通过 NuGet 引入dll(2种方法)的方法
1.可以在Visual Studio中打开 【解决方案资源管理器】,鼠标右键点击 【引用】,【管理NuGet包】,然后搜索 【Free Spire.Doc】,点击【安装】。等待程序安装完成。
2.将以下内容复制到PM控制台安装:- Install-Package FreeSpire.Doc -Version 10.2
复制代码 手动添加dll引用的方法
可通过手动 下载包 到本地,然后解压,找到BIN文件夹下的Spire.Doc.dll。然后在Visual Studio中打开“解决方案资源管理器”,鼠标右键点击“引用”,“添加引用”,将本地路径BIN文件夹下的dll文件添加引用至程序。
- 创建Document类的对象,并调用Document.LoadFromFile(string fileName)方法加载Word文档。
- 创建ShapeObject类的实例,并通过ShapeObject.Width、ShapeObject.Height、ShapeObject.VerticalPosition、ShapeObject.Rotation、ShapeObject.WordArt.Text、ShapeObject.WordArt.FontFamily、ShapeObject.FillColor等属性设置形状大小、位置、旋转角度、水印文字、字体及颜色等。
- for循环遍历所有Section,通过Section.HeadersFooters.Header属性获取页眉,并以HeaderFooter.AddParagraph()方法添加段落到页眉。
- 通过for循环以ShapeObject.Clone()方法多次复制形状,并通过ShapeObject.VerticalPosition和ShapeObject.HorizontalPosition属性设置形状位置排列。
- 调用Paragraph.ChildObjects.Add(IDocumentObject entity)方法添加形状到页眉段落。
- 最后,通过Document.SaveToFile(string fileName, FileFormat fileFormat)方法保存文档到指定路径。
C#- using Spire.Doc;
- using Spire.Doc.Documents;
- using Spire.Doc.Fields;
- namespace MultiLineTextWatermark
- {
- class Program
- {
- static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- //加载Word文档
- Document doc = new Document();
- doc.LoadFromFile("test.docx");
- //创建形状,并设置大小、水印文字、位置及样式
- ShapeObject shape = new ShapeObject(doc, ShapeType.TextPlainText);
- shape.Width = 60;
- shape.Height =15;
- shape.VerticalPosition = 25;
- shape.HorizontalPosition = 20;
- shape.Rotation = 320;
- shape.WordArt.Text = "草稿副本";
- shape.WordArt.FontFamily = "宋体";
- shape.FillColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
- shape.StrokeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
- //遍历所有section
- for (int n = 0; n < doc.Sections.Count; n++)
- {
- Section section = doc.Sections[n];
- //获取页眉
- HeaderFooter header = section.HeadersFooters.Header;
- //添加段落到页眉
- Paragraph paragraph1 = header.AddParagraph();
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
- {
- //复制形状并设置多行多列位置
- shape = (ShapeObject)shape.Clone();
- shape.VerticalPosition = 50 + 150 * i;
- shape.HorizontalPosition = 20 + 160 * j;
- //添加形状到段落
- paragraph1.ChildObjects.Add(shape);
- }
- }
- }
- //保存文档
- doc.SaveToFile("result.docx", FileFormat.Docx2013);
- System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("result.docx");
- }
- }
- }
复制代码 VB.NET- Imports Spire.Doc
- Imports Spire.Doc.Documents
- Imports Spire.Doc.Fields
- Namespace MultiLineTextWatermark
- Class Program
- Private Shared Sub Main(args As String())
- '加载Word文档
- Dim doc As New Document()
- doc.LoadFromFile("test.docx")
- '创建形状,并设置大小、水印文字、位置及样式
- Dim shape As New ShapeObject(doc, ShapeType.TextPlainText)
- shape.Width = 60
- shape.Height = 15
- shape.VerticalPosition = 25
- shape.HorizontalPosition = 20
- shape.Rotation = 320
- shape.WordArt.Text = "草稿副本"
- shape.WordArt.FontFamily = "宋体"
- shape.FillColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red
- shape.StrokeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red
- '遍历所有section
- For n As Integer = 0 To doc.Sections.Count - 1
- Dim section As Section = doc.Sections(n)
- '获取页眉
- Dim header As HeaderFooter = section.HeadersFooters.Header
- '添加段落到页眉
- Dim paragraph1 As Paragraph = header.AddParagraph()
- For i As Integer = 0 To 4
- For j As Integer = 0 To 5
- '复制形状并设置多行多列位置
- shape = DirectCast(shape.Clone(), ShapeObject)
- shape.VerticalPosition = 50 + 150 * i
- shape.HorizontalPosition = 20 + 160 * j
- '添加形状到段落
- paragraph1.ChildObjects.Add(shape)
- Next
- Next
- Next
- '保存文档
- doc.SaveToFile("result.docx", FileFormat.Docx2013)
- System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("result.docx")
- End Sub
- End Class
- End Namespace
复制代码 水印效果:

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