mainwindow.h 主界面头文件
- #ifndef MAINWINDOW_H
- #define MAINWINDOW_H
- #include <QWidget>
- #include <QSerialPort>
- #include <QSettings>
- #include "qcustomplot.h"
- #include "setting.h"
- #include "search.h"
- #include <QSqlDatabase>
- #include <QSqlError>
- #include <QSqlQuery>
- #include <QMainWindow>
- #define STR(str) #str
- namespace Ui { class MainWindow; }
- class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
- {
- public:
- MainWindow(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
- ~MainWindow();
- void initMainUi();
- void setSerialPort(QSerialPort*);
- void initDatabase();
- static void setCustomplotStyle(const QString&, QCustomPlot *);
- static void setAxisColor(const QString&, QCustomPlot *);
- enum FixedAxis{
- Graph1FixedAxis = 0x01,
- Graph2FixedAxis = 0x02
- };
- private:
- QSerialPort *serialPort1;
- QSerialPort *serialPort2;
- private slots:
- void on_setBtn_clicked();
- void on_exitBtn_clicked();
- void on_Uart1Enable_clicked(bool checked);
- void on_Uart2Enable_clicked(bool checked);
- void uart1Recieve();
- void uart2Recieve();
- void realtimeDataSlot();
- void showMainUi();
- void on_searchBtn_clicked();
- protected:
- void showEvent(QShowEvent *event) override;
- void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) override;
- //void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) override;
- private:
- Ui::MainWindow *ui;
- QSettings *config;
- QCustomPlot *plot_1;
- QCustomPlot *plot_2;
- QTimer *dataTimer;
- double key; //用来记录横坐标的时间刻度
- Setting *settingUi;
- Search *searchUi;
- quint8 isFixedAxisRange;
- QSqlDatabase *database;
- };
- #endif // MAINWINDOW_H
复制代码 mainwindow.cpp 主界面源文件
- #include "mainwindow.h"
- #include "ui_mainwindow.h"
- #include <QMessageBox>
- #include <QDebug>
- MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent)
- : QMainWindow(parent)
- , ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
- {
- //初始化各成员变量
- settingUi = new Setting();
- initDatabase(); //必须在实例化Search对象之前初始化数据库
- searchUi = new Search(database);
- ui->setupUi(this);
- plot_1 = ui->customPlot1;
- plot_2 = ui->customPlot2;
- dataTimer = new QTimer(this);
- //打开配置文件
- config = new QSettings("config.ini", QSettings::IniFormat);
- serialPort1 = new QSerialPort(this);
- serialPort2 = new QSerialPort(this);
- //连接串口接收槽函数
- connect(serialPort1, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(uart1Recieve()));
- connect(serialPort2, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(uart2Recieve()));
- // 使上下轴、左右轴范围同步
- connect(plot_2->xAxis, SIGNAL(rangeChanged(QCPRange)), plot_2->xAxis2, SLOT(setRange(QCPRange)));
- connect(plot_2->yAxis, SIGNAL(rangeChanged(QCPRange)), plot_2->yAxis2, SLOT(setRange(QCPRange)));
- //定时器连接槽函数realtimeDataSlot
- connect(dataTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(realtimeDataSlot()));
- //实现关闭设置界面/查询界面 显示主界面
- connect(settingUi, SIGNAL(showMainUi()), this, SLOT(showMainUi()));
- connect(searchUi, SIGNAL(showMainUi()), this, SLOT(showMainUi()));
- //this->setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::Dialog);
- initMainUi();
- }
- MainWindow::~MainWindow()
- {
- delete ui;
- }
- void MainWindow::initMainUi()
- {
- //串口数据显示区
- //坐标轴使用时间
- QSharedPointer<QCPAxisTickerTime> timeTicker(new QCPAxisTickerTime);
- timeTicker->setTimeFormat("%h:%m:%s");
- //设置曲线颜色(显示区域2)
- plot_2->addGraph();
- plot_2->graph(0)->setPen(QPen(QColor("#4fa08b"))); //测试数据
