- package org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import javax.management.JMException;
- import javax.security.sasl.SaslException;
- import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience;
- import org.apache.zookeeper.audit.ZKAuditProvider;
- import org.apache.zookeeper.jmx.ManagedUtil;
- import org.apache.zookeeper.metrics.MetricsProvider;
- import org.apache.zookeeper.metrics.MetricsProviderLifeCycleException;
- import org.apache.zookeeper.metrics.impl.MetricsProviderBootstrap;
- import org.apache.zookeeper.server.DatadirCleanupManager;
- import org.apache.zookeeper.server.ExitCode;
- import org.apache.zookeeper.server.ServerCnxnFactory;
- import org.apache.zookeeper.server.ServerMetrics;
- import org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZKDatabase;
- import org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServerMain;
- import org.apache.zookeeper.server.admin.AdminServer.AdminServerException;
- import org.apache.zookeeper.server.auth.ProviderRegistry;
- import org.apache.zookeeper.server.persistence.FileTxnSnapLog;
- import org.apache.zookeeper.server.persistence.FileTxnSnapLog.DatadirException;
- import org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerConfig.ConfigException;
- import org.apache.zookeeper.server.util.JvmPauseMonitor;
- import org.apache.zookeeper.util.ServiceUtils;
- import org.slf4j.Logger;
- import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
- /**
- *
- * <h2>Configuration file</h2>
- *
- * When the main() method of this class is used to start the program, the first
- * argument is used as a path to the config file, which will be used to obtain
- * configuration information. This file is a Properties file, so keys and
- * values are separated by equals (=) and the key/value pairs are separated
- * by new lines. The following is a general summary of keys used in the
- * configuration file. For full details on this see the documentation in
- * docs/index.html
- * <ol>
- * <li>dataDir - The directory where the ZooKeeper data is stored.</li>
- * <li>dataLogDir - The directory where the ZooKeeper transaction log is stored.</li>
- * <li>clientPort - The port used to communicate with clients.</li>
- * <li>tickTime - The duration of a tick in milliseconds. This is the basic
- * unit of time in ZooKeeper.</li>
- * <li>initLimit - The maximum number of ticks that a follower will wait to
- * initially synchronize with a leader.</li>
- * <li>syncLimit - The maximum number of ticks that a follower will wait for a
- * message (including heartbeats) from the leader.</li>
- * <li>server.<i>id</i> - This is the host:port[:port] that the server with the
- * given id will use for the quorum protocol.</li>
- * </ol>
- * In addition to the config file. There is a file in the data directory called
- * "myid" that contains the server id as an ASCII decimal value.
- *
- */
- @InterfaceAudience.Public
- public class QuorumPeerMain {
- private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QuorumPeerMain.class);
- private static final String USAGE = "Usage: QuorumPeerMain configfile";
- protected QuorumPeer quorumPeer;
- /**
- * To start the replicated server specify the configuration file name on
- * the command line.
- * @param args path to the configfile
- */
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- QuorumPeerMain main = new QuorumPeerMain();
- try {
- main.initializeAndRun(args);
- } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
- LOG.error("Invalid arguments, exiting abnormally", e);
- LOG.info(USAGE);
- System.err.println(USAGE);
- ZKAuditProvider.addServerStartFailureAuditLog();
- ServiceUtils.requestSystemExit(ExitCode.INVALID_INVOCATION.getValue());
- } catch (ConfigException e) {
