1. 下载
2. 安装
3. 启动
4. 验证
1. 下载并提取表数据
2. 创建库表
3. 导入数据
4. 优化表
5. 查询示例
0. 安装前准备
1. 安装设置 ClickHouse Keeper
(1)安装 ClickHouse Server 和 ClickHouse Client
(3)重启 ClickHouse
(4)验证 Keeper 实例是否正在运行
(5)确认 zookeeper 体系表
2. 设置 ClickHouse 集群
(1)在新主机(node4)上安装 ClickHouse Server 和 ClickHouse Client
(4)重启 ClickHouse 并验证集群已创建
3. 创建分布式表
(5)在所有实例上分别实行 SELECT 查询
(7)在所有实例上分别实行 SELECT 查询
4. 数据自动分片
(4)在所有实例上分别实行 SELECT 查询
5. 使用 ReplicatedMergeTree 表引擎复制数据
(5)在所有实例上分别实行 SELECT 查询
ClickHouse 可以在任何具有x86_64、AArch64 或 PowerPC64LE CPU 架构的 Linux,FreeBSD 或 Mac OS X 上运行。官方预构建的二进制文件通常针对 x86_64 举行编译,并利用 SSE 4.2 指令集,因此,除非尚有阐明,支持它的 CPU 使用将成为额外的体系需求。下面是查抄当前 CPU 是否支持 SSE 4.2 的下令:
- $ grep -q sse4_2 /proc/cpuinfo && echo "SSE 4.2 supported" || echo "SSE 4.2 not supported"
复制代码 一、单节点设置
1. 下载
- # 查看版本
- https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/releases
- # 最新稳定版本安装包下载地址
- https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/releases/download/v24.1.8.22-stable/clickhouse-client-
- https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/releases/download/v24.1.8.22-stable/clickhouse-common-static-
- https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/releases/download/v24.1.8.22-stable/clickhouse-server-
复制代码 2. 安装
- # 首先安装通用依赖包
- rpm -ivh clickhouse-common-static-
- # 安装服务器,遇到 Enter password for default user 提示时输入密码
- rpm -ivh clickhouse-server-
- # 安装命令行客户端
- rpm -ivh clickhouse-client-
复制代码 3. 启动
- sudo service clickhouse-server start
复制代码 查看启动后进程:
- [root@vvml-yz-hbase-test~]#ps -ef | grep clickhouse | grep -v grep
- clickho+ 5322 1 0 08:49 ? 00:00:00 clickhouse-watchdog --config-file /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml --pid-file /var/run/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.pid --daemon
- clickho+ 5323 5322 6 08:49 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/clickhouse-server --config-file /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml --pid-file /var/run/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.pid --daemon
- [root@vvml-yz-hbase-test~]#
复制代码 查看监听端口
- [root@vvml-yz-hbase-test~]#netstat -antpl | grep clickhouse
- tcp 0 0* LISTEN 5323/clickhouse-ser
- tcp 0 0* LISTEN 5323/clickhouse-ser
- tcp 0 0* LISTEN 5323/clickhouse-ser
- tcp 0 0* LISTEN 5323/clickhouse-ser
- tcp 0 0* LISTEN 5323/clickhouse-ser
- tcp6 0 0 ::1:9004 :::* LISTEN 5323/clickhouse-ser
- tcp6 0 0 ::1:9005 :::* LISTEN 5323/clickhouse-ser
- tcp6 0 0 ::1:9009 :::* LISTEN 5323/clickhouse-ser
- tcp6 0 0 ::1:8123 :::* LISTEN 5323/clickhouse-ser
- tcp6 0 0 ::1:9000 :::* LISTEN 5323/clickhouse-ser
- [root@vvml-yz-hbase-test~]#
复制代码 服务端日记的默认位置是 /var/log/clickhouse-server/。当服务端在日记中记录 Ready for connections 消息,即表示服务端已准备好处理客户端毗连。一旦 clickhouse-server 启动并运行,可以利用 clickhouse-client 毗连到服务端,并运行一些测试查询。
4. 验证
- [root@vvml-yz-hbase-test~]#clickhouse-client --password="123456" --query "select version();"
- [root@vvml-yz-hbase-test~]#clickhouse-client --password="123456" -n --query "select 1;select 2;"
- 1
- 2
- [root@vvml-yz-hbase-test~]#
复制代码 二、导入示例数据集
1. 下载并提取表数据
- curl https://datasets.clickhouse.com/hits/tsv/hits_v1.tsv.xz | unxz --threads=`nproc` > hits_v1.tsv
- curl https://datasets.clickhouse.com/visits/tsv/visits_v1.tsv.xz | unxz --threads=`nproc` > visits_v1.tsv
复制代码 2. 创建库表
创建 sample.sql 文件,内容如下(注意嵌套表定义):
- create database if not exists tutorial;
- CREATE TABLE tutorial.hits_v1
- (
- `WatchID` UInt64,
- `JavaEnable` UInt8,
- `Title` String,
- `GoodEvent` Int16,
- `EventTime` DateTime,
- `EventDate` Date,
- `CounterID` UInt32,
- `ClientIP` UInt32,
- `ClientIP6` FixedString(16),
- `RegionID` UInt32,
- `UserID` UInt64,
- `CounterClass` Int8,
- `OS` UInt8,
- `UserAgent` UInt8,
- `URL` String,
- `Referer` String,
- `URLDomain` String,
- `RefererDomain` String,
- `Refresh` UInt8,
- `IsRobot` UInt8,
- `RefererCategories` Array(UInt16),
- `URLCategories` Array(UInt16),
- `URLRegions` Array(UInt32),
- `RefererRegions` Array(UInt32),
- `ResolutionWidth` UInt16,
- `ResolutionHeight` UInt16,
- `ResolutionDepth` UInt8,
- `FlashMajor` UInt8,
- `FlashMinor` UInt8,
- `FlashMinor2` String,
- `NetMajor` UInt8,
- `NetMinor` UInt8,
- `UserAgentMajor` UInt16,
- `UserAgentMinor` FixedString(2),
- `CookieEnable` UInt8,
- `JavascriptEnable` UInt8,
- `IsMobile` UInt8,
- `MobilePhone` UInt8,
- `MobilePhoneModel` String,
- `Params` String,
- `IPNetworkID` UInt32,
- `TraficSourceID` Int8,
- `SearchEngineID` UInt16,
- `SearchPhrase` String,
- `AdvEngineID` UInt8,
- `IsArtifical` UInt8,
- `WindowClientWidth` UInt16,
- `WindowClientHeight` UInt16,
- `ClientTimeZone` Int16,
- `ClientEventTime` DateTime,
- `SilverlightVersion1` UInt8,
- `SilverlightVersion2` UInt8,
- `SilverlightVersion3` UInt32,
- `SilverlightVersion4` UInt16,
- `PageCharset` String,
- `CodeVersion` UInt32,
- `IsLink` UInt8,
- `IsDownload` UInt8,
- `IsNotBounce` UInt8,
- `FUniqID` UInt64,
- `HID` UInt32,