- plot_2->addGraph();
- plot_2->graph(1)->setPen(QPen(QColor(255, 100, 40))); //串口2
- plot_2->xAxis->setTicker(timeTicker);
- //四边安上坐标轴
- plot_2->axisRect()->setupFullAxesBox();
- //设置坐标轴名字
- plot_2->xAxis->setLabel("时间/h:m:s");
- plot_2->yAxis->setLabel("幅值");
- //plot_2->setBackground(QBrush(QColor("#454545")));
- //显示区域1
- plot_1->addGraph();
- plot_1->graph(0)->setPen(QPen(QColor("#4fa08b"))); //测试数据
- plot_1->addGraph();
- plot_1->graph(1)->setPen(QPen(QColor("#FFFF00"))); //串口1
- plot_1->xAxis->setTicker(timeTicker);
- plot_1->axisRect()->setupFullAxesBox();
- plot_1->xAxis->setLabel("时间/h:m:s");
- plot_1->yAxis->setLabel("幅值");
- //设置plotstyle,与样式表相匹配
- setCustomplotStyle("ManjaroMix", plot_1);
- setCustomplotStyle("ManjaroMix", plot_2);
- dataTimer->start(20); // 间隔时间 20ms表示刷新率为50hz
- }
- void MainWindow::setSerialPort(QSerialPort *serialPort)
- {
- //这一段的作用是根据串口变量名选择不同配置组,配置相应串口参数
- QString str = "ConfigData";
- if (serialPort == serialPort1)
- str = STR(serialPort1) + str;
- else if (serialPort == serialPort2)
- str = STR(serialPort2) + str;
- //qDebug() << str <<endl;
- this->config->beginGroup(str);
- //设置串口名
- serialPort->setPortName(this->config->value("serialName").toString());
- //设置波特率
- serialPort->setBaudRate(this->config->value("baudrate", 9600).toInt());
- //设置校验位
- switch(this->config->value("paritybit", 0).toInt())
- {
- case 0:
- serialPort->setParity(QSerialPort::NoParity);
- break;
- case 1:
- serialPort->setParity(QSerialPort::OddParity);
- break;
- case 2:
- serialPort->setParity(QSerialPort::EvenParity);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- //设置停止位
- switch(this->config->value("stopbit", 0).toInt())
- {
- case 0:
- serialPort->setStopBits(QSerialPort::OneStop);
- break;
- case 1:
- serialPort->setStopBits(QSerialPort::OneAndHalfStop);
- break;
- case 2:
- serialPort->setStopBits(QSerialPort::TwoStop);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- //设置数据位
- switch (this->config->value("databit", 8).toInt())
- {
- case 5:
- serialPort->setDataBits(QSerialPort::Data5);
- break;
- case 6:
- serialPort->setDataBits(QSerialPort::Data6);
- break;
- case 7:
- serialPort->setDataBits(QSerialPort::Data7);
- break;
- case 8:
- serialPort->setDataBits(QSerialPort::Data8);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- this->config->endGroup();
- //设置流控为无流控
- serialPort->setFlowControl(QSerialPort::NoFlowControl);
- }
- void MainWindow::initDatabase()
- {
- database = new QSqlDatabase();
- if (QSqlDatabase::contains("qt_sql_default_connection")) //如果目录下已有数据库
- {
- *database = QSqlDatabase::database("qt_sql_default_connection");
- }
- else //未有数据库则创建
- {
- *database = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");
- database->setDatabaseName("MyDataBase.db");
- database->setUserName("L");
- database->setPassword("123456");
- }
- if (!database->open())
- {
- qDebug() << "Error: Failed to connect database." << database->lastError();
- return;
- }
- QSqlQuery sql_query(*database);
- //设置数据库表格式,以横坐标轴数据(X轴:时间s)为主键,包含图像id和Y轴数据,
- //这里只演示了存储一条曲线的表格式,可以再添加图像id标识不同曲线,对应不同value值
- QString create_sql = "create table graph (timecount double primary key, graphid int, value double);";
- //sql_query.prepare(create_sql);
- //QString tableExist = "select count(*) from sqlite_master where type='table' and name='graph';";
- //创建表
- sql_query.exec(create_sql);
- sql_query.exec("delete from graph"); //清空表
