windows-fido-bridge An OpenSSH SK middleware that allows you to use a FIDO/U2F security key (e.g. a YubiKey) to SSH into a remote server from WSL or Cygwin.
windows-fido-bridge 是一个强盛的工具,它不仅简化了在Windows情况下利用FIDO/U2F安全密钥进行SSH登录的过程,还提供了高安全性和机动的设置选项。无论你是开辟职员、系统管理员照旧普通用户,windows-fido-bridge 都能为你带来更安全、更便捷的SSH登录体验。立刻尝试,体验安全登录的新地步!
windows-fido-bridge An OpenSSH SK middleware that allows you to use a FIDO/U2F security key (e.g. a YubiKey) to SSH into a remote server from WSL or Cygwin.