- 项目:AFL
- 编译项目:将编译的优化选项关闭,即改写成-O0
使用gdb加载afl-gcc,并使用set arg -o test test.c设置参数
- find_as函数首先会通过AFL_PATH环境变量的值从而获得AFL对应的路径
- 若上述环境变量不存在则获取当前afl-gcc所在的文件路径
- 判断该路径下的as文件是否具有可执行权限
- u8 *afl_path = getenv("AFL_PATH");
- ...
- if (afl_path) {
- tmp = alloc_printf("%s/as", afl_path); //将AFL所在路径与字符as进行拼接
- if (!access(tmp, X_OK)) { //函数用来判断指定的文件或目录是否有可执行权限,若指定方式有效则返回0,否则返回-1
- as_path = afl_path;
- ck_free(tmp);
- return;
- }
- ck_free(tmp);
- }
- slash = strrchr(argv0, '/'); //在参数argv0所指向的字符串中搜索最后一次出现字符'/'
- if (slash) {
- u8 *dir;
- *slash = 0;
- dir = ck_strdup(argv0);
- *slash = '/';
- tmp = alloc_printf("%s/afl-as", dir); //将当前AFL所在的路径跟afl-as进行拼接
- if (!access(tmp, X_OK)) {
- as_path = dir;
- ck_free(tmp);
- return;
- }
- ...
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- edit_params函数实际就是准备需要传入编译器的参数,如编译器的类型gcc或clang
- 其次就是是否需要开启保护如canary等
- 最后就是判断是否开启内存泄漏探测的工具,如ASAN,该工具是针对C/C++ 的快速内存错误检测工具
- ...
- cc_params = ck_alloc((argc + 128) * sizeof(u8*));
- name = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); //获取可执行文件名称
- if (!name) name = argv[0]; else name++; /*跳过路径符'/' */
- if (!strncmp(name, "afl-clang", 9)) { //判断编译器是否为clang
- ...
- }
- else {
- if (!strcmp(name, "afl-g++")) {
- u8* alt_cxx = getenv("AFL_CXX");
- cc_params[0] = alt_cxx ? alt_cxx : (u8*)"g++";
- } else if (!strcmp(name, "afl-gcj")) {
- u8* alt_cc = getenv("AFL_GCJ");
- cc_params[0] = alt_cc ? alt_cc : (u8*)"gcj";
- } else {
- u8* alt_cc = getenv("AFL_CC");
- cc_params[0] = alt_cc ? alt_cc : (u8*)"gcc"; //如环境变量没写入AFL_CC则默认使用gcc
- }
- }
- while (--argc) {
- u8* cur = *(++argv); //读取下一个参数
- if (!strncmp(cur, "-B", 2)) { //若参数是-B
- if (!be_quiet) WARNF("-B is already set, overriding"); //用于设置编译器的搜索路径
- if (!cur[2] && argc > 1) { argc--; argv++; }//继续读取下一个参数
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(cur, "-integrated-as")) continue;
- if (!strcmp(cur, "-pipe")) continue;
- #if defined(__FreeBSD__) && defined(__x86_64__)
- if (!strcmp(cur, "-m32")) m32_set = 1;
- #endif
- if (!strcmp(cur, "-fsanitize=address") ||
- !strcmp(cur, "-fsanitize=memory")) asan_set = 1; //内存访问的错误
- if (strstr(cur, "FORTIFY_SOURCE")) fortify_set = 1;//缓冲区溢出问题的检查
- cc_params[cc_par_cnt++] = cur; //cc_params用于存放的参数
- }
- cc_params[cc_par_cnt++] = "-B"; //参数-B
- cc_params[cc_par_cnt++] = as_path; //afl-as的路径
- if (clang_mode)
- cc_params[cc_par_cnt++] = "-no-integrated-as";
- if (getenv("AFL_HARDEN")) {
- cc_params[cc_par_cnt++] = "-fstack-protector-all"; //canary保护
- if (!fortify_set)
- cc_params[cc_par_cnt++] = "-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2";
- }
- if (asan_set) {
- /* Pass this on to afl-as to adjust map density. */
- setenv("AFL_USE_ASAN", "1", 1);
- } else if (getenv("AFL_USE_ASAN")) {
- if (getenv("AFL_USE_MSAN"))
- FATAL("ASAN and MSAN are mutually exclusive");
- if (getenv("AFL_HARDEN"))
- FATAL("ASAN and AFL_HARDEN are mutually exclusive");
- cc_params[cc_par_cnt++] = "-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE";
- cc_params[cc_par_cnt++] = "-fsanitize=address";
- } else if (getenv("AFL_USE_MSAN")) {
- if (getenv("AFL_USE_ASAN"))
- FATAL("ASAN and MSAN are mutually exclusive");
- if (getenv("AFL_HARDEN"))
- FATAL("MSAN and AFL_HARDEN are mutually exclusive");
- cc_params[cc_par_cnt++] = "-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE";
- cc_params[cc_par_cnt++] = "-fsanitize=memory";
- }
- ...