- //qDebug() << "Error: Fail to create table." << sql_query.lastError();
- }
- void MainWindow::setCustomplotStyle(const QString& style, QCustomPlot *plot)
- {
- if (style == "ManjaroMix")
- {
- //坐标轴颜色
- MainWindow::setAxisColor("#4fa08b", plot);
- //背景颜色
- plot->setBackground(QBrush("#353a3e"));
- }
- else if (style == "") //根据自己需要配置相应主题颜色
- {
- }
- }
- void MainWindow::setAxisColor(const QString& color, QCustomPlot *plot)
- {
- plot->xAxis->setLabelColor(QColor(color));
- plot->xAxis->setTickLabelColor(QColor(color));
- plot->xAxis->setTickPen(QPen(QColor(color)));
- plot->xAxis->setSubTickPen(QPen(QColor(color)));
- plot->xAxis->setBasePen(QPen(QColor(color)));
- plot->yAxis->setLabelColor(QColor(color));
- plot->yAxis->setTickLabelColor(QColor(color));
- plot->yAxis->setTickPen(QPen(QColor(color)));
- plot->yAxis->setSubTickPen(QPen(QColor(color)));
- plot->yAxis->setBasePen(QPen(QColor(color)));
- plot->xAxis2->setLabelColor(QColor(color));
- plot->xAxis2->setTickLabelColor(QColor(color));
- plot->xAxis2->setTickPen(QPen(QColor(color)));
- plot->xAxis2->setSubTickPen(QPen(QColor(color)));
- plot->xAxis2->setBasePen(QPen(QColor(color)));
- plot->yAxis2->setLabelColor(QColor(color));
- plot->yAxis2->setTickLabelColor(QColor(color));
- plot->yAxis2->setTickPen(QPen(QColor(color)));
- plot->yAxis2->setSubTickPen(QPen(QColor(color)));
- plot->yAxis2->setBasePen(QPen(QColor(color)));
- }
- void MainWindow::on_setBtn_clicked()
- {
- #ifdef QT_DEBUG
- settingUi->show();
- #else
- settingUi->showFullScreen();
- #endif
- QTime dieTime = QTime::currentTime().addMSecs(300);//延时300毫秒
- while (QTime::currentTime() < dieTime)
- QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents, 100);
- this->hide();
- }
- void MainWindow::on_exitBtn_clicked()
- {
- this->close();
- }
- void MainWindow::showEvent(QShowEvent *event)
- {
- //更新设置
- isFixedAxisRange = 0;
- //读取是否固定坐标轴参数
- config->beginGroup("customPlot1ConfigData");
- if (config->value("fixedRange", false).toBool())
- isFixedAxisRange |= MainWindow::Graph1FixedAxis;
- config->endGroup();
- config->beginGroup("customPlot2ConfigData");
- if (config->value("fixedRange", false).toBool())
- isFixedAxisRange |= MainWindow::Graph2FixedAxis;
- config->endGroup();
- QMainWindow::showEvent(event);
- }
- void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event)
- {
- QMainWindow::closeEvent(event);
- }
- //打开串口1
- void MainWindow::on_Uart1Enable_clicked(bool checked)
- {
- if (checked)
- {
- setSerialPort(serialPort1);
- if(!serialPort1->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite))
- {
- QMessageBox::warning(this, "串口错误", "串口打开失败或串口被占用");
- qDebug() << serialPort1->errorString() << endl;
- qDebug() << serialPort1->portName() << endl;
- ui->Uart1Enable->setChecked(false);
- return;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- serialPort1->close();
- }
- }
- //打开串口2
- void MainWindow::on_Uart2Enable_clicked(bool checked)
- {
- if (checked)
- {
- setSerialPort(serialPort2);
- if(!serialPort2->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite))
- {
- QMessageBox::warning(this, "串口错误", "串口打开失败或串口被占用");
- ui->Uart2Enable->setChecked(false);
- return;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- serialPort2->close();
- }
- }
- //重绘函数
- void MainWindow::realtimeDataSlot()
- {
- static QTime time(QTime::currentTime());
- key = time.elapsed()/1000.0; // 开始到现在的时间,单位秒
- static double lastPointKey = 0;
- //数据库
