- Elasticsearch,简称ES,它是个开源分布式搜刮引擎
- 特点:分布式,零配置,主动发现,索引主动分片,索引副本机制,restful风格接口,多数据源,主动搜刮负载等
- 它可以近乎及时的存储、检索数据;本身扩展性很好,可以扩展到上百台服务器,处理PB级别的数据
- ES也利用Java开发并利用Lucene作为其核心来实现所有索引和搜刮的功能,但是它的目标是通过简单的RESTfulAPI来隐蔽Lucene的复杂性,从而让全文搜刮变得简单
- Elasticsearch是**面向文档**(document oriented)的
- 这意味着它可以存储整个对象或文档(document)
- 然而它不仅仅是存储,还会索引(index)每个文档的内容使之可以被搜刮
- 可以对文档(而非成行成列的数据)举行索引、搜刮、排序、过滤
- 添加堆栈密钥:上边的添加方式会导致一个apt-key的警告,假如不想报警告利用下边这个
- # 1.
- wget -qO - https://artifacts.elastic.co/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch | sudo apt-key add -
- # 2.
- curl -s https://artifacts.elastic.co/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch | \
- sudo gpg --no-default-keyring \
- --keyring gnupg-ring:/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/icsearch.gpg --import
复制代码 - 添加镜像源堆栈:
- echo "deb https://artifacts.elastic.co/packages/7.x/apt stable main" \
- | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elasticsearch.list
复制代码 - 更新软件包列表:
- 安装ES:
- sudo apt-get install elasticsearch=7.17.21
复制代码 - 启动ES:
- sudo systemctl start elasticsearch
复制代码 - 安装ik分词器插件:
- sudo /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-plugin install \
- https://get.infini.cloud/elasticsearch/analysis-ik/7.17.21
复制代码 - 检察ES服务的状态:
- sudo systemctl status elasticsearch.service
复制代码 - 验证ES是否安装乐成:
- curl -X GET "http://localhost:9200/"
复制代码 - 设置外网访问:默认只能在本机举行访问,修改后欣赏器访问IPORT
- vim /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
- # 新增配置
- network.host:
- http.port: 9200
- cluster.initial_master_nodes: ["node-1"]
复制代码 - 假如启动ES的时间出现报错:
- 解决方法:
- # 调整ES虚拟内存,虚拟内存默认最大映射数为65530,无法满足ES系统要求, 需要调整为262144以上
- sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
- # 增加虚拟机内存配置
- sudo vim /etc/elasticsearch/jvm.options
- # 新增如下内容
- -Xms512m
- -Xmx512m
复制代码- Job for elasticsearch.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
- See "systemctl status elasticsearch.service" and "journalctl -xeu elasticsearch.service" for details.
- 安装Kibana:
- 配置Kibana(可选):根据须要配置Kibana,配置文件通常位于/etc/kibana/kibana.yml,可能须要设置如服务器地址、端口、Elasticsearch URL等
- 启动Kibana:
- sudo systemctl start kibana
复制代码 - 设置开机自启(可选):
- sudo systemctl enable kibana
复制代码 - 访问Kibana:http://<ip>:5601
- 一个索引就是一个拥有几分相似特性的文档的聚集
- 比方:
- 有一个客户数据的索引,一个产物目次的索引,另有一个订单数据的索引
- 一个索引由一个名字来标识(必须全部是小写字母的),并且当要对应于这个索引中的文档举行索引、搜刮、更新和删除的时间,都要利用到这个名字
- 在一个集群中,可以定义任意多的索引
- 索引类似于数据库中库的概念
- 数据库中的库,表示了一组数据的聚集
- ES中的索引,是一组相似特性数据的聚集
- 在一个索引中,可以定义一种或多种类型
- 一个类型是索引的一个逻辑上的分类/分区,其语义完全由用户来定
- 通常,会为具有一组共同字段的文档定义一个类型
- 比方:
- 运营一个博客平台并且将所有的数据存储到一个索引中
- 在这个索引中,可以为用户数据定义一个类型,为博客数据定义另一个类型,为评论数据定义另一个类型
- [类型]类似于数据库中表的概念,在索引的概念下,又对数据聚集举行了一层细分
- 现在[类型]几乎已经弃用
- 字段相当于是数据库表的字段,对文档数据根据不同属性举行的分类标识 -> 数据类型
![[Pasted image 20240918180030.png]]
- 映射是在处理数据的方式和规则方面做一些限定
- 某个字段的数据类型、默认值、分析器、是否被索引等等,这些都是映射里面可以设置的
- 映射类似于告诉ES哪些字段须要分词,做出索引映射,可以大概举行数据检索
- 别的就是处理ES里面数据的一些利用规则设置也叫做映射
- 按着最优规则处理数据对性能进步很大,因此才须要建立映射,并且须要思考如何建立映射才能对性能更好
- 详细规则:
- enabled:是否仅作存储,不做搜刮和分析
- index:是否构建倒排索引(决定了是否分词,是否被索引)
- index_option
- dynamic:控制mapping的主动更新
- doc_value:是否开启doc_value,用户聚合和排序分析,分词字段不能利用
- fielddata:是否为text类型启动fielddata,实现排序和聚合分析
- 针对分词字段,参与排序或聚合时能进步性能
- 不分词字段统一发起利用doc_value
- fielddata": {
- "format": "disabled"
- }
- store:是否单独设置此字段的是否存储而从_source字段中分离
- coerce:是否开启主动数据类型转换功能,如字符串转整形,浮点转整形
- analyzer:指定分词器,默认分词器是standard analyzer
- boost:字段级别的分数加权,默认值是1.0
- fields:对一个字段提供多种索引模式,同一个字段的值,一个分词一个不分词
- "fields": {
- "raw": {
- "type": "text",
- "index": "not_analyzed"
- }
- }
复制代码 - data_detection:是否主动识别日期类型
- 一个文档是一个可被索引的基础信息单元
- 比方:某一个客户的文档,某一个产物的一个文档大概某个订单的一个文档
- 文档以JSON格式来表示,而JSON是一个到处存在的互联网数据交互格式
- 在一个index/type里面,可以存储任意多的文档
- 一个文档必须被索引大概赋予一个索引的type