- cc_params[cc_par_cnt++] = "-g";
- ...
- cc_params[cc_par_cnt++] = "-O3";
- cc_params[cc_par_cnt++] = "-funroll-loops";
- /* Two indicators that you're building for fuzzing; one of them is
- AFL-specific, the other is shared with libfuzzer. */
- cc_params[cc_par_cnt++] = "-D__AFL_COMPILER=1";
- cc_params[cc_par_cnt++] = "-DFUZZING_BUILD_MODE_UNSAFE_FOR_PRODUCTION=1";
- }
- if (getenv("AFL_NO_BUILTIN")) {
- cc_params[cc_par_cnt++] = "-fno-builtin-strcmp";
- cc_params[cc_par_cnt++] = "-fno-builtin-strncmp";
- cc_params[cc_par_cnt++] = "-fno-builtin-strcasecmp";
- cc_params[cc_par_cnt++] = "-fno-builtin-strncasecmp";
- cc_params[cc_par_cnt++] = "-fno-builtin-memcmp";
- cc_params[cc_par_cnt++] = "-fno-builtin-strstr";
- cc_params[cc_par_cnt++] = "-fno-builtin-strcasestr";
- }
- cc_params[cc_par_cnt] = NULL;
- }
复制代码 通过edit_params函数后
可以传递给编译器的参数增加了-B . -g -O3 -funroll-loops -D__AFL_COMPILER=1 -DFUZZING_BUILD_MODE_UNSAFE_FOR_PRODUCTION=1这几项
- 首先调用isatty函数判断描述符是否为终端机以及是否为静默模式,即不打印任何信息,SAYF即输出函数用于输出提示字符
- 接着通过find_as函数搜索as文件所在的路径
- 接着通过edit_params函数编辑获取需要传入编译器的参数
- 最后通过execvp函数启动gcc或其他编译器
- /*
- isatty函数用于判断文件描述词是否是为终端机
- 获取AFL_QUIET的环境变量
- */
- if (isatty(2) && !getenv("AFL_QUIET")) { //判断是否静默模式
- /*
- # define SAYF(x...) printf(x)
- #else
- # define SAYF(x...) fprintf(stderr, x)
- #endif
- */
- SAYF(cCYA "afl-cc " cBRI VERSION cRST " by <lcamtuf@google.com>\n");
- } else be_quiet = 1;
- if (argc < 2) { //参数个数小于两个
- SAYF("\n"
- "This is a helper application for afl-fuzz. It serves as a drop-in replacement\n"
- "for gcc or clang, letting you recompile third-party code with the required\n"
- "runtime instrumentation. A common use pattern would be one of the following:\n\n"
- " CC=%s/afl-gcc ./configure\n"
- " CXX=%s/afl-g++ ./configure\n\n"
- "You can specify custom next-stage toolchain via AFL_CC, AFL_CXX, and AFL_AS.\n"
- "Setting AFL_HARDEN enables hardening optimizations in the compiled code.\n\n",
- exit(1);
- }
- find_as(argv[0]); //用于寻找as所在路径
- edit_params(argc, argv);//用于获取编译参数
- execvp(cc_params[0], (char**)cc_params);//启动gcc或其他编译器
- 首先是确定as文件所在的路径,若没有设置环境变量则直接使用as作为汇编器所在路径的参数
- 其次是检测.s文件是否在临时目录下,这里我做了测试如果.s不在临时目录则无法插桩成功
- 最后随机生成文件名,将该文件作为插桩后的文件并作为传输传入汇编器
- u8 *tmp_dir = getenv("TMPDIR"), *afl_as = getenv("AFL_AS"); //afl-as的地址
- ...
