Kubelet 端口说明
如果你有多台Node节点,可以批量执行 ss -tlnp|grep kubelet 看一下,Kubelet 监听两个固定端口(我的环境,你的环境可能不同),一个是10248,一个是10250,通过下面的命令可以知道,10248是健康检查的端口:- [root@tt-fc-dev01.nj ~]# ps aux|grep kubelet
- root 163490 0.0 0.0 12136 1064 pts/1 S+ 13:34 0:00 grep --color=auto kubelet
- root 166673 3.2 1.0 3517060 81336 ? Ssl Aug16 4176:52 /usr/bin/kubelet --bootstrap-kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/bootstrap-kubelet.conf --kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf --config=/var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml --hostname-override= --network-plugin=cni --pod-infra-container-image=registry.aliyuncs.com/google_containers/pause:3.6
- [root@tt-fc-dev01.nj ~]# cat /var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml | grep 102
- healthzPort: 10248
- [root@tt-fc-dev01.nj ~]# curl localhost:10248/healthz
- ok
复制代码 我们再看一下 10250,10250实际是Kubelet的默认端口,/metrics 接口就是在这个端口暴露的,我们请求一下:- [root@tt-fc-dev01.nj ~]# curl localhost:10250/metrics
- Client sent an HTTP request to an HTTPS server.
- [root@tt-fc-dev01.nj ~]# curl https://localhost:10250/metrics
- curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain
- More details here: https://curl.haxx.se/docs/sslcerts.html
- curl failed to verify the legitimacy of the server and therefore could not
- establish a secure connection to it. To learn more about this situation and
- how to fix it, please visit the web page mentioned above.
- [root@tt-fc-dev01.nj ~]# curl -k https://localhost:10250/metrics
- Unauthorized
复制代码 -k 表示不校验SSL证书是否正确,最后的命令可以看到返回了 Unauthorized,表示认证失败,我们先来解决一下认证问题。认证是 Kubernetes 的一个知识点,这里先不展开(你需要Google一下了解基本常识),直接实操。
下面的信息可以保存为 auth.yaml,创建了 ClusterRole、ServiceAccount、ClusterRoleBinding。- ---
- apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
- kind: ClusterRole
- metadata:
- name: categraf-daemonset
- rules:
- - apiGroups:
- - ""
- resources:
- - nodes/metrics
- - nodes/stats
- - nodes/proxy
- verbs:
- - get
- ---
- apiVersion: v1
- kind: ServiceAccount
- metadata:
- name: categraf-daemonset
- namespace: flashcat
- ---
- apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
- kind: ClusterRoleBinding
- metadata:
- name: categraf-daemonset
- roleRef:
- apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
- kind: ClusterRole
- name: categraf-daemonset
- subjects:
- - kind: ServiceAccount
- name: categraf-daemonset
- namespace: flashcat
复制代码 ClusterRole是个全局概念,不属于任一个namespace,定义了很多权限点,都是读权限,监控嘛,读权限就可以了,ServiceAccount则是namespace颗粒度的一个概念,这里我们创建了一个名为categraf-daemonset的ServiceAccount,然后绑定到ClusterRole上面,具备了各种查询权限。apply一下即可:- [work@tt-fc-dev01.nj yamls]$ kubectl apply -f auth.yaml
- clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/categraf-daemonset created
- serviceaccount/categraf-daemonset created
- clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/categraf-daemonset created
- [work@tt-fc-dev01.nj yamls]$ kubectl get ClusterRole | grep categraf-daemon
- categraf-daemonset 2022-11-14T03:53:54Z
- [work@tt-fc-dev01.nj yamls]$ kubectl get sa -n flashcat
- categraf-daemonset 1 90m
- default 1 4d23h
