自界说界面扫码本领提供扫码相机流控制接口,支持相机流的初始化、开启、暂停、释放、重新扫码功能;支持闪光灯的状态获取、开启、关闭;支持变焦比的获取和设置;支持设置相机核心和连续主动对焦;支持对条形码、二维码、MULTIFUNCTIONAL CODE进行扫码识别(详细类型参见[ScanType]),并获得码类型、码值、码位置信息、相机预览流(YUV)。该本领可用于单码和多码的扫描识别。
开发者集成自界说界面扫码本领可以自行界说扫码的界面样式,请按照业务流程完成扫码接口调用实现实时扫码功能。建议开发者基于[Sample Code]做个性化修改。
- 需要请求相机的利用权限。
- 需要开发者自行实现扫码的人机交互界面。比方:多码场景需要暂停相机流由用户选择一个码图进行识别。
- 发起请求: 用户向开发者的应用发起扫码请求,应用拉起已界说好的扫码界面。
- 申请授权: 应用需要向用户申请相机权限授权。若未同意授权,则无法利用此功能。
- 启动自界说界面扫码: 在扫码前必须调用init接口初始化自界说扫码界面,加载资源。相机流初始化竣事后,调用start接口开始扫码。
- 自界说界面扫码相机操作: 可以设置自界说界面扫码相机操作参数,调整相应功能,包括闪光灯、变焦、焦距、暂停、重启扫码等。比方:
- 根据当前码图位置,比如当前码图太远或太近时,调用getZoom获取变焦比,setZoom接口设置变焦比,调整焦距以便于用户扫码。
- 根据当前扫码的光线条件或根据on(‘lightingFlash’)监听闪光灯开启时机,通过getFlashLightStatus接口先获取闪光灯状态,再调用openFlashLight/closeFlashLight接口控制闪光灯开启或关闭,以便于用户进行扫码。
- 调用setFocusPoint设置对焦位置,resetFocus规复默认对焦模式,以便于用户进行扫码。
- 在应用处于前后台或其他特别场景需要停止/重新进行扫码时,可调用stop或start接口来控制相机流达到暂停或重新扫码的目的。
- 自界说界面扫码: Scan Kit API在扫码完成后会返回扫码结果。同时根据开发者的需要,Scan Kit API会返回每帧相机预览流数据。如需不重启相机并重新触发一次扫码,可以在start接口的Callback异步回调中,调用rescan接口。完成扫码后,需调用release接口进行释放扫码资源的操作。
- 获取结果: 解析码值结果跳转应用服务页。
接口名描述[init](options?: scanBarcode.[ScanOptions]): void初始化自界说界面扫码,加载资源。无返回结果。[start](viewControl: [ViewControl]): Promise<Array<scanBarcode.[ScanResult]>>启动扫码相机流。利用Promise异步回调获取扫码结果。stop: Promise暂停扫码相机流。利用Promise异步回调返回执行结果。release: Promise释放扫码相机流。利用Promise异步回调返回执行结果。[start](viewControl: ViewControl, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<scanBarcode.ScanResult>>, frameCallback?: AsyncCallback<[ScanFrame]>): void启动扫码相机流。利用Callback异步回调返回扫码结果以及YUV图像数据。getFlashLightStatus: boolean获取闪光灯状态。返回结果为布尔值,true为打开状态,false为关闭状态。openFlashLight: void开启闪光灯。无返回结果。closeFlashLight: void关闭闪光灯。无返回结果。[setZoom](zoomValue : number): void设置变焦比。无返回结果。getZoom: number获取当前的变焦比。[setFocusPoint](point: scanBarcode.[Point]): void设置相机核心。resetFocus: void设置连续主动对焦模式。rescan: void触发一次重新扫码。仅对start接口Callback异步回调有效,Promise异步回调无效。[stop](callback: AsyncCallback): void暂停扫码相机流。利用Callback异步回调返回执行结果。[release](callback: AsyncCallback): void释放扫码相机流。利用Callback异步回调返回执行结果。[on](type: ‘lightingFlash’, callback: AsyncCallback): void注册闪光灯打开时机回调,利用Callback异步回调返回闪光灯打开时机。[off](type: ‘lightingFlash’, callback?: AsyncCallback): void注销闪光灯打开时机回调,利用Callback异步回调返回注销结果。 开发步骤
自界说界面扫码接口支持自界说UI界面,识别相机流中的条形码,二维码以及MULTIFUNCTIONAL CODE,并返回码图的值、类型、码的位置信息(码图最小外接矩形左上角和右下角的坐标)以及相机预览流(YUV)。
- 在开发应用前,需要先申请相机相干权限,确保应用拥有访问相机的权限。在“module.json5”文件中设置相机权限,详细设置方式
- 利用接口[requestPermissionsFromUser]请求用户授权。详细申请方式及校验方式。
- 导入自界说界面扫码接口以及相干接口模块,导入方法如下。
- import { scanCore, scanBarcode, customScan } from '@kit.ScanKit';
- // 导入功能涉及的权限申请、回调接口
- import { router, promptAction, display } from '@kit.ArkUI';
- import { AsyncCallback, BusinessError } from '@kit.BasicServicesKit';
- import { hilog } from '@kit.PerformanceAnalysisKit';
- import { common, abilityAccessCtrl } from '@kit.AbilityKit';
- 遵循[业务流程]完成自界说界面扫码功能。
- 在设置start接口的viewControl参数时,width和height与[XComponent]的宽高值相同,start接口会根据XComponent的宽高比例从相机的分辨率选择最优分辨率,假如比例与相机的分辨率比例相差过大会返回内部错误。当前支持的分辨率比例为16:9、4:3、1:1。竖屏场景下,XComponent的高度需要大于宽度,且高宽比在支持的分辨率比例中。横屏场景下,XComponent的宽度需要大于高度,且宽高比在支持的分辨率比例中。
