一、Qt SQl模块
1、在项目配置文件xxx.pro中的“QT += core gui”反面添加:
QT += sql
(1):QSQL (包罗整个QtSQL模块中使用的各种标识符)
(2):QSqlDriverCreatorBase (SQL驱动步伐工厂的基类)
(3):QSqlDriverCreator (模板类,为特定的驱动步伐类型提供SQL驱动步伐工厂)
(4):QSqlDatabase (表现与数据库的毗连)
(5):QSqlDriver (用于访问特定SQL数据库的抽象基类)
(6):QSqlError (数据库错误信息)
(7):QSqlField (处理SQL数据库表和视图中的字段)
(8):QSqlIndex (操作和描述数据库索引的函数)
(9):QSqlQuery (执行和操作SQL语句的方法)
(10):QSqlRecord (封装数据库记录)
(11) : QSqlResult (用于从特定的SQL数据库访问数据的抽象接口)
(12):QSqlQueryModel (SQL效果集的只读数据模型)
(13):QSqlRelationalTableModel (具有外键支持的单个数据库表的可编辑数据模型)
(14):QSqlTableModel (单个数据库表的可编程数据模型)
下载链接:SQLite administration | SQLite Expert
(1) QSqlDatabase db_student = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");使用SQLITE数据库, 数据库毗连缺省的名字为 "qt_sql_default_connection"
(2) QSqlDatabase db_student = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE", "my_db_connection");//使用SQLITE数据库, 指定数据库毗连的名字为"my_db_connection"
if (!db_student.open())
qDebug() << "打开数据库失败1";
5、使用当前的数据库毗连 执行SQL操作
(1)QSqlQuery query(db_student); //指定一个数据库的毗连
(2)QSqlQuery query; //不指定数据库毗连, 它会使用缺省的数据库毗连 "qt_sql_default_connection"
QString queryStr = "create table Student (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, score INTEGER NOT NULL, class VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL)";//AUTOINCREMENT表现该列为整数递增,如果为空则主动填入1,然后在下面的每一行都会主动加1;PRIMARY KEY表现该列为列表的主键;VARCHAR(40)表现该列为可变长字符串(40字节),默认只能存储英文、数字、大概UTF-8编码的字符,最多40个字节;INTEGER表现该列为带符号的整数:NOT NULL表现该列的内容不能为空。
if (!query.exec(queryStr)) //执行创建表的操作(query.exec(queryStr))
qDebug() << "创建数据库表失败";
qDebug() << query.lastError().text();
queryStr = "insert into Student values('1', '小A',87)";
if (!query.exec(queryStr))
qDebug() << "插入数据失败";
qDebug() << query.lastError().text();
queryStr = "insert into Student values(?,?,?)";
if (!query.exec(queryStr))
qDebug() << "插入数据失败2";
qDebug() << query.lastError().text();
QString queryStr = "insert into Student values(:id, :name,:score)";
query.bindValue(":id", ui->le_id->text());
query.bindValue(":name", ui->le_name->text());
query.bindValue(":score", ui->le_score->text().toInt());
if (!query.exec(queryStr))
qDebug() << queryStr << " failed";
qDebug() << query.lastError().text();
QString queryStr = "select * from Student";
if (!query.exec(queryStr))
qDebug() << queryStr << " failed";
qDebug() << query.lastError().text();
QString queryStr = "select * from Student where id = :id";
query.bindValue(":id", ui->le_id->text());
if (!query.exec(queryStr))
qDebug() << queryStr << " failed";
qDebug() << query.lastError().text();
while (query.next())
QString queryStr = "update Student set name=?, score=? where id=?";
if (!query.exec(queryStr))
qDebug() << queryStr << " failed";
qDebug() << query.lastError().text();
QString queryStr = "delete from Student where id = :id";
query.bindValue(":id", ui->le_id->text());
if (!query.exec())
qDebug() << queryStr << " failed";
qDebug() << query.lastError().text();
QString queryStr = "DROP TABLE Student";
项目文件添加QT += sql
- #include <QtSql/QSqlDatabase>
- #include <QtSql/QSqlError>
- #include <QtSql/QSqlQuery>
- #include <QDebug>
复制代码 二、编辑.cpp文件实现学生信息表的创建和数据插入
- #include "widget.h"
- #include "ui_widget.h"
- Widget::Widget(QWidget *parent)
- : QWidget(parent)
- , ui(new Ui::Widget)
- {
- ui->setupUi(this);
- QStringList names;//创建学生名字信息表
- names <<"小A" << "小B"<< "小C"<< "大D"<< "大E"<< "大F"<< "中G"<< "中H"<< "中I"<< "王J"<< "王K"<< "毛L"<< "毛M"<< "黄N"<< "黄O"<< "思P"<< "HQ"<< "GYUR";
- QStringList clases;//创建学生班级信息表
- clases <<"高一、一班"<<"高一、二班"<<"高一、三班"<<"高二、一班"<<"高二、二班"<<"高二、三班"<<"高三、一班"<<"高三、二班"<<"高三、三班";
- //创建数据库
- QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");//创建SQLITE数据库,使用缺省连接
- //设置数据库文件名
- db.setDatabaseName("MySqlit_db");
- //打开数据库
- if(!db.open())//打开失败
- qDebug()<< db.lastError().text();//输出错误信息
- else //打开成功
- {
- qDebug()<< "数据库打开成功";
- //数据库操作
- //1、指定数据库连接
- QSqlQuery query(db);//连接数据库db
- query.exec("DROP TABLE students");//清空一下表students,防止数据库中有students表从而创建失败
- //2、创建一个学生信息表
- query.exec("CREATE TABLE students("
- "name VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,"
- "class VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL)");
- qDebug()<< "创建学生信息表成功(id,name,score,class)";
- //3、为每一列标题添加绑定值
- query.prepare("INSERT INTO students (name, score, class)"
- "VALUES (:name, :score, :class)");
- //4、插入对应数据