- [work@tt-fc-dev01.nj yamls]$ kubectl get ClusterRoleBinding -n flashcat | grep categraf-daemon
- categraf-daemonset ClusterRole/categraf-daemonset 91m
复制代码 测试权限
上面的命令行输出可以看出来,我们已经成功创建了 ServiceAccount,把ServiceAccount的内容打印出来看一下:- [root@tt-fc-dev01.nj qinxiaohui]# kubectl get sa categraf-daemonset -n flashcat -o yaml
- apiVersion: v1
- kind: ServiceAccount
- metadata:
- annotations:
- kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: |
- {"apiVersion":"v1","kind":"ServiceAccount","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"categraf-daemonset","namespace":"flashcat"}}
- creationTimestamp: "2022-11-14T03:53:54Z"
- name: categraf-daemonset
- namespace: flashcat
- resourceVersion: "120570510"
- uid: 22f5a785-871c-4454-b82e-12bf104450a0
- secrets:
- - name: categraf-daemonset-token-7mccq
复制代码 注意最后两行,这个ServiceAccount实际是关联了一个Secret,我们再看看这个Secret的内容:- [root@tt-fc-dev01.nj qinxiaohui]# kubectl get secret categraf-daemonset-token-7mccq -n flashcat -o yaml
- apiVersion: v1
- data:
- namespace: Zmxhc2hjYXQ=
- kind: Secret
- metadata:
- annotations:
- kubernetes.io/service-account.name: categraf-daemonset
- kubernetes.io/service-account.uid: 22f5a785-871c-4454-b82e-12bf104450a0
- creationTimestamp: "2022-11-14T03:53:54Z"
- name: categraf-daemonset-token-7mccq
- namespace: flashcat
- resourceVersion: "120570509"
- uid: 0a228da5-6e60-4b22-beff-65cc56683e41
- type: kubernetes.io/service-account-token
复制代码 我们把这个token字段拿到,然后base64转码一下,作为Bearer Token来请求测试一下:- [root@tt-fc-dev01.nj qinxiaohui]# token=`kubectl get secret categraf-daemonset-token-7mccq -n flashcat -o jsonpath={.data.token} | base64 -d`
- [root@tt-fc-dev01.nj qinxiaohui]# curl -s -k -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" https://localhost:10250/metrics > aaaa
- [root@tt-fc-dev01.nj qinxiaohui]# head -n 5 aaaa
- # HELP apiserver_audit_event_total [ALPHA] Counter of audit events generated and sent to the audit backend.
- # TYPE apiserver_audit_event_total counter
- apiserver_audit_event_total 0
- # HELP apiserver_audit_requests_rejected_total [ALPHA] Counter of apiserver requests rejected due to an error in audit logging backend.
- # TYPE apiserver_audit_requests_rejected_total counter
- apiserver_audit_requests_rejected_total 0
复制代码 通了!
这就说明我们创建的ServiceAccount是好使的,后面我们把 Categraf 作为采集器搞成 Daemonset,再为 Categraf 这个 Daemonset 指定 ServiceAccountName,Kubernetes就会自动把 Token 的内容挂到 Daemonset 的目录里,下面开始实操。
升级 Daemonset
上一篇咱们为 Kube-Proxy 的采集准备了 Daemonset,咱们就继续修改这个 Daemonset,让这个 Daemonset 不但可以采集 Kube-Proxy,也可以采集 Kubelet,先给 Categraf 准备一下相关的配置,可以把下面的内容保存为 categraf-configmap-v2.yaml- ---
- kind: ConfigMap
- metadata:
- name: categraf-config
- apiVersion: v1
- data:
- config.toml: |
- [global]
- hostname = "$HOSTNAME"
- interval = 15
- providers = ["local"]
- [writer_opt]
- batch = 2000
- chan_size = 10000
- [[writers]]
- url = ""
- timeout = 5000
- dial_timeout = 2500
- max_idle_conns_per_host = 100
- ---
- kind: ConfigMap
- metadata:
- name: categraf-input-prometheus
- apiVersion: v1
- data:
- prometheus.toml: |
- [[instances]]
- urls = [""]
- labels = { job="kube-proxy" }
- [[instances]]
- urls = [""]