- XComponent的宽高需根据利用场景盘算适配。比方:在开发设备为折叠屏时,需按照折叠屏的展开态和折叠态分别盘算XComponent的宽高,start接口会根据XComponent的宽高适配对应的相机分辨率。设备屏幕宽高可通过[display.getDefaultDisplaySync]方法获取(获取的为px单位,需要通过[px2vp]。
- 通过Promise方式回调,调用自界说界面扫码接口拉起相机流并返回扫码结果。
- @Entry
- @Component
- struct CustomScanPage {
- @State userGrant: boolean = false // 是否已申请相机权限
- @State surfaceId: string = '' // xComponent组件生成id
- @State isShowBack: boolean = false // 是否已经返回扫码结果
- @State isFlashLightEnable: boolean = false // 是否开启了闪光灯
- @State isSensorLight: boolean = false // 记录当前环境亮暗状态
- @State cameraHeight: number = 640 // 设置预览流高度,默认单位:vp
- @State cameraWidth: number = 360 // 设置预览流宽度,默认单位:vp
- @State cameraOffsetX: number = 0 // 设置预览流x轴方向偏移量,默认单位:vp
- @State cameraOffsetY: number = 0 // 设置预览流y轴方向偏移量,默认单位:vp
- @State zoomValue: number = 1 // 预览流缩放比例
- @State setZoomValue: number = 1 // 已设置的预览流缩放比例
- @State scaleValue: number = 1 // 屏幕缩放比
- @State pinchValue: number = 1 // 双指缩放比例
- @State displayHeight: number = 0 // 屏幕高度,单位vp
- @State displayWidth: number = 0 // 屏幕宽度,单位vp
- @State scanResult: Array<scanBarcode.ScanResult> = [] // 扫码结果
- private mXComponentController: XComponentController = new XComponentController()
- private TAG: string = '[customScanPage]'
- async onPageShow() {
- // 自定义启动第一步,用户申请权限
- await this.requestCameraPermission();
- // 多码扫码识别,enableMultiMode: true 单码扫码识别enableMultiMode: false
- let options: scanBarcode.ScanOptions = {
- scanTypes: [scanCore.ScanType.ALL],
- enableMultiMode: true,
- enableAlbum: true
- }
- // 自定义启动第二步:设置预览流布局尺寸
- this.setDisplay();
- // 自定义启动第三步,初始化接口
- customScan.init(options);
- }
- async onPageHide() {
- // 页面消失或隐藏时,停止并释放相机流
- this.userGrant = false;
- this.isFlashLightEnable = false;
- this.isSensorLight = false;
- try {
- customScan.off('lightingFlash');
- } catch (error) {
- hilog.error(0x0001, this.TAG, `Failed to off lightingFlash. Code: ${error.code}, message: ${error.message}`);
- }
- await customScan.stop();
- // 自定义相机流释放接口
- customScan.release().then(() => {
- hilog.info(0x0001, this.TAG, 'Succeeded in releasing customScan by promise.');
- }).catch((error: BusinessError) => {
- hilog.error(0x0001, this.TAG,
- `Failed to release customScan by promise. Code: ${error.code}, message: ${error.message}`);
- })
- }
- // 用户申请权限
- async reqPermissionsFromUser(): Promise<number[]> {
- hilog.info(0x0001, this.TAG, 'reqPermissionsFromUser start');
- let context = getContext() as common.UIAbilityContext;
- let atManager = abilityAccessCtrl.createAtManager();
- let grantStatus = await atManager.requestPermissionsFromUser(context, ['ohos.permission.CAMERA']);
- return grantStatus.authResults;
- }
- // 用户申请相机权限
- async requestCameraPermission() {
- let grantStatus = await this.reqPermissionsFromUser();
- for (let i = 0; i < grantStatus.length; i++) {
- if (grantStatus[i] === 0) {
- // 用户授权,可以继续访问目标操作
- hilog.info(0x0001, this.TAG, 'Succeeded in getting permissions.');
- this.userGrant = true;
- }
- }
- }
- // 竖屏时获取屏幕尺寸,设置预览流全屏示例