- LOG.error("Invalid config, exiting abnormally", e);
- System.err.println("Invalid config, exiting abnormally");
- ZKAuditProvider.addServerStartFailureAuditLog();
- ServiceUtils.requestSystemExit(ExitCode.INVALID_INVOCATION.getValue());
- } catch (DatadirException e) {
- LOG.error("Unable to access datadir, exiting abnormally", e);
- System.err.println("Unable to access datadir, exiting abnormally");
- ZKAuditProvider.addServerStartFailureAuditLog();
- ServiceUtils.requestSystemExit(ExitCode.UNABLE_TO_ACCESS_DATADIR.getValue());
- } catch (AdminServerException e) {
- LOG.error("Unable to start AdminServer, exiting abnormally", e);
- System.err.println("Unable to start AdminServer, exiting abnormally");
- ZKAuditProvider.addServerStartFailureAuditLog();
- ServiceUtils.requestSystemExit(ExitCode.ERROR_STARTING_ADMIN_SERVER.getValue());
- } catch (Exception e) {
- LOG.error("Unexpected exception, exiting abnormally", e);
- ZKAuditProvider.addServerStartFailureAuditLog();
- ServiceUtils.requestSystemExit(ExitCode.UNEXPECTED_ERROR.getValue());
- }
- LOG.info("Exiting normally");
- ServiceUtils.requestSystemExit(ExitCode.EXECUTION_FINISHED.getValue());
- }
- protected void initializeAndRun(String[] args) throws ConfigException, IOException, AdminServerException {
- QuorumPeerConfig config = new QuorumPeerConfig();
- if (args.length == 1) {
- config.parse(args[0]);
- }
- // Start and schedule the the purge task
- DatadirCleanupManager purgeMgr = new DatadirCleanupManager(
- config.getDataDir(),
- config.getDataLogDir(),
- config.getSnapRetainCount(),
- config.getPurgeInterval());
- purgeMgr.start();
- if (args.length == 1 && config.isDistributed()) {
- runFromConfig(config);
- } else {
- LOG.warn("Either no config or no quorum defined in config, running in standalone mode");
- // there is only server in the quorum -- run as standalone
- ZooKeeperServerMain.main(args);
- }
- }
- public void runFromConfig(QuorumPeerConfig config) throws IOException, AdminServerException {
- try {
- ManagedUtil.registerLog4jMBeans();
- } catch (JMException e) {
- LOG.warn("Unable to register log4j JMX control", e);
- }
- LOG.info("Starting quorum peer, myid=" + config.getServerId());
- final MetricsProvider metricsProvider;
- try {
- metricsProvider = MetricsProviderBootstrap.startMetricsProvider(
- config.getMetricsProviderClassName(),
- config.getMetricsProviderConfiguration());
- } catch (MetricsProviderLifeCycleException error) {
- throw new IOException("Cannot boot MetricsProvider " + config.getMetricsProviderClassName(), error);
- }
- try {
- ServerMetrics.metricsProviderInitialized(metricsProvider);
- ProviderRegistry.initialize();
- ServerCnxnFactory cnxnFactory = null;
- ServerCnxnFactory secureCnxnFactory = null;
- if (config.getClientPortAddress() != null) {
- cnxnFactory = ServerCnxnFactory.createFactory();
- cnxnFactory.configure(config.getClientPortAddress(), config.getMaxClientCnxns(), config.getClientPortListenBacklog(), false);
- }
- if (config.getSecureClientPortAddress() != null) {
- secureCnxnFactory = ServerCnxnFactory.createFactory();
- secureCnxnFactory.configure(config.getSecureClientPortAddress(), config.getMaxClientCnxns(), config.getClientPortListenBacklog(), true);
- }
- quorumPeer = getQuorumPeer();
- quorumPeer.setTxnFactory(new FileTxnSnapLog(config.getDataLogDir(), config.getDataDir()));
- quorumPeer.enableLocalSessions(config.areLocalSessionsEnabled());
- quorumPeer.enableLocalSessionsUpgrading(config.isLocalSessionsUpgradingEnabled());
- //quorumPeer.setQuorumPeers(config.getAllMembers());
- quorumPeer.setElectionType(config.getElectionAlg());
- quorumPeer.setMyid(config.getServerId());
- quorumPeer.setTickTime(config.getTickTime());