- bearer_token_file = "/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token"
- use_tls = true
- insecure_skip_verify = true
- labels = { job="kubelet" }
- [[instances]]
- urls = [""]
- bearer_token_file = "/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token"
- use_tls = true
- insecure_skip_verify = true
- labels = { job="cadvisor" }
复制代码 apply 一下,让新的配置生效:- [work@tt-fc-dev01.nj yamls]$ kubectl apply -f categraf-configmap-v2.yaml -n flashcat
- configmap/categraf-config unchanged
- configmap/categraf-input-prometheus configured
复制代码 Categraf 的 Daemonset 需要把 ServiceAccountName 给绑定上,上一讲咱们用的 yaml 命名为:categraf-daemonset-v1.yaml ,咱们升级一下这个文件到 categraf-daemonset-v2.yaml 版本,内容如下:- apiVersion: apps/v1
- kind: DaemonSet
- metadata:
- labels:
- app: categraf-daemonset
- name: categraf-daemonset
- spec:
- selector:
- matchLabels:
- app: categraf-daemonset
- template:
- metadata:
- labels:
- app: categraf-daemonset
- spec:
- containers:
- - env:
- - name: TZ
- value: Asia/Shanghai
- - name: HOSTNAME
- valueFrom:
- fieldRef:
- apiVersion: v1
- fieldPath: spec.nodeName
- - name: HOSTIP
- valueFrom:
- fieldRef:
- apiVersion: v1
- fieldPath: status.hostIP
- image: flashcatcloud/categraf:v0.2.18
- imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- name: categraf
- volumeMounts:
- - mountPath: /etc/categraf/conf
- name: categraf-config
- - mountPath: /etc/categraf/conf/input.prometheus
- name: categraf-input-prometheus
- hostNetwork: true
- serviceAccountName: categraf-daemonset
- restartPolicy: Always
- tolerations:
- - effect: NoSchedule
- operator: Exists
- volumes:
- - configMap:
- name: categraf-config
- name: categraf-config
- - configMap:
- name: categraf-input-prometheus
- name: categraf-input-prometheus
复制代码 这里跟 v1 版本相比,唯一的变化,就是加了 serviceAccountName: categraf-daemonset 这个配置,把原来的 Daemonset 删掉,从新创建一下:- [work@tt-fc-dev01.nj yamls]$ kubectl delete ds categraf-daemonset -n flashcat
- daemonset.apps "categraf-daemonset" deleted
- [work@tt-fc-dev01.nj yamls]$ kubectl apply -f categraf-daemonset-v2.yaml -n flashcat
- daemonset.apps/categraf-daemonset created
- # waiting...
- [work@tt-fc-dev01.nj yamls]$ kubectl get pods -n flashcat
- categraf-daemonset-d8jt8 1/1 Running 0 37s
- categraf-daemonset-fpx8v 1/1 Running 0 43s
- categraf-daemonset-mp468 1/1 Running 0 32s
- categraf-daemonset-s775l 1/1 Running 0 40s
- categraf-daemonset-wxkjk 1/1 Running 0 47s
- categraf-daemonset-zwscc 1/1 Running 0 35s
复制代码 好了,我们去检查一下数据是否成功采集上来了:

上面这个指标是 Kubelet 自身的,即从 Kubelet 的 /metrics 接口采集的,我们再来看一个 cAdvisor 的,即从 /metrics/cadvisor 接口采集的:

分成两部分,一个是 Kubelet 自身的仪表盘,JSON配置在这里,截图效果如下:

之前孔飞老师整理的 Kubelet 相关指标的中文解释,我也一并附到这里,供大家参考:- # HELP go_gc_duration_seconds A summary of the pause duration of garbage collection cycles.
- # TYPE go_gc_duration_seconds summary
- gc的时间统计(summary指标)
- # HELP go_goroutines Number of goroutines that currently exist.
- # TYPE go_goroutines gauge
- goroutine 数量
- # HELP go_threads Number of OS threads created.
- # TYPE go_threads gauge
- 线程数量
- # HELP kubelet_cgroup_manager_duration_seconds [ALPHA] Duration in seconds for cgroup manager operations. Broken down by method.