- `IsOldCounter` UInt8,
- `IsEvent` UInt8,
- `IsParameter` UInt8,
- `DontCountHits` UInt8,
- `WithHash` UInt8,
- `HitColor` FixedString(1),
- `UTCEventTime` DateTime,
- `Age` UInt8,
- `Sex` UInt8,
- `Income` UInt8,
- `Interests` UInt16,
- `Robotness` UInt8,
- `GeneralInterests` Array(UInt16),
- `RemoteIP` UInt32,
- `RemoteIP6` FixedString(16),
- `WindowName` Int32,
- `OpenerName` Int32,
- `HistoryLength` Int16,
- `BrowserLanguage` FixedString(2),
- `BrowserCountry` FixedString(2),
- `SocialNetwork` String,
- `SocialAction` String,
- `HTTPError` UInt16,
- `SendTiming` Int32,
- `DNSTiming` Int32,
- `ConnectTiming` Int32,
- `ResponseStartTiming` Int32,
- `ResponseEndTiming` Int32,
- `FetchTiming` Int32,
- `RedirectTiming` Int32,
- `DOMInteractiveTiming` Int32,
- `DOMContentLoadedTiming` Int32,
- `DOMCompleteTiming` Int32,
- `LoadEventStartTiming` Int32,
- `LoadEventEndTiming` Int32,
- `NSToDOMContentLoadedTiming` Int32,
- `FirstPaintTiming` Int32,
- `RedirectCount` Int8,
- `SocialSourceNetworkID` UInt8,
- `SocialSourcePage` String,
- `ParamPrice` Int64,
- `ParamOrderID` String,
- `ParamCurrency` FixedString(3),
- `ParamCurrencyID` UInt16,
- `GoalsReached` Array(UInt32),
- `OpenstatServiceName` String,
- `OpenstatCampaignID` String,
- `OpenstatAdID` String,
- `OpenstatSourceID` String,
- `UTMSource` String,
- `UTMMedium` String,
- `UTMCampaign` String,
- `UTMContent` String,
- `UTMTerm` String,
- `FromTag` String,
- `HasGCLID` UInt8,
- `RefererHash` UInt64,
- `URLHash` UInt64,
- `CLID` UInt32,
- `YCLID` UInt64,
- `ShareService` String,
- `ShareURL` String,
- `ShareTitle` String,
- `ParsedParams` Nested(
- Key1 String,
- Key2 String,
- Key3 String,
- Key4 String,
- Key5 String,
- ValueDouble Float64),
- `IslandID` FixedString(16),
- `RequestNum` UInt32,
- `RequestTry` UInt8
- )
- ENGINE = MergeTree()
- ORDER BY (CounterID, EventDate, intHash32(UserID))
- SAMPLE BY intHash32(UserID);
- CREATE TABLE tutorial.visits_v1
- (
- `CounterID` UInt32,
- `StartDate` Date,
- `Sign` Int8,
- `IsNew` UInt8,
- `VisitID` UInt64,
- `UserID` UInt64,
- `StartTime` DateTime,
- `Duration` UInt32,
- `UTCStartTime` DateTime,
- `PageViews` Int32,
- `Hits` Int32,
- `IsBounce` UInt8,
- `Referer` String,
- `StartURL` String,
- `RefererDomain` String,
- `StartURLDomain` String,
- `EndURL` String,
- `LinkURL` String,
- `IsDownload` UInt8,
- `TraficSourceID` Int8,
- `SearchEngineID` UInt16,
- `SearchPhrase` String,
- `AdvEngineID` UInt8,
- `PlaceID` Int32,
- `RefererCategories` Array(UInt16),
- `URLCategories` Array(UInt16),
- `URLRegions` Array(UInt32),
- `RefererRegions` Array(UInt32),
- `IsYandex` UInt8,
- `GoalReachesDepth` Int32,
- `GoalReachesURL` Int32,
- `GoalReachesAny` Int32,
- `SocialSourceNetworkID` UInt8,
- `SocialSourcePage` String,
- `MobilePhoneModel` String,
- `ClientEventTime` DateTime,
- `RegionID` UInt32,
- `ClientIP` UInt32,
- `ClientIP6` FixedString(16),
- `RemoteIP` UInt32,
- `RemoteIP6` FixedString(16),
- `IPNetworkID` UInt32,
- `SilverlightVersion3` UInt32,
- `CodeVersion` UInt32,
- `ResolutionWidth` UInt16,
- `ResolutionHeight` UInt16,
- `UserAgentMajor` UInt16,
- `UserAgentMinor` UInt16,
- `WindowClientWidth` UInt16,
- `WindowClientHeight` UInt16,
- `SilverlightVersion2` UInt8,
- `SilverlightVersion4` UInt16,
- `FlashVersion3` UInt16,
- `FlashVersion4` UInt16,
- `ClientTimeZone` Int16,
- `OS` UInt8,
- `UserAgent` UInt8,
- `ResolutionDepth` UInt8,
- `FlashMajor` UInt8,
- `FlashMinor` UInt8,
- `NetMajor` UInt8,
- `NetMinor` UInt8,
- `MobilePhone` UInt8,
- `SilverlightVersion1` UInt8,
- `Age` UInt8,
- `Sex` UInt8,
- `Income` UInt8,
- `JavaEnable` UInt8,
- `CookieEnable` UInt8,
- `JavascriptEnable` UInt8,
- `IsMobile` UInt8,
- `BrowserLanguage` UInt16,
- `BrowserCountry` UInt16,
- `Interests` UInt16,
- `Robotness` UInt8,
- `GeneralInterests` Array(UInt16),
- `Params` Array(String),
- `Goals` Nested(
- ID UInt32,
- Serial UInt32,
- EventTime DateTime,
- Price Int64,
- OrderID String,
- CurrencyID UInt32),
- `WatchIDs` Array(UInt64),
- `ParamSumPrice` Int64,
- `ParamCurrency` FixedString(3),
- `ParamCurrencyID` UInt16,
- `ClickLogID` UInt64,
- `ClickEventID` Int32,
- `ClickGoodEvent` Int32,
- `ClickEventTime` DateTime,
- `ClickPriorityID` Int32,
- `ClickPhraseID` Int32,
- `ClickPageID` Int32,
- `ClickPlaceID` Int32,
- `ClickTypeID` Int32,
- `ClickResourceID` Int32,
- `ClickCost` UInt32,
- `ClickClientIP` UInt32,
- `ClickDomainID` UInt32,
- `ClickURL` String,
- `ClickAttempt` UInt8,
- `ClickOrderID` UInt32,
- `ClickBannerID` UInt32,
- `ClickMarketCategoryID` UInt32,
- `ClickMarketPP` UInt32,
- `ClickMarketCategoryName` String,
- `ClickMarketPPName` String,
- `ClickAWAPSCampaignName` String,
- `ClickPageName` String,
- `ClickTargetType` UInt16,
- `ClickTargetPhraseID` UInt64,
- `ClickContextType` UInt8,
- `ClickSelectType` Int8,
- `ClickOptions` String,
- `ClickGroupBannerID` Int32,