- setDisplay() {
- // 默认竖屏
- let displayClass = display.getDefaultDisplaySync();
- this.displayHeight = px2vp(displayClass.height);
- this.displayWidth = px2vp(displayClass.width);
- let maxLen: number = Math.max(this.displayWidth, this.displayHeight);
- let minLen: number = Math.min(this.displayWidth, this.displayHeight);
- const RATIO: number = 16 / 9;
- this.cameraHeight = maxLen;
- this.cameraWidth = maxLen / RATIO;
- this.cameraOffsetX = (minLen - this.cameraWidth) / 2;
- }
- // toast显示扫码结果
- async showScanResult(result: scanBarcode.ScanResult) {
- // 使用toast显示出扫码结果
- promptAction.showToast({
- message: JSON.stringify(result),
- duration: 5000
- });
- }
- initCamera() {
- this.isShowBack = false;
- this.scanResult = [];
- let viewControl: customScan.ViewControl = {
- width: this.cameraWidth,
- height: this.cameraHeight,
- surfaceId: this.surfaceId
- };
- // 自定义启动第四步,请求扫码接口,通过Promise方式回调
- customScan.start(viewControl)
- .then(async (result: Array<scanBarcode.ScanResult>) => {
- hilog.info(0x0001, this.TAG, `result: ${JSON.stringify(result)}`);
- if (result.length) {
- // 解析码值结果跳转应用服务页
- this.scanResult = result;
- this.isShowBack = true;
- // 获取到扫描结果后暂停相机流
- customScan.stop();
- }
- });
- }
- // 自定义扫码界面的顶部返回按钮和扫码提示
- @Builder
- TopTool() {
- Column() {
- Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Row, justifyContent: FlexAlign.SpaceBetween, alignItems: ItemAlign.Center }) {
- Text('返回')
- .onClick(async () => {
- router.back();
- })
- }.padding({ left: 24, right: 24, top: 40 })
- Column() {
- Text('扫描二维码/条形码')
- Text('对准二维码/条形码,即可自动扫描')
- }.margin({ left: 24, right: 24, top: 24 })
- }
- .height(146)
- .width('100%')
- }
- build() {
- Stack() {
- if (this.userGrant) {
- Column() {
- XComponent({
- id: 'componentId',
- type: XComponentType.SURFACE,
- controller: this.mXComponentController
- })
- .onLoad(async () => {
- hilog.info(0x0001, this.TAG, 'Succeeded in loading, onLoad is called.');
- // 获取XComponent组件的surfaceId
- this.surfaceId = this.mXComponentController.getXComponentSurfaceId();
- hilog.info(0x0001, this.TAG, `Succeeded in getting surfaceId: ${this.surfaceId}`);
- this.initCamera();
- // 闪光灯监听接口
- customScan.on('lightingFlash', (error, isLightingFlash) => {
- if (error) {
- hilog.error(0x0001, this.TAG,
- `Failed to on lightingFlash. Code: ${error.code}, message: ${error.message}`);
- return;
- }
- if (isLightingFlash) {
- this.isFlashLightEnable = true;
- } else {
- if (!customScan.getFlashLightStatus()) {
- this.isFlashLightEnable = false;
- }
- }
- this.isSensorLight = isLightingFlash;
- });
- })
- .width(this.cameraWidth)
- .height(this.cameraHeight)
- .position({ x: this.cameraOffsetX, y: this.cameraOffsetY })
- }
- .height('100%')
- .width('100%')
- }
- Column() {
- this.TopTool()
- Column() {
- }
- .layoutWeight(1)
- .width('100%')
- Column() {
- Row() {
- // 闪光灯按钮,启动相机流后才能使用
- Button('FlashLight')
- .onClick(() => {
- // 根据当前闪光灯状态,选择打开或关闭闪关灯
- if (customScan.getFlashLightStatus()) {
- customScan.closeFlashLight();