- quorumPeer.setMinSessionTimeout(config.getMinSessionTimeout());
- quorumPeer.setMaxSessionTimeout(config.getMaxSessionTimeout());
- quorumPeer.setInitLimit(config.getInitLimit());
- quorumPeer.setSyncLimit(config.getSyncLimit());
- quorumPeer.setConnectToLearnerMasterLimit(config.getConnectToLearnerMasterLimit());
- quorumPeer.setObserverMasterPort(config.getObserverMasterPort());
- quorumPeer.setConfigFileName(config.getConfigFilename());
- quorumPeer.setClientPortListenBacklog(config.getClientPortListenBacklog());
- quorumPeer.setZKDatabase(new ZKDatabase(quorumPeer.getTxnFactory()));
- quorumPeer.setQuorumVerifier(config.getQuorumVerifier(), false);
- if (config.getLastSeenQuorumVerifier() != null) {
- quorumPeer.setLastSeenQuorumVerifier(config.getLastSeenQuorumVerifier(), false);
- }
- quorumPeer.initConfigInZKDatabase();
- quorumPeer.setCnxnFactory(cnxnFactory);
- quorumPeer.setSecureCnxnFactory(secureCnxnFactory);
- quorumPeer.setSslQuorum(config.isSslQuorum());
- quorumPeer.setUsePortUnification(config.shouldUsePortUnification());
- quorumPeer.setLearnerType(config.getPeerType());
- quorumPeer.setSyncEnabled(config.getSyncEnabled());
- quorumPeer.setQuorumListenOnAllIPs(config.getQuorumListenOnAllIPs());
- if (config.sslQuorumReloadCertFiles) {
- quorumPeer.getX509Util().enableCertFileReloading();
- }
- quorumPeer.setMultiAddressEnabled(config.isMultiAddressEnabled());
- quorumPeer.setMultiAddressReachabilityCheckEnabled(config.isMultiAddressReachabilityCheckEnabled());
- quorumPeer.setMultiAddressReachabilityCheckTimeoutMs(config.getMultiAddressReachabilityCheckTimeoutMs());
- // sets quorum sasl authentication configurations
- quorumPeer.setQuorumSaslEnabled(config.quorumEnableSasl);
- if (quorumPeer.isQuorumSaslAuthEnabled()) {
- quorumPeer.setQuorumServerSaslRequired(config.quorumServerRequireSasl);
- quorumPeer.setQuorumLearnerSaslRequired(config.quorumLearnerRequireSasl);
- quorumPeer.setQuorumServicePrincipal(config.quorumServicePrincipal);
- quorumPeer.setQuorumServerLoginContext(config.quorumServerLoginContext);
- quorumPeer.setQuorumLearnerLoginContext(config.quorumLearnerLoginContext);
- }
- org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain.setQuorumCnxnThreadsSize(config.quorumCnxnThreadsSize);
- quorumPeer.initialize();
- if (config.jvmPauseMonitorToRun) {
- quorumPeer.setJvmPauseMonitor(new JvmPauseMonitor(config));
- }
- quorumPeer.start();
- ZKAuditProvider.addZKStartStopAuditLog();
- quorumPeer.join();
- } catch (InterruptedException e) {
- // warn, but generally this is ok
- LOG.warn("Quorum Peer interrupted", e);
- } finally {
- try {
- metricsProvider.stop();
- } catch (Throwable error) {
- LOG.warn("Error while stopping metrics", error);
- }
- }
- }
- // @VisibleForTesting
- protected QuorumPeer getQuorumPeer() throws SaslException {
- return new QuorumPeer();
- }
- /**
- * Shutdowns properly the service, this method is not a public API.
- */
- public void close() {
- if (quorumPeer != null) {
- try {
- quorumPeer.shutdown();
- } finally {
- quorumPeer = null;
- }
- }
- }
- @Override
- public String toString() {
- QuorumPeer peer = quorumPeer;
- return peer == null ? "" : peer.toString();
- }
- }
复制代码 org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain 是 Apache ZooKeeper 项目中的一个类,它负责启动和管理 ZooKeeper 的 Quorum 服务器。
ZooKeeper 是一个为分布式体系提供服务的开源项目,它为分布式应用提供了一致的、可靠的、高性能的调和服务。Quorum 服务器是 ZooKeeper 集群的核心组件之一,它负责处理客户端的请求,维护集群的状态,以及在集群中复制和同步数据。
QuorumPeerMain 类是 ZooKeeper Quorum 服务器的入口点。当你在下令行中运行 ZooKeeper 时,这个类会被 JVM 加载并执行。它负责剖析下令行参数,配置 ZooKeeper 服务器,然后启动服务器并进入监听状态。
这个类包罗了启动和管理 ZooKeeper Quorum 服务器的逻辑。它读取配置文件(通常是 zoo.cfg),设置须要的体系属性,创建和配置 QuorumPeer 对象,然后启动服务器。一旦服务器启动并运行,它将开始担当客户端的毗连请求并处理这些请求。
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