QS世界大学排名(QS World University Rankings)是由英国一家国际教育市场咨询公司Quacquarelli Symonds(简称QS)所发表的年度世界大学排名

- import requests # 发送请求
- import re
- import csv
- with open('rank.csv', mode='a', encoding='utf-8', newline='') as f:
- csv_writer = csv.writer(f)
- csv_writer.writerow(['country', 'rank', 'region', 'score_1', 'score_2', 'score_3', 'score_4', 'score_5', 'score_6', 'total_score', 'stars', 'university', 'year'])
- def replace(str_):
- str_ = re.findall('(.*?)', str_)[0]
- return str_
- url = 'https://www.qschina.cn/sites/default/files/qs-rankings-data/cn/2057712_indicators.txt'
- # 1. 发送请求
- response = requests.get(url)
- # <Response [200]>: 请求成功
- # 2. 获取数据
- json_data = response.json() # Python 字典
- # 3. 解析数据
- # 字典
- data_list = json_data['data']
- for i in data_list:
- country = i['location'] # 国家/地区
- rank = i['overall_rank'] # 排名
- region = i['region'] # 大洲
- score_1 = replace(i['ind_76']) # 学术声誉
- score_2 = replace(i['ind_77']) # 雇主声誉
- score_3 = replace(i['ind_36']) # 师生比
- score_4 = replace(i['ind_73']) # 教员引用率
- score_5 = replace(i['ind_18']) # 国际教师
- score_6 = replace(i['ind_14']) # 国际学生
- total_score = replace(i['overall']) # 总分
- stars = i['stars'] # 星级
- uni = i['uni'] # 大学名称
- university = re.findall('<a target="_blank" href="https://www.cnblogs.com/.*?" >(.*?)</a>', uni)[0]
- year = "2021" # 年份
- print(country, rank, region, score_1, score_2, score_3, score_4, score_5, score_6, total_score, stars, university, year)
- with open('rank.csv', mode='a', encoding='utf-8', newline='') as f:
- csv_writer = csv.writer(f)
- csv_writer.writerow([country, rank, region, score_1, score_2, score_3, score_4, score_5, score_6, total_score, stars, university, year])

- from pyecharts.charts import *
- from pyecharts import options as opts
- from pyecharts.commons.utils import JsCode
- from pyecharts.components import Table
- import re
- import pandas as pd
- df = pd.read_csv('rank.csv')
- # 香港,澳门与中国大陆地区等在榜单中是分开的记录的,这边都归为china
- df['loc'] = df['country']
- df['country'].replace(['China (Mainland)', 'Hong Kong SAR', 'Taiwan', 'Macau SAR'],'China',inplace=True)
2021年世界大学排名(QS) TOP 100
- bar = (Bar()
- .add_xaxis(university)
- .add_yaxis('', score, category_gap='30%')
- .set_global_opts(title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title="2021年世界大学排名(QS) TOP 100",
- pos_left="center",
- title_textstyle_opts=opts.TextStyleOpts(font_size=20)),
- datazoom_opts=opts.DataZoomOpts(range_start=70, range_end=100, orient='vertical'),
- visualmap_opts=opts.VisualMapOpts(is_show=False, max_=100, min_=60, dimension=0,
- range_color=['#00FFFF', '#FF7F50']),
- legend_opts=opts.LegendOpts(is_show=False),
- xaxis_opts=opts.AxisOpts(is_show=False, is_scale=True),
- yaxis_opts=opts.AxisOpts(axistick_opts=opts.AxisTickOpts(is_show=False),
- axisline_opts=opts.AxisLineOpts(is_show=False),
- axislabel_opts=opts.LabelOpts(font_size=12)))
- .set_series_opts(label_opts=opts.LabelOpts(is_show=True,
- position='right',
- font_style='italic'),
- itemstyle_opts={"normal": {
- "barBorderRadius": [30, 30, 30, 30],
- 'shadowBlur': 10,
- 'shadowColor': 'rgba(120, 36, 50, 0.5)',
- 'shadowOffsetY': 5,
- }
- }
- ).reversal_axis())
- grid = (
- Grid(init_opts=opts.InitOpts(theme='purple-passion', width='1000px', height='1200px'))
- .add(bar, grid_opts=opts.GridOpts(pos_right='10%', pos_left='20%'))
- )
- grid.render_notebook()

TOP 500中的中国大学
- bar = (Bar()
- .add_xaxis(university)
- .add_yaxis('', score, category_gap='30%')
- .set_global_opts(title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title="TOP 500中的中国大学",
- pos_left="center",
- title_textstyle_opts=opts.TextStyleOpts(font_size=20)),
- datazoom_opts=opts.DataZoomOpts(range_start=50, range_end=100, orient='vertical'),
- visualmap_opts=opts.VisualMapOpts(is_show=False, max_=90, min_=20, dimension=0,
- range_color=['#00FFFF', '#FF7F50']),
- legend_opts=opts.LegendOpts(is_show=False),
- xaxis_opts=opts.AxisOpts(is_show=False, is_scale=True),
- yaxis_opts=opts.AxisOpts(axistick_opts=opts.AxisTickOpts(is_show=False),
- axisline_opts=opts.AxisLineOpts(is_show=False),
- axislabel_opts=opts.LabelOpts(font_size=12)))
- .set_series_opts(label_opts=opts.LabelOpts(is_show=True,
- position='right',
- font_style='italic'),
- itemstyle_opts={"normal": {
- "barBorderRadius": [30, 30, 30, 30],
- 'shadowBlur': 10,
- 'shadowColor': 'rgba(120, 36, 50, 0.5)',
- 'shadowOffsetY': 5,
- }
- }
- ).reversal_axis())
- grid = (
- Grid(init_opts=opts.InitOpts(theme='purple-passion', width='1000px', height='1200px'))
- .add(bar, grid_opts=opts.GridOpts(pos_right='10%', pos_left='20%'))
- )
- grid.render_notebook()

TOP 1000高校按大洲分布
[code]t_data = df[(df.year==2021) & (df['rank'] |