- setTimeout(() => {
- this.isFlashLightEnable = this.isSensorLight;
- }, 200);
- } else {
- customScan.openFlashLight();
- }
- })
- .visibility((this.userGrant && this.isFlashLightEnable) ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.None)
- // 扫码成功后,点击按钮后重新扫码
- Button('Scan')
- .onClick(() => {
- // 点击按钮重启相机流,重新扫码
- this.initCamera();
- })
- .visibility(this.isShowBack ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.None)
- }
- Row() {
- // 预览流设置缩放比例
- Button('缩放比例,当前比例:' + this.setZoomValue)
- .onClick(() => {
- // 设置相机缩放比例
- if (!this.isShowBack) {
- if (!this.zoomValue || this.zoomValue === this.setZoomValue) {
- this.setZoomValue = customScan.getZoom();
- } else {
- this.zoomValue = this.zoomValue;
- customScan.setZoom(this.zoomValue);
- setTimeout(() => {
- if (!this.isShowBack) {
- this.setZoomValue = customScan.getZoom();
- }
- }, 1000);
- }
- }
- })
- }
- .margin({ top: 10, bottom: 10 })
- Row() {
- // 输入要设置的预览流缩放比例
- TextInput({ placeholder: '输入缩放倍数' })
- .type(InputType.Number)
- .borderWidth(1)
- .backgroundColor(Color.White)
- .onChange(value => {
- this.zoomValue = Number(value);
- })
- }
- }
- .width('50%')
- .height(180)
- }
- // 单码、多码扫描后,显示码图蓝点位置。点击toast码图信息
- ForEach(this.scanResult, (item: scanBarcode.ScanResult, index: number) => {
- if (item.scanCodeRect) {
- Image($rawfile('scan_selected2.svg'))
- .width(40)
- .height(40)
- .markAnchor({ x: 20, y: 20 })
- .position({
- x: (item.scanCodeRect.left + item?.scanCodeRect?.right) / 2 + this.cameraOffsetX,
- y: (item.scanCodeRect.top + item?.scanCodeRect?.bottom) / 2 + this.cameraOffsetY
- })
- .onClick(() => {
- this.showScanResult(item);
- })
- }
- })
- }
- // 建议相机流设置为全屏
- .width('100%')
- .height('100%')
- .onClick((event: ClickEvent) => {
- // 是否已扫描到结果
- if (this.isShowBack) {
- return;
- }
- // 点击屏幕位置,获取点击位置(x,y),设置相机焦点
- let x1 = vp2px(event.displayY) / (this.displayHeight + 0.0);
- let y1 = 1.0 - (vp2px(event.displayX) / (this.displayWidth + 0.0));
- customScan.setFocusPoint({ x: x1, y: y1 });
- hilog.info(0x0001, this.TAG, `Succeeded in setting focusPoint x1: ${x1}, y1: ${y1}`);
- // 设置连续自动对焦模式
- setTimeout(() => {
- customScan.resetFocus();
- }, 200);
- }).gesture(PinchGesture({ fingers: 2 })
- .onActionStart((event: GestureEvent) => {
- hilog.info(0x0001, this.TAG, 'Pinch start');
- })
- .onActionUpdate((event: GestureEvent) => {
- if (event) {
- this.scaleValue = event.scale;
- }
- })
- .onActionEnd((event: GestureEvent) => {
- // 是否已扫描到结果
- if (this.isShowBack) {
- return;
- }
- // 获取双指缩放比例,设置变焦比
- try {
- let zoom = customScan.getZoom();
- this.pinchValue = this.scaleValue * zoom;
- customScan.setZoom(this.pinchValue);
- hilog.info(0x0001, this.TAG, 'Pinch end');
- } catch (error) {
- hilog.error(0x0001, this.TAG, `Failed to setZoom. Code: ${error.code}, message: ${error.message}`);
- }
- }))
- }
- }
- 通过Callback方式回调,调用自界说界面扫码接口拉起相机流并返回扫码结果和相机预览流(YUV)。
- import { bundleManager, PermissionRequestResult, Permissions } from '@kit.AbilityKit';