- foreach (QString name, names) {
- query.bindValue(":name", name);//向绑定值中加入名字
- query.bindValue(":score", rand()%101);//随机获取0~101的值传入成绩中
- query.bindValue(":class", clases[rand()%8]);//随机获取班级,并传入绑定值中
- //5、将对应数据加入数据库
- query.exec();//执行绑定的操作
- }
- }
- }
复制代码 步伐运行效果:

使用SQLite Expert Personal 3软件查看数据库学生信息表如下:

因为此处需要使用数据库db,以是将数据库界说为全局变量方便一些;直接在.h文件里面界说:QSqlDatabase db;//数据库对象,之后.cpp文件直接使用db就行;
- #include "widget.h"
- #include "ui_widget.h"
- Widget::Widget(QWidget *parent)
- : QWidget(parent)
- , ui(new Ui::Widget)
- {
- ui->setupUi(this);
- ui->tabWidget->setTabText(0, "Select");
- ui->tabWidget->setTabText(1, "Delete");
- ui->pushButton->setText("查询数据库");
- QStringList names;//创建学生名字信息表
- names <<"小A" << "小B"<< "小C"<< "大D"<< "大E"<< "大F"<< "中G"<< "中H"<< "中I"<< "王J"<< "王K"<< "毛L"<< "毛M"<< "黄N"<< "黄O"<< "思P"<< "HQ"<< "GYUR";
- QStringList clases;//创建学生班级信息表
- clases <<"高一、一班"<<"高一、二班"<<"高一、三班"<<"高二、一班"<<"高二、二班"<<"高二、三班"<<"高三、一班"<<"高三、二班"<<"高三、三班";
- //创建数据库
- db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");//创建SQLITE数据库,使用缺省连接
- //设置数据库文件名
- db.setDatabaseName("MySqlit_db");
- //打开数据库
- if(!db.open())//打开失败
- qDebug()<< db.lastError().text();//输出错误信息
- else //打开成功
- {
- qDebug()<< "数据库打开成功";
- //数据库操作
- //1、指定数据库连接
- QSqlQuery query(db);//连接数据库db
- query.exec("DROP TABLE students");//清空一下表students,防止数据库中有students表从而创建失败
- //2、创建一个学生信息表
- query.exec("CREATE TABLE students("
- "name VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,"
- "class VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL)");
- qDebug()<< "创建学生信息表成功(id,name,score,class)";
- //3、为每一列标题添加绑定值
- query.prepare("INSERT INTO students (name, score, class)"
- "VALUES (:name, :score, :class)");
- //4、插入对应数据
- foreach (QString name, names) {
- query.bindValue(":name", name);//向绑定值中加入名字
- query.bindValue(":score", rand()%101);//随机获取0~101的值传入成绩中
- query.bindValue(":class", clases[rand()%8]);//随机获取班级,并传入绑定值中
- //5、将对应数据加入数据库
- query.exec();//执行绑定的操作
- }
- }
- //设置控件QTableWidget属性
- ui->tableWidget->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers); // 禁止编辑单元格内容
- }
- Widget::~Widget()
- {
- delete ui;
- }
- //点击按钮查询数据库并显示查询到的所有信息
- void Widget::on_pushButton_clicked()
- {
- QSqlQuery query(db);
- if(!query.exec("SELECT * FROM students"))//如果查询失败
- {
- qDebug()<<"查询学生信息表失败 "<<db.lastError().text();
- }
- else//查询成功
- {
- int num = 0;
- //初始化tableWidget控件
- ui->tableWidget->setColumnCount(4);//设置控件为4列
- ui->tableWidget->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(QStringList() << "id" << "name" << "score" << "class");
- while(query.next())
- {
- //存储数据
- QString id = query.value(0).toString();
- QString name = query.value(1).toString();
- QString score = query.value(2).toString();
- QString class1 = query.value(3).toString();
- QTableWidgetItem *item0 = new QTableWidgetItem(id);
- QTableWidgetItem *item1 = new QTableWidgetItem(name);
- QTableWidgetItem *item2 = new QTableWidgetItem(score);
- QTableWidgetItem *item3 = new QTableWidgetItem(class1);
- // 设置数据内容居中对齐
- item0->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- item1->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- item2->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- item3->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- ui->tableWidget->setRowCount(num+1);//设置对应行数
- //加载数据到控件中显示
- ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 0, item0);
- ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 1, item1);
- ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 2, item2);
- ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 3, item3);
- num++;
- }
- }
- }
复制代码 

- //查询符合条件的项目
- void Widget::on_pushButton_2_clicked()
- {
- if(ui->lineEdit->text().isEmpty())
- {
- QMessageBox mesbox;
- mesbox.setText("请输入内容!!!");
- mesbox.exec();
- }
- else
- {
- QString info = ui->lineEdit->text();
- QSqlQuery query;
- if(ui->comboBox->currentIndex() == 0)
- {
- query.prepare("select * from students where name=:info");
- query.bindValue(":info", info);
- if(query.exec())
- {
- int num = 0;
- //初始化tableWidget控件
- ui->tableWidget->setColumnCount(4);//设置控件为4列
- ui->tableWidget->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(QStringList() << "id" << "name" << "score" << "class");
- while(query.next())
- {
- //存储数据
