LicheePi 4A 板载 2x10pin 插针,其中有 16 个原生 IO,包罗 6 个平凡 IO,3 对串口,一个 SPI。TH1520 SOC 具有4个GPIO bank,每个bank最大有32个IO:
GPIO 号的对应关系如下图所示:
- #黄灯
- echo 428 > /sys/class/gpio/export
- echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio428/direction
- echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio428/value
- echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio428/value
- #红灯
- echo 429 > /sys/class/gpio/export
- echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio429/direction
- echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio429/value
- echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio429/value
- #绿灯
- echo 430 > /sys/class/gpio/export
- echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio430/direction
- echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio430/value
复制代码 2.GPIO 代码框架
- vendor/hihope/dayu800/hdf_config/khdf/device_info/device_info.hcs
- 32 platform :: host {
- 33 hostName = "platform_host";
- 34 priority = 50;
- 35 device_gpio :: device {
- 36 device0 :: deviceNode {
- 37 policy = 0;
- 38 priority = 10;
- 39 permission = 0644;
- 40 moduleName = "linux_gpio_adapter";
- 41 deviceMatchAttr = "linux_gpio_adapter";
- 42 }
- 43 }
- driver/hdf_core/adapter/khdf/linux/platform/gpio/gpio_adapter.c:
- 269 static int32_t LinuxGpioInit(struct HdfDeviceObject *device)
- 270 {
- 271 if (device == NULL) {
- 272 HDF_LOGE("%s: Fail, device is NULL.", __func__);
- 274 }
- 275
- 276 (void)gpiochip_find(device, LinuxGpioMatchProbe);
- 277 HDF_LOGI("%s: dev service:%s init done!", __func__, HdfDeviceGetServiceName(device));
- 278 return HDF_SUCCESS;
- 279 }
- 319 struct HdfDriverEntry g_gpioLinuxDriverEntry = {
- 320 .moduleVersion = 1,
- 321 .Bind = LinuxGpioBind,
- 322 .Init = LinuxGpioInit,
- 323 .Release = LinuxGpioRelease,
- 324 .moduleName = "linux_gpio_adapter",
- 325 };
- 326 HDF_INIT(g_gpioLinuxDriverEntry);
复制代码 根据moduleName = "linux_gpio_adapter"举行配置之后,加载gpio hdf 驱动,调用LinuxGpioInit举行初始化,其中调用linux 内核gpiochip_find函数 遍历GPIO设备(gpio_devices)获取gpio控制器(gpio_chip).
- 232 static int LinuxGpioMatchProbe(struct gpio_chip *chip, void *data)
- 233 {
- 234 int32_t ret;
- 235 struct GpioCntlr *cntlr = NULL;
- 236
- 241 HDF_LOGI("%s: find gpio chip(start:%d, count:%u)", __func__, chip->base, chip->ngpio);
- 246
- 247 cntlr = (struct GpioCntlr *)OsalMemCalloc(sizeof(*cntlr));
- 252
- 253 cntlr->ops = &g_method; //gpio 操作集
- 254 cntlr->start = (uint16_t)chip->base;
- 255 cntlr->count = (uint16_t)chip->ngpio;
- 256 ret = GpioCntlrAdd(cntlr);
- 263
- 264 HDF_LOGI("%s: add gpio controller(start:%d, count:%u) succeed",
- 265 __func__, cntlr->start, cntlr->count);
- 266 return 0; // return 0 to continue
- 267 }
- 215 static struct GpioMethod g_method = {
- 216 .write = LinuxGpioWrite,
- 217 .read = LinuxGpioRead,
- 218 .setDir = LinuxGpioSetDir,
- 219 .getDir = LinuxGpioGetDir,
- 220 .setIrq = LinuxGpioSetIrq,
- 221 .unsetIrq = LinuxGpioUnsetIrq,
- 222 .enableIrq = LinuxGpioEnableIrq,
- 223 .disableIrq = LinuxGpioDisableIrq,
- 224 };
复制代码 3.调试GPIO代码
- dayu800/dayu800-sig/vendor/hihope/dayu800/sample$ tree
- .
