大小:35.0 M,软件安装包放在了这里!
- class ImageResizerLabel(QLabel):
- def __init__(self, parent=None):
- super().__init__(parent)
- # Initialize scaling factors and original image
- self.original_pixmap = None
- # Set the fixed minimum size of the label (75x75)
- self.min_size = 75
- self.max_size = 90
- # Set up a timer for smooth scaling effect
- self.timer = QTimer(self)
- self.timer.timeout.connect(self.resize_image)
- self.timer.start(30) # 30ms interval for smooth transition
- # Initial fixed size for the label (75x75)
- self.setFixedSize(self.min_size, self.min_size)
- # Initialize scale factor and flag
- self.current_size = self.min_size
- self.scaling_up = True
- def load_image(self, image_path):
- """Load an image into the label"""
- self.original_pixmap = QPixmap(image_path)
- if self.original_pixmap:
- self.update_image_size() # Ensure image is resized to fit label size
- def update_image(self, image_path):
- """Update the image data (called externally to update the image)"""
- if self.original_pixmap:
- self.original_pixmap = QPixmap(image_path)
- self.current_size = self.min_size # Reset to the minimum size
- self.scaling_up = True # Start scaling up again
- self.update_image_size() # Update the image size after the update
- def resize_image(self):
- """Resize the image smoothly"""
- if self.original_pixmap:
- if self.scaling_up:
- self.current_size += 0.5 # Increase size gradually (0.5 units per step)
- if self.current_size >= self.max_size: # Reached the max size (100)
- self.scaling_up = False # Start scaling down
- else:
- self.current_size -= 0.5 # Decrease size gradually (0.5 units per step)
- if self.current_size <= self.min_size: # Back to the original size (75)
- self.scaling_up = True # Start scaling up
- # Adjust the label size to match the current size
- self.setFixedSize(self.current_size, self.current_size)
- # Scale the image to fit the label size
- scaled_pixmap = self.original_pixmap.scaled(
- self.current_size, self.current_size, Qt.KeepAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation
- )
- # Update the pixmap
- self.setPixmap(scaled_pixmap)
- def update_image_size(self):
- """Update the size of the label based on the image size"""
- if self.original_pixmap:
- # Adjust the size of the image while maintaining aspect ratio
- scaled_pixmap = self.original_pixmap.scaled(
- self.current_size, self.current_size, Qt.KeepAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation
- )
- self.setPixmap(scaled_pixmap)
- def resizeEvent(self, event):
- """Handle window resize events to resize the image proportionally"""
- self.update_image_size() # Update the image size whenever the widget is resized
- super().resizeEvent(event) # Call the base class method to handle the default behavior
复制代码 2.滚动日记组件
- class ScrollingMessageWidget(QWidget):
- def __init__(self, parent=None, messages=[]):
- super().__init__(parent)
- self.messages = messages # 初始化中奖信息列表
- self.message_labels = [] # 保存所有 QLabel
- self.current_offset = 0 # 当前滚动偏移量
- self.init_ui()
- self.start_scrolling()
- def init_ui(self):
- """初始化UI组件"""
- # 窗口设置
- self.setStyleSheet("background-color: transparent;")
- # 垂直布局
- self.layout = QVBoxLayout(self)
- self.layout.setSpacing(0)
- self.layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
- # 设置字体样式
- font = QFont("Arial", 7, QFont.Bold)
- font.setBold(True)
- # 创建 QLabel 并添加到布局中
- self.create_labels(font)
- def create_labels(self, font):
- """根据当前消息列表创建 QLabel"""
- # 清空原有标签
- for label in self.message_labels:
- self.layout.removeWidget(label)
- label.deleteLater()
- self.message_labels.clear()
- # 创建新的标签
- for message in self.messages:
- label = QLabel(message, self)
- label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter)
- label.setFont(font)
- label.setStyleSheet("color: rgb(201,206,211);")
- self.layout.addWidget(label)
- self.message_labels.append(label)
- # 首尾相接:复制消息以实现循环效果
- for message in self.messages:
- label = QLabel(message, self)
- label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter)
- label.setFont(font)
- label.setStyleSheet("color: rgb(201,206,211);")
- self.layout.addWidget(label)
- self.message_labels.append(label)
- def start_scrolling(self):
- """启动滚动定时器"""
- self.timer = QTimer(self)
- self.timer.timeout.connect(self.scroll)
- self.timer.start(10) # 每 5 毫秒更新一次
- def scroll(self):
- """滚动消息"""
- # 滚动偏移量递增
- self.current_offset += 1
- # 检查是否需要重置偏移量
- if self.current_offset >= self.message_labels[0].height():
- self.current_offset = 0
- # 将第一个 QLabel 移动到最后
- label = self.message_labels.pop(0)
- self.layout.removeWidget(label)
- self.layout.addWidget(label)
- self.message_labels.append(label)
- # 更新每个 QLabel 的位置
- for i, label in enumerate(self.message_labels):
- label.move(0, (i - 1) * label.height() - self.current_offset)
- def update_messages(self, new_messages):
- """
- 更新中奖信息并刷新显示
- :param new_messages: 新的中奖信息列表
- """
- self.messages = new_messages
- self.current_offset = 0 # 重置滚动偏移量
- self.create_labels(QFont("微软雅黑", 7, QFont.Bold)) # 重新创建标签
复制代码 五.心得体会
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