- 汽车运动学自行车模型
- 跟踪算法主流模型及特点
- 纯跟踪算法原理推导
- 代码介绍
喜欢点个赞吧!网上许多代码都跑不起来hh- clc;
- clear;
- % ------------form road------------
- cx = 0:0.1:50;
- cx = cx';
- for i = 1:length(cx)
- cy(i) = sin(cx(i)/5)*cx(i)/2;
- end
- %--------form initial state---------
- L = 2.9 ;% [m] wheel base of vehicle
- i = 1;
- target_speed = 2.5;
- T = 80;
- x = 0; y = -3; yaw = 0; v = 0;
- time = 0;
- %--------how to update--------------
- lastIndex = length(cx)-1;
- dt = 0.1 ;% [s]
- Lfc = 1.0; % look-ahead distance
- k = 0.1; % look forward gain
- Kp = 1.0 ; % speed propotional gain
- Lf = k * v + Lfc;
- %--------show initial state---------
- target_ind= calc_target_index(x,y,cx,cy,Lf)
- %--------Update now keep on track-----
- while T > time && target_ind < lastIndex-10
- target_ind= calc_target_index(x,y,cx,cy,Lf)
- ai = PIDcontrol(target_speed, v,Kp);
- di = pure_pursuit_control(x,y,yaw,v,cx,cy,target_ind,k,Lfc,L,Lf);
- [x,y,yaw,v] = update(x,y,yaw,v, ai, di,dt,L)
- time = time + dt;
- pause(0.1)
- subplot(1,2,1)
- plot(cx,cy,'b',x,y,'r-*')
- title(['time=' num2str(time), 'v=' num2str(v),'ind=' num2str(target_ind)])
- drawnow
- hold on
- box off
- % should also show errors
- end
- %-----growing speed-----------------
- function [a] = PIDcontrol(target_v, current_v, Kp)
- a = Kp * (target_v - current_v);
- end
- %-----pute pursuit-------------------
- function [delta] = pure_pursuit_control(x,y,yaw,v,cx,cy,ind,k,Lfc,L,Lf)
- tx = cx(ind);
- ty = cy(ind);
- alpha = atan((ty-y)/(tx-x))-yaw;
- %--------should also show lateral error---------
- latError =abs((ty-y)*cos(yaw) - (tx-x)*sin(yaw))
- subplot(1,2,2)
- plot(x,latError,'b-*')
- title(['latError=' num2str(latError)])
- drawnow
- hold on
- box off
- %------------------------------------------------
- Lf = k * v + Lfc;
- delta = atan(2*L * sin(alpha)/Lf) ;
- end
- %-----update state-------------------
- function [x, y, yaw, v] = update(x, y, yaw, v, a, delta,dt,L)
- x = x + v * cos(yaw) * dt;
- y = y + v * sin(yaw) * dt;
- yaw = yaw + v / L * tan(delta) * dt;
- v = v + a * dt;
- end
- %-----find the nearest point---------
- function [ind] = calc_target_index(x,y, cx,cy,Lf)
- N = length(cx);
- %N = length(cx)-11;
- Distance = zeros(N,1);
- for i = 1:N
- Distance(i) = sqrt((cx(i)-x)^2 + (cy(i)-y)^2);
- end
- [~, location]= min(Distance);
- ind = location;
- ind = ind + 10;
- end
复制代码 结果图是实时的,包含一个路径跟踪展示和横向误差图,大概如下(图形并不精美,展示原理所用):

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