- # TYPE kubelet_cgroup_manager_duration_seconds histogram
- 操作cgroup的时长分布,按照操作类型统计
- # HELP kubelet_containers_per_pod_count [ALPHA] The number of containers per pod.
- # TYPE kubelet_containers_per_pod_count histogram
- pod中container数量的统计(spec.containers的数量)
- # HELP kubelet_docker_operations_duration_seconds [ALPHA] Latency in seconds of Docker operations. Broken down by operation type.
- # TYPE kubelet_docker_operations_duration_seconds histogram
- 操作docker的时长分布,按照操作类型统计
- # HELP kubelet_docker_operations_errors_total [ALPHA] Cumulative number of Docker operation errors by operation type.
- # TYPE kubelet_docker_operations_errors_total counter
- 操作docker的错误累计次数,按照操作类型统计
- # HELP kubelet_docker_operations_timeout_total [ALPHA] Cumulative number of Docker operation timeout by operation type.
- # TYPE kubelet_docker_operations_timeout_total counter
- 操作docker的超时统计,按照操作类型统计
- # HELP kubelet_docker_operations_total [ALPHA] Cumulative number of Docker operations by operation type.
- # TYPE kubelet_docker_operations_total counter
- 操作docker的累计次数,按照操作类型统计
- # HELP kubelet_eviction_stats_age_seconds [ALPHA] Time between when stats are collected, and when pod is evicted based on those stats by eviction signal
- # TYPE kubelet_eviction_stats_age_seconds histogram
- 驱逐操作的时间分布,按照驱逐信号(原因)分类统计
- # HELP kubelet_evictions [ALPHA] Cumulative number of pod evictions by eviction signal
- # TYPE kubelet_evictions counter
- 驱逐次数统计,按照驱逐信号(原因)统计
- # HELP kubelet_http_inflight_requests [ALPHA] Number of the inflight http requests
- # TYPE kubelet_http_inflight_requests gauge
- 请求kubelet的inflight请求数,按照method path server_type统计, 注意与每秒的request数区别开
- # HELP kubelet_http_requests_duration_seconds [ALPHA] Duration in seconds to serve http requests
- # TYPE kubelet_http_requests_duration_seconds histogram
- 请求kubelet的请求时间统计, 按照method path server_type统计
- # HELP kubelet_http_requests_total [ALPHA] Number of the http requests received since the server started
- # TYPE kubelet_http_requests_total counter
- 请求kubelet的请求数统计,按照method path server_type统计
- # HELP kubelet_managed_ephemeral_containers [ALPHA] Current number of ephemeral containers in pods managed by this kubelet. Ephemeral containers will be ignored if disabled by the EphemeralContainers feature gate, and this number will be 0.
- # TYPE kubelet_managed_ephemeral_containers gauge
- 当前kubelet管理的临时容器数量
- # HELP kubelet_network_plugin_operations_duration_seconds [ALPHA] Latency in seconds of network plugin operations. Broken down by operation type.
- # TYPE kubelet_network_plugin_operations_duration_seconds histogram
- 网络插件的操作耗时分布 ,按照操作类型(operation_type)统计, 如果 --feature-gates=EphemeralContainers=false, 否则一直为0
- # HELP kubelet_network_plugin_operations_errors_total [ALPHA] Cumulative number of network plugin operation errors by operation type.
- # TYPE kubelet_network_plugin_operations_errors_total counter
- 网络插件累计操作错误数统计,按照操作类型(operation_type)统计
- # HELP kubelet_network_plugin_operations_total [ALPHA] Cumulative number of network plugin operations by operation type.
- # TYPE kubelet_network_plugin_operations_total counter
- 网络插件累计操作数统计,按照操作类型(operation_type)统计
- # HELP kubelet_node_name [ALPHA] The node's name. The count is always 1.
- # TYPE kubelet_node_name gauge
- node name
- # HELP kubelet_pleg_discard_events [ALPHA] The number of discard events in PLEG.
- # TYPE kubelet_pleg_discard_events counter
- PLEG(pod lifecycle event generator) 丢弃的event数统计
- # HELP kubelet_pleg_last_seen_seconds [ALPHA] Timestamp in seconds when PLEG was last seen active.