- ├── BUILD.gn
- └── hardware
- ├── BUILD.gn
- └── gpio
- ├── BUILD.gn
- ├── gpio_dayu800.c
- ├── gpio_dayu800.h
- └── main.c
- 2 directories, 6 files
复制代码 3.2.增加编译sample
创建模块目次//vendor/hihope/dayu800/sample,在vendor/hihope/dayu800/ohos.build module_list中添加 模块名称dayu800_sample,如下所示:
- diff --git a/dayu800/ohos.build b/dayu800/ohos.build
- index cea86ba..d268f2a 100644
- --- a/dayu800/ohos.build
- +++ b/dayu800/ohos.build
- @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
- "//vendor/hihope/dayu800/preinstall-config:preinstall-config",
- "//vendor/hihope/dayu800/resourceschedule:resourceschedule",
- "//vendor/hihope/dayu800/etc:product_etc_conf",
- - "//vendor/hihope/dayu800/audio:audio_policy_config"
- + "//vendor/hihope/dayu800/audio:audio_policy_config",
- + "//vendor/hihope/dayu800/sample:dayu800_sample"
- ]
- }
- },
复制代码 3.3.新增sample目次BUILD.gn
- 1 import("//build/ohos.gni")
- 2
- 3 group("dayu800_sample") {
- 4 deps = [
- 5 "hardware:hardware"
- 6 ]
- 7 }
复制代码 创建名为"dayu800_sample"的group。group的作用是将多个target(可以是源文件、库文件或可实行文件等)组织在一起,方便举行编译和管理。在这个group中,依靠名为"hardware:hardware"的target。这个依靠关系意味着在编译"dayu800_sample"时,需要先编译并链接"hardware:hardware"这个target。通过利用group,可以更方便地管理项目的编译和构建过程。
- 1 import("//build/ohos.gni")
- 2
- 3 group("hardware") {
- 4 deps = [
- 5 "gpio:gpio_dayu800"
- 6 ]
- 7 }
复制代码 创建名为"hardware"的组(group)。该组依靠于名为"gpio:gpio_dayu800"的依靠项。这个函数的作用是将"hardware"组与"gpio:gpio_dayu800"依靠项相关联。
- 1 import("//build/ohos.gni")
- 2 import("//build/ohos/ndk/ndk.gni")
- 3
- 4 ohos_executable("gpio_dayu800") {
- 5 sources = [
- 6 "main.c",
- 7 "gpio_dayu800.c"
- 8 ]
- 9
- 10 include_dirs = [ "//commonlibrary/c_utils/base/include" ]
- 11
- 12 external_deps = [
- 13 "c_utils:utils",
- 14 "hilog_native:libhilog",
- 15 ]
- 16
- 17 install_images = [ "system" ]
- 18 part_name = "product_dayu800"
- 19 }
复制代码 定义名为gpio_dayu800的可实行文件目标。该目标包含了两个源文件main.c和gpio_dayu800.c,并指定了包含目次//commonlibrary/c_utils/base/include。该目标依靠于外部库c_utils:utils和hilog_native:libhilog。末了,它指定了将生成的可实行文件安装到system镜像,并将该目标归属于product_dayu800部分。
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- #include "hilog/log.h"
- #include "securec.h"
- #include "gpio_dayu800.h"
- int DAYU800_GPIO_Export(int gpioNum, int bExport)
- {
- int ret = -1;
- char buffer[256] = {0};
- if (bExport) {
- (void) snprintf_s(buffer, sizeof(buffer), sizeof(buffer), "echo %d > %s", gpioNum, DAYU800_GPIO_EXPORT);
- } else {
- (void) snprintf_s(buffer, sizeof(buffer), sizeof(buffer), "echo %d > %s", gpioNum, DAYU800_GPIO_UNEXPORT);
- }
- sighandler_t old_handler;
- old_handler = signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);
- ret = system(buffer);
- if (ret < 0) {
- HILOG_ERROR(LOG_CORE, "set gpio%{public}d %{public}s failed", gpioNum, bExport == 1 ? "export" : "unexport");
