HarmonyOS NEXT应用开发性能优化实践总结(持续更新......)
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当前,小型体系图形模块以子体系的形式在 OpenHarmony 中运行。开发者只需适配实现OpenHarmony HDF 层 API 即可。由于利用场景不同,图形子体系也支持在不同平台集成运行。例如,在 Windows/Mac 上开发应用程序时,可以利用 QT Creator 进行简朴的页面布局、开发和调试。此时,图形子体系已经适配到了 Windows/Mac 平台上运行。如果想要将图形子体系独立集成到现有项目中,则需要进行一些简朴的适配工作,并分为以下几个重要部分:
- 引擎初始化
- 体现设备适配
- 输入设备适配
- 字体初始化
- 屏幕革新对接
具体步骤如下,步骤末了有参考示例代码,具体可参照 OpenHarmony 小型体系图形 Simulator 适配实现。
重要包括初始化 UI 任务、渲染模块、动画模块、默认样式等
- // graphic_startup.h
- GraphicStartUp::Init();
- <strong>c++</strong>
复制代码 体现设备适配
重要包括设置屏幕大小,对接底子图元绘制,获取图形绘制的 buffer,把图形绘制的数据刷到屏幕上体现等。
体现层适配根据硬件绘制和软件绘制不同,需继续实现不同的类。此中 gfx_engine_manager.h 中的 BaseGfxEngine 类为纯虚实现,只定义了接口,不含任何实现,适互助为自行实现的硬件绘制的父类; soft_engine.h 中的 SoftEngine 继续自 BaseGfxEngine,对 BaseGfxEngine 的接口进行了软件层实现,适互助为软件绘制的父类。
BaseGfxEngine 类中有3类接口:
第二类:绘制类底子接口,例如:画线、Blit、Fill 等;
此中获取显存和送显接口为移植不同平台必须实现的,第二类接口,图形 UI 框架有默认软件实现,具体在 soft_engine.h 的 SoftEngine 中,软件绘制可继续 SoftEngine 进行功能拓展;不同平台如有硬件加速,例如 DMA2D,可继续 gfx_engine_manager.h 的 BaseGfxEngine,对其纯虚方法进行全部实现后,进行扩展性适配。
- // gfx_engine_manager.h
- virtual void DrawArc(BufferInfo& dst,
- ArcInfo& arcInfo,
- const Rect& mask,
- const Style& style,
- OpacityType opacity,
- uint8_t cap) = 0;
- virtual void DrawLine(BufferInfo& dst,
- const Point& start,
- const Point& end,
- const Rect& mask,
- int16_t width,
- ColorType color,
- OpacityType opacity) = 0;
- virtual void DrawLetter(BufferInfo& gfxDstBuffer,
- const uint8_t* fontMap,
- const Rect& fontRect,
- const Rect& subRect,
- const uint8_t fontWeight,
- const ColorType& color,
- const OpacityType opa) = 0;
- virtual void DrawCubicBezier(BufferInfo& dst,
- const Point& start,
- const Point& control1,
- const Point& control2,
- const Point& end,
- const Rect& mask,
- int16_t width,
- ColorType color,
- OpacityType opacity) = 0;
- virtual void
- DrawRect(BufferInfo& dst, const Rect& rect, const Rect& dirtyRect, const Style& style, OpacityType opacity) = 0;
- virtual void DrawTransform(BufferInfo& dst,
- const Rect& mask,
- const Point& position,
- ColorType color,
- OpacityType opacity,
- const TransformMap& transMap,
- const TransformDataInfo& dataInfo) = 0;
- // x/y: center of a circle
- virtual void ClipCircle(const ImageInfo* info, float x, float y, float radius) = 0;
- virtual void Blit(BufferInfo& dst,
- const Point& dstPos,
- const BufferInfo& src,
- const Rect& subRect,
- const BlendOption& blendOption) = 0;
- virtual void Fill(BufferInfo& dst, const Rect& fillArea, const ColorType color, const OpacityType opacity) = 0;
- virtual void DrawPath(BufferInfo& dst,
- void* param,
- const Paint& paint,
- const Rect& rect,
- const Rect& invalidatedArea,
- const Style& style) = 0;
- virtual void FillPath(BufferInfo& dst,
- void* param,
- const Paint& paint,
- const Rect& rect,
- const Rect& invalidatedArea,
- const Style& style) = 0;
- virtual uint8_t* AllocBuffer(uint32_t size, uint32_t usage) = 0;
- virtual void FreeBuffer(uint8_t* buffer, uint32_t usage) = 0;
- virtual BufferInfo* GetFBBufferInfo()
- {
- return nullptr;
- }
- virtual void AdjustLineStride(BufferInfo& info) {}
- virtual void Flush(const Rect& flushRect) {}
- virtual uint16_t GetScreenWidth()
- {
- return screenWidth_;
- }
- virtual uint16_t GetScreenHeight()
- {
- return screenHeight_;
- }
- virtual void SetScreenShape(ScreenShape screenShape)
- {
- screenShape_ = screenShape;
- }
- virtual ScreenShape GetScreenShape()
- {
- return screenShape_;
- }
- <strong>c++</strong>
复制代码 输入设备适配
图形框架支持触摸、按键和旋转设备。当前所有输入设备都需要继续 InputDevice 实现 Read 接口。
触摸输入继续 PointerInputDevice 类实现 Read 接口,需要返回 x/y 坐标和按压状态;
按键输入继续 KeyInputDevice 类实现 Read 接口,需要设置 keyId 和按键状态;
旋转输入继续 RotateInputDevice 类实现 Read 接口,需要设置 rotate 值。
InputDevice 设备对接实例代码如下:
- // input_device.h Read 接口
- /**
- * @brief Read data from hardware.User should override this to set data *
- * @param [out] input device data. *
- * @returns no more data to read if true.