- # TYPE kubelet_pleg_last_seen_seconds gauge
- PLEG上次活跃的时间戳
- # HELP kubelet_pleg_relist_duration_seconds [ALPHA] Duration in seconds for relisting pods in PLEG.
- # TYPE kubelet_pleg_relist_duration_seconds histogram
- PLEG relist pod时间分布
- # HELP kubelet_pleg_relist_interval_seconds [ALPHA] Interval in seconds between relisting in PLEG.
- # TYPE kubelet_pleg_relist_interval_seconds histogram
- PLEG relist 间隔时间分布
- # HELP kubelet_pod_start_duration_seconds [ALPHA] Duration in seconds for a single pod to go from pending to running.
- # TYPE kubelet_pod_start_duration_seconds histogram
- pod启动时间(从pending到running)分布, kubelet watch到pod时到pod中contianer都running后, watch各种source channel的pod变更
- # HELP kubelet_pod_worker_duration_seconds [ALPHA] Duration in seconds to sync a single pod. Broken down by operation type: create, update, or sync
- # TYPE kubelet_pod_worker_duration_seconds histogram
- pod状态变化的时间分布, 按照操作类型(create update sync)统计, worker就是kubelet中处理一个pod的逻辑工作单位
- # HELP kubelet_pod_worker_start_duration_seconds [ALPHA] Duration in seconds from seeing a pod to starting a worker.
- # TYPE kubelet_pod_worker_start_duration_seconds histogram
- kubelet watch到pod到worker启动的时间分布
- # HELP kubelet_run_podsandbox_duration_seconds [ALPHA] Duration in seconds of the run_podsandbox operations. Broken down by RuntimeClass.Handler.
- # TYPE kubelet_run_podsandbox_duration_seconds histogram
- 启动sandbox的时间分布
- # HELP kubelet_run_podsandbox_errors_total [ALPHA] Cumulative number of the run_podsandbox operation errors by RuntimeClass.Handler.
- # TYPE kubelet_run_podsandbox_errors_total counter
- 启动sanbox出现error的总数
- # HELP kubelet_running_containers [ALPHA] Number of containers currently running
- # TYPE kubelet_running_containers gauge
- 当前containers运行状态的统计, 按照container状态统计,created running exited
- # HELP kubelet_running_pods [ALPHA] Number of pods that have a running pod sandbox
- # TYPE kubelet_running_pods gauge
- 当前处于running状态pod数量
- # HELP kubelet_runtime_operations_duration_seconds [ALPHA] Duration in seconds of runtime operations. Broken down by operation type.
- # TYPE kubelet_runtime_operations_duration_seconds histogram
- 容器运行时的操作耗时(container在create list exec remove stop等的耗时)
- # HELP kubelet_runtime_operations_errors_total [ALPHA] Cumulative number of runtime operation errors by operation type.
- # TYPE kubelet_runtime_operations_errors_total counter
- 容器运行时的操作错误数统计(按操作类型统计)
- # HELP kubelet_runtime_operations_total [ALPHA] Cumulative number of runtime operations by operation type.
- # TYPE kubelet_runtime_operations_total counter
- 容器运行时的操作总数统计(按操作类型统计)
- # HELP kubelet_started_containers_errors_total [ALPHA] Cumulative number of errors when starting containers
- # TYPE kubelet_started_containers_errors_total counter
- kubelet启动容器错误总数统计(按code和container_type统计)
- code包括ErrImagePull ErrImageInspect ErrImagePull ErrRegistryUnavailable ErrInvalidImageName等
- container_type一般为"container" "podsandbox"
- # HELP kubelet_started_containers_total [ALPHA] Cumulative number of containers started
- # TYPE kubelet_started_containers_total counter
- kubelet启动容器总数
- # HELP kubelet_started_pods_errors_total [ALPHA] Cumulative number of errors when starting pods
- # TYPE kubelet_started_pods_errors_total counter
- kubelet启动pod遇到的错误总数(只有创建sandbox遇到错误才会统计)
- # HELP kubelet_started_pods_total [ALPHA] Cumulative number of pods started
- # TYPE kubelet_started_pods_total counter
- kubelet启动的pod总数
- # HELP process_cpu_seconds_total Total user and system CPU time spent in seconds.