- return DAYU800_GPIO_ERR;
- }
- (void) signal(SIGCHLD, old_handler);
- return ret;
- }
- int DAYU800_GPIO_SetDirection(int gpioNum, int direction)
- {
- int ret_sprintf_s = -1;
- // check gpio export or not
- char gpio_file_name[128];
- (void) memset_s(gpio_file_name, sizeof(gpio_file_name), 0, sizeof(gpio_file_name));
- ret_sprintf_s = snprintf_s(gpio_file_name, sizeof(gpio_file_name), sizeof(gpio_file_name), "%s%d/direction",
- DAYU800_GPIO_PEX, gpioNum);
- if (ret_sprintf_s != 0) {
- }
- if (access(gpio_file_name, F_OK) != 0) {
- HILOG_ERROR(LOG_CORE, "gpio%{public}d not export", gpioNum);
- }
- // set gpio direction
- FILE *fp = NULL;
- fp = fopen(gpio_file_name, "r+");
- if (fp == NULL) {
- HILOG_ERROR(LOG_CORE, "open %{public}s%{public}d/direction failed", DAYU800_GPIO_PEX, gpioNum);
- return DAYU800_GPIO_ERR;
- }
- if (direction == DAYU800_GPIO_DIRECTION_IN) {
- fprintf(fp, "%s", "in");
- } else if (direction == DAYU800_GPIO_DIRECTION_OUT) {
- fprintf(fp, "%s", "out");
- }
- (void) fclose(fp);
- fp = NULL;
- return 0;
- }
- int DAYU800_GPIO_SetValue(int gpioNum, int value)
- {
- int ret_sprintf_s = -1;
- // check gpio export or not
- char gpio_file_name[128];
- (void) memset_s(gpio_file_name, sizeof(gpio_file_name), 0, sizeof(gpio_file_name));
- ret_sprintf_s = snprintf_s(gpio_file_name, sizeof(gpio_file_name), sizeof(gpio_file_name), "%s%d/value",
- DAYU800_GPIO_PEX, gpioNum);
- if (ret_sprintf_s != 0) {
- }
- if (access(gpio_file_name, F_OK) != 0) {
- HILOG_ERROR(LOG_CORE, "gpio%{public}d not export", gpioNum);
- }
- // set gpio value
- FILE *fp = NULL;
- fp = fopen(gpio_file_name, "r+");
- if (fp == NULL) {
- HILOG_ERROR(LOG_CORE, "open %{public}s%{public}d/value failed", DAYU800_GPIO_PEX, gpioNum);
- return DAYU800_GPIO_ERR;
- }
- if (value == DAYU800_GPIO_LOW_LEVE) {
- fprintf(fp, "%s", "0");
- } else if (value == DAYU800_GPIO_HIGH_LEVE) {
- fprintf(fp, "%s", "1");
- }
- (void) fclose(fp);
- fp = NULL;
- return 0;
- }
- int DAYU800_GPIO_IsExport(int gpioNum, int *value)
- {
- int ret_sprintf_s = -1;
- if (value == NULL) {
- return DAYU800_GPIO_ERR;
- }
- // check gpio export or not
- char gpio_file_name[128];
- (void) memset_s(gpio_file_name, sizeof(gpio_file_name), 0, sizeof(gpio_file_name));
- ret_sprintf_s = snprintf_s(gpio_file_name, sizeof(gpio_file_name), sizeof(gpio_file_name), "%s%d/value",
- DAYU800_GPIO_PEX, gpioNum);
- if (ret_sprintf_s != 0) {
- }
- if (access(gpio_file_name, F_OK) != 0) {
- HILOG_INFO(LOG_CORE, "gpio%{public}d not export", gpioNum);
- *value = DAYU800_GPIO_NOT_EXPORT;
- } else {
- *value = DAYU800_GPIO_EXPORTED;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int DAYU800_GPIO_GetDirection(int gpioNum, int *value)
- {