- */
- virtual bool Read(DeviceData& data) = 0;
- // 继承实现 InputDevice 基类的 Read 接口,以触摸事件对接为例,示例代码如下:
- class TouchInput : public OHOS::PointerInputDevice {
- public:
- TouchInput() {}
- virtual TouchInput() {}
- // implements read fouction
- bool Read(OHOS::DeviceData& data) override
- {
- // set position and state, you should update the value when touch
- data.point.x = g_lastX;
- data.point.y = g_lastY;
- data.state = g_leftButtonDown ? STATE_PRESS : STATE_RELEASE;
- return false;
- }
- };
- <strong>c++</strong>
复制代码 字体初始化
点阵字体:需要利用字体打包工具生成对应字体 font.bin 文件,工具支持打包中英文字体,详细支持字号和 fontId 可以在工具生成的 ui_text_language.h 中查看。
矢量字体:默认注册了 DEFAULT_VECTOR_FONT_FILENAME,如果想利用其他字体,可以调用 RegisterFontInfo 注册其他字体文件。矢量字体剖析和布局需要依靠三方开源软件 freetype 和 icu,如果想支持阿拉伯语等复杂语言需要依靠三软件 harfbuzz,同时打开 ENABLE_SHAPING 和 ENABLE_ICU。
- // graphic_config.h
- #define DEFAULT_VECTOR_FONT_FILENAME "SourceHanSansSC-Regular.otf"
- // 矢量字体开关
- // 点阵字体开关
- #define ENABLE_ICU 0
- #define ENABLE_SHAPING 0
- // ui_font.h
- uint8_t RegisterFontInfo(const char* ttfName, uint8_t shaping = 0)
- // graphic_startup.h
- static void InitFontEngine(uintptr_t psramAddr, uint32_t psramLen, const char* dPath, const char* ttfName);
- <strong>c++</strong>
复制代码 屏幕革新对接
根据屏幕硬件革新信号(类似 Vsync 信号),周期性回调 TaskHandler
- TaskManager::GetInstance()->TaskHandler();
- <strong>c++</strong>
复制代码 图形适配示例代码
- // graphic_config.h
- // 默认定义了不同级别设备宏定义,轻设备请启动 VERSION_LITE 宏
- /**
- * Defines three graphics library versions: lightweight, standard, and extended versions.
- * The three versions have different requirements on the memory and hardware.
- * The standard version is enabled by default.
- *
- * The macros of the versions are defined as follows:
- * Name | Version Description
- * ------------------- | ----------
- * VERSION_LITE | Lightweight version
- * VERSION_STANDARD | Standard version
- * VERSION_EXTENDED | Extended version
- */
- #ifdef _LITEOS
- #define VERSION_LITE
- #elif defined _WIN32 || defined __APPLE__
- #define VERSION_LITE
- #else
- #endif
- // 关闭窗口合成,打开需要依赖 wms 窗口合成服务
- /**
- * @brief Multi-window, which is disabled by default on WIN32.
- */
- #define ENABLE_WINDOW 0
- // 关闭 png、jpeg 格式图片支持,打开需要引入三方库
- // 硬件加速,关闭默认走CPU软绘制,可以先关闭,界面显示后再打开适配硬件能力
- /**
- * @brief Graphics rendering hardware acceleration, which is disabled by default on WIN32.