- `OpenstatServiceName` String,
- `OpenstatCampaignID` String,
- `OpenstatAdID` String,
- `OpenstatSourceID` String,
- `UTMSource` String,
- `UTMMedium` String,
- `UTMCampaign` String,
- `UTMContent` String,
- `UTMTerm` String,
- `FromTag` String,
- `HasGCLID` UInt8,
- `FirstVisit` DateTime,
- `PredLastVisit` Date,
- `LastVisit` Date,
- `TotalVisits` UInt32,
- `TraficSource` Nested(
- ID Int8,
- SearchEngineID UInt16,
- AdvEngineID UInt8,
- PlaceID UInt16,
- SocialSourceNetworkID UInt8,
- Domain String,
- SearchPhrase String,
- SocialSourcePage String),
- `Attendance` FixedString(16),
- `CLID` UInt32,
- `YCLID` UInt64,
- `NormalizedRefererHash` UInt64,
- `SearchPhraseHash` UInt64,
- `RefererDomainHash` UInt64,
- `NormalizedStartURLHash` UInt64,
- `StartURLDomainHash` UInt64,
- `NormalizedEndURLHash` UInt64,
- `TopLevelDomain` UInt64,
- `URLScheme` UInt64,
- `OpenstatServiceNameHash` UInt64,
- `OpenstatCampaignIDHash` UInt64,
- `OpenstatAdIDHash` UInt64,
- `OpenstatSourceIDHash` UInt64,
- `UTMSourceHash` UInt64,
- `UTMMediumHash` UInt64,
- `UTMCampaignHash` UInt64,
- `UTMContentHash` UInt64,
- `UTMTermHash` UInt64,
- `FromHash` UInt64,
- `WebVisorEnabled` UInt8,
- `WebVisorActivity` UInt32,
- `ParsedParams` Nested(
- Key1 String,
- Key2 String,
- Key3 String,
- Key4 String,
- Key5 String,
- ValueDouble Float64),
- `Market` Nested(
- Type UInt8,
- GoalID UInt32,
- OrderID String,
- OrderPrice Int64,
- PP UInt32,
- DirectPlaceID UInt32,
- DirectOrderID UInt32,
- DirectBannerID UInt32,
- GoodID String,
- GoodName String,
- GoodQuantity Int32,
- GoodPrice Int64),
- `IslandID` FixedString(16)
- )
- ENGINE = CollapsingMergeTree(Sign)
- ORDER BY (CounterID, StartDate, intHash32(UserID), VisitID)
- SAMPLE BY intHash32(UserID);
复制代码 实行 sample.sql 文件:
- clickhouse-client --password="123456" --queries-file sample.sql
复制代码 3. 导入数据
- clickhouse-client --password="123456" --query "INSERT INTO tutorial.hits_v1 FORMAT TSV" --max_insert_block_size=100000 < hits_v1.tsv
- clickhouse-client --password="123456" --query "INSERT INTO tutorial.visits_v1 FORMAT TSV" --max_insert_block_size=100000 < visits_v1.tsv
复制代码 找出可用的设置、寄义及其默认值的最简朴方法是查询 system.settings 表:
- vvml-yz-hbase-test. :) select name, value, changed, description
- from system.settings
- where name like '%max_insert_b%';
- name,
- value,
- changed,
- description
- FROM system.settings
- WHERE name LIKE '%max_insert_b%'
- Query id: 05bc6241-2d1f-432e-87b3-f35a3ad612c8
- ┌─name──────────────────┬─value───┬─changed─┬─description───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ max_insert_block_size │ 1048449 │ 0 │ The maximum block size for insertion, if we control the creation of blocks for insertion. │
- └───────────────────────┴─────────┴─────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- 1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.
- vvml-yz-hbase-test. :)
复制代码 4. 优化表
可以 OPTIMIZE 导入后的表。使用 MergeTree-family 引擎设置的表总是在后台归并数据部分以优化数据存储(或至少查抄是否故意义)。这些查询强制表引擎立刻举行存储优化(较慢,审慎手工实行):
- clickhouse-client --password="123456" --query "OPTIMIZE TABLE tutorial.hits_v1 FINAL"
- clickhouse-client --password="123456" --query "OPTIMIZE TABLE tutorial.visits_v1 FINAL"
复制代码 5. 查询示例
- vvml-yz-hbase-test. :) SELECT
- StartURL AS URL,
- AVG(Duration) AS AvgDuration
- FROM tutorial.visits_v1
- WHERE StartDate BETWEEN '2014-03-23' AND '2014-03-30'
- ORDER BY AvgDuration DESC
- LIMIT 10;
- StartURL AS URL,
- AVG(Duration) AS AvgDuration
- FROM tutorial.visits_v1
- WHERE (StartDate >= '2014-03-23') AND (StartDate <= '2014-03-30')
- ORDER BY AvgDuration DESC
- LIMIT 10
- Query id: fc2e8638-5081-496a-964b-a679eab63af9
- ┌─URL─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┬─AvgDuration─┐
- │ http://itpalanija-pri-patrivative=0&ads_app_user │ 60127 │
- │ http://renaul-myd-ukraine │ 58938 │
- │ http://karta/Futbol/dynamo.kiev.ua/kawaica.su/648 │ 56538 │
- │ https://moda/vyikroforum1/top.ru/moscow/delo-product/trend_sms/multitryaset/news/2014/03/201000 │ 55218 │
- │ http://e.mail=on&default?abid=2061&scd=yes&option?r=city_inter.com/menu&site-zaferio.ru/c/m.ensor.net/ru/login=false&orderStage.php?Brandidatamalystyle/20Mar2014%2F007%2F94dc8d2e06e56ed56bbdd │ 51378 │
- │ http://karta/Futbol/dynas.com/haberler.ru/messages.yandsearchives/494503_lte_13800200319 │ 49078 │
- │ http://xmusic/vstreatings of speeds │ 36925 │
- │ http://news.ru/yandex.ru/api.php&api=http://toberria.ru/aphorizana │ 36902 │
- │ http://bashmelnykh-metode.net/video/#!/video/emberkas.ru/detskij-yazi.com/iframe/default.aspx?id=760928&noreask=1&source │ 34323 │
- │ http://censonhaber/547-popalientLog=0&strizhki-petro%3D&comeback=search?lr=213&text │ 31773 │
- └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┴─────────────┘
- 10 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.080 sec. Processed 1.43 million rows, 112.12 MB (17.91 million rows/s., 1.40 GB/s.)