- int ret = 0;
- int ret_sprintf_s = -1;
- if (value == NULL) {
- return DAYU800_GPIO_ERR;
- }
- // check gpio export or not
- char gpio_file_name[128];
- (void) memset_s(gpio_file_name, sizeof(gpio_file_name), 0, sizeof(gpio_file_name));
- ret_sprintf_s = snprintf_s(gpio_file_name, sizeof(gpio_file_name), sizeof(gpio_file_name), "%s%d/direction",
- DAYU800_GPIO_PEX, gpioNum);
- if (ret_sprintf_s != 0) {
- }
- if (access(gpio_file_name, F_OK) != 0) {
- HILOG_ERROR(LOG_CORE, "gpio%{public}d not export", gpioNum);
- }
- // get gpio direction
- FILE *fp = NULL;
- char buffer[20] = {0};
- fp = fopen(gpio_file_name, "r");
- if (fp == NULL) {
- HILOG_ERROR(LOG_CORE, "read %{public}s%{public}d/direction failed", DAYU800_GPIO_PEX, gpioNum);
- return DAYU800_GPIO_ERR;
- }
- (void) fread(buffer, sizeof(buffer), 1, fp);
- (void) fclose(fp);
- fp = NULL;
- if (strstr(buffer, "out") != NULL) {
- } else if (strstr(buffer, "in") != NULL) {
- } else {
- ret = DAYU800_GPIO_ERR;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- int DAYU800_GPIO_GetValue(int gpioNum, int *value)
- {
- int ret = 0;
- int ret_sprintf_s = -1;
- if (value == NULL) {
- return DAYU800_GPIO_ERR;
- }
- // check gpio export or not
- char gpio_file_name[128];
- (void) memset_s(gpio_file_name, sizeof(gpio_file_name), 0, sizeof(gpio_file_name));
- ret_sprintf_s = snprintf_s(gpio_file_name, sizeof(gpio_file_name), sizeof(gpio_file_name), "%s%d/value",
- DAYU800_GPIO_PEX, gpioNum);
- if (ret_sprintf_s != 0) {
- }
- if (access(gpio_file_name, F_OK) != 0) {
- HILOG_ERROR(LOG_CORE, "gpio%{public}d not export", gpioNum);
- }
- // get gpio value
- FILE *fp = NULL;
- char buffer[20] = {0};
- fp = fopen(gpio_file_name, "r");
- if (fp == NULL) {
- HILOG_ERROR(LOG_CORE, "read %{public}s%{public}d/value failed", DAYU800_GPIO_PEX, gpioNum);
- return DAYU800_GPIO_ERR;
- }
- (void) fread(buffer, sizeof(buffer), 1, fp);
- (void) fclose(fp);
- fp = NULL;
- if (strstr(buffer, "0") != NULL) {
- *value = DAYU800_GPIO_LOW_LEVE;
- } else if (strstr(buffer, "1") != NULL) {
- *value = DAYU800_GPIO_HIGH_LEVE;
- } else {
- ret = DAYU800_GPIO_ERR;
- }
- return ret;
- }
复制代码 创建vendor/hihope/dayu800/sample/hardware/gpio/gpio_dayu800.h文件,内容如下:
- #ifndef __DAYU800_GPIO_H__
- #define __DAYU800_GPIO_H__
- #define DAYU800_GPIO_EXPORT "/sys/class/gpio/export"
- #define DAYU800_GPIO_UNEXPORT "/sys/class/gpio/unexport"
- #define DAYU800_GPIO_PEX "/sys/class/gpio/gpio"
- // hilog
- #undef LOG_DOMAIN
- #undef LOG_TAG
- #define LOG_DOMAIN 0
- #define LOG_TAG "GPIO_DAYU800"
- // gpios
- #define DAYU800_GPI0_1_3 427 /* IO1_3 */
- #define DAYU800_GPI0_1_4 428 /* IO1_4 */
- #define DAYU800_GPI0_1_5 429 /* IO1_5 */
- #define DAYU800_GPI0_1_6 430 /* IO1_6 */
- // direction
