark)
Benchmark是测试方法,代码如下。- // Do Benchmark.
- void Benchmark() {
- const size_t alignment = 256 / 8; // sizeof(__m256) / sizeof(BYTE);
- // init.
- clock_t tickBegin, msUsed;
- double mFlops; // MFLOPS/s .
- double scale;
- float rt;
- const int count = 1024 * 4;
- const int loops = 1000 * 1000;
- //const int loops = 1;
- const double countMFlops = count * (double)loops / (1000.0 * 1000);
- float* src = (float*)_aligned_malloc(sizeof(float)*count, alignment); // new float[count];
- if (NULL == src) {
- printf("Memory alloc fail!");
- return;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- src[i] = (float)i;
- }
- printf("Benchmark: \tcount=%d, loops=%d, countMFlops=%f\n", count, loops, countMFlops);
- // SumBase.
- tickBegin = clock();
- rt = SumBase(src, count, loops);
- msUsed = clock() - tickBegin;
- mFlops = countMFlops * CLOCKS_PER_SEC / msUsed;
- printf("SumBase:\t%g\t# msUsed=%d, MFLOPS/s=%f\n", rt, (int)msUsed, mFlops);
- double mFlopsBase = mFlops;
- // SumVectorAvx.
- __try {
- tickBegin = clock();
- rt = SumVectorAvx(src, count, loops);
- msUsed = clock() - tickBegin;
- mFlops = countMFlops * CLOCKS_PER_SEC / msUsed;
- scale = mFlops / mFlopsBase;
- printf("SumVectorAvx:\t%g\t# msUsed=%d, MFLOPS/s=%f, scale=%f\n", rt, (int)msUsed, mFlops, scale);
- }
- printf("Run SumVectorAvx fail!");
- }
- // done.
- _aligned_free(src);
- }
复制代码 因为AVX对于地址对齐的数据,性能最好。于是使用了 _aligned_malloc 分配内存,用 _aligned_free 释放内存。
因C++或VC++官方库里未提供检测AVX指令集的办法,而手工写一个的话,太影响篇幅。于是本文用了一个简单的办法,利用VC++的SEH(Structured Exception Handling,结构化异常处理)来做异常处理,当“__try”块运行时发现不支持AVX指令集时,会进入“__except”块。
3.5 BenchmarkVectorCpp.cpp的完整代码
BenchmarkVectorCpp.cpp的完整代码如下。- // BenchmarkVectorCpp.cpp : This file contains the 'main' function. Program execution begins and ends there.//#include #include #include #include #ifndef EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER #define EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER (1)#endif // !EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER // Sum - base.
- float SumBase(const float* src, size_t count, int loops) {
- float rt = 0; // Result.
- size_t i;
- for (int j = 0; j < loops; ++j) {
- for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- rt += src[i];
- }
- }
- return rt;
- }// Sum - Vector AVX.
- float SumVectorAvx(const float* src, size_t count, int loops) {
- float rt = 0; // Result.
- size_t VectorWidth = sizeof(__m256) / sizeof(float); // Block width.
- size_t nBlockWidth = VectorWidth; // Block width.
- size_t cntBlock = count / nBlockWidth; // Block count.
- size_t cntRem = count % nBlockWidth; // Remainder count.
- __m256 vrt = _mm256_setzero_ps(); // Vector result. [AVX] Set zero.
- __m256 vload; // Vector load.
- const float* p; // Pointer for src data.
- size_t i;
- // Body.
- for (int j = 0; j < loops; ++j) {
- p = src;
- // Vector processs.
- for (i = 0; i < cntBlock; ++i) {
- vload = _mm256_load_ps(p); // Load. vload = *(*__m256)p;
- vrt = _mm256_add_ps(vrt, vload); // Add. vrt += vload;
- p += nBlockWidth;
- }
- // Remainder processs.
- for (i = 0; i < cntRem; ++i) {
- rt += p[i];
- }
- }
- // Reduce.
- p = (const float*)&vrt;
- for (i = 0; i < VectorWidth; ++i) {
- rt += p[i];
- }
- return rt;
- }// Do Benchmark.