- const TAG = '[YUV CPSample]';
- let context = getContext(this) as common.UIAbilityContext;
- // 用户申请权限
- export class PermissionsUtil {
- public static async checkAccessToken(permission: Permissions): Promise<abilityAccessCtrl.GrantStatus> {
- let atManager = abilityAccessCtrl.createAtManager();
- let grantStatus: abilityAccessCtrl.GrantStatus = -1;
- // 获取应用程序的accessTokenID
- let tokenId: number = 0;
- let bundleInfo: bundleManager.BundleInfo =
- await bundleManager.getBundleInfoForSelf(bundleManager.BundleFlag.GET_BUNDLE_INFO_WITH_APPLICATION);
- let appInfo: bundleManager.ApplicationInfo = bundleInfo.appInfo;
- tokenId = appInfo.accessTokenId;
- // 校验应用是否被授予权限
- grantStatus = await atManager.checkAccessToken(tokenId, permission);
- return grantStatus;
- }
- // 申请相机权限
- public static async reqPermissionsFromUser(): Promise<number[]> {
- hilog.info(0x0001, TAG, 'Succeeded in getting permissions by promise.')
- let atManager = abilityAccessCtrl.createAtManager();
- let grantStatus: PermissionRequestResult = { permissions: [], authResults: [] }
- grantStatus = await atManager.requestPermissionsFromUser(context, ['ohos.permission.CAMERA']);
- return grantStatus.authResults;
- }
- }
- @Extend(Column)
- function mainStyle() {
- .width('100%')
- .height('100%')
- .padding({
- top: 40
- })
- .justifyContent(FlexAlign.Center)
- }
- @Entry
- @Component
- struct YUVScan {
- @State userGrant: boolean = false // 是否已申请相机权限
- @State surfaceId: string = '' // xComponent组件生成id
- @State cameraHeight: number = 640 // 设置预览流高度,默认单位:vp
- @State cameraWidth: number = 360 // 设置预览流宽度,默认单位:vp
- @State cameraOffsetX: number = 0 // 设置预览流x轴方向偏移量,默认单位:vp
- @State cameraOffsetY: number = 0 // 设置预览流y轴方向偏移量,默认单位:vp
- @State zoomValue: number = 1 // 预览流缩放比例
- @State setZoomValue: number = 1 // 已设置的预览流缩放比例
- @State isReleaseCamera: boolean = false // 是否已释放相机流
- @State scanWidth: number = 384 // xComponent宽度,默认设置384,单位vp
- @State scanHeight: number = 682 // xComponent高度,默认设置682,单位vp
- @State scanBottom: number = 220
- @State scanOffsetX: number = 0 // xComponent位置x轴偏移量,单位vp
- @State scanOffsetY: number = 0 // xComponent位置y轴偏移量,单位vp
- @State scanCodeRect: Array<scanBarcode.ScanCodeRect> = [] // 扫码结果码图位置
- @State scanFlag: boolean = false // 是否已经扫码到结果
- @State scanFrameResult: string = ''
- @State scaleValue: number = 1 // 屏幕缩放比
- @State pinchValue: number = 1 // 双指缩放比例
- @State displayHeight: number = 0 // 屏幕高度,单位vp
- @State displayWidth: number = 0 // 屏幕宽度,单位vp
- private mXComponentController: XComponentController = new XComponentController()
- private viewControl: customScan.ViewControl = { width: 1920, height: 1080, surfaceId: this.surfaceId }
- options: scanBarcode.ScanOptions = {
- // 扫码类型,可选参数
- scanTypes: [scanCore.ScanType.ALL],
- // 是否开启多码识别,可选参数
- enableMultiMode: true,
- // 是否开启相册扫码,可选参数
- enableAlbum: true,
- }
- // 返回自定义扫描结果的回调
- private callback: AsyncCallback<scanBarcode.ScanResult[]> =
- async (error: BusinessError, result: scanBarcode.ScanResult[]) => {