- Peak memory usage: 45.07 MiB.
- vvml-yz-hbase-test. :) SELECT
- sum(Sign) AS visits,
- sumIf(Sign, has(Goals.ID, 1105530)) AS goal_visits,
- (100. * goal_visits) / visits AS goal_percent
- FROM tutorial.visits_v1
- WHERE (CounterID = 912887) AND (toYYYYMM(StartDate) = 201403) AND (domain(StartURL) = 'yandex.ru');
- sum(Sign) AS visits,
- sumIf(Sign, has(Goals.ID, 1105530)) AS goal_visits,
- (100. * goal_visits) / visits AS goal_percent
- FROM tutorial.visits_v1
- WHERE (CounterID = 912887) AND (toYYYYMM(StartDate) = 201403) AND (domain(StartURL) = 'yandex.ru')
- Query id: 02df86cc-ef97-4cec-9892-6ba92dc87d2c
- ┌─visits─┬─goal_visits─┬──────goal_percent─┐
- │ 10543 │ 8553 │ 81.12491700654462 │
- └────────┴─────────────┴───────────────────┘
- 1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.014 sec. Processed 19.72 thousand rows, 3.45 MB (1.46 million rows/s., 255.24 MB/s.)
- Peak memory usage: 5.01 MiB.
- vvml-yz-hbase-test. :)
复制代码 三、集群摆设
本次摆设使用四台主机,构建两个分片,每个分片两个副本的 ClickHouse 集群,IP 和主机名如下:
- node1
- node2
- node3
- node4
复制代码 注意,ClickHouse 要求每个分片的每个副本必须设置在单独的实例上,也就是说在整个集群范围内,一共有多少个副本,就必要创建多少个 ClickHouse 实例。最佳实践是3分片2副本6实例。
ClickHouse 推荐使用 ClickHouse Keeper 替换 Zookeeper(https://clickhouse.com/docs/knowledgebase/why_recommend_clickhouse_keeper_over_zookeeper)。
下面使用 ClickHouse Keeper 设置 ClickHouse 集群。具体利用步骤参考 ClickHouse Keeper 用户指南(https://clickhouse.com/docs/en/guides/sre/keeper/clickhouse-keeper#clickhouse-keeper-user-guide)。
ClickHouse 服务器中捆绑了 clickhouse-keeper。如果已经安装服务器,则无法单独安装 clickhouse-keeper,会收到冲突错误:
- [root@vvml-yz-hbase-test~]#rpm -ivh clickhouse-keeper-
- error: Failed dependencies:
- clickhouse-server conflicts with clickhouse-keeper-0:
- [root@vvml-yz-hbase-test~]#
复制代码 但如果有仅用作 clickhouse-keeper 的服务器,则仅可以单独安装 clickhouse-keeper。
- # 查看版本
- https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/releases
- # 最新稳定版本安装包下载地址
- https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/releases/download/v24.1.8.22-stable/clickhouse-keeper-
复制代码 本次摆设在每个主机安装 clickhouse-server,而不但独安装 clickhouse-keeper。分片、副本、keeper规划如下:
- node1 分片1副本1 keeper
- node2 分片1副本2 keeper
- node3 分片2副本1 keeper
- node4 分片2副本2
复制代码 四台主机都作为数据分片,每个数据分片有两个副本。keeper 摆设到三个实例上,奇数实例用于实现 ClickHouse Keeper 中要求的票选数。
0. 安装前准备
在设置 ClickHouse 集群前,必要在全部四台机器上完成以下准备工作:
- 启动 NTP 时钟同步
- /etc/hosts 文件中添加构成集群的所有主机名
- 设置所有主机间 ssh 免密
- 修改用户可打开文件数与进程数
- 禁用防火墙
- 禁用 transparent hugepage
1. 安装设置 ClickHouse Keeper
在 node1、node2、node3 三台主机上实行下面的利用步骤。
(1)安装 ClickHouse Server 和 ClickHouse Client
- rpm -ivh clickhouse-common-static-
- rpm -ivh clickhouse-server-
- rpm -ivh clickhouse-client-
复制代码 (2)修改 ClickHouse 主设置文件
- # 修改前先备份
- cp /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml.bak
复制代码 修改 /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml 主设置文件,在根节点 <clickhouse> 下添加以下内容:
- <!-- 添加以下条目以允许通过网络接口进行外部通信。 -->
- <listen_host></listen_host>
- <!-- 指定实例启用 ClickHouse Keeper。更新每台服务器的<server_id>设置,node1为1、node2为2、node3为3。-->
- <keeper_server>
- <tcp_port>9181</tcp_port>
- <server_id>1</server_id>
- <log_storage_path>/var/lib/clickhouse/coordination/log</log_storage_path>
- <snapshot_storage_path>/var/lib/clickhouse/coordination/snapshots</snapshot_storage_path>
- <coordination_settings>
- <operation_timeout_ms>10000</operation_timeout_ms>
- <session_timeout_ms>30000</session_timeout_ms>
- <raft_logs_level>warning</raft_logs_level>
- </coordination_settings>
- <raft_configuration>
- <server>
- <id>1</id>
- <hostname>node1</hostname>
- <port>9234</port>
- </server>
- <server>
- <id>2</id>
- <hostname>node2</hostname>
- <port>9234</port>
- </server>
- <server>
- <id>3</id>
- <hostname>node3</hostname>
- <port>9234</port>
- </server>
- </raft_configuration>
- </keeper_server>
- <!-- 指定实例所使用的 ClickHouse Keeper -->
- <zookeeper>
- <node>
- <host>node1</host>
- <port>9181</port>
- </node>
- <node>
- <host>node2</host>
- <port>9181</port>
- </node>
- <node>
- <host>node3</host>
- <port>9181</port>
- </node>
- </zookeeper>
复制代码 (3)重启 ClickHouse
- sudo service clickhouse-server restart
复制代码 (4)验证 Keeper 实例是否正在运行
在 node1、node2、node3 上实行下面的下令,如果 Keeper 运行正常,ruok 下令将返回 imok:
- [root@vvml-yz-hbase-test~]#echo ruok | nc localhost 9181; echo
- imok
- [root@vvml-yz-hbase-test~]#
复制代码 (5)确认 zookeeper 体系表
体系数据库有一个名为 zookeeper 的表,其中包罗 ClickHouse Keeper 实例的详细信息:
- [root@vvml-yz-hbase-test~]#clickhouse-client --password="123456"
- ClickHouse client version (official build).