- as_params = ck_alloc((argc + 32) * sizeof(u8*)); //给参数分配空间
- as_params[0] = afl_as ? afl_as : (u8*)"as";
- as_params[argc] = 0; //截断符
- ...
- //用于记录文件是64位还是32位
- for (i = 1; i < argc - 1; i++) {
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--64")) use_64bit = 1;
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--32")) use_64bit = 0;
- ...
- if (strncmp(input_file, tmp_dir, strlen(tmp_dir)) &&
- strncmp(input_file, "/var/tmp/", 9) &&
- strncmp(input_file, "/tmp/", 5)) pass_thru = 1; //汇编文件需要放在临时目录下,否则后续无法对文件进行插桩
- }
- modified_file = alloc_printf("%s/.afl-%u-%u.s", tmp_dir, getpid(),
- (u32)time(NULL)); //随机生成文件名,作为插桩的目标文件
- ...
- as_params[as_par_cnt++] = modified_file; //将待修改的文件名作为汇编器的参数
- as_params[as_par_cnt] = NULL;
复制代码 add_instrumentation函数
- 首先是分别打开需要编译的文件以及存放插桩后的文件,并且对需要编译的文件逐行逐行进行扫描
- 其次对于以下情况的代码块不进行插桩处理
- pass_thru = 1,这里经调试发现只要.s文件存在于临时目录下pass_thru的值就会为0,pass_thru = 1的意思是只传递数据不进行插桩
- skip_intel = 1即为跳过intel的汇编语法的代码
- 不在.text段内
- 在.text段但是不处于函数标签或者分支标签
- trampoline_fmt_64与trampoline_fmt_32即为需要插桩的代码,并会记录总共插桩了几处
- 若进行了插桩处理,那么则需要在文件末尾插入main_payload_64,是与afl进行fuzzing相关的函数
- ...
- if (input_file) { //需要编译的文件
- inf = fopen(input_file, "r");
- if (!inf) PFATAL("Unable to read '%s'", input_file);
- } else inf = stdin;
- outfd = open(modified_file, O_WRONLY | O_EXCL | O_CREAT, 0600); //打开存放插桩后的文件
- if (outfd < 0) PFATAL("Unable to write to '%s'", modified_file);
- outf = fdopen(outfd, "w");
- if (!outf) PFATAL("fdopen() failed");
- while (fgets(line, MAX_LINE, inf)) { //对需要汇编的文件进行一行一行的扫描
- /* In some cases, we want to defer writing the instrumentation trampoline
- until after all the labels, macros, comments, etc. If we're in this
- mode, and if the line starts with a tab followed by a character, dump
- the trampoline now. */
- //isalpha是一种函数:判断字符ch是否为英文字母
- //# define R(x) (random() % (x))
- if (!pass_thru && !skip_intel && !skip_app && !skip_csect && instr_ok &&
- instrument_next && line[0] == '\t' && isalpha(line[1])) {
- fprintf(outf, use_64bit ? trampoline_fmt_64 : trampoline_fmt_32,
- R(MAP_SIZE)); //将插桩代码写入改写文件中,trampoline_fmt_64为64位程序的插桩代码,trampoline_fmt_32为32位程序的插桩代码
- instrument_next = 0;
- ins_lines++; //总共插桩了多少处地方
- }
- ...