- void Benchmark() {
- const size_t alignment = 256 / 8; // sizeof(__m256) / sizeof(BYTE);
- // init.
- clock_t tickBegin, msUsed;
- double mFlops; // MFLOPS/s .
- double scale;
- float rt;
- const int count = 1024 * 4;
- const int loops = 1000 * 1000;
- //const int loops = 1;
- const double countMFlops = count * (double)loops / (1000.0 * 1000);
- float* src = (float*)_aligned_malloc(sizeof(float)*count, alignment); // new float[count];
- if (NULL == src) {
- printf("Memory alloc fail!");
- return;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- src[i] = (float)i;
- }
- printf("Benchmark: \tcount=%d, loops=%d, countMFlops=%f\n", count, loops, countMFlops);
- // SumBase.
- tickBegin = clock();
- rt = SumBase(src, count, loops);
- msUsed = clock() - tickBegin;
- mFlops = countMFlops * CLOCKS_PER_SEC / msUsed;
- printf("SumBase:\t%g\t# msUsed=%d, MFLOPS/s=%f\n", rt, (int)msUsed, mFlops);
- double mFlopsBase = mFlops;
- // SumVectorAvx.
- __try {
- tickBegin = clock();
- rt = SumVectorAvx(src, count, loops);
- msUsed = clock() - tickBegin;
- mFlops = countMFlops * CLOCKS_PER_SEC / msUsed;
- scale = mFlops / mFlopsBase;
- printf("SumVectorAvx:\t%g\t# msUsed=%d, MFLOPS/s=%f, scale=%f\n", rt, (int)msUsed, mFlops, scale);
- }
- printf("Run SumVectorAvx fail!");
- }
- // done.
- _aligned_free(src);
- }int main() { printf("BenchmarkVectorCpp\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Pointer size:\t%d\n", (int)(sizeof(void*)));#ifdef _DEBUG printf("IsRelease:\tFalse\n");#else printf("IsRelease:\tTrue\n");#endif // _DEBUG#ifdef _MSC_VER printf("_MSC_VER:\t%d\n", _MSC_VER);#endif // _MSC_VER#ifdef __AVX__ printf("__AVX__:\t%d\n", __AVX__);#endif // __AVX__ printf("\n"); // Benchmark. Benchmark();}
复制代码 3.6 测试结果
在我的电脑(lntel(R) Core(TM) i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz、Windows 10)上运行时,x64、Release版程序的输出信息为:- Pointer size: 8
- IsRelease: True
- _MSC_VER: 1916
- __AVX__: 1
- Benchmark: count=4096, loops=1000000, countMFlops=4096.000000
- SumBase: 6.87195e+10 # msUsed=4938, MFLOPS/s=829.485622
- SumVectorAvx: 5.49756e+11 # msUsed=616, MFLOPS/s=6649.350649, scale=8.016234
复制代码 从中可以看出——
- SumBase:C++版(MFLOPS/s=829.485622),与C#版(MFLOPS/s=829.485621709194)的性能相同。
- SumVectorAvx:C++版(MFLOPS/s=6649.350649),与C#版(MFLOPS/s=6714.754098360656)的性能几乎相同。
- 若仅需要使用单精度浮点类型(float),且是开发数学上的向量运算相关的功能,可根据业务上对向量运算的要求,使用维度匹配的向量类(例如 2维向量处理时用Vector2、3维向量处理时用Vector3、3维齐次向量处理时用Vector4)。其他情况下,至少应编写一套传统的、不使用向量类型的代码。
- 若某项计算任务需要进一步做性能优化、且它的工作比较适合SIMD处理时,可以再开发一套基于 Vector 的向量代码。在使用时别忘了检查是否支持硬件加速,若不支持,应退回到使用传统代码。
- 若发现内在函数能带来很大的提升时,可考虑使用内在函数,开发基于总位宽固定的向量的代码(如 Vector256 )。在使用时别忘了检查当前平台是否支持该内在函数,若不支持,应退回到使用前面的方案(第1~2条)。
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