FastAPI是盛行的Python web框架,适用于开发高吞吐量API和微服务(直接支持异步编程)
FastAPI的上风之一:通过提供高级抽象和主动数据模型转换,简化哀求数据的处置处罚(用户不需要手动处置处罚原始哀求数据),并能根据路由和 Pydantic 模型主动天生 OpenAPI 接口文档。
- import uuid
- import uvicorn
- from typing import Any, Union, Optional
- from typing_extensions import Literal
- from fastapi import Body, FastAPI
- from pydantic import (
- BaseModel,
- Field,
- )
- app = FastAPI()
- class UserIn(BaseModel):
- channel: Literal[0, 1] = Field(0, title="渠道")
- username: str = Field(..., title="用户名")
- password: str = Field(..., title="用户密码", description="长度6-8位")
- email: str = Field(..., title="用户邮箱地址")
- full_name: str = Field(None, title="用户全名")
- request_id: Optional[UUID4]
- class UserOut(BaseModel):
- username: str = Field(..., title="用户名")
- email: str = Field(..., title="用户邮箱地址")
- full_name: str = Field(None, title="用户全名")
- request_id: Optional[UUID4]
- # FastAPI will take care of filtering out all the data that is not declared in the output model (using Pydantic).
- # 因此,FastAPI将负责过滤掉输出模型中未声明的所有数据(使用Pydantic)。
- @app.post("/user/", response_model=UserOut)
- async def create_user(
- user: UserIn = Body(
- examples={
- "example1": {
- "summary": "A short summary or description of the example",
- "value": {
- # example data here
- "channel": 0,
- "username": "Foo",
- "password": "33759",
- "email": "chencare@163.com",
- "full_name": "xiaotao"
- }
- }
- })
- ) -> UserOut:
- user.request_id = uuid.uuid4()
- print(user.request_id)
- return user
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- uvicorn.run(app=app, access_log=True, port=9988)
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ReDoc 页面如下:

ReDoc vs. Swagger UI
ReDoc更美观,Swagger UI更注意交互(用户直接从界面中发送哀求,查察响应,这对于测试和调试 API 非常有用。)
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