- QString id = query.value(0).toString();
- QString name = query.value(1).toString();
- QString score = query.value(2).toString();
- QString class1 = query.value(3).toString();
- QTableWidgetItem *item0 = new QTableWidgetItem(id);
- QTableWidgetItem *item1 = new QTableWidgetItem(name);
- QTableWidgetItem *item2 = new QTableWidgetItem(score);
- QTableWidgetItem *item3 = new QTableWidgetItem(class1);
- // 设置数据内容居中对齐
- item0->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- item1->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- item2->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- item3->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- ui->tableWidget->setRowCount(num+1);//设置对应行数
- //加载数据到控件中显示
- ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 0, item0);
- ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 1, item1);
- ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 2, item2);
- ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 3, item3);
- num++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
- }
- if(ui->comboBox->currentIndex() == 1)
- {
- query.prepare("select * from students where class=:info");
- query.bindValue(":info", info);
- if(query.exec())
- {
- int num = 0;
- //初始化tableWidget控件
- ui->tableWidget->setColumnCount(4);//设置控件为4列
- ui->tableWidget->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(QStringList() << "id" << "name" << "score" << "class");
- while(query.next())
- {
- //存储数据
- QString id = query.value(0).toString();
- QString name = query.value(1).toString();
- QString score = query.value(2).toString();
- QString class1 = query.value(3).toString();
- QTableWidgetItem *item0 = new QTableWidgetItem(id);
- QTableWidgetItem *item1 = new QTableWidgetItem(name);
- QTableWidgetItem *item2 = new QTableWidgetItem(score);
- QTableWidgetItem *item3 = new QTableWidgetItem(class1);
- // 设置数据内容居中对齐
- item0->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- item1->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- item2->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- item3->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- ui->tableWidget->setRowCount(num+1);//设置对应行数
- //加载数据到控件中显示
- ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 0, item0);
- ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 1, item1);
- ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 2, item2);
- ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 3, item3);
- num++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
- }
- if(ui->comboBox->currentIndex() == 2)
- {
- query.prepare("select * from students where score=:info");
- query.bindValue(":info", info);
- if(query.exec())
- {
- int num = 0;
- //初始化tableWidget控件
- ui->tableWidget->setColumnCount(4);//设置控件为4列
- ui->tableWidget->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(QStringList() << "id" << "name" << "score" << "class");
- while(query.next())
- {
- //存储数据
- QString id = query.value(0).toString();
- QString name = query.value(1).toString();
- QString score = query.value(2).toString();
- QString class1 = query.value(3).toString();
- QTableWidgetItem *item0 = new QTableWidgetItem(id);
- QTableWidgetItem *item1 = new QTableWidgetItem(name);
- QTableWidgetItem *item2 = new QTableWidgetItem(score);
- QTableWidgetItem *item3 = new QTableWidgetItem(class1);
- // 设置数据内容居中对齐
- item0->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- item1->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- item2->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- item3->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- ui->tableWidget->setRowCount(num+1);//设置对应行数
- //加载数据到控件中显示
- ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 0, item0);
- ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 1, item1);
- ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 2, item2);
- ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 3, item3);
- num++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
- }
- }
- }
复制代码 (3)、删除所有数据
- //删除所有数据
- void Widget::on_pushButton_4_clicked()
- {
- QSqlQuery query(db);
- if(!query.exec("delete FROM students"))//如果删除失败
- qDebug()<<"删除所有学生信息失败 "<<db.lastError().text();
- else//删除成功
- {
- QMessageBox mybox;
- mybox.setText("删除成功,请重新查询数据库查看");
- mybox.exec();
- }