- Elasticsearch与传统关系性数据库相比:
- 创建索引库:
- POST /user/_doc
- {
- "settings" : {
- "analysis" : {
- "analyzer" : {
- "ik" : {
- "tokenizer" : "ik_max_word"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "mappings" : {
- "dynamic" : true,
- "properties" : {
- "nickname" : {
- "type" : "text",
- "analyzer" : "ik_max_word"
- },
- "user_id" : {
- "type" : "keyword",
- "analyzer" : "standard"
- },
- "phone" : {
- "type" : "keyword",
- "analyzer" : "standard"
- },
- "description" : {
- "type" : "text",
- "enabled" : false
- },
- "avatar_id" : {
- "type" : "keyword",
- "enabled" : false
- }
- }
- }
- }
复制代码 - 新增数据:
- 插入形式:
- POST /user/_doc/_bulk
- {"index":{"_id":"1"}}
- {"user_id" : "USER4b862aaa-2df8654a-7eb4bb65e3507f66","nickname" : "昵称1","phone" : "手机号1","description" : "签名1","avatar_id" : "头像1"}
- {"index":{"_id":"2"}}
- {"user_id" : "USER14eeeaa5-442771b9-0262e455e4663d1d","nickname" : "昵称2","phone" : "手机号2","description" : "签名2","avatar_id" : "头像2"}
- {"index":{"_id":"3"}}
- {"user_id" : "USER484a6734-03a124f0-996c169dd05c1869","nickname" : "昵称3","phone" : "手机号3","description" : "签名3","avatar_id" : "头像3"}
- {"index":{"_id":"4"}}
- {"user_id" : "USER186ade83-4460d4a6-8c08068f83127b5d","nickname" : "昵称4","phone" : "手机号4","description" : "签名4","avatar_id" : "头像4"}
- {"index":{"_id":"5"}}
- {"user_id" : "USER6f19d074-c33891cf-23bf5a8357189a19","nickname" : "昵称5","phone" : "手机号5","description" : "签名5","avatar_id" : "头像5"}
- {"index":{"_id":"6"}}
- {"user_id" : "USER97605c64-9833ebb7-d045535335a59195","nickname" : "昵称6","phone" : "手机号6","description" : "签名6","avatar_id" : "头像6"}
复制代码 - 便于阅读:
- [
- {
- "index": {
- "_id": "1"
- },
- "user": {
- "user_id": "USER4b862aaa-2df8654a-7eb4bb65e3507f66",
- "nickname": "昵称1",
- "phone": "手机号1",
- "description": "签名1",
- "avatar_id": "头像1"
- }
- },
- {
- "index": {
- "_id": "2"
- },
- "user": {
- "user_id": "USER14eeeaa5-442771b9-0262e455e4663d1d",
- "nickname": "昵称2",
- "phone": "手机号2",
- "description": "签名2",
- "avatar_id": "头像2"
- }
- },
- {
- "index": {
- "_id": "3"
- },
- "user": {
- "user_id": "USER484a6734-03a124f0-996c169dd05c1869",
- "nickname": "昵称3",
- "phone": "手机号3",
- "description": "签名3",
- "avatar_id": "头像3"
- }
- },
- {
- "index": {
- "_id": "4"
- },
- "user": {
- "user_id": "USER186ade83-4460d4a6-8c08068f83127b5d",
- "nickname": "昵称4",
- "phone": "手机号4",
- "description": "签名4",
- "avatar_id": "头像4"
- }
- },
- {
- "index": {
- "_id": "5"
- },
- "user": {
- "user_id": "USER6f19d074-c33891cf-23bf5a8357189a19",
- "nickname": "昵称5",
- "phone": "手机号5",
- "description": "签名5",
- "avatar_id": "头像5"
- }
- },
- {
- "index": {
- "_id": "6"
- },
- "user": {
- "user_id": "USER97605c64-9833ebb7-d045535335a59195",
- "nickname": "昵称6",
- "phone": "手机号6",
- "description": "签名6",
- "avatar_id": "头像6"
- }
- }
- ]
- 检察并搜刮数据:
- GET /user/_doc/_search?pretty
- {
- "query" : {
- "bool" : {
- "must_not" : [
- {
- "terms" : {
- "user_id.keyword" : [
- "USER4b862aaa-2df8654a-7eb4bb65e3507f66",
- "USER14eeeaa5-442771b9-0262e455e4663d1d",
- "USER484a6734-03a124f0-996c169dd05c1869"
- ]
- }
- }
- ],
- "should" : [
- {
- "match" : {
- "user_id" : "昵称"
- }
- },
- {
- "match" : {
- "nickname" : "昵称"
- }
- },
- {
- "match" : {
- "phone" : "昵称"
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
复制代码 - 删除索引:
- 查询所有数据:
- POST /user/_doc/_search
- {
- "query":
- {
- "match_all":{}
- }
- }
复制代码 5.ES客户端的安装
- 代码
- 官网
- ES C++的客户端选择并不多, 这里利用elasticlient库
- 前置安装:依靠MicroHTTPD库
- sudo apt-get install libmicrohttpd-dev
复制代码 - 安装:
- # 克隆代码
- git clone https://github.com/seznam/elasticlient
- # 切换目录
