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主题 504|帖子 504|积分 1512


81、 [单选] 一位先前不活跃的干系人参与程度突然增加,这种意外的参与导致了一些变更哀求。项目司理应该做什么?

The involvement of a previously inactive interested party suddenly increased, and this unexpected participation led to some change requests. What should the project manager do?
Explain the change request process to interested parties
Review approved expectations regarding stakeholder requests
Meet with the interested party to evaluate the change request
Ask interested parties to discuss these requests with the sponsor


82、 [单选] 公司的新产品系列将在两个月内发布,95%的项目任务均已完成。但是,管理层却决定停止产品发布并取消项目。项目司理下一步该怎么做?

The Company’s new product line will be launched in two months, and 95% of the project tasks have been completed. However, the management decides to terminate the product launch and cancel the project. What should the project manager do next?
A:立刻制止所有项目任务 To stop all project tasks immediately
B:按原筹划完成项目 To complete the project as per the original plan
C:开释资源并记录项目状态 To release resources and record the project status
D:收尾项目并更新履历辅导 To close the project and update lessons learned


83、 [单选] 项目司理发现项目可交付成果与发起人期望之间存在若干不同等之处,为确保同等,项目司理应该制定下列哪一项?

A project manager finds several inconsistencies between project deliverables and sponsor expectations. To ensure alignment, what should the project manager develop?
A:风险登记册 Risk register
B:干系人参与筹划 Stakeholder management plan
C:沟通管理筹划 Communications management plan
D:工作分解布局(WBS) Work breakdown structure (WBS)
工作分解布局 (WBS)。对项目团队为实现项目目标、创建所需可交付物,而需要实施的全部工作范围的层级分解。



84、 [单选] 在迭代的中途,敏捷团队碰到了一个小的技术标题。其中一位团队成员回忆说,敏捷教练从她过去作为高级开辟人员的履向来看,是这个领域的专家。团队要讨教练资助办理这个标题。敏捷教练首先应该做什么?

Midway into an iteration, an agile team faces a minor technical issue. One of the team members recalls that the agile coach is an expert in the field from her past experience as a senior developer. The team requests that the coach help resolve the issue. What should the agile coach do first?
A:让团队办理标题 Let the team resolve the issue
B:资助团队办理标题 Help the team resolve the issue
C:为团队办理标题 Resolve the issue for the team
D:咨询产品负责人 Consult with the product owner
   D A


85、 [单选] 在你的项目中,镀金一直是反复出现的标题,因为团队一直在添加他们以为对客户有用的功能,尽管这些功能并没有包含在WBS中。变更哀求是在事后提交的,而且一些功能终极被添加到项目范围。你担心与筹划的毛病。你会怎样做才气更好地控制范围,防止进一步镀金?

Gold plating had been a recurring issue on your project as the team has been adding features they think are useful for the customer even though the features were not included in the WBS. Change requests have been submitted after the fact, and some of the features were eventually added to the project scope. You are concerned about deviations from the plan. What might you do to control scope better and prevent further gold plating?
Adopt an agile approach so the team can develop any features they deem valuable
Submit a change request to capture the gold plating problem in the issue log
Discuss the issue at the project retrospective and update the lessons learned register
Incorporate the agile practice of holding daily standup meetings with the team


86、 [单选] 项目司理加入一个项目,但项目司理在该项目所涉及的行业履历有限,在该项目的整个生命周期中,项目司理精心记录每个差距、标题和不同等性。但是,无论项目司理如何记录和跟踪生产标题,但标题都没有得到办理,这使项目交付面对风险。若要办理这些标题,项目司理事先应该做什么?

A project manager joins a project in an industry with which they have limited experience. Throughout the project’s life cycle, the project manager meticulously documents each gap, problem, and inconsistency. However, production issues remain, unresolved; regardless of the project manager’s efforts to record and track them, which puts project delivery at risk. What should the project manager have done to resolve these issues?
Aligned the scope baseline and project schedule to the customer’s needs
Used subject matter experts (SMEs) to provide suitable response actions
Reviewed stakeholder requirements to match the acceptance criteria
Examined the requirements tractability matrix to insure that it linked to the deliverables.


87、 [单选] 一家公司正在努力界说新项目的范围,该项目有多个阶段,阶段之间有高度的依靠关系。项目司理应该如何应对这个挑衅?

A company is struggling to define the scope of a new project that has multiple phases with a high level of dependency between the phases. How should the project manager approach this challenge?
Contract with a third-party company that specializes in helping businesses define scope of work on large projects.
Work with project stakeholders to recommend an iterative approach that will then help to define the project’s scope.
Construct a project management plan that provides extra time within the schedule, then seek to revise the scope of work.
Suspend final delivery dates for the project in order to have time to revise the schedule once there is clarity on the scope of work.


88、 [单选] 在一个软件开辟项目的项目执行阶段举行的评审会议期间,终极用户和项目发起人对一项关键功能的演示感到满意,项目司理下一步应该做什么?

During a review meeting in the project execution phase of a software development project, end users and the project sponsor are pleased with the demonstration of a key feature. What should the project manager do next?
Direct the team to conduct a benefit assessment
Request sign off on the user acceptance report
Execute activities in the quality management plan
Update test plans to reduce testing efforts


89、 [单选] 干系人称一个可交付成果中遗漏一项功能,之前的任何讨论中都没有提及该项功能,也不在验收尺度中,然而干系人却坚称这项功能是必须的,可以充实利用该可交付成果。项目司理应该怎么做?

Stakeholders claimed that a function was missed in the deliverables, but this function was not mentioned in any of the previous discussions or was not in the acceptance criteria. However, stakeholders insisted that this function was necessary and the deliverables could be fully utilized. What should the project manager do?
Implement the deliverables and submit a change request for the missing function
Implement the deliverables and begin to work on the missing function
Postpone the implementation of the deliverables and submit a change request for the missing function
Postpone the implementation of the deliverables and begin to work on the missing function


90、 [单选] 敏捷项目的第一次迭代即将开始。发起人召集团队、Scrum主管、产品负责人和其他项目干系人参加启动会议。发起人强调需要在项目尽大概早的时候以最小的成本识别和应对项目风险。与会者实现发起人要求的最佳方式是什么?

The first iteration of an agile project is about to begin. The sponsor gathers the team, the scrum master, the product owner, and other project stakeholders for the kick-off meeting. The sponsor emphasizes the need to identify and respond to the project risks as early in the project as possible and at the minimal cost. What is the best way for the meeting participants to implement the sponsor’s request?
The team and stakeholders should frequently review product increments.
The project stakeholders should conduct risk-based spikes in each sprint.
The product owner and the sponsor should prioritize high-risk user stories.
The team should implement pair programming with the scrum master.



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