- }
复制代码 (4)、删除特定对象
- //删除特定项void Widget::on_pushButton_3_clicked(){ if(ui->lineEdit->text().isEmpty()) { QMessageBox mesbox; mesbox.setText("请输入内容!!!"); mesbox.exec(); } else { QString info = ui->lineEdit->text(); QSqlQuery query; if(ui->comboBox->currentIndex() == 0) { query.prepare("delete from students where name=:info"); query.bindValue(":info", info); if(query.exec()) { qDebug()<<"删除乐成项目name = "<<info; } else { qDebug()<<query.lastError().text(); } } if(ui->comboBox->currentIndex() == 1) { query.prepare("delete from students where class=:info"); query.bindValue(":info", info); if(query.exec()) { qDebug()<<"删除乐成项目 class = "<<info; } else { qDebug()<<query.lastError().text(); } } if(ui->comboBox->currentIndex() == 2) { query.prepare("delete from students where score=:info"); query.bindValue(":info", info); if(query.exec()) { qDebug()<<"删除乐成项目 score = "<<info; } else { qDebug()<<query.lastError().text(); } } }}//删除所有数据
- void Widget::on_pushButton_4_clicked()
- {
- QSqlQuery query(db);
- if(!query.exec("delete FROM students"))//如果删除失败
- qDebug()<<"删除所有学生信息失败 "<<db.lastError().text();
- else//删除成功
- {
- QMessageBox mybox;
- mybox.setText("删除成功,请重新查询数据库查看");
- mybox.exec();
- }
- }
复制代码
- //插入数据
- void Widget::on_pushButton_5_clicked()
- {
- QSqlQuery query(db);
- QString str = "INSERT INTO students VALUES(:id, :name, :score, :class)";
- query.prepare(str);
- query.bindValue(":id", ui->le_id->text().toInt());
- query.bindValue(":name", ui->le_name->text());
- query.bindValue(":score", ui->le_score->text().toInt());
- query.bindValue(":class", ui->le_class->text());
- if(query.exec())
- qDebug()<<"数据插入成功";
- else
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
复制代码 (6)、更新特定对象
- //更新数据
- void Widget::on_pushButton_6_clicked()
- {
- QString info1 = ui->le_updata_1->text();
- QString info2 = ui->le_updata_2->text();
- QSqlQuery query(db);
- //根据id去更新
- if(ui->comboBox_2->currentIndex() == 0)//id
- {
- if(ui->comboBox_3->currentIndex() == 0)//name
- {
- query.prepare("update students set name=:name where id=:id1");
- query.bindValue(":name", info2);
- query.bindValue(":id1", info1.toInt());
- if(query.exec())
- qDebug()<<info1<<" name更新成功";
- else
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
- if(ui->comboBox_3->currentIndex() == 1)//score
- {
- query.prepare("update students set score=:score where id=:id1");
- query.bindValue(":score", info2.toInt());
- query.bindValue(":id1", info1.toInt());
- if(query.exec())
- qDebug()<<info1<<" score更新成功";
- else
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
- if(ui->comboBox_3->currentIndex() == 2)//class
- {
- query.prepare("update students set class=:class where id=:id1");
- query.bindValue(":class", info2);
- query.bindValue(":id1", info1.toInt());
- if(query.exec())
- qDebug()<<info1<<" class更新成功";
- else
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
- }
- //根据name去更新
- if(ui->comboBox_2->currentIndex() == 1)//name
- {
- if(ui->comboBox_3->currentIndex() == 0)//name
- {
- query.prepare("update students set name=:name where name=:name1");
- query.bindValue(":name", info2);
- query.bindValue(":name1", info1);
- if(query.exec())
- qDebug()<<info1<<" name更新成功";
- else
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
- if(ui->comboBox_3->currentIndex() == 1)//score
- {
- query.prepare("update students set score=:score where name=:name");
- query.bindValue(":score", info2.toInt());
- query.bindValue(":name", info1);
- if(query.exec())
- qDebug()<<info1<<" score更新成功";
- else
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
- if(ui->comboBox_3->currentIndex() == 2)//class
- {
- query.prepare("update students set class=:class where name=:name");
- query.bindValue(":class", info2);
- query.bindValue(":name", info1);
- if(query.exec())
- qDebug()<<info1<<" class更新成功";
- else
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
- }
- //根据score去更新
- if(ui->comboBox_2->currentIndex() == 2)//score
- {
- if(ui->comboBox_3->currentIndex() == 0)//name
- {
- query.prepare("update students set name=:name where score=:score");
- query.bindValue(":name", info2);
- query.bindValue(":score", info1.toInt());
- if(query.exec())
- qDebug()<<info1<<" name更新成功";
- else
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
- if(ui->comboBox_3->currentIndex() == 1)//score