- cd elasticlient
- # 更新子模块
- git submodule update --init --recursive
- # 编译代码
- make build && cd build
- cmake ..
- make
- # 安装
- make install
复制代码 6.ES客户端接口介绍
- /**
- * Perform search on nodes until it is successful. Throws
- exception if all nodes
- * has failed to respond.
- * \param indexName specification of an Elasticsearch index.
- * \param docType specification of an Elasticsearch document type.
- * \param body Elasticsearch request body.
- * \param routing Elasticsearch routing. If empty, no routing has
- been used.
- *
- * \return cpr::Response if any of node responds to request.
- * \throws ConnectionException if all hosts in cluster failed to
- respond.
- */
- cpr::Response search(const std::string &indexName,
- const std::string &docType,
- const std::string &body,
- const std::string &routing = std::string());
- /**
- * Get document with specified id from cluster. Throws exception
- if all nodes
- * has failed to respond.
- * \param indexName specification of an Elasticsearch index.
- * \param docType specification of an Elasticsearch document type.
- * \param id Id of document which should be retrieved.
- * \param routing Elasticsearch routing. If empty, no routing has
- been used.
- *
- * \return cpr::Response if any of node responds to request.
- * \throws ConnectionException if all hosts in cluster failed to
- respond.
- */
- cpr::Response get(const std::string &indexName,
- const std::string &docType,
- const std::string &id = std::string(),
- const std::string &routing = std::string());
- /**
- * Index new document to cluster. Throws exception if all nodes
- has failed to respond.
- * \param indexName specification of an Elasticsearch index.
- * \param docType specification of an Elasticsearch document type.
- * \param body Elasticsearch request body.
- * \param id Id of document which should be indexed. If empty, id
- will be generated
- * automatically by Elasticsearch cluster.
- * \param routing Elasticsearch routing. If empty, no routing has
- been used.
- *
- * \return cpr::Response if any of node responds to request.
- * \throws ConnectionException if all hosts in cluster failed to
- respond.
- */
- cpr::Response index(const std::string &indexName,
- const std::string &docType,
- const std::string &id,
- const std::string &body,
- const std::string &routing = std::string());
- /**
- * Delete document with specified id from cluster. Throws
- exception if all nodes
- * has failed to respond.
- * \param indexName specification of an Elasticsearch index.
- * \param docType specification of an Elasticsearch document type.
- * \param id Id of document which should be deleted.
- * \param routing Elasticsearch routing. If empty, no routing has
- been used.
- *
- * \return cpr::Response if any of node responds to request.
- * \throws ConnectionException if all hosts in cluster failed to
- respond.
- */
- cpr::Response remove(const std::string &indexName,
- const std::string &docType,
- const std::string &id,
- const std::string &routing = std::string());
复制代码 7.利用
- ES客户端利用注意:
- 地址后边不要忘了相对根目次:
- ES客户端API利用时,要举行异常捕捉,否则操纵失败会导致程序异常退出
- #include <iostream>
- #include <elasticlient/client.h>
- #include <cpr/cpr.h>
- int main()
- {
- // 1.构造ES客户端
- elasticlient::Client client({""});
- // 2.发起搜索请求
- try
- {
- auto resp = client.search("user", "_doc",
- "{"query": { "match_all":{} }}");
- std::cout << resp.status_code << std::endl;
- std::cout << resp.text << std::endl;
- }
- catch(std::exception &e)
- {
- std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
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