- Connecting to localhost:9000 as user default.
- Connected to ClickHouse server version 24.1.8.
- vvml-yz-hbase-test. :) SELECT *
- FROM system.zookeeper
- WHERE path IN ('/', '/clickhouse');
- FROM system.zookeeper
- WHERE path IN ('/', '/clickhouse')
- Query id: e713c446-26c5-4c3f-994c-db22eb68b9ad
- ┌─name───────┬─value─┬─path────────┐
- │ keeper │ │ / │
- │ clickhouse │ │ / │
- │ task_queue │ │ /clickhouse │
- │ sessions │ │ /clickhouse │
- └────────────┴───────┴─────────────┘
- 4 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.
- vvml-yz-hbase-test. :)
复制代码 2. 设置 ClickHouse 集群
(1)在新主机(node4)上安装 ClickHouse Server 和 ClickHouse Client
- rpm -ivh clickhouse-common-static-
- rpm -ivh clickhouse-server-
- rpm -ivh clickhouse-client-
复制代码 (2)修改新主机(node4)上的设置文件
- # 修改前先备份
- cp /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml.bak
复制代码 修改 /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml 主设置文件,在根节点 <clickhouse> 下添加以下内容:
- <!-- 添加以下条目以允许通过网络接口进行外部通信。 -->
- <listen_host></listen_host>
- <!-- 指定实例所使用的 ClickHouse Keeper -->
- <zookeeper>
- <node>
- <host>node1</host>
- <port>9181</port>
- </node>
- <node>
- <host>node2</host>
- <port>9181</port>
- </node>
- <node>
- <host>node3</host>
- <port>9181</port>
- </node>
- </zookeeper>
复制代码 然后在全部四台主机上实行下面的利用步骤。
修改 /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml 主设置文件,在根节点 <clickhouse> 下添加以下内容:
- <remote_servers>
- <cluster_2S_2R>
- <shard>
- <replica>
- <host>node1</host>
- <port>9000</port>
- <user>default</user>
- <password>123456</password>
- </replica>
- <replica>
- <host>node2</host>
- <port>9000</port>
- <user>default</user>
- <password>123456</password>
- </replica>
- </shard>
- <shard>
- <replica>
- <host>node3</host>
- <port>9000</port>
- <user>default</user>
- <password>123456</password>
- </replica>
- <replica>
- <host>node4</host>
- <port>9000</port>
- <user>default</user>
- <password>123456</password>
- </replica>
- </shard>
- </cluster_2S_2R>
- </remote_servers>
复制代码 (4)重启 ClickHouse 并验证集群已创建
- sudo service clickhouse-server restart
复制代码 查看集群:
- [root@vvml-yz-hbase-test~]#clickhouse-client --password="123456"
- ClickHouse client version (official build).
- Connecting to localhost:9000 as user default.
- Connected to ClickHouse server version 24.1.8.
- vvml-yz-hbase-test. :) SHOW CLUSTERS;
- Query id: 80e81978-d1f4-4721-85d8-7e7803230373
- ┌─cluster───────┐
- │ cluster_2S_2R │
- └───────────────┘
- 1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.
- vvml-yz-hbase-test. :) select cluster,shard_num,replica_num,host_name,is_local,user,database_shard_name,database_replica_name from system.clusters;
- cluster,
- shard_num,
- replica_num,
- host_name,
- is_local,
- user,
- database_shard_name,
- database_replica_name
- FROM system.clusters
- Query id: 4b39d9ec-b4f7-4557-b76d-05f3893f4ef7
- ┌─cluster───────┬─shard_num─┬─replica_num─┬─host_name─┬─is_local─┬─user────┬─database_shard_name─┬─database_replica_name─┐
- │ cluster_2S_2R │ 1 │ 1 │ node1 │ 1 │ default │ │ │
- │ cluster_2S_2R │ 1 │ 2 │ node2 │ 0 │ default │ │ │
- │ cluster_2S_2R │ 2 │ 1 │ node3 │ 0 │ default │ │ │
- │ cluster_2S_2R │ 2 │ 2 │ node4 │ 0 │ default │ │ │
- └───────────────┴───────────┴─────────────┴───────────┴──────────┴─────────┴─────────────────────┴───────────────────────┘
- 4 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.
- vvml-yz-hbase-test. :)
复制代码 3. 创建分布式表
使用 node1 上创建一个数据库。ON CLUSTER子句会自动在所有实例上创建数据库。
- vvml-yz-hbase-test. :) CREATE DATABASE db1 ON CLUSTER 'cluster_2S_2R';
- Query id: 7a8cd789-bcfb-4855-a131-ba7935cffcfb
- ┌─host──┬─port─┬─status─┬─error─┬─num_hosts_remaining─┬─num_hosts_active─┐
- │ node1 │ 9000 │ 0 │ │ 3 │ 0 │
- │ node3 │ 9000 │ 0 │ │ 2 │ 0 │
- │ node4 │ 9000 │ 0 │ │ 1 │ 0 │
- │ node2 │ 9000 │ 0 │ │ 0 │ 0 │
- └───────┴──────┴────────┴───────┴─────────────────────┴──────────────────┘
- 4 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.099 sec.
- vvml-yz-hbase-test. :)
复制代码 (2)创建当地表
在 db1 库中建表,同样,ON CLUSTER 子句会自动在所有实例上建表。
- vvml-yz-hbase-test. :) CREATE TABLE db1.table1 on cluster 'cluster_2S_2R'
- (
- `id` UInt64,
- `column1` String
- )
- ENGINE = MergeTree
- ORDER BY column1;
- CREATE TABLE db1.table1 ON CLUSTER cluster_2S_2R
- (
- `id` UInt64,
- `column1` String
- )
- ENGINE = MergeTree
- ORDER BY column1
- Query id: abb936ad-3618-4821-92f6-cfaa83fb4d51
- ┌─host──┬─port─┬─status─┬─error─┬─num_hosts_remaining─┬─num_hosts_active─┐
- │ node3 │ 9000 │ 0 │ │ 3 │ 2 │
- │ node1 │ 9000 │ 0 │ │ 2 │ 2 │
- └───────┴──────┴────────┴───────┴─────────────────────┴──────────────────┘
- ┌─host──┬─port─┬─status─┬─error─┬─num_hosts_remaining─┬─num_hosts_active─┐
- │ node4 │ 9000 │ 0 │ │ 1 │ 0 │
- │ node2 │ 9000 │ 0 │ │ 0 │ 0 │
- └───────┴──────┴────────┴───────┴─────────────────────┴──────────────────┘
- 4 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.158 sec.
