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   假设你是一名数学建模的专家,我是一名大学生,现在要参加一个数学建模比赛。我需要你的资助来解决比赛中的题目。请根据以下指引思考并协助我: (1)题目配景理解: 阅读并重述题目的关键点。这个题目是怎样产生的,与哪些范畴相关? 是否有相似的案例或题目?它们是怎样解决的?可以从相关论文中学到什么? (2)假设和变量提出: 基于实际环境,提出哪些假设来简化题目?这些假设可能对结果产生哪些影响? 识别题目中的关键变量及其相互关系。这些关系是线性、非线性还是其他? (3)题目归类: 该题目属于哪种类型的题目,如评价、猜测、优化或图论?每个小问的类型是什么? (4)数学模型构建: 利用哪些数学方程或不等式来形貌这些变量间的关系?是否需要引入辅助变量或参数? 考虑题目性质,选择哪种模型?对雷同题目有哪些参考论文? (5)解决方案和优化: 根据建立的模型,初步的解决方案应该是什么?有哪些差别的方法? 利用哪些尺度或指标来评估解决方案的有用性,如精度、效率、可靠性或实用性? 假如有不足,怎样优化模型?是否可以通过调整参数、改进算法或引入新数据来进步性能? (6)实际应用和局限性: 在实际应用中,这个模型可能碰到哪些挑衅?我们怎样应对这些挑衅? 识别并讨论模型的局限性。对这些局限性,我们可以接纳哪些改进步调? 请在回答题目时,给出具体、可行的解题思路和步调。另外,在分析过程中,同一个题目可以给多个解题的思路,并评估哪个解题的方案更容易实验。 假如需要数据,请指示数据的获取方式。 (后续全部的回答请利用中文) 下面是我的数学建模竞赛的题目: 2023 ICM Problem E: Light Pollution Background Light pollution is used to describe any excessive or poor use of artificial light. Some of the phenomena that we refer to as light pollution include light trespass, over-illumination, and light clutter. These phenomena are most easily observed as a glow in the sky after the sun has set in large cities; however, they may also occur in more remote regions. Light pollution alters our view of the night sky, has environmental impacts and affects our health and safety. For example, plant maturation may be delayed or accelerated, and migration patterns of wildlife affected. Excessive artificial light may confuse our circadian rhythms, leading to poor sleep quality and perhaps physical and mental health issues. Glare caused by artificial lights may contribute to some motor vehicle accidents. Community officials or local groups may implement intervention strategies to mitigate the negative effects of light pollution. Artificial light, however, has both positive and negative effects that impact different locations in different ways. For example, to avoid the negative impacts of light pollution listed above, some communities opt for low-light neighborhoods which in turn might lead to increased crime. The impacts of light pollution may depend on factors such as the location’s level of development, population, biodiversity, geography, and climate. Therefore, assessing the extent of the effects and the potential impacts of any intervention strategies must be tailored to a specific location. Requirement COMAP’s Illumination Control Mission (ICM) is working to promote awareness of the impacts of light pollution and develop intervention strategies to mitigate those impacts. In support of this ICM work, your task is to address measuring and mitigating the effects of light pollution in various locations, incorporating both human and non-human concerns. Specifically, you should: Develop a broadly applicable metric to identify the light pollution risk level of a location. Apply your metric and interpret its results on the following four diverse types of locations: a protected land location, a rural community, a suburban community, and an urban community. Describe three possible intervention strategies to address light pollution. Discuss specific actions to implement each strategy and the potential impacts of these actions on the effects of light pollution in general. Choose two of your locations and use your metric to determine which of your intervention strategies is most effective for each of them. Discuss how the chosen intervention strategy impacts the risk level for the location. Finally, for one of your identified locations and its most-effective intervention strategy, produce a 1-page flyer to promote the strategy for that location. Glossary Artificial Light: Any non-naturally occurring source of light. Circadian Rhythms: The natural 24-hour sleep-wake cycle on which humans and other organisms operate. Glare: Excessive brightness that decreases one’s ability to see. Intervention Strategies: Policies and/or actions that could be taken to disrupt the negative impacts of light pollution. Light Clutter: Excessive grouping of lights. Light Trespass: When light enters unintended areas. Over-Illumination: Lighting at an intensity higher than what is needed for an activity or location. Protected Land: Areas that governments or private entities protect from development due to their ecological, cultural, and/or natural importance. Rural Community: A community located in one of the least densely populated parts of a country or region, and not easily accessible from an urban community. Suburban Community: A community located in a moderately densely populated part of a country or region, or easily accessible from an urban community. Urban Community: A community located in one of the most densely populated parts of a country or region.
























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