- */
- <strong>c++</strong>
复制代码 对接示例代码如下:
- using namespace OHOS;
- int main(int argc, char** argv)
- {
- // init graphic
- GraphicStartUp::Init();
- // init display/input device
- InitHal();
- // init font engine
- InitFontEngine();
- // run your app code
- RunApp();
- // use while loop to simulate hardware flush callback
- // you should call *TaskHandler* in screen flush signal callback(like Vsync).
- while (1) {
- TaskManager::GetInstance()->TaskHandler();
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // assuming below are the memory pool
- static uint8_t g_fontPsramBaseAddr[MIN_FONT_PSRAM_LENGTH];
- static uint8_t g_shapePsramBaseAddr[MIN_SHAPING_PSRAM_LENGTH];
- #else
- static uint8_t* g_shapePsramBaseAddr = nullptr;
- #endif
- static void InitFontEngine()
- {
- GraphicStartUp::InitFontEngine(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(g_fontMemBaseAddr), MIN_FONT_PSRAM_LENGTH, VECTOR_FONT_DIR, DEFAULT_VECTOR_FONT_FILENAME);
- #else
- BitmapFontInit();
- std::string dPath(_pgmptr);
- size_t len = dPath.size();
- size_t pos = dPath.find_last_of('\\');
- dPath.replace((pos + 1), (len - pos), "..\\..\\simulator\\font\\font.bin");
- GraphicStartUp::InitFontEngine(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(g_fontMemBaseAddr), MIN_FONT_PSRAM_LENGTH, dPath.c_str(), nullptr);
- #endif
- GraphicStartUp::InitLineBreakEngine(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(g_icuMemBaseAddr), SHAPING_WORD_DICT_LENGTH,
- #endif
- }
- // display adaptor
- class SDLMonitorGfxEngine : public BaseGfxEngine {
- public:
- BufferInfo* GetFBBufferInfo() override
- {
- static BufferInfo* bufferInfo = nullptr;
- if (bufferInfo == nullptr) {
- bufferInfo = new BufferInfo;
- bufferInfo->rect = {0, 0, HORIZONTAL_RESOLUTION - 1, VERTICAL_RESOLUTION - 1};
- bufferInfo->mode = ARGB8888;
- bufferInfo->color = 0x44;
- bufferInfo->virAddr = GetFramBuff();
- bufferInfo->phyAddr = bufferInfo->virAddr;
- // 4: bpp
- bufferInfo->stride = HORIZONTAL_RESOLUTION * 4;
- bufferInfo->width = HORIZONTAL_RESOLUTION;
- bufferInfo->height = VERTICAL_RESOLUTION;
- }
- return bufferInfo;
- }
- void Flush() override
- {
- MonitorRenderFinish();
- }
- };
- class TouchInput : public OHOS::PointerInputDevice {
- public:
- TouchInput() {}
- virtual TouchInput() {}
- // implements read function
- bool Read(OHOS::DeviceData& data) override
- {
- // set position x,y and state, you should update the
- // g_lastX/g_lastY/g_leftButtonDown when touch
- data.point.x = g_lastX;
- data.point.y = g_lastY;
- data.state = g_leftButtonDown ? STATE_PRESS : STATE_RELEASE;
- return false;
- }
- };
- class KeyInput : public OHOS::KeyInputDevice {
- public:
- KeyInput();
- virtual ~KeyInput() {}
- // implements read fouction
- bool Read(OHOS::DeviceData& data) override
- {
- data.keyId = g_lastKeyId;
- data.state = g_lastState;
- g_lastState = INVALID_KEY_STATE;
- return false;
- }
- };
- // other device if you need to add
- class XXInput : public OHOS::XXInputDevice {
- public:
- KeyInput();
- virtual ~KeyInput() {}
- // implements read fouction
- bool Read(OHOS::DeviceData& data) override
- {
- // set device data info
- }
- };
- static void InitHal()
- {
- // Setup gfxengine
- BaseGfxEngine::GetInstance()->InitEngine(new SDLMonitorGfxEngine());
- // Setup touch device
- TouchInput* touch = new TouchInput();
- InputDeviceManager::GetInstance()->Add(touch);
- // Setup key device if you need
- KeyInput* key = new KeyInput();
- InputDeviceManager::GetInstance()->Add(key);
- // Setup xx device if you need
- XXInput* inputXX = new XXInput();
- InputDeviceManager::GetInstance()->Add(inputXX);
- }
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