- # TYPE process_cpu_seconds_total counter
- 统计cpu使用率
- # HELP process_max_fds Maximum number of open file descriptors.
- # TYPE process_max_fds gauge
- 允许进程打开的最大fd数
- # HELP process_open_fds Number of open file descriptors.
- # TYPE process_open_fds gauge
- 当前打开的fd数量
- # HELP process_resident_memory_bytes Resident memory size in bytes.
- # TYPE process_resident_memory_bytes gauge
- 进程驻留内存大小
- # HELP process_start_time_seconds Start time of the process since unix epoch in seconds.
- # TYPE process_start_time_seconds gauge
- 进程启动时间
- # HELP rest_client_request_duration_seconds [ALPHA] Request latency in seconds. Broken down by verb and URL.
- # TYPE rest_client_request_duration_seconds histogram
- 请求apiserver的耗时统计(按照url和请求类型统计verb)
- # HELP rest_client_requests_total [ALPHA] Number of HTTP requests, partitioned by status code, method, and host.
- # TYPE rest_client_requests_total counter
- 请求apiserver的总次数(按照返回码code和请求类型method统计)
- # HELP storage_operation_duration_seconds [ALPHA] Storage operation duration
- # TYPE storage_operation_duration_seconds histogram
- 存储操作耗时(按照存储plugin(configmap emptydir hostpath 等 )和operation_name分类统计)
- # HELP volume_manager_total_volumes [ALPHA] Number of volumes in Volume Manager
- # TYPE volume_manager_total_volumes gauge
- 本机挂载的volume数量统计(按照plugin_name和state统计
- plugin_name包括"host-path" "empty-dir" "configmap" "projected")
- state(desired_state_of_world期状态/actual_state_of_world实际状态)
复制代码 下面是 cAdvisor 指标梳理:- # HELP container_cpu_cfs_periods_total Number of elapsed enforcement period intervals.
- # TYPE container_cpu_cfs_periods_total counter
- cfs时间片总数, 完全公平调度的时间片总数(分配到cpu的时间片数)
- # HELP container_cpu_cfs_throttled_periods_total Number of throttled period intervals.
- # TYPE container_cpu_cfs_throttled_periods_total counter
- 容器被throttle的时间片总数
- # HELP container_cpu_cfs_throttled_seconds_total Total time duration the container has been throttled.
- # TYPE container_cpu_cfs_throttled_seconds_total counter
- 容器被throttle的时间
- # HELP container_file_descriptors Number of open file descriptors for the container.
- # TYPE container_file_descriptors gauge
- 容器打开的fd数
- # HELP container_memory_usage_bytes Current memory usage in bytes, including all memory regardless of when it was accessed
- # TYPE container_memory_usage_bytes gauge
- 容器内存使用量,单位byte
- # HELP container_network_receive_bytes_total Cumulative count of bytes received
- # TYPE container_network_receive_bytes_total counter
- 容器入方向的流量
- # HELP container_network_transmit_bytes_total Cumulative count of bytes transmitted
- # TYPE container_network_transmit_bytes_total counter
- 容器出方向的流量
- # HELP container_spec_cpu_period CPU period of the container.
- # TYPE container_spec_cpu_period gauge
- 容器的cpu调度单位时间
- # HELP container_spec_cpu_quota CPU quota of the container.
- # TYPE container_spec_cpu_quota gauge
- 容器的cpu规格 ,除以单位调度时间可以计算核数
- # HELP container_spec_memory_limit_bytes Memory limit for the container.
- # TYPE container_spec_memory_limit_bytes gauge
- 容器的内存规格,单位byte
- # HELP container_threads Number of threads running inside the container
- # TYPE container_threads gauge
- 容器当前的线程数
- # HELP container_threads_max Maximum number of threads allowed inside the container, infinity if value is zero
- # TYPE container_threads_max gauge
- 允许容器启动的最大线程数
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