- vvml-yz-hbase-test. :)
复制代码 (3)在一个分片实例上(node1)新增两行
- vvml-yz-hbase-test. :) INSERT INTO db1.table1
- (id, column1)
- (1, 'abc'),
- (2, 'def');
- INSERT INTO db1.table1 (id, column1) FORMAT Values
- Query id: 959da99c-c473-4c3a-9381-fa65b447161c
- Ok.
- 2 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.
- vvml-yz-hbase-test. :)
复制代码 (4)在另一个分片实例上(node3)新增两行
- vvml-yz-hbase-test. :) INSERT INTO db1.table1
- (id, column1)
- (3, 'ghi'),
- (4, 'jkl');
- INSERT INTO db1.table1 (id, column1) FORMAT Values
- Query id: c8864197-ec82-4aba-8c2e-aaa2af468553
- Ok.
- 2 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.
- vvml-yz-hbase-test. :)
复制代码 (5)在所有实例上分别实行 SELECT 查询
node1、node3 上查询效果体现该当地实例上的两行数据:
- # node1
- vvml-yz-hbase-test. :) SELECT *
- FROM db1.table1;
- FROM db1.table1
- Query id: 2f2fc679-9091-41ae-967b-4bd8e2ec7311
- ┌─id─┬─column1─┐
- │ 1 │ abc │
- │ 2 │ def │
- └────┴─────────┘
- 2 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.
- vvml-yz-hbase-test. :)
- # node3
- vvml-yz-hbase-test. :) SELECT *
- FROM db1.table1;
- FROM db1.table1
- Query id: 18843522-c678-45f0-901d-73e1bbfd4dbf
- ┌─id─┬─column1─┐
- │ 3 │ ghi │
- │ 4 │ jkl │
- └────┴─────────┘
- 2 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.
- vvml-yz-hbase-test. :)
复制代码 node2、node4 上查不到数据,阐明写入当地表并没有复制到其副本。
- vvml-yz-hbase-test. :) CREATE TABLE db1.dist_table ON CLUSTER 'cluster_2S_2R'
- (
- id UInt64,
- column1 String
- )
- ENGINE = Distributed(cluster_2S_2R,db1,table1);
- CREATE TABLE db1.dist_table ON CLUSTER cluster_2S_2R
- (
- `id` UInt64,
- `column1` String
- )
- ENGINE = Distributed(cluster_2S_2R, db1, table1)
- Query id: 7c08e756-90cf-4014-9368-dc41fe7d06f4
- ┌─host──┬─port─┬─status─┬─error─┬─num_hosts_remaining─┬─num_hosts_active─┐
- │ node4 │ 9000 │ 0 │ │ 3 │ 0 │
- │ node2 │ 9000 │ 0 │ │ 2 │ 0 │
- │ node1 │ 9000 │ 0 │ │ 1 │ 0 │
- │ node3 │ 9000 │ 0 │ │ 0 │ 0 │
- └───────┴──────┴────────┴───────┴─────────────────────┴──────────────────┘
- 4 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.095 sec.
- vvml-yz-hbase-test. :)
复制代码 (7)在所有实例上分别实行 SELECT 查询
所有实例上都创建了 db1.dist_table 表,但是 SELECT *
FROM db1.dist_table 查询效果却出乎意料。预想在所有实例上查询的效果相同,都返回两个分片中的所有四行数据,而现实四个实例返回的效果是不确定的:node1 偶然返回全部4行,偶然只返回前两行;node3 偶然返回全部4行,偶然只返回后两行;node2 偶然返回后两行,偶然不返回数据;node4 偶然返回前两行,偶然不返回数据。
- ClickHouse 集群是一种对等架构,在一个集群里每个 ClickHouse 实例都是独立的,即使是同一个分片内的不同副本实例间,也是没有主从概念。
- 在集群中任何一个实例上实行的 DDL 语句中使用 ON CLUSTER 子句,会自动在集群中的所有实例上实行。
- 分布式体现实上是一种视图,映射到 ClickHouse 集群实例上的当地表。从分布式表中实行 SELECT 查询会使用集群所有相干分片的资源。
- 底层当地表如果使用 MergeTree 表引擎,在分布式表上实行同一查询,返回效果有大概不确定。
4. 数据自动分片
首先想到的是如果在分布式表上能够实行 DML 语句,就应该可以到达数据自动分片的效果。
- vvml-yz-hbase-test. :) insert into db1.dist_table
- (id, column1)
- values
- (5, 'mno'),
- (6, 'pqr');
- INSERT INTO db1.dist_table (id, column1) FORMAT Values
- Query id: 78b4cc88-9b13-4078-a3f0-d405f4338cfb
- Elapsed: 0.002 sec.