- {
- query.prepare("update students set score=:score where score=:score1");
- query.bindValue(":score", info2.toInt());
- query.bindValue(":score1", info1.toInt());
- if(query.exec())
- qDebug()<<info1<<" score更新成功";
- else
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
- if(ui->comboBox_3->currentIndex() == 2)//class
- {
- query.prepare("update students set class=:class where score=:score");
- query.bindValue(":class", info2);
- query.bindValue(":score", info1.toInt());
- if(query.exec())
- qDebug()<<info1<<" class更新成功";
- else
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
- }
- //根据class去更新
- if(ui->comboBox_2->currentIndex() == 3)//class
- {
- if(ui->comboBox_3->currentIndex() == 0)//name
- {
- query.prepare("update students set name=:name where calss=:class");
- query.bindValue(":name", info2);
- query.bindValue(":class", info1);
- if(query.exec())
- qDebug()<<info1<<" class更新成功";
- else
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
- if(ui->comboBox_3->currentIndex() == 1)//score
- {
- query.prepare("update students set score=:score where class=:class");
- query.bindValue(":score", info2.toInt());
- query.bindValue(":class", info1);
- if(query.exec())
- qDebug()<<info1<<" class更新成功";
- else
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
- if(ui->comboBox_3->currentIndex() == 2)//class
- {
- query.prepare("update students set class=:class where class=:class1");
- query.bindValue(":class", info2);
- query.bindValue(":class1", info1);
- if(query.exec())
- qDebug()<<info1<<" class更新成功";
- else
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
- }
- }
复制代码 四、总体代码
- #include "widget.h"#include "ui_widget.h"Widget::Widget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) , ui(new Ui::Widget){ ui->setupUi(this); ui->tabWidget->setTabText(0, "Select"); ui->tabWidget->setTabText(1, "Delete"); ui->pushButton->setText("查询数据库"); QStringList names;//创建学生名字信息表 names <<"小A" << "小B"<< "小C"<< "大D"<< "大E"<< "大F"<< "中G"<< "中H"<< "中I"<< "王J"<< "王K"<< "毛L"<< "毛M"<< "黄N"<< "黄O"<< "思P"<< "HQ"<< "GYUR"; QStringList clases;//创建学生班级信息表 clases <<"高一、一班"<<"高一、二班"<<"高一、三班"<<"高二、一班"<<"高二、二班"<<"高二、三班"<<"高三、一班"<<"高三、二班"<<"高三、三班"; //创建数据库 db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");//创建SQLITE数据库,使用缺省毗连 //设置数据库文件名 db.setDatabaseName("MySqlit_db"); //打开数据库 if(!db.open())//打开失败 qDebug()<< db.lastError().text();//输出错误信息 else //打开乐成 { qDebug()<< "数据库打开乐成"; //数据库操作 //1、指定数据库毗连 QSqlQuery query(db);//毗连数据库db query.exec("DROP TABLE students");//清空一下表students,防止数据库中有students表从而创建失败 //2、创建一个学生信息表 query.exec("CREATE TABLE students(" "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," "name VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL," "score INTEGER NOT NULL," "class VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL)"); qDebug()<< "创建学生信息表乐成(id,name,score,class)"; //3、为每一列标题添加绑定值 query.prepare("INSERT INTO students (name, score, class)" "VALUES (:name, :score, :class)"); //4、插入对应数据 foreach (QString name, names) { query.bindValue(":name", name);//向绑定值中到场名字 query.bindValue(":score", rand()%101);//随机获取0~101的值传入结果中 query.bindValue(":class", clases[rand()%8]);//随机获取班级,并传入绑定值中 //5、将对应数据到场数据库 query.exec();//执行绑定的操作 } } //设置控件QTableWidget属性 ui->tableWidget->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers); // 禁止编辑单位格内容}Widget::~Widget(){ delete ui;}//点击按钮查询数据库并表现查询到的所有信息void Widget::on_pushButton_clicked(){ QSqlQuery query(db); if(!query.exec("SELECT * FROM students"))//如果查询失败 { qDebug()<<"查询学生信息表失败 "<<db.lastError().text(); } else//查询乐成 { if(query.next()) { int num = 0; //初始化tableWidget控件 ui->tableWidget->setColumnCount(4);//设置控件为4列 ui->tableWidget->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(QStringList() << "id" << "name" << "score" << "class"); do { //存储数据 QString id = query.value(0).toString(); QString name = query.value(1).toString(); QString score = query.value(2).toString(); QString class1 = query.value(3).toString(); QTableWidgetItem *item0 = new QTableWidgetItem(id); QTableWidgetItem *item1 = new QTableWidgetItem(name); QTableWidgetItem *item2 = new QTableWidgetItem(score); QTableWidgetItem *item3 = new QTableWidgetItem(class1); // 设置数据内容居中对齐 