- if (error && error.code) {
- hilog.error(0x0001, TAG,
- `Failed to get ScanResult by callback. Code: ${error.code}, message: ${error.message}`);
- return;
- }
- // 解析码值结果跳转应用服务页
- hilog.info(0x0001, TAG, `Succeeded in getting ScanResult by callback, result: ${JSON.stringify(result)}`);
- }
- // 返回相机帧的回调
- private frameCallback: AsyncCallback<customScan.ScanFrame> =
- async (error: BusinessError, frameResult: customScan.ScanFrame) => {
- if (error) {
- hilog.error(0x0001, TAG, `Failed to get ScanFrame by callback. Code: ${error.code}, message: ${error.message}`);
- return;
- }
- // byteBuffer相机YUV图像数组
- hilog.info(0x0001, TAG,
- `Succeeded in getting ScanFrame.byteBuffer.byteLength: ${frameResult.byteBuffer.byteLength}`)
- hilog.info(0x0001, TAG, `Succeeded in getting ScanFrame.width: ${frameResult.width}`)
- hilog.info(0x0001, TAG, `Succeeded in getting ScanFrame.height: ${frameResult.height}`)
- this.scanFrameResult = JSON.stringify(frameResult.scanCodeRects);
- let newWidth = frameResult.height;
- if (frameResult && frameResult.scanCodeRects && frameResult.scanCodeRects.length > 0 && !this.scanFlag) {
- if (frameResult.scanCodeRects[0]) {
- this.stopCamera();
- this.scanCodeRect = [];
- this.scanFlag = true;
- // 码图位置信息转换
- this.changeToXComponent(frameResult);
- } else {
- this.scanFlag = false;
- }
- }
- }
- // frameCallback横向码图位置信息转换为预览流xComponent对应码图位置信息
- changeToXComponent(frameResult: customScan.ScanFrame) {
- if (frameResult && frameResult.scanCodeRects) {
- let frameHeight = frameResult.height;
- let ratio = this.scanWidth / frameHeight;
- frameResult.scanCodeRects.forEach((item) => {
- this.scanCodeRect.push({
- left: this.toFixedNumber((frameHeight - item.bottom) * ratio),
- top: this.toFixedNumber(item.left * ratio),
- right: this.toFixedNumber((frameHeight - item.top) * ratio),
- bottom: this.toFixedNumber(item.right * ratio)
- });
- });
- this.scanFrameResult = JSON.stringify(this.scanCodeRect);
- }
- }
- toFixedNumber(no: number): number {
- return Number((no).toFixed(1));
- }
- async onPageShow() {
- // 自定义启动第一步,用户申请权限
- const permissions: Array<Permissions> = ['ohos.permission.CAMERA'];
- // 自定义启动第二步:设置预览流布局尺寸
- this.setDisplay();
- let grantStatus = await PermissionsUtil.checkAccessToken(permissions[0]);
- if (grantStatus === abilityAccessCtrl.GrantStatus.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
- // 已经授权,可以继续访问目标操作
- this.userGrant = true;
- if (this.surfaceId) {
- // 自定义启动第三步,初始化接口
- this.initCamera();
- }
- } else {
- // 申请相机权限
- this.requestCameraPermission();
- }
- }
- async onPageHide() {
- this.releaseCamera();
- }
- // 用户申请权限
- async requestCameraPermission() {
- let grantStatus = await PermissionsUtil.reqPermissionsFromUser()
- let length: number = grantStatus.length;
- for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
- if (grantStatus[i] === 0) {
- // 用户授权,可以继续访问目标操作
- this.userGrant = true;
- } else {
- // 用户拒绝授权,提示用户必须授权才能访问当前页面的功能,并引导用户到系统设置中打开相应的权限
- this.userGrant = false;
- }
- }
- }