- QSqlQuery sql_query(*database);
- if (key - lastPointKey > 0.002) // 大约20ms添加一次数据,这里其实跟刷新率也有关系,若刷新时间间隔大于该时间间隔则取决于刷新时间间隔
- {
- // 添加测试数据到graph
- double value = qSin(key)+qrand()/(double)RAND_MAX*1*qSin(key/0.3843) * 80;
- plot_2->graph(0)->addData(key, value);
- sql_query.exec(QString("insert into graph values( '%1', 0, '%2')").arg(key).arg(value)); //将数据存储到数据库
- //另一组测试数据,显示在另外一张坐标轴上但不存储
- //plot_1->graph(0)->addData(key, (qCos(key)+qrand()/(double)RAND_MAX*0.5*qSin(key/0.4364)) * 70);
- //记录当前时刻
- lastPointKey = key;
- }
- // 曲线能动起来的关键在这里,设定x轴范围为最近30个时刻
- // 这里设置图像从左边开始绘制,当绘制满整个界面时图像开始整体左移
- if (key < 30)
- {
- plot_1->xAxis->setRange(0, 30, Qt::AlignLeft);
- plot_2->xAxis->setRange(0, 30, Qt::AlignLeft);
- }
- else
- {
- plot_1->xAxis->setRange(key - 30, 30, Qt::AlignLeft);
- plot_2->xAxis->setRange(key - 30, 30, Qt::AlignLeft);
- }
- //设置坐标轴是否固定范围,若是则从配置文件读取范围参数,否则自动调整y轴范围,ps:前面写配置文件的时候偷懒了,这里可以再优化一下让代码更简洁的
- if (isFixedAxisRange == MainWindow::Graph1FixedAxis)
- {
- config->beginGroup("customPlot1ConfigData");
- double ymin = config->value("ymin", -100).toDouble();
- double ymax = config->value("ymax", 100).toDouble();
- config->endGroup();
- plot_1->yAxis->setRange(ymin, ymax);
- plot_2->yAxis->rescale();
- }
- else if (isFixedAxisRange == MainWindow::Graph2FixedAxis)
- {
- config->beginGroup("customPlot2ConfigData");
- double ymin = config->value("ymin", -100).toDouble();
- double ymax = config->value("ymax", 100).toDouble();
- config->endGroup();
- plot_2->yAxis->setRange(ymin, ymax);
- plot_1->yAxis->rescale();
- }
- else if (isFixedAxisRange == (MainWindow::Graph1FixedAxis | MainWindow::Graph2FixedAxis))
- {
- config->beginGroup("customPlot1ConfigData");
- double ymin = config->value("ymin", -100).toDouble();
- double ymax = config->value("ymax", 100).toDouble();
- config->endGroup();
- plot_1->yAxis->setRange(ymin, ymax);
- config->beginGroup("customPlot2ConfigData");
- ymin = config->value("ymin", -100).toDouble();
- ymax = config->value("ymax", 100).toDouble();
- config->endGroup();
- plot_2->yAxis->setRange(ymin, ymax);
- }
- else //两个显示区都自动调整坐标轴范围
- {
- plot_1->yAxis->rescale();
- plot_2->yAxis->rescale();
- }
- //绘图
- plot_2->replot();
- plot_1->replot();
- }
- void MainWindow::showMainUi()
- {
- #ifdef QT_DEBUG
- this->show();
- #else
- this->showFullScreen();
- #endif
- }
- void MainWindow::uart1Recieve()
- {
- ui->UartInfo_1->clear();
- QByteArray buff = serialPort1->readAll();
- //将串口数据实时显示
- ui->UartInfo_1->setText(QString(buff));
- //将串口接收的数据加到曲线中
- plot_1->graph(1)->addData(key, buff.toInt());
- }
- void MainWindow::uart2Recieve()
- {
- ui->UartInfo_2->clear();
- QByteArray buff = serialPort2->readAll();
- ui->UartInfo_2->setText(QString(buff));
- plot_2->graph(1)->addData(key, buff.toInt());
- }
- void MainWindow::on_searchBtn_clicked()
- {
- #ifdef QT_DEBUG
- searchUi->show();
- #else
- searchUi->showFullScreen();
- #endif
- //这一段代码的作用主要是:解决程序在低配置机器上运行时界面切换会闪烁的问题,这里的延时可以自己根据机器进行调整
- QTime dieTime = QTime::currentTime().addMSecs(300);//延时300毫秒
- while (QTime::currentTime() < dieTime)
- QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents, 100);
- this->hide();
- }
复制代码 search.h 查询界面头文件
- #ifndef SEARCH_H
- #define SEARCH_H
- #include <QMainWindow>
- #include <QSqlDatabase>
- #include <QSqlError>
- #include <QSqlQuery>
- class MainWindow;
- namespace Ui {
- class Search;
- }
- class Search : public QMainWindow
- {
- friend class MainWindow;