item0->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); item1->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); item2->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); item3->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); ui->tableWidget->setRowCount(num+1);//设置对应行数 //加载数据到控件中表现 ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 0, item0); ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 1, item1); ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 2, item2); ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 3, item3); num++; }while(query.next()); } else//未查询到数据 { ui->tableWidget->clear(); ui->tableWidget->setColumnCount(4);//设置控件为4列 ui->tableWidget->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(QStringList() << "id" << "name" << "score" << "class"); QMessageBox mesbox; mesbox.setText("数据库内无内容"); mesbox.exec(); } }}//查询符合条件的项目
- void Widget::on_pushButton_2_clicked()
- {
- if(ui->lineEdit->text().isEmpty())
- {
- QMessageBox mesbox;
- mesbox.setText("请输入内容!!!");
- mesbox.exec();
- }
- else
- {
- QString info = ui->lineEdit->text();
- QSqlQuery query;
- if(ui->comboBox->currentIndex() == 0)
- {
- query.prepare("select * from students where name=:info");
- query.bindValue(":info", info);
- if(query.exec())
- {
- int num = 0;
- //初始化tableWidget控件
- ui->tableWidget->setColumnCount(4);//设置控件为4列
- ui->tableWidget->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(QStringList() << "id" << "name" << "score" << "class");
- while(query.next())
- {
- //存储数据
- QString id = query.value(0).toString();
- QString name = query.value(1).toString();
- QString score = query.value(2).toString();
- QString class1 = query.value(3).toString();
- QTableWidgetItem *item0 = new QTableWidgetItem(id);
- QTableWidgetItem *item1 = new QTableWidgetItem(name);
- QTableWidgetItem *item2 = new QTableWidgetItem(score);
- QTableWidgetItem *item3 = new QTableWidgetItem(class1);
- // 设置数据内容居中对齐
- item0->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- item1->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- item2->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- item3->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- ui->tableWidget->setRowCount(num+1);//设置对应行数
- //加载数据到控件中显示
- ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 0, item0);
- ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 1, item1);
- ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 2, item2);
- ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 3, item3);
- num++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
- }
- if(ui->comboBox->currentIndex() == 1)
- {
- query.prepare("select * from students where class=:info");
- query.bindValue(":info", info);
- if(query.exec())
- {
- int num = 0;
- //初始化tableWidget控件
- ui->tableWidget->setColumnCount(4);//设置控件为4列
- ui->tableWidget->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(QStringList() << "id" << "name" << "score" << "class");
- while(query.next())
- {
- //存储数据
- QString id = query.value(0).toString();
- QString name = query.value(1).toString();
- QString score = query.value(2).toString();
- QString class1 = query.value(3).toString();
- QTableWidgetItem *item0 = new QTableWidgetItem(id);
- QTableWidgetItem *item1 = new QTableWidgetItem(name);
- QTableWidgetItem *item2 = new QTableWidgetItem(score);
- QTableWidgetItem *item3 = new QTableWidgetItem(class1);
- // 设置数据内容居中对齐
- item0->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- item1->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- item2->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- item3->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- ui->tableWidget->setRowCount(num+1);//设置对应行数
- //加载数据到控件中显示
- ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 0, item0);
- ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 1, item1);
- ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 2, item2);
- ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 3, item3);
- num++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
- }
- if(ui->comboBox->currentIndex() == 2)
- {
- query.prepare("select * from students where score=:info");
- query.bindValue(":info", info);
- if(query.exec())
- {
- int num = 0;
- //初始化tableWidget控件
- ui->tableWidget->setColumnCount(4);//设置控件为4列
