T-Rex Label是一种主动化辅助图片标注的工具,它可以使人们离开繁琐的传统标注流程(如LabelImg),极大地进步标注的服从。
那么该如何获取呢? T-Rex Label Github官网提供了在线和本地两种方式,这里为了克制繁琐的环境设置过程,选择T-Rex Label在线工具举行说明。(点击即可跳转)
以下从数据预备、图片导入、数据标注、标注导出、格式转换五个小节来说明T-Rex Label的使用流程。
0 数据预备
我们的目标是在T-Rex Label在线工具上对pic举行标注(把所有人头head标注出来),得到相应的Annotations_yolo标注文件(因为现在只支持导出COCO和YOLO格式),再使用yolo2voc.py(后续会提供)将YOLO格式转化为VOC格式,从而获取Annotations_voc 标注文件。
1 图片导入
2 数据标注
① {\color{#E16B8C}{①}} ① 过程中因为预先没有界说分类,先按A键进入智能标注模式时,会提示你创建一个分类(e.g. head);
② {\color{#E16B8C}{②}} ② 创建完成后,接着左键划标注框 → \rightarrow →Enter确定,如许一张图片的标注就完成了;
③ {\color{#E16B8C}{③}} ③ 过程中如果有划错的标注框,可以按Ctrl+Z回撤,也可以按D键进入选择模式,点击要删除的标定框后按Del键即可;
④ {\color{#E16B8C}{④}} ④ 过程中如果有AI漏标的对象,可以按R键进入手动标注模式举行框定;
⑤ {\color{#E16B8C}{⑤}} ⑤ 另外可以用小键盘上的左右方向键切换图片;
⑥ {\color{#E16B8C}{⑥}} ⑥ 建议先用智能标注完成一遍所有导入图片的粗标注,再用手动标注的方式举行精标注。
3 标注导出
4 格式转换
① {\color{#E16B8C}{①}} ① data在图片导入一节中已经解说过了;
② {\color{#E16B8C}{②}} ② 将下载解压得到的images中的图片放入pic中,将labels中的文件放入Annotations_yolo中,此时Annotations_voc仍为空;
③ {\color{#E16B8C}{③}} ③ 接着创建yolo2voc.py的转换函数(主要更改__main__的部分),运行即可在Annotations_voc中看到VOC格式的标注文件;
- # yolo2voc.py文件的内容
- from xml.dom.minidom import Document
- import os
- import cv2
- # 可以修改makexml定制化要写入xml的内容
- def makexml(picPath, txtPath, xmlPath,
- folder_name="pic", #图片文件建的名称
- dirpath=".\\data\\pic\", #图片目录
- ):
- """此函数用于将yolo格式txt标注文件转换为voc格式xml标注文件
- """
- dic = {'0': "head"} # 创建字典用来对类型进行转换
- files = os.listdir(txtPath)
- for name in files:
- xmlBuilder = Document()
- annotation = xmlBuilder.createElement("annotation")
- xmlBuilder.appendChild(annotation)
- txtFile = open(os.path.join(txtPath, name))
- txtList = txtFile.readlines()
- img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(picPath, name[0:-4] + ".jpg"))
- Pheight, Pwidth, Pdepth = img.shape
- folder = xmlBuilder.createElement("folder")
- foldercontent = xmlBuilder.createTextNode(folder_name)
- folder.appendChild(foldercontent)
- annotation.appendChild(folder)
- filename = xmlBuilder.createElement("filename")
- filenamecontent = xmlBuilder.createTextNode(name[0:-4] + ".jpg")
- filename.appendChild(filenamecontent)
- annotation.appendChild(filename)
- path = xmlBuilder.createElement("path")
- pathcontent = xmlBuilder.createTextNode(dirpath + name[0:-4] + ".jpg")
- path.appendChild(pathcontent)
- annotation.appendChild(path)
- source = xmlBuilder.createElement("source")
- annotation.appendChild(source)
- database = xmlBuilder.createElement("database")
- databasecontent = xmlBuilder.createTextNode("Unknown")
- database.appendChild(databasecontent)
- source.appendChild(database)
- size = xmlBuilder.createElement("size")
- width = xmlBuilder.createElement("width")
- widthcontent = xmlBuilder.createTextNode(str(Pwidth))
- width.appendChild(widthcontent)
- size.appendChild(width)
- height = xmlBuilder.createElement("height")
- heightcontent = xmlBuilder.createTextNode(str(Pheight))
- height.appendChild(heightcontent)
- size.appendChild(height)
- depth = xmlBuilder.createElement("depth")
- depthcontent = xmlBuilder.createTextNode(str(Pdepth))
- depth.appendChild(depthcontent)
- size.appendChild(depth)
- annotation.appendChild(size)
- segmented = xmlBuilder.createElement("segmented")
- segmentedcontent = xmlBuilder.createTextNode("0")
- segmented.appendChild(segmentedcontent)
- annotation.appendChild(segmented)
- for j in txtList:
- oneline = j.strip().split(" ")
- object = xmlBuilder.createElement("object")
- picname = xmlBuilder.createElement("name")
- namecontent = xmlBuilder.createTextNode(dic[oneline[0]])
- picname.appendChild(namecontent)
- object.appendChild(picname)
- pose = xmlBuilder.createElement("pose")
- posecontent = xmlBuilder.createTextNode("Unspecified")
- pose.appendChild(posecontent)
- object.appendChild(pose)
- truncated = xmlBuilder.createElement("truncated")
- truncatedContent = xmlBuilder.createTextNode("0")
- truncated.appendChild(truncatedContent)
- object.appendChild(truncated)
