hive的高级分组聚合是指在聚合时使用GROUPING SETS、CUBE和ROLLUP的分组聚合。
1.Grouping sets 的使用
示例:- -- 使用方式
- select a,b,sum(c) from tbl group by a,b grouping sets(a,b)
复制代码 Grouping sets的子句允许在一个group by 语句中,指定多个分组聚合列。所有含有Grouping sets 的子句都可以用union连接的多个group by 查询逻辑来表示。
如下一些常见的等价替换示例:- -- 语句1
- select a, b sum(c) from tbl group by a,b grouping sets((a,b))
- -- 相当于
- select a,b,sum(c) from tbl group by a,b
- -- 语句2
- select a,b,sum(c) from tbl group by a,b grouping sets((a,b),a)
- -- 相当于
- select a,b,sum(c) from tbl group by a,b
- union
- select a,null ,sum(c) from tbl group by a
- -- 语句3
- select a,b,sum(c) from tbl group by a,b grouping sets(a,b)
- -- 相当于
- select a,null,sum(c) from tbl group by a
- union
- select null ,b,sum(c) from tbl group by b
- -- 语句4
- select a,b,sum(c) from tbl group by a,b grouping sets((a,b),a,b,())
- -- 相当于
- select a,b,sum(c) from tbl group by a,b
- union
- select a,null,sum(c) from tbl group by a
- union
- select null,b,sum(c) from tbl group by b
- union
- select null,null,sum(c) from tbl
复制代码 可以看到通过等价替换的改写之后,语句会变得简洁,性能我们之后分析。
2.cube 和rollup的使用
示例:- -- cube使用示例
- select a,b,c,count(1) from tbl group by a,b,c with cube
- -- rollup使用示例
- select a,b,c,count(1) from tbl group by a,b,c with rollup
复制代码 用法说明:
以上两个高级分组函数都可以在一个group by 语句中完成多个分组聚合,它们都可以用grouping sets来等价替换。
- cube 会计算所有group by 列的所有组合
- -- cube语句
- select a,b,c,count(1) from tbl group by a,b,c with cube
- -- 相当于
- select a,b,c count(1) from tbl group by a,b,c
- grouping sets((a,b,c),(a,b),(b,c),(a,c),(a),(b),(c),())
- rollup 会按照group by 指定的列从左到右进行分组聚合
- -- rollup语句 滚动式聚合
- select a,b,c,count(1) from tbl group by a,b,c with rollup
- -- 相当于
- select a,b,c,count(1) from tbl group by a,b,c s
- grouping sets((a,b,c),(a,b),(a),())
复制代码 3.使用高级分组聚合函数的性能分析
例1 含grouping sets关键词的SQL执行案例。- set;
- explain
- -- 小于30岁人群的不同性别平均年龄
- select gender,avg(age) as avg_age from temp.user_info_all where ymd = '20230505'
- and age < 30
- group by gender;
- -- 将以上语句改为grouping sets关键词执行语句
- set;
- explain
- select gender,avg(age) as num from temp.user_info_all
- where ymd = '20230505'
- and age < 30
- group by gender grouping sets((gender));
复制代码 查看其执行计划:- STAGE DEPENDENCIES:
- Stage-1 is a root stage
- Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1
- Stage: Stage-1
- Map Reduce
- Map Operator Tree:
- TableScan
- alias: user_info_all
- Statistics: Num rows: 32634295 Data size: 783223080 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
- Filter Operator
- predicate: (age < 30) (type: boolean)
- Statistics: Num rows: 10878098 Data size: 261074352 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
- Group By Operator
- aggregations: avg(age)
- keys: gender (type: int), 0 (type: int)
- mode: hash
- outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2
- Statistics: Num rows: 10878098 Data size: 261074352 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
- Reduce Output Operator
- key expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: int)
- sort order: ++
- Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: int)
- Statistics: Num rows: 10878098 Data size: 261074352 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
- value expressions: _col2 (type: struct<count:bigint,sum:double,input:bigint>)
- Reduce Operator Tree:
- Group By Operator
- aggregations: avg(VALUE._col0)
- keys: KEY._col0 (type: int), KEY._col1 (type: int)
- mode: mergepartial
- outputColumnNames: _col0, _col2
- Statistics: Num rows: 5439049 Data size: 130537176 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
- pruneGroupingSetId: true
- Select Operator
- expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col2 (type: double)
- outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1
- Statistics: Num rows: 5439049 Data size: 130537176 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
- File Output Operator
- compressed: true
- Statistics: Num rows: 5439049 Data size: 130537176 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
- table:
- input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat
- output format:
- serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe
- Stage: Stage-0
- Fetch Operator
- limit: -1
- Processor Tree:
- ListSink
复制代码 对以上内容进行关键字解读:
- Group By Operator :Map端开启聚合操作
- aggregations:分组聚合的算法,该案例采取avg(age)
- keys: 这里是分组列+ 一个固定列 0
- mode:Hash
- outputColumnNames:最终输出三列。_col0, _col1, _col2
- Reduce Output Operator:该阶段为map阶段聚合后的操作
- key expressions:map端最终输出的key,该例为gender和0两列。
- sort order:输出两列都正序排序
- Map-reduce partition columns:表示Map阶段数据输出的分区列,该案例为gender和0两列进行分区。
- value expressions:map端最终输出value,为一个结构体。
- Group By Operator:reduce阶段的分组聚合操作。
- aggregations: 分组聚合算法,avg(VALUE._col0)表示对map阶段输出的 value expressions的 _col0取平均值。
- keys:指定分组聚合的key,有两列。为map阶段输出的key。
- mode: mergepartial
- outputColumnNames: 表示最终输出的列,该例为gender和num。
- pruneGroupingSetId: 表示是否对最终输出的grouping id进行修剪,如果为true,则表示将keys最后一列抛弃。案例中为0列。
- Select Operator:进行列投影操作。
- expressions:输出的列。gender和num。
通过查看以上的执行计划,可以看出在使用含有grouping sets语句的SQL中,hive执行计划并没有给出具体的实现细节。
例2 聚合年龄和聚合性别多列合并测试。- set;
- explain
- select gender,age,count(0) as num from temp.user_info_all
- where ymd = '20230505'
