- Switch>enable
- Switch#configure terminal
- Switch(config)#hostname S1
复制代码 (二)检察设置信息
- Switch#show running-config
- Building configuration...
- Current configuration : 977 bytes
- !
- version 12.1
- no service timestamps log datetime msec
- no service timestamps debug datetime msec
- no service password-encryption
- !
- hostname Switch
- ……
复制代码 (三)存储设置
- # 方法1
- Switch#copy running-config startup-config
- Destination filename [startup-config]?
- Building configuration...
- [OK]
- # 方法2
- Switch#write
- Building configuration...
- [OK]
复制代码 恢复出厂默认:
- Switch#erase startup-config
- Erasing the nvram filesystem will remove all configuration files! Continue? [confirm]
- [OK]
- Erase of nvram: complete
- %SYS-7-NV_BLOCK_INIT: Initialized the geometry of nvram
- # 重启查看
- reload
复制代码 (四)交换机下令行设置技巧
- # ?查询
- Switch>en?
- enable
- # Tab补全
- Switch>enable
- # 命令简写
- Switch>en
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