- difficult = xmlBuilder.createElement("difficult")
- difficultcontent = xmlBuilder.createTextNode("0")
- difficult.appendChild(difficultcontent)
- object.appendChild(difficult)
- bndbox = xmlBuilder.createElement("bndbox")
- xmin = xmlBuilder.createElement("xmin")
- mathData = int(((float(oneline[1])) * Pwidth + 1) - (float(oneline[3])) * 0.5 * Pwidth)
- xminContent = xmlBuilder.createTextNode(str(mathData))
- xmin.appendChild(xminContent)
- bndbox.appendChild(xmin)
- ymin = xmlBuilder.createElement("ymin")
- mathData = int(((float(oneline[2])) * Pheight + 1) - (float(oneline[4])) * 0.5 * Pheight)
- yminContent = xmlBuilder.createTextNode(str(mathData))
- ymin.appendChild(yminContent)
- bndbox.appendChild(ymin)
- xmax = xmlBuilder.createElement("xmax")
- mathData = int(((float(oneline[1])) * Pwidth + 1) + (float(oneline[3])) * 0.5 * Pwidth)
- xmaxContent = xmlBuilder.createTextNode(str(mathData))
- xmax.appendChild(xmaxContent)
- bndbox.appendChild(xmax)
- ymax = xmlBuilder.createElement("ymax")
- mathData = int(((float(oneline[2])) * Pheight + 1) + (float(oneline[4])) * 0.5 * Pheight)
- ymaxContent = xmlBuilder.createTextNode(str(mathData))
- ymax.appendChild(ymaxContent)
- bndbox.appendChild(ymax)
- object.appendChild(bndbox)
- annotation.appendChild(object)
- # 使用字符串方式写入 XML 文件,避免生成 XML 声明
- # 使用临时文件写入 XML
- temp_xml_path = os.path.join(xmlPath, name[0:-4] + "_temp.xml")
- with open(temp_xml_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as temp_file:
- xmlBuilder.writexml(temp_file, indent='\t', newl='\n', addindent='\t', encoding='utf-8')
- # 读取临时 XML 文件并处理
- with open(temp_xml_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as temp_file:
- lines = temp_file.readlines()
- # 删除第一行并缩进后面的行
- with open(os.path.join(xmlPath, name[0:-4] + ".xml"), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as final_file:
- for line in lines[1:]: # 从第二行开始写入
- final_file.write(line[1:]) # 去掉每一行的第一个缩进
- # 删除临时文件
- os.remove(temp_xml_path)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- picPath = "data/pic/" # 图片所在文件夹路径,后面的/一定要带上
- txtPath = "data/Annotations_yolo/" # txt所在文件夹路径,后面的/一定要带上
- xmlPath = "data/Annotations_voc/" # xml文件保存路径,后面的/一定要带上
- makexml(picPath, txtPath, xmlPath,
- folder_name="pic",
- dirpath=".\\data\\pic\")
复制代码 ④ {\color{#E16B8C}{④}} ④ 为了验证转换的精确性,使用demo.py文件(主要更改__main__的部分)可视化VOC标注的结果。
- # demo.py文件的内容
- import os
- import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
- from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
- def parse_voc_xml(xml_file):
- """解析 VOC 格式的 XML 文件,提取检测框信息"""
- tree = ET.parse(xml_file)
- root = tree.getroot()
- boxes = []
- for obj in root.findall('object'):
- name = obj.find('name').text
- xmlbox = obj.find('bndbox')
- xmin = int(xmlbox.find('xmin').text)
- ymin = int(xmlbox.find('ymin').text)
- xmax = int(xmlbox.find('xmax').text)
- ymax = int(xmlbox.find('ymax').text)
- boxes.append((name, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax))
- return boxes
- def visualize_boxes(image_path, boxes):
- """在图片上绘制检测框"""
- image = Image.open(image_path)
- draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
- for box in boxes:
- name, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = box
- draw.rectangle([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], outline='red', width=3)
- draw.text((xmin, ymin), name, fill='red')
- return image
- def main(image_path, xml_path):
- # 解析 XML 文件,获取检测框
- boxes = parse_voc_xml(xml_path)
- # 可视化检测框
- visualized_image = visualize_boxes(image_path, boxes)
- # 显示图片
- visualized_image.show()
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- # 输入图片和对应的 XML 文件路径
- image_path = "data/pic/002861.jpg" # 替换为你的图片路径
- xml_path = "data/Annotations_voc/002861.xml" # 替换为你的 XML 文件路径
- main(image_path, xml_path)
复制代码 可以看到运行后的可视化结果如下,说明YOLO格式转VOC格式成功。
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