- public:
- explicit Search(QSqlDatabase *db, QWidget *parent = nullptr);
- ~Search();
- int queryRowCount(QSqlQuery&);
- //void initGraph
- private:
- Ui::Search *ui;
- QSqlDatabase *database;
- signals:
- void showMainUi();
- private slots:
- void on_searchBtn_clicked();
- void on_backBtn_clicked();
- void on_clearBtn_clicked();
- };
- #endif // SEARCH_H
复制代码 search.cpp 查询界面源文件
setting.h 设置界面头文件
- #ifndef SETTING_H
- #define SETTING_H
- #include <QMainWindow>
- #include <QSettings>
- namespace Ui {
- class Setting;
- }
- class Setting : public QMainWindow
- {
- public:
- explicit Setting(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
- ~Setting();
- private slots:
- void on_backBtn_clicked();
- void uartPortChanged(int);
- void on_applyBtn_clicked();
- private:
- Ui::Setting *ui;
- QSettings *config;
- protected:
- void showEvent(QShowEvent *event) override;
- void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) override;
- signals:
- void showMainUi();
- };
- #endif // SETTING_H
复制代码 setting.cpp 设置界面源文件
- #include "setting.h"
- #include "ui_setting.h"
- #include "ui_setting.h"
- #include "mainwindow.h"
- #include <QScreen>
- #include <QGuiApplication>
- #include <QDebug>
- #include <QSerialPort>
- #include <QSerialPortInfo>
- Setting::Setting(QWidget *parent) :
- QMainWindow(parent),
- ui(new Ui::Setting)
- {
- ui->setupUi(this);
- //打开配置文件
- config = new QSettings("config.ini", QSettings::IniFormat);
- //this->setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::Dialog);
- //关联槽函数
- connect(ui->buttonGroup, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)), this, SLOT(uartPortChanged(int)));
- //connect(this, SIGNAL(showMainUi()), Widget, )
- //扫描并显示串口名
- foreach(const QSerialPortInfo &info, QSerialPortInfo::availablePorts())
- {
- ui->serialName->addItem(info.portName());
- }
- }
- Setting::~Setting()
- {
- delete ui;
- }
- void Setting::on_backBtn_clicked()
- {
- emit showMainUi();
- QTime dieTime = QTime::currentTime().addMSecs(300);//延时300毫秒
- while (QTime::currentTime() < dieTime)
- QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents, 100);
- this->close();
- }
- void Setting::uartPortChanged(int id)
- {
- Q_UNUSED(id);
- QString str = ui->buttonGroup->checkedButton()->text();
- if (str == "串口1")
- {
- //从配置文件读取串口1历史参数并显示
- //qDebug() << "1" << endl;
- config->beginGroup("serialPort1ConfigData");
- ui->serialName->setCurrentText(config->value("serialName").toString());
- ui->buadRate->setCurrentText(config->value("baudrate", 9600).toString());
- ui->dataBit->setCurrentText(config->value("databit", 8).toString());
- ui->stopBit->setCurrentIndex(config->value("stopbit", 0).toInt());
- ui->parityBit->setCurrentIndex(config->value("paritybit", 0).toInt());
- config->endGroup();
- #if 0 //存储串口1的参数
- uart1->serialName = ui->serialName->currentText();
- uart1->baudRate = ui->buadRate->currentText().toInt();
- uart1->dataBit = ui->dataBit->currentText().toInt();
- uart1->stopBit = ui->stopBit->currentText().toDouble();
- uart1->parityBit = ui->parityBit->currentText();
- #endif
- }
- else if (str == "串口2")
- {
- //从配置文件读取串口2历史参数并显示
- //qDebug() << "2" << endl;
- config->beginGroup("serialPort2ConfigData");
- ui->serialName->setCurrentText(config->value("serialName").toString());
- ui->buadRate->setCurrentText(config->value("baudrate", 9600).toString());
- ui->dataBit->setCurrentText(config->value("databit", 8).toString());