- ui->tableWidget->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(QStringList() << "id" << "name" << "score" << "class");
- while(query.next())
- {
- //存储数据
- QString id = query.value(0).toString();
- QString name = query.value(1).toString();
- QString score = query.value(2).toString();
- QString class1 = query.value(3).toString();
- QTableWidgetItem *item0 = new QTableWidgetItem(id);
- QTableWidgetItem *item1 = new QTableWidgetItem(name);
- QTableWidgetItem *item2 = new QTableWidgetItem(score);
- QTableWidgetItem *item3 = new QTableWidgetItem(class1);
- // 设置数据内容居中对齐
- item0->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- item1->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- item2->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- item3->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- ui->tableWidget->setRowCount(num+1);//设置对应行数
- //加载数据到控件中显示
- ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 0, item0);
- ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 1, item1);
- ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 2, item2);
- ui->tableWidget->setItem(num, 3, item3);
- num++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
- }
- }
- }//删除特定项void Widget::on_pushButton_3_clicked(){ if(ui->lineEdit->text().isEmpty()) { QMessageBox mesbox; mesbox.setText("请输入内容!!!"); mesbox.exec(); } else { QString info = ui->lineEdit->text(); QSqlQuery query; if(ui->comboBox->currentIndex() == 0) { query.prepare("delete from students where name=:info"); query.bindValue(":info", info); if(query.exec()) { qDebug()<<"删除乐成项目name = "<<info; } else { qDebug()<<query.lastError().text(); } } if(ui->comboBox->currentIndex() == 1) { query.prepare("delete from students where class=:info"); query.bindValue(":info", info); if(query.exec()) { qDebug()<<"删除乐成项目 class = "<<info; } else { qDebug()<<query.lastError().text(); } } if(ui->comboBox->currentIndex() == 2) { query.prepare("delete from students where score=:info"); query.bindValue(":info", info); if(query.exec()) { qDebug()<<"删除乐成项目 score = "<<info; } else { qDebug()<<query.lastError().text(); } } }}//删除所有数据
- void Widget::on_pushButton_4_clicked()
- {
- QSqlQuery query(db);
- if(!query.exec("delete FROM students"))//如果删除失败
- qDebug()<<"删除所有学生信息失败 "<<db.lastError().text();
- else//删除成功
- {
- QMessageBox mybox;
- mybox.setText("删除成功,请重新查询数据库查看");
- mybox.exec();
- }
- }//插入数据
- void Widget::on_pushButton_5_clicked()
- {
- QSqlQuery query(db);
- QString str = "INSERT INTO students VALUES(:id, :name, :score, :class)";
- query.prepare(str);
- query.bindValue(":id", ui->le_id->text().toInt());
- query.bindValue(":name", ui->le_name->text());
- query.bindValue(":score", ui->le_score->text().toInt());
- query.bindValue(":class", ui->le_class->text());
- if(query.exec())
- qDebug()<<"数据插入成功";
- else
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
- //更新数据
- void Widget::on_pushButton_6_clicked()
- {
- QString info1 = ui->le_updata_1->text();
- QString info2 = ui->le_updata_2->text();
- QSqlQuery query(db);
- //根据id去更新
- if(ui->comboBox_2->currentIndex() == 0)//id
- {
- if(ui->comboBox_3->currentIndex() == 0)//name
- {
- query.prepare("update students set name=:name where id=:id1");
- query.bindValue(":name", info2);
- query.bindValue(":id1", info1.toInt());
- if(query.exec())
- qDebug()<<info1<<" name更新成功";
- else
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
- if(ui->comboBox_3->currentIndex() == 1)//score
- {
- query.prepare("update students set score=:score where id=:id1");
- query.bindValue(":score", info2.toInt());
- query.bindValue(":id1", info1.toInt());
- if(query.exec())
- qDebug()<<info1<<" score更新成功";
- else
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
- if(ui->comboBox_3->currentIndex() == 2)//class
- {
- query.prepare("update students set class=:class where id=:id1");
- query.bindValue(":class", info2);
- query.bindValue(":id1", info1.toInt());
- if(query.exec())
- qDebug()<<info1<<" class更新成功";
- else
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
- }
- //根据name去更新
- if(ui->comboBox_2->currentIndex() == 1)//name
- {
- if(ui->comboBox_3->currentIndex() == 0)//name
- {
- query.prepare("update students set name=:name where name=:name1");
- query.bindValue(":name", info2);
- query.bindValue(":name1", info1);
- if(query.exec())
- qDebug()<<info1<<" name更新成功";