- Received exception from server (version 24.1.8):
- Code: 55. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Method write is not supported by storage Distributed with more than one shard and no sharding key provided. (STORAGE_REQUIRES_PARAMETER)
- vvml-yz-hbase-test. :)
复制代码 报错明确指出,当数据存储分布在多于一个的分片上,而且没有提供分片键时,分布式表不支持写入。为了进一步演示,下面使用和创建 hits_v1 表雷同的 CREATE TABLE 语句创建一个新的当地表,有三点不同:
- 库名不同。
- 表名不同。
- 使用 ON CLUSTER 子句。
- CREATE TABLE db1.hits_local ON CLUSTER 'cluster_2S_2R'
- (
- `WatchID` UInt64,
- `JavaEnable` UInt8,
- `Title` String,
- `GoodEvent` Int16,
- `EventTime` DateTime,
- `EventDate` Date,
- `CounterID` UInt32,
- `ClientIP` UInt32,
- `ClientIP6` FixedString(16),
- `RegionID` UInt32,
- `UserID` UInt64,
- `CounterClass` Int8,
- `OS` UInt8,
- `UserAgent` UInt8,
- `URL` String,
- `Referer` String,
- `URLDomain` String,
- `RefererDomain` String,
- `Refresh` UInt8,
- `IsRobot` UInt8,
- `RefererCategories` Array(UInt16),
- `URLCategories` Array(UInt16),
- `URLRegions` Array(UInt32),
- `RefererRegions` Array(UInt32),
- `ResolutionWidth` UInt16,
- `ResolutionHeight` UInt16,
- `ResolutionDepth` UInt8,
- `FlashMajor` UInt8,
- `FlashMinor` UInt8,
- `FlashMinor2` String,
- `NetMajor` UInt8,
- `NetMinor` UInt8,
- `UserAgentMajor` UInt16,
- `UserAgentMinor` FixedString(2),
- `CookieEnable` UInt8,
- `JavascriptEnable` UInt8,
- `IsMobile` UInt8,
- `MobilePhone` UInt8,
- `MobilePhoneModel` String,
- `Params` String,
- `IPNetworkID` UInt32,
- `TraficSourceID` Int8,
- `SearchEngineID` UInt16,
- `SearchPhrase` String,
- `AdvEngineID` UInt8,
- `IsArtifical` UInt8,
- `WindowClientWidth` UInt16,
- `WindowClientHeight` UInt16,
- `ClientTimeZone` Int16,
- `ClientEventTime` DateTime,
- `SilverlightVersion1` UInt8,
- `SilverlightVersion2` UInt8,
- `SilverlightVersion3` UInt32,
- `SilverlightVersion4` UInt16,
- `PageCharset` String,
- `CodeVersion` UInt32,
- `IsLink` UInt8,
- `IsDownload` UInt8,
- `IsNotBounce` UInt8,
- `FUniqID` UInt64,
- `HID` UInt32,
- `IsOldCounter` UInt8,
- `IsEvent` UInt8,
- `IsParameter` UInt8,
- `DontCountHits` UInt8,
- `WithHash` UInt8,
- `HitColor` FixedString(1),
- `UTCEventTime` DateTime,
- `Age` UInt8,
- `Sex` UInt8,
- `Income` UInt8,
- `Interests` UInt16,
- `Robotness` UInt8,
- `GeneralInterests` Array(UInt16),
- `RemoteIP` UInt32,
- `RemoteIP6` FixedString(16),
- `WindowName` Int32,
- `OpenerName` Int32,
- `HistoryLength` Int16,
- `BrowserLanguage` FixedString(2),
- `BrowserCountry` FixedString(2),
- `SocialNetwork` String,
- `SocialAction` String,
- `HTTPError` UInt16,
- `SendTiming` Int32,
- `DNSTiming` Int32,
- `ConnectTiming` Int32,
- `ResponseStartTiming` Int32,
- `ResponseEndTiming` Int32,
- `FetchTiming` Int32,
- `RedirectTiming` Int32,
- `DOMInteractiveTiming` Int32,
- `DOMContentLoadedTiming` Int32,
- `DOMCompleteTiming` Int32,
- `LoadEventStartTiming` Int32,
- `LoadEventEndTiming` Int32,
- `NSToDOMContentLoadedTiming` Int32,
- `FirstPaintTiming` Int32,
- `RedirectCount` Int8,
- `SocialSourceNetworkID` UInt8,
- `SocialSourcePage` String,
- `ParamPrice` Int64,
- `ParamOrderID` String,
- `ParamCurrency` FixedString(3),
- `ParamCurrencyID` UInt16,
- `GoalsReached` Array(UInt32),
- `OpenstatServiceName` String,
- `OpenstatCampaignID` String,
- `OpenstatAdID` String,
- `OpenstatSourceID` String,
- `UTMSource` String,
- `UTMMedium` String,
- `UTMCampaign` String,
- `UTMContent` String,
- `UTMTerm` String,
- `FromTag` String,
- `HasGCLID` UInt8,
- `RefererHash` UInt64,
- `URLHash` UInt64,
- `CLID` UInt32,
- `YCLID` UInt64,
- `ShareService` String,
- `ShareURL` String,
- `ShareTitle` String,
- `ParsedParams` Nested(
- Key1 String,
- Key2 String,
- Key3 String,
- Key4 String,
- Key5 String,
- ValueDouble Float64),
- `IslandID` FixedString(16),
- `RequestNum` UInt32,
- `RequestTry` UInt8
- )
- ENGINE = MergeTree()
- ORDER BY (CounterID, EventDate, intHash32(UserID))
- SAMPLE BY intHash32(UserID);
复制代码 (2)创建提供集群当地表视图的分布式表
- CREATE TABLE db1.hits_all ON CLUSTER 'cluster_2S_2R'
- AS db1.hits_local
- ENGINE = Distributed(cluster_2S_2R, db1, hits_local, rand());
复制代码 (3)向分布式表中插入数据
在任一实例上实行下面的 insert 语句:
- INSERT INTO db1.hits_all SELECT * FROM tutorial.hits_v1;
复制代码 (4)在所有实例上分别实行 SELECT 查询
从查询效果可以看到,当地表 node1、node2 上的查询效果相同,node3、node4 上的查询效果相同,分布式表四个节点查询效果都相同。node1 和 node3 分属于集群中的不同分片,而在创建分布式表时指定的分布规则随机,以是这两个实例上的当地表数据量存在少许差异是符合预期的。结论是:
- 指定分片键的分布式表可以写数据。
- 数据按创建分布式表时指定的自定义的分片规则分布。
- select count(*) from tutorial.hits_v1 用了2毫秒,select count(*) from db1.hits_all 用了6毫秒,在本测试环境中,查询分布式表比查询当地表慢了两倍。
- 底层表如果使用 MergeTree 表引擎,其上正常定义了分布规则的分布式表,插入分布式表可以自动在同一分片上的不同副本之间做数据同步。
5. 使用 ReplicatedMergeTree 表引擎复制数据
- 数据按指定规则自动分片
- 同一分片的多个副本数据保持一致
- 数据分片和多副本间的数据同步对应用透明。
ClickHouse 推荐的设置是使用 ReplicatedMergeTree 表引擎,自动完成副本间的数据复制。创建 ReplcatedMergeTree 表,通常必要设置宏来辨认每个用于创建表的分片和副本。
修改 /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml 主设置文件,在每个节点 <shard> 下添加 <internal_replication>true</internal_replication>:
- <remote_servers>
- <cluster_2S_2R>
- <shard>
- <internal_replication>true</internal_replication>