- ui->stopBit->setCurrentIndex(config->value("stopbit", 0).toInt());
- ui->parityBit->setCurrentIndex(config->value("paritybit", 0).toInt());
- config->endGroup();
- #if 0 //存储串口2的参数
- uart1->serialName = ui->serialName->currentText();
- uart1->baudRate = ui->buadRate->currentText().toInt();
- uart1->dataBit = ui->dataBit->currentText().toInt();
- uart1->stopBit = ui->stopBit->currentText().toDouble();
- uart1->parityBit = ui->parityBit->currentText();
- #endif
- }
- }
- void Setting::showEvent(QShowEvent *event)
- {
- //获取主屏幕
- //QScreen* screen = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen();
- // 设置窗口位置和大小,使窗口全屏显示
- //setGeometry(screen->geometry());
- config->beginGroup("serialPort1ConfigData");
- ui->serialName->setCurrentText(config->value("serialName").toString());
- ui->buadRate->setCurrentText(config->value("baudrate", 9600).toString());
- ui->dataBit->setCurrentText(config->value("databit", 8).toString());
- ui->stopBit->setCurrentIndex(config->value("stopbit", 0).toInt());
- ui->parityBit->setCurrentIndex(config->value("paritybit", 0).toInt());
- config->endGroup();
- //坐标轴参数
- config->beginGroup("customPlot1ConfigData");
- ui->fixedAxisRangeCkbx_1->setChecked(config->value("fixedRange", false).toBool());
- ui->cstmPlt1Ymin->setText(config->value("ymin").toString());
- ui->cstmPlt1Ymax->setText(config->value("ymax").toString());
- config->endGroup();
- config->beginGroup("customPlot2ConfigData");
- ui->fixedAxisRangeCkbx_2->setChecked(config->value("fixedRange", false).toBool());
- ui->cstmPlt2Ymin->setText(config->value("ymin").toString());
- ui->cstmPlt2Ymax->setText(config->value("ymax").toString());
- config->endGroup();
- QWidget::showEvent(event);
- }
- void Setting::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event)
- {
- QWidget::closeEvent(event);
- }
- void Setting::on_applyBtn_clicked()
- {
- //将各配置参数更新到配置文件
- //串口数据
- QString str = ui->buttonGroup->checkedButton()->text();
- if (str == "串口1")
- {
- config->beginGroup("serialPort1ConfigData");
- config->setValue("serialName", ui->serialName->currentText());
- config->setValue("baudrate", ui->buadRate->currentText());
- config->setValue("databit", ui->dataBit->currentText());
- config->setValue("stopbit", ui->stopBit->currentIndex());
- config->setValue("paritybit", ui->parityBit->currentIndex());
- config->endGroup();
- }
- else if (str == "串口2")
- {
- config->beginGroup("serialPort2ConfigData");
- config->setValue("serialName", ui->serialName->currentText());
- config->setValue("baudrate", ui->buadRate->currentText());
- config->setValue("databit", ui->dataBit->currentText());
- config->setValue("stopbit", ui->stopBit->currentIndex());
- config->setValue("paritybit", ui->parityBit->currentIndex());
- config->endGroup();
- }
- //customPlot区域显示坐标轴范围
- //区域1
- config->beginGroup("customPlot1ConfigData");
- config->setValue("fixedRange", ui->fixedAxisRangeCkbx_1->isChecked());
- config->setValue("ymin", ui->cstmPlt1Ymin->text().toDouble());
- config->setValue("ymax", ui->cstmPlt1Ymax->text().toDouble());
- config->endGroup();
- //区域2
- config->beginGroup("customPlot2ConfigData");
- config->setValue("fixedRange", ui->fixedAxisRangeCkbx_2->isChecked());
- config->setValue("ymin", ui->cstmPlt2Ymin->text().toDouble());
- config->setValue("ymax", ui->cstmPlt2Ymax->text().toDouble());
- config->endGroup();
- }
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