- else
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
- if(ui->comboBox_3->currentIndex() == 1)//score
- {
- query.prepare("update students set score=:score where name=:name");
- query.bindValue(":score", info2.toInt());
- query.bindValue(":name", info1);
- if(query.exec())
- qDebug()<<info1<<" score更新成功";
- else
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
- if(ui->comboBox_3->currentIndex() == 2)//class
- {
- query.prepare("update students set class=:class where name=:name");
- query.bindValue(":class", info2);
- query.bindValue(":name", info1);
- if(query.exec())
- qDebug()<<info1<<" class更新成功";
- else
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
- }
- //根据score去更新
- if(ui->comboBox_2->currentIndex() == 2)//score
- {
- if(ui->comboBox_3->currentIndex() == 0)//name
- {
- query.prepare("update students set name=:name where score=:score");
- query.bindValue(":name", info2);
- query.bindValue(":score", info1.toInt());
- if(query.exec())
- qDebug()<<info1<<" name更新成功";
- else
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
- if(ui->comboBox_3->currentIndex() == 1)//score
- {
- query.prepare("update students set score=:score where score=:score1");
- query.bindValue(":score", info2.toInt());
- query.bindValue(":score1", info1.toInt());
- if(query.exec())
- qDebug()<<info1<<" score更新成功";
- else
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
- if(ui->comboBox_3->currentIndex() == 2)//class
- {
- query.prepare("update students set class=:class where score=:score");
- query.bindValue(":class", info2);
- query.bindValue(":score", info1.toInt());
- if(query.exec())
- qDebug()<<info1<<" class更新成功";
- else
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
- }
- //根据class去更新
- if(ui->comboBox_2->currentIndex() == 3)//class
- {
- if(ui->comboBox_3->currentIndex() == 0)//name
- {
- query.prepare("update students set name=:name where calss=:class");
- query.bindValue(":name", info2);
- query.bindValue(":class", info1);
- if(query.exec())
- qDebug()<<info1<<" class更新成功";
- else
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
- if(ui->comboBox_3->currentIndex() == 1)//score
- {
- query.prepare("update students set score=:score where class=:class");
- query.bindValue(":score", info2.toInt());
- query.bindValue(":class", info1);
- if(query.exec())
- qDebug()<<info1<<" class更新成功";
- else
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
- if(ui->comboBox_3->currentIndex() == 2)//class
- {
- query.prepare("update students set class=:class where class=:class1");
- query.bindValue(":class", info2);
- query.bindValue(":class1", info1);
- if(query.exec())
- qDebug()<<info1<<" class更新成功";
- else
- qDebug()<<query.lastError().text();
- }
- }
- }
复制代码 2、widget.h文件
- #ifndef WIDGET_H#define WIDGET_H#include <QWidget>#include <QtSql/QSqlDatabase>
- #include <QtSql/QSqlError>
- #include <QtSql/QSqlQuery>
- #include <QDebug>#include <QMessageBox>QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACEnamespace Ui {class Widget;}QT_END_NAMESPACEclass Widget : public QWidget{ Q_OBJECTpublic: Widget(QWidget *parent = nullptr); ~Widget();private slots: void on_pushButton_clicked(); void on_pushButton_2_clicked(); void on_pushButton_3_clicked(); void on_pushButton_4_clicked(); void on_pushButton_5_clicked(); void on_pushButton_6_clicked();private: Ui::Widget *ui; QSqlDatabase db;//数据库对象};#endif // WIDGET_H
复制代码 3、main.cpp文件
- #include "widget.h"
- #include <QApplication>
- int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- QApplication a(argc, argv);
- Widget w;
- w.show();
- return a.exec();
- }
复制代码 4、.pro文件
- QT += core gui
- QT += sql
- greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
- CONFIG += c++17
- # You can make your code fail to compile if it uses deprecated APIs.
- # In order to do so, uncomment the following line.
- #DEFINES += QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000 # disables all the APIs deprecated before Qt 6.0.0
- SOURCES += \
- main.cpp \
- widget.cpp
- HEADERS += \
- widget.h
- FORMS += \
- widget.ui
- # Default rules for deployment.
- qnx: target.path = /tmp/$${TARGET}/bin
- else: unix:!android: target.path = /opt/$${TARGET}/bin
- !isEmpty(target.path): INSTALLS += target
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