- // 竖屏时获取屏幕尺寸,设置预览流全屏示例
- setDisplay() {
- // 以手机为例计算宽高
- let displayClass = display.getDefaultDisplaySync();
- this.displayHeight = px2vp(displayClass.height);
- this.displayWidth = px2vp(displayClass.width);
- if (displayClass !== null) {
- this.scanWidth = px2vp(displayClass.width);
- this.scanHeight = Math.round(this.scanWidth * this.viewControl.width / this.viewControl.height);
- this.scanBottom = Math.max(220, px2vp(displayClass.height) - this.scanHeight);
- this.scanOffsetX = 0;
- this.scanOffsetY = 0;
- }
- }
- // 初始化相机流
- async initCamera() {
- this.isReleaseCamera = false;
- customScan.init(this.options);
- hilog.info(0x0001, TAG, 'Succeeded in initing customScan with options.');
- this.scanCodeRect = [];
- this.scanFlag = false;
- // 自定义启动第四步,请求扫码接口
- customScan.start(this.viewControl, this.callback, this.frameCallback);
- }
- // 暂停相机流
- async stopCamera() {
- if (!this.isReleaseCamera) {
- customScan.stop();
- }
- }
- // 释放相机流
- async releaseCamera() {
- if (!this.isReleaseCamera) {
- await this.stopCamera();
- await customScan.release();
- this.isReleaseCamera = true;
- }
- }
- build() {
- Stack() {
- // 相机预览流XComponent
- if (this.userGrant) {
- Column() {
- XComponent({
- id: 'componentId',
- type: XComponentType.SURFACE,
- controller: this.mXComponentController
- })
- .onLoad(() => {
- hilog.info(0x0001, TAG, 'Succeeded in loading, onLoad is called.');
- this.surfaceId = this.mXComponentController.getXComponentSurfaceId();
- hilog.info(0x0001, TAG, `Succeeded in getting surfaceId is ${this.surfaceId}`);
- this.viewControl = { width: this.scanWidth, height: this.scanHeight, surfaceId: this.surfaceId };
- // 启动相机进行扫码
- this.initCamera();
- })
- .height(this.scanHeight)
- .width(this.scanWidth)
- .position({ x: 0, y: 0 })
- }
- .height('100%')
- .width('100%')
- .position({ x: this.scanOffsetX, y: this.scanOffsetY })
- }
- Column() {
- Column() {
- }
- .layoutWeight(1)
- .width('100%')
- Column() {
- Row() {
- // 闪光灯按钮,启动相机流后才能使用
- Button('FlashLight')
- .onClick(() => {
- // 根据当前闪光灯状态,选择打开或关闭闪关灯
- if (customScan.getFlashLightStatus()) {
- customScan.closeFlashLight();
- } else {
- customScan.openFlashLight();
- }
- })
- .visibility(this.scanFlag ? Visibility.None : Visibility.Visible)
- }
- Row() {
- // 预览流设置缩放比例
- Button('缩放比例,当前比例:' + this.setZoomValue)
- .width(200)
- .alignSelf(ItemAlign.Center)
- .onClick(() => {
- // 设置相机缩放比例
- if (!this.scanFlag) {
- if (!this.zoomValue || this.zoomValue === this.setZoomValue) {
- this.setZoomValue = customScan.getZoom();
- } else {
- this.zoomValue = this.zoomValue;
- customScan.setZoom(this.zoomValue);
- setTimeout(() => {
- if (!this.scanFlag) {
- this.setZoomValue = customScan.getZoom();
- }
- }, 1000);
- }
- }
- })
- }
- .margin({ top: 10, bottom: 10 })
- .visibility(this.scanFlag ? Visibility.None : Visibility.Visible)
- Row() {
- // 输入要设置的预览流缩放比例
- TextInput({ placeholder: '输入缩放倍数' })
- .width(200)
- .type(InputType.Number)
- .borderWidth(1)
- .backgroundColor(Color.White)