- and age < 30
- group by gender,age grouping sets(gender,age);
复制代码 注:grouping sets后进行分组的列一定要在之前的group by中进行申明。- STAGE DEPENDENCIES:
- Stage-1 is a root stage
- Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1
- Stage: Stage-1
- Map Reduce
- Map Operator Tree:
- TableScan
- alias: user_info_all
- Statistics: Num rows: 32634295 Data size: 783223080 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
- Filter Operator
- predicate: (age < 30) (type: boolean)
- Statistics: Num rows: 10878098 Data size: 261074352 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
- Group By Operator
- aggregations: count(0)
- keys: gender (type: int), age (type: bigint), 0 (type: int)
- mode: hash
- outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
- Statistics: Num rows: 21756196 Data size: 522148704 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
- Reduce Output Operator
- key expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: bigint), _col2 (type: int)
- sort order: +++
- Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: bigint), _col2 (type: int)
- Statistics: Num rows: 21756196 Data size: 522148704 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
- value expressions: _col3 (type: bigint)
- Reduce Operator Tree:
- Group By Operator
- aggregations: count(VALUE._col0)
- keys: KEY._col0 (type: int), KEY._col1 (type: bigint), KEY._col2 (type: int)
- mode: mergepartial
- outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col3
- Statistics: Num rows: 10878098 Data size: 261074352 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
- pruneGroupingSetId: true
- Select Operator
- expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: bigint), _col3 (type: bigint)
- outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2
- Statistics: Num rows: 10878098 Data size: 261074352 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
- File Output Operator
- compressed: true
- Statistics: Num rows: 10878098 Data size: 261074352 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
- table:
- input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat
- output format:
- serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe
- Stage: Stage-0
- Fetch Operator
- limit: -1
- Processor Tree:
- ListSink
复制代码 通过以上两个例子可以看出hive执行计划中没有具体的高级分组聚合如何实现分组方案。两者执行方式基本上差不多。
例3 使用cube替代grouping sets 。- set;
- explain
- select gender,age,count(0) as num from temp.user_info_all
- where ymd = '20230505'
- and age < 30
- group by gender,age with cube;
- -- 等价语句
- select gender,age,count(0) as num from temp.user_info_all
- where ymd = '20230505'
- and age < 30
- group by gender,age grouping sets((gender,age),(gender),(age),());
- Stage-1 is a root stage
- Stage-0 depends on stages: Stage-1
- Stage: Stage-1
- Map Reduce
- Map Operator Tree:
- TableScan
- alias: user_info_all
- Statistics: Num rows: 32634295 Data size: 783223080 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
- Filter Operator
- predicate: (age < 30) (type: boolean)
- Statistics: Num rows: 10878098 Data size: 261074352 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
- Group By Operator
- aggregations: count(0)
- keys: gender (type: int), age (type: bigint), 0 (type: int)
- mode: hash
- outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
- Statistics: Num rows: 43512392 Data size: 1044297408 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
- Reduce Output Operator
- key expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: bigint), _col2 (type: int)
- sort order: +++
- Map-reduce partition columns: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: bigint), _col2 (type: int)
- Statistics: Num rows: 43512392 Data size: 1044297408 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
- value expressions: _col3 (type: bigint)
- Reduce Operator Tree:
- Group By Operator
- aggregations: count(VALUE._col0)
- keys: KEY._col0 (type: int), KEY._col1 (type: bigint), KEY._col2 (type: int)
- mode: mergepartial
- outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col3
- Statistics: Num rows: 21756196 Data size: 522148704 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
- pruneGroupingSetId: true
- Select Operator
- expressions: _col0 (type: int), _col1 (type: bigint), _col3 (type: bigint)
- outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2
- Statistics: Num rows: 21756196 Data size: 522148704 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
- File Output Operator
- compressed: true
- Statistics: Num rows: 21756196 Data size: 522148704 Basic stats: COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
- table:
- input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat
- output format:
- serde: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe
- Stage: Stage-0
- Fetch Operator
- limit: -1
- Processor Tree:
- ListSink
复制代码 以上例3 cube语句和例2语句输出数据完全是不一样的。但其输出执行计划内容基本和例2一致。可以看出hive的执行计划对高级分组聚合拆分执行计划的支持还不是很好。
- 通常使用简单的group by 语句,一份数据只有一种聚合结果,一个分组聚合通常只有一个记录;
- 使用高级分组聚合,例如cube,在一个作业中一份数据会存在多种聚合情况,最终输出是,每种聚合情况各自对应一条数据。
hive中使用 配置项来应对以上情况。
后台回复关键字 hive,随机赠送一本鲁边备注版珍藏大数据书籍。
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