- <replica>
- <host>node1</host>
- <port>9000</port>
- <user>default</user>
- <password>123456</password>
- </replica>
- <replica>
- <host>node2</host>
- <port>9000</port>
- <user>default</user>
- <password>123456</password>
- </replica>
- </shard>
- <shard>
- <internal_replication>true</internal_replication>
- <replica>
- <host>node3</host>
- <port>9000</port>
- <user>default</user>
- <password>123456</password>
- </replica>
- <replica>
- <host>node4</host>
- <port>9000</port>
- <user>default</user>
- <password>123456</password>
- </replica>
- </shard>
- </cluster_2S_2R>
- </remote_servers>
复制代码 在节点 </remote_servers> 反面添加以下内容:
- <macros>
- <shard>01</shard>
- <replica>01</replica>
- </macros>
复制代码 node1 设置成 01、01;node2 设置成 01、02;node3 设置成 02、01;node4 设置成 02、02。
- sudo service clickhouse-server restart
复制代码 (2)创建当地表
- CREATE TABLE db1.hits_replica ON CLUSTER 'cluster_2S_2R'
- (
- `WatchID` UInt64,
- `JavaEnable` UInt8,
- `Title` String,
- `GoodEvent` Int16,
- `EventTime` DateTime,
- `EventDate` Date,
- `CounterID` UInt32,
- `ClientIP` UInt32,
- `ClientIP6` FixedString(16),
- `RegionID` UInt32,
- `UserID` UInt64,
- `CounterClass` Int8,
- `OS` UInt8,
- `UserAgent` UInt8,
- `URL` String,
- `Referer` String,
- `URLDomain` String,
- `RefererDomain` String,
- `Refresh` UInt8,
- `IsRobot` UInt8,
- `RefererCategories` Array(UInt16),
- `URLCategories` Array(UInt16),
- `URLRegions` Array(UInt32),
- `RefererRegions` Array(UInt32),
- `ResolutionWidth` UInt16,
- `ResolutionHeight` UInt16,
- `ResolutionDepth` UInt8,
- `FlashMajor` UInt8,
- `FlashMinor` UInt8,
- `FlashMinor2` String,
- `NetMajor` UInt8,
- `NetMinor` UInt8,
- `UserAgentMajor` UInt16,
- `UserAgentMinor` FixedString(2),
- `CookieEnable` UInt8,
- `JavascriptEnable` UInt8,
- `IsMobile` UInt8,
- `MobilePhone` UInt8,
- `MobilePhoneModel` String,
- `Params` String,
- `IPNetworkID` UInt32,
- `TraficSourceID` Int8,
- `SearchEngineID` UInt16,
- `SearchPhrase` String,
- `AdvEngineID` UInt8,
- `IsArtifical` UInt8,
- `WindowClientWidth` UInt16,
- `WindowClientHeight` UInt16,
- `ClientTimeZone` Int16,
- `ClientEventTime` DateTime,
- `SilverlightVersion1` UInt8,
- `SilverlightVersion2` UInt8,
- `SilverlightVersion3` UInt32,
- `SilverlightVersion4` UInt16,
- `PageCharset` String,
- `CodeVersion` UInt32,
- `IsLink` UInt8,
- `IsDownload` UInt8,
- `IsNotBounce` UInt8,
- `FUniqID` UInt64,
- `HID` UInt32,
- `IsOldCounter` UInt8,
- `IsEvent` UInt8,
- `IsParameter` UInt8,
- `DontCountHits` UInt8,
- `WithHash` UInt8,
- `HitColor` FixedString(1),
- `UTCEventTime` DateTime,
- `Age` UInt8,
- `Sex` UInt8,
- `Income` UInt8,
- `Interests` UInt16,
- `Robotness` UInt8,
- `GeneralInterests` Array(UInt16),
- `RemoteIP` UInt32,
- `RemoteIP6` FixedString(16),
- `WindowName` Int32,
- `OpenerName` Int32,
- `HistoryLength` Int16,
- `BrowserLanguage` FixedString(2),
- `BrowserCountry` FixedString(2),
- `SocialNetwork` String,
- `SocialAction` String,
- `HTTPError` UInt16,
- `SendTiming` Int32,
- `DNSTiming` Int32,
- `ConnectTiming` Int32,
- `ResponseStartTiming` Int32,
- `ResponseEndTiming` Int32,
- `FetchTiming` Int32,
- `RedirectTiming` Int32,
- `DOMInteractiveTiming` Int32,
- `DOMContentLoadedTiming` Int32,
- `DOMCompleteTiming` Int32,
- `LoadEventStartTiming` Int32,
- `LoadEventEndTiming` Int32,
- `NSToDOMContentLoadedTiming` Int32,
- `FirstPaintTiming` Int32,
- `RedirectCount` Int8,
- `SocialSourceNetworkID` UInt8,
- `SocialSourcePage` String,
- `ParamPrice` Int64,
- `ParamOrderID` String,
- `ParamCurrency` FixedString(3),
- `ParamCurrencyID` UInt16,
- `GoalsReached` Array(UInt32),
- `OpenstatServiceName` String,
- `OpenstatCampaignID` String,
- `OpenstatAdID` String,
- `OpenstatSourceID` String,
- `UTMSource` String,
- `UTMMedium` String,
- `UTMCampaign` String,
- `UTMContent` String,
- `UTMTerm` String,
- `FromTag` String,
- `HasGCLID` UInt8,
- `RefererHash` UInt64,
- `URLHash` UInt64,
- `CLID` UInt32,
- `YCLID` UInt64,
- `ShareService` String,
- `ShareURL` String,
- `ShareTitle` String,
- `ParsedParams` Nested(
- Key1 String,
- Key2 String,
- Key3 String,
- Key4 String,
- Key5 String,
- ValueDouble Float64),
- `IslandID` FixedString(16),
- `RequestNum` UInt32,
- `RequestTry` UInt8
- )
- ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree(
- '/clickhouse/tables/{shard}/hits',
- '{replica}'
- )
- ORDER BY (CounterID, EventDate, intHash32(UserID))
- SAMPLE BY intHash32(UserID);
复制代码 (3)创建分布式表
- CREATE TABLE db1.hits_replica_all ON CLUSTER 'cluster_2S_2R'
- AS db1.hits_replica
- ENGINE = Distributed(cluster_2S_2R, db1, hits_replica, rand());
复制代码 (4)向分布式表中插入数据
在任一实例上实行下面的 insert 语句:
- INSERT INTO db1.hits_replica_all SELECT * FROM tutorial.hits_v1;
复制代码 (5)在所有实例上分别实行 SELECT 查询
从查询效果可以看到,当地表 node1、node2 上的查询效果相同,node3、node4 上的查询效果相同,分布式表四个节点查询效果都相同。node1 和 node3 分属于集群中的不同分片,而在创建分布式表时指定的分布规则随机,以是这两个实例上的当地表数据量存在少许差异是符合预期的。ReplicatedMergeTree 表可以自动在同一分片的不同副本间同步数据。
- 使用教程
- ClickHouse Keeper (clickhouse-keeper)
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