- if (line[0] == '\t' && line[1] == '.') {
- /* OpenBSD puts jump tables directly inline with the code, which is
- a bit annoying. They use a specific format of p2align directives
- around them, so we use that as a signal.
- OpenBSD为一个类unix的操作系统
- */
- if (!clang_mode && instr_ok && !strncmp(line + 2, "p2align ", 8) &&
- isdigit(line[10]) && line[11] == '\n') skip_next_label = 1; //跳转到下一个标签
- if (!strncmp(line + 2, "text\n", 5) ||
- !strncmp(line + 2, "section\t.text", 13) ||
- !strncmp(line + 2, "section\t__TEXT,__text", 21) ||
- !strncmp(line + 2, "section __TEXT,__text", 21)) {
- instr_ok = 1; //只要是text段就是我们应该插桩的段
- continue;
- }
- if (!strncmp(line + 2, "section\t", 8) ||
- !strncmp(line + 2, "section ", 8) ||
- !strncmp(line + 2, "bss\n", 4) ||
- !strncmp(line + 2, "data\n", 5)) {
- instr_ok = 0; //不需要插桩的段
- continue;
- }
- }
- ...
- if (line[0] == '\t') {//检测jnz等分支指令
- if (line[1] == 'j' && line[2] != 'm' && R(100) < inst_ratio) { //绝对跳转jmp不进行插桩处理
- fprintf(outf, use_64bit ? trampoline_fmt_64 : trampoline_fmt_32,
- R(MAP_SIZE)); //给分支跳转指令进行插桩
- ins_lines++; //插桩的指令数
- }
- continue; //插桩完直接跳过
- }
- ...
- if (strstr(line, ":")) { //检测标签
- if (line[0] == '.') {
- /* Apple: .L<num> / .LBB<num> */
- if ((isdigit(line[2]) || (clang_mode && !strncmp(line + 1, "LBB", 3))) //分支标签
- && R(100) < inst_ratio) {
- ...
- if (!skip_next_label) instrument_next = 1; else skip_next_label = 0;//若该标签不需要跳转则记录下来,该标签需要插桩
- }
- } else { //函数标签
- /* Function label (always instrumented, deferred mode). */
- instrument_next = 1;//函数标签都需要进行插桩
- }
- }
- }
- if (ins_lines)
- fputs(use_64bit ? main_payload_64 : main_payload_32, outf); //若进行插桩处理则需要插入main_payload_64
复制代码 这里重点关注一下插桩的位置
main函数主要经过edit_params函数修改了传入汇编器的参数,并且对汇编文件进行插桩处理,最后使用execvp函数启动汇编器进行汇编处理- ...
- gettimeofday(&tv, &tz);
- rand_seed = tv.tv_sec ^ tv.tv_usec ^ getpid();//随机种子
- srandom(rand_seed);//通过种子生成随机数
- edit_params(argc, argv); //加载参数,并在/tmp/目录下生成临时的汇编文件
- if (inst_ratio_str) {
- if (sscanf(inst_ratio_str, "%u", &inst_ratio) != 1 || inst_ratio > 100)
- FATAL("Bad value of AFL_INST_RATIO (must be between 0 and 100)");
- }
- if (getenv(AS_LOOP_ENV_VAR))
- FATAL("Endless loop when calling 'as' (remove '.' from your PATH)");
- setenv(AS_LOOP_ENV_VAR, "1", 1);
- /* When compiling with ASAN, we don't have a particularly elegant way to skip
- ASAN-specific branches. But we can probabilistically compensate for
- that... */
- if (getenv("AFL_USE_ASAN") || getenv("AFL_USE_MSAN")) {
- sanitizer = 1;
- inst_ratio /= 3;
- }
- if (!just_version) add_instrumentation();//对文件进行插桩处理
- if (!(pid = fork())) {
- execvp(as_params[0], (char**)as_params);//将插桩后的文件传入汇编器中
- FATAL("Oops, failed to execute '%s' - check your PATH", as_params[0]);
- ...
复制代码 传入汇编器的参数情况
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