- .onChange(value => {
- this.zoomValue = Number(value);
- })
- }
- .visibility(this.scanFlag ? Visibility.None : Visibility.Visible)
- Text(this.scanFlag ? '继续扫码' : '扫码中')
- .height(30)
- .fontSize(16)
- .fontColor(Color.White)
- .onClick(() => {
- if (this.scanFlag) {
- this.scanFrameResult = '';
- this.initCamera();
- }
- })
- Text('扫码结果:' + this.scanFrameResult).fontColor(Color.White).fontSize(12)
- }
- .width('100%')
- .height(this.scanBottom)
- .backgroundColor(Color.Black)
- }
- .mainStyle()
- Image($rawfile('scan_back.svg'))
- .width(20)
- .height(20)
- .position({
- x: 40,
- y: 40
- })
- .onClick(() => {
- router.back();
- })
- // 实时扫码码图中心点位置
- if (this.scanFlag && this.scanCodeRect.length > 0) {
- ForEach(this.scanCodeRect, (item: scanBarcode.ScanCodeRect, index: number) => {
- Image($rawfile('scan_selected2.svg'))
- .width(40)
- .height(40)
- .markAnchor({ x: 20, y: 20 })
- .position({
- x: (item.left + item.right) / 2 + this.scanOffsetX,
- y: (item.top + item.bottom) / 2 + this.scanOffsetY
- })
- })
- }
- }
- .width('100%')
- .height('100%')
- .backgroundColor(this.userGrant ? Color.Transparent : Color.Black)
- .onClick((event: ClickEvent) => {
- // 是否已扫描到结果
- if (this.scanFlag) {
- return;
- }
- // 点击屏幕位置,获取点击位置(x,y),设置相机焦点
- let x1 = vp2px(event.displayY) / (this.displayHeight + 0.0);
- let y1 = 1.0 - (vp2px(event.displayX) / (this.displayWidth + 0.0));
- customScan.setFocusPoint({ x: x1, y: y1 });
- hilog.info(0x0001, TAG, `Succeeded in setting focusPoint x1: ${x1}, y1: ${y1}`);
- setTimeout(() => {
- customScan.resetFocus();
- }, 200);
- })
- .gesture(PinchGesture({ fingers: 2 })
- .onActionStart((event: GestureEvent) => {
- hilog.info(0x0001, TAG, 'Pinch start');
- })
- .onActionUpdate((event: GestureEvent) => {
- if (event) {
- this.scaleValue = event.scale;
- }
- })
- .onActionEnd((event: GestureEvent) => {
- // 是否已扫描到结果
- if (this.scanFlag) {
- return;
- }
- // 获取双指缩放比例,设置变焦比
- try {
- let zoom = customScan.getZoom();
- this.pinchValue = this.scaleValue * zoom;
- customScan.setZoom(this.pinchValue);
- hilog.info(0x0001, TAG, 'Pinch end');
- } catch (error) {
- hilog.error(0x0001, TAG, `Failed to setZoom. Code: ${error.code}, message: ${error.message}`);
- }
- }))
- }
- }
- 通过scanCodeRect数据可确定码图中心点的位置,利用说明如下。
- scanCodeRect的四个点坐标如下,可根据坐标点绘制码图外围矩形框。
- 右下角(x, y):(right, bottom)
- 由于码图中心点坐标需和xComponent的坐标保持一致,假如xComponent的x轴和y轴存在偏移,则码图位置需做相应的偏移。比方:x轴偏移量为:scanOffsetX;y轴偏移量为:scanOffsetY,中心点坐标终极转换为:
- x = (left + right) / 2 + scanOffsetX
- y = (top + bottom) / 2 + scanOffsetY
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针对鸿蒙发展路线打造的鸿蒙学习文档。话不多说,我们直接看详细鸿蒙(OpenHarmony )手册(共计1236页)与鸿蒙(OpenHarmony )开发入门视频,帮助各人在技术的道路上更进一步。
- 《鸿蒙 (OpenHarmony)开发学习视频》
- 《鸿蒙生态应用开发V2.0白皮书》
- 《鸿蒙 (OpenHarmony)开发底子到实战手册》
- OpenHarmony北向、南向开发情况搭建
- 《鸿蒙开发底子》
- 《鸿蒙开发进阶》
- 《鸿蒙开发实战》
而且鸿蒙是完全具备无与伦比的机遇和潜力的;预计到年底将有 5,000 款的应用完成原生鸿蒙开发,未来将会支持 50 万款的应用。那么这么多的应用需要开发,也就意味着需要有更多的鸿蒙人才。鸿蒙开发工程师也将会迎来发作式的增长,学习鸿蒙势在必行! 自↓↓↓拿
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