2.1 Pydantic简介
Pydantic使用python类型注解进行数据验证和配置管理。这是一款能让您更精确地处理数据结构的工具。例如,到目前为止,我们不停依赖字典来定义项目中的典型配方。有了Pydantic,我们可以如许定义配方:- from pydantic import BaseModel
- class Recipe(BaseModel):
- id: int
- label: str
- source: str
- raw_recipe = {'id': 1, 'label': 'Lasagna', 'source': 'Grandma Wisdom'}
- structured_recipe = Recipe(**raw_recipe)
- print(structured_recipe.id)
- #> 1
复制代码 Recipe 类继续自Pydantic BaseModel,我们可以使用尺度Python类型提示来定义每个预期字段及其类型。
除了使用类型模块的尺度类型外,您还可以像如许递归地使用Pydantic模型:- from pydantic import BaseModel
- class Car(BaseModel):
- brand: str
- color: str
- gears: int
- class ParkingLot(BaseModel):
- cars: List[Car] # recursively use `Car`
- spaces: int
复制代码 联合这些功能,您可以定义非常复杂的对象。这只是Pydantic功能的皮毛,以下是对其优势的快速总结:
- 无需学习新的微语言(这意味着它能很好地与集成开发情况/精简器配合使用)
- 既可用于 "验证该哀求/响应数据",也可用于加载配置
- 验证复杂的数据结构--Pydantic 提供极为精致的验证器
- 可扩展--您可以创建自定义数据类型
- 可与Python数据类一起使用
- 速率非常快
2.2 Pydantic与FastAPI联合使用
ch02/main.py- from fastapi import FastAPI, APIRouter, Query
- from typing import Optional
- from schemas import RecipeSearchResults, Recipe, RecipeCreate
- from recipe_data import RECIPES
- app = FastAPI(title="Recipe API", openapi_url="/openapi.json")
- api_router = APIRouter()
- @api_router.get("/", status_code=200)
- def root() -> dict:
- """
- Root GET
- """
- return {"msg": "Hello, World!"}
- # Updated using to use a response_model
- # https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/response-model/
- @api_router.get("/recipe/{recipe_id}", status_code=200, response_model=Recipe)
- def fetch_recipe(*, recipe_id: int) -> dict:
- """
- Fetch a single recipe by ID
- """
- result = [recipe for recipe in RECIPES if recipe["id"] == recipe_id]
- if result:
- return result[0]
- # Updated using the FastAPI parameter validation `Query` class
- # # https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/query-params-str-validations/
- @api_router.get("/search/", status_code=200, response_model=RecipeSearchResults)
- def search_recipes(
- *,
- keyword: Optional[str] = Query(
- None,
- min_length=3,
- openapi_examples={
- "chickenExample": {
- "summary": "A chicken search example",
- "value": "chicken",
- }
- },
- ),
- max_results: Optional[int] = 10
- ) -> dict:
- """
- Search for recipes based on label keyword
- """
- if not keyword:
- # we use Python list slicing to limit results
- # based on the max_results query parameter
- return {"results": RECIPES[:max_results]}
- results = filter(lambda recipe: keyword.lower() in recipe["label"].lower(), RECIPES)
- return {"results": list(results)[:max_results]}
- # New addition, using Pydantic model `RecipeCreate` to define
- # the POST request body
- @api_router.post("/recipe/", status_code=201, response_model=Recipe)
- def create_recipe(*, recipe_in: RecipeCreate) -> dict:
- """
- Create a new recipe (in memory only)
- """
- new_entry_id = len(RECIPES) + 1
- recipe_entry = Recipe(
- id=new_entry_id,
- label=recipe_in.label,
- source=recipe_in.source,
- url=recipe_in.url,
- )
- RECIPES.append(recipe_entry.dict())
- return recipe_entry
- app.include_router(api_router)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- # Use this for debugging purposes only
- import uvicorn
- uvicorn.run(app, host="", port=8001, log_level="debug")
复制代码 ch02/schemas.py:- from pydantic import BaseModel, HttpUrl
- from typing import Sequence
- class Recipe(BaseModel):
- id: int
- label: str
- source: str
- url: HttpUrl
- class RecipeSearchResults(BaseModel):
- results: Sequence[Recipe]
- class RecipeCreate(BaseModel):
- label: str
- source: str
- url: HttpUrl
- submitter_id: int
复制代码 /recipe/{recipe_id} 已更新为包含response_model字段。在这里,我们通过Pydantic来定义JSON响应的结构。
新的食谱类继续自pydantic BaseModel,每个字段都使用尺度类型提示进行定义,除了 url 字段,它使用了 Pydantic HttpUrl helper。这将强制执行预期的 URL 组件,例如方案(http 或 https)的存在。
我们在 /search endpointsearch 端点响应中添加了响应模型 RecipeSearchResults。我们引入了 FastAPI Query 类,它允许我们为查询参数添加额外的验证和要求,例如最小长度。请留意,由于我们设置了示例字段,因此当您"尝试"时,文档页面上会显示该示例字段。
RecipeSearchResults 类使用Pydantic的递归功能定义了一个字段,该字段指向我们之前定义的另一个Pydantic 类,即Recipe类。我们指定结果字段将是一个Recipes的Sequence(这是一个支持 len 和 getitem 的可迭代类)。
为了将函数设置为处理POST哀求,我们只需调整api_router装饰器。请留意,我们还将HTTP status_code设置为 201,因为我们正在创建资源。
recipe_in 字段是 POST 哀求正文。通过指定 Pydantic 模式,我们可以大概自动验证传入的哀求,确保其主体符合我们的模式。
RecipeCreate 模式包含一个新字段:submitter_id,因此我们要将它与 Recipe 模式区分开来。
2.3 错误处理
ch02/main2.py- from fastapi import FastAPI, APIRouter, Query, HTTPException # 1
- # skipping...
- @api_router.get("/recipe/{recipe_id}", status_code=200, response_model=Recipe)
- def fetch_recipe(*, recipe_id: int) -> Any:
- """
- Fetch a single recipe by ID
- """
- result = [recipe for recipe in RECIPES if recipe["id"] == recipe_id]
- if not result:
- # the exception is raised, not returned - you will get a validation
- # error otherwise.
- # 2
- raise HTTPException(
- status_code=404, detail=f"Recipe with ID {recipe_id} not found"
- )
- return result[0]
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