- // is export
- #define DAYU800_GPIO_NOT_EXPORT 0
- #define DAYU800_GPIO_EXPORTED 1
- // errno
- #define DAYU800_GPIO_ERR (-1)
- #define DAYU800_GPIO_NOT_EXPROT_ERROR (-2)
- // value high - low level
- #define DAYU800_GPIO_LOW_LEVE 0
- #define DAYU800_GPIO_HIGH_LEVE 1
- /**
- * set gpio export
- * @param gpioNum gpioNum
- * @param bExport export,0:not export 1:export
- */
- int DAYU800_GPIO_Export(int gpioNum, int bExport);
- /**
- * set gpio direction
- * @param gpioNum gpioNum
- * @param direction direction,0:in 1:out
- */
- int DAYU800_GPIO_SetDirection(int gpioNum, int direction);
- /**
- * set gpio value
- * @param gpioNum gpioNum
- * @param value value,0:low 1:high
- */
- int DAYU800_GPIO_SetValue(int gpioNum, int value);
- /**
- * check gpio export or not
- * @param gpioNum gpioNum
- * @param *value export,0:not export 1:exported
- */
- int DAYU800_GPIO_IsExport(int gpioNum, int *value);
- /**
- * get gpio direction
- * @param gpioNum gpioNum
- * @param *value direction,0:in 1:out
- */
- int DAYU800_GPIO_GetDirection(int gpioNum, int *value);
- /**
- * get gpio value
- * @param gpioNum gpioNum
- * @param *value value,0:low 1:high
- */
- int DAYU800_GPIO_GetValue(int gpioNum, int *value);
- #endif /* __DAYU800_GPIO_H__ */
复制代码 以上函数提供了对Dayu800开发板GPIO的控制,包罗导出、设置方向、设置值、查抄导出状态、获取方向和获取值等操纵。用于管理Dayu800GPIO的C函数库。以下是每个函数的功能解释:
- DAYU800_GPIO_Export 函数用于导出或取消导出GPIO。根据输入的bExport参数,函数将构建一个下令行字符串来实行导出或取消导出操纵。如果操纵乐成,函数返回0,否则返回错误代码。
- DAYU800_GPIO_SetDirection 函数用于设置GPIO的方向。首先,函数查抄GPIO是否已导出。然后,它打开GPIO的方向文件,并根据输入的direction参数设置为输入或输出。
- DAYU800_GPIO_SetValue 函数用于设置GPIO的值。首先,函数查抄GPIO是否已导出。然后,它打开GPIO的值文件,并根据输入的value参数设置为低电平或高电平。
- DAYU800_GPIO_IsExport 函数用于查抄GPIO是否已导出。它构建GPIO的值文件路径并查抄该文件是否存在。根据查抄效果,函数通过value参数返回导出状态。
- DAYU800_GPIO_GetDirection 函数用于获取GPIO的方向。首先,函数查抄GPIO是否已导出。然后,它打开GPIO的方向文件并读取方向值。根据读取的效果,函数通过value参数返回方向值。
- DAYU800_GPIO_GetValue 函数用于获取GPIO的值。首先,函数查抄GPIO是否已导出。然后,它打开GPIO的值文件并读取值。根据读取的效果,函数通过value参数返回值。
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include "gpio_dayu800.h"
- int main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- int gpioNum = DAYU800_GPI0_1_3;
- int bExport = DAYU800_GPIO_EXPORTED;
- int direction = DAYU800_GPIO_DIRECTION_OUT;
- int value = DAYU800_GPIO_HIGH_LEVE;
- int getValue = -1;
- // 检查参数数量以确保至少提供了预期的参数数量
- if (argc < 2) {
- printf("Usage 1: %s <gpioNum> \n", argv[0]);
- printf("Usage 2: %s <gpioNum> <value>\n", argv[0]);
- printf("Usage 3: %s <gpioNum> <value> <direction>\n", argv[0]);
- return DAYU800_GPIO_ERR;
- }
- // 判断是否有输入参数,如有,则赋值指定gpio口
- if (argv[1] != NULL) {
- getValue = atoi(argv[1]);
- if (getValue >= DAYU800_GPI0_1_3 && getValue <= DAYU800_GPI0_1_6) {
- gpioNum = getValue;
- } else {
- printf("please input the gpioNum between 427 and 430.\n");
- return DAYU800_GPIO_ERR;
- }
- }
- // 判断gpio口是否已经导出,如未导出则执行对应函数
- DAYU800_GPIO_IsExport(gpioNum, &getValue);
- if (getValue == DAYU800_GPIO_NOT_EXPORT) {
- DAYU800_GPIO_Export(gpioNum, bExport);
- }
- if (argc == 2) {
- // 设置gpio口值取反
- DAYU800_GPIO_GetValue(gpioNum, &getValue);
- if(getValue == DAYU800_GPIO_LOW_LEVE){
- value = DAYU800_GPIO_HIGH_LEVE;
- }else{
- value = DAYU800_GPIO_LOW_LEVE;
- }
- printf("gpioNum:[%d], curvalue:[%d] setvalue:[%d]\n", gpioNum, getValue,value);
- }
- if (argc >=3 && argc <= 4) {
- if (argv[2] != NULL) {
- //读取GPIO口设定值
- getValue = atoi(argv[2]);
- if (getValue >= DAYU800_GPIO_LOW_LEVE && getValue <= DAYU800_GPIO_HIGH_LEVE) {
- value = getValue;
- } else {
- printf("please input the gpio value 0 (low)or 1 (high).\n");
- return DAYU800_GPIO_ERR;
- }
- }
- }
- if (argc == 4) {
- if (argv[3] != NULL) {
- //读取GPIO口输入或输出设定
- getValue = atoi(argv[3]);
- if (getValue >= DAYU800_GPIO_DIRECTION_IN && getValue <= DAYU800_GPIO_DIRECTION_OUT) {
- direction = getValue;
- } else {
- printf("please input the gpio direction 0 (in)or 1 (out).\n");
- return DAYU800_GPIO_ERR;
- }
- }
- }
- // 设置gpio口为输入或输出模式
- DAYU800_GPIO_SetDirection(gpioNum, direction);
- // 设置gpio口电平高低
- DAYU800_GPIO_SetValue(gpioNum, value);
- // 获取对应gpio口的模式并打印
- DAYU800_GPIO_GetDirection(gpioNum, &getValue);
- printf("gpioNum:[%d], direction:[%d]\n", gpioNum, getValue);
- // 获取对应gpio口的电平值并打印
- DAYU800_GPIO_GetValue(gpioNum, &getValue);
- printf("gpioNum:[%d], Value:[%d]\n", gpioNum, getValue);
- return 0;
- }
复制代码 以上函数实现了是用指令对Dayu800开发板的GPIO引脚的操纵,根据输入参数的数目和值,函数实行不同的操纵,并在终端打印出相应的信息。支持的指令格式如下:
- Usage 1: gpio_dayu800 <gpioNum>
- Usage 2: gpio_dayu800 <gpioNum> <value>
- Usage 3: gpio_dayu800 <gpioNum> <value> <direction>
复制代码 3.8.编译代码
- #全量编译
- ./build.sh --product-name dayu800 --gn-args full_mini_debug=false --ccache
- 编译完成后可以直接烧录out/dayu800/packages/phone/images下生成的档案。
- #单模块编译
- #前提是之前已全量编译过才可以使用单模块编译指令
- ./build.sh --product-name dayu800 --ccache --build-target product_dayu800
- 单模块编译后生成bin文件在out/dayu800/product_dayu800/product_dayu800/目录下的gpio_dayu800
复制代码 3.9.hdc 调试
将 gpio_dayu800推送到开发板,进入hdc工具所在目次,将编译生成的gpio_dayu800拷贝到hdc所在目次,开发板通过Type-C数据线连接到电脑,运行windows自带的“下令提示符”(cmd)窗口
- #重新挂载DAYU800开发板的文件系统(以读写权限挂载)
- hdc shell mount -o remount,rw /
- #推送到DAYU800开发板/system/bin/目录
- hdc file send gpio_dayu800 /system/bin/
复制代码 在DAYU800开发板上运行测试程序,利用hdc shell指令进入到开发板终端
- hdc shell
- #接着运行测试指令:
- gpio_dayu800 428
- gpio_dayu800 429
- gpio_dayu800 430
- gpio_dayu800 428 0 1 //关灯
- gpio_dayu800 428 1 1 //开灯
复制代码 refer to
- https://blog.csdn.net/lxs_vip/article/details/139391687
- https://wiki.sipeed.com/hardware/zh/lichee/th1520/lpi4a/6_peripheral.html
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