点击查看代码- begin
- merge into ly_yjs_hxsj.T_XSGL_XSXX_CZRZ rz
- using ( select a.XS_ID xsid, xh, xm, '02' as bglx,'修改学生:'||xm||':学位操作撤销学位证书号,原学位证书号:'|| BJYZSBH || '改为:'|| a.JYZSH as bgnr, #{editor} as czrzh,
- #{editor} as czrxm ,'' as czip from (
- <foreach collection="data" item="item" separator="union">
- select #{item.studentId} XS_ID, #{item.studentCompletionNumber,jdbcType=VARCHAR} JYZSH from dual
- </foreach>
- ) a join LY_YJS_HXSJ.T_BYGL_XSBYJG byjg on byjg.XS_ID = a.XS_ID and byjg.BYLXM = '08' and byjg.GDMC is null
- join LY_YJS_HXSJ.T_XSGL_XSXX_XJXX xjxx on xjxx.XS_ID = byjg.XS_ID
- <where>
- <if test=" studentIdOrName != null and studentIdOrName != ''">and (instr(xjxx.XM, #{studentIdOrName}) > 0 or instr(xjxx.XS_ID, #{studentIdOrName}) > 0)</if>
- <if test="studentCultureLevelCode != null and studentCultureLevelCode != ''">and xjxx.PYCCM = #{studentCultureLevelCode}</if>
- <if test="degreeClassify != null and degreeClassify != ''">and xjxx.XWLXM = #{degreeClassify}</if>
- <if test="educationCategory != null and educationCategory != ''">and xjxx.JYLXM = #{educationCategory}</if>
- <if test="studyModeCode != null and studyModeCode != ''">and xjxx.XXFSM = #{studyModeCode}</if>
- </where>
- ) prz on (prz.xsid = 'T_BYGL_XSBYJG')
- when not matched then
- insert (czrzid, xsid, xh, xm,bglx, bgnr, bgsj, czrzh, czrxm,czip) values(
- sys_guid(),prz.xsid,prz.xh, prz.xm,prz.bglx,prz.bgnr,sysdate,prz.czrzh,prz.czrxm,prz.czip
- );
- merge into LY_YJS_HXSJ.T_XSGL_XSXX_XJXX xjxx using (
- select a.XS_ID, a.JYZSH from (
- <foreach collection="data" item="item" separator="union">
- select #{item.studentId} XS_ID, #{item.studentCompletionNumber,jdbcType=VARCHAR} JYZSH from dual
- </foreach>
- ) a join LY_YJS_HXSJ.T_BYGL_XSBYJG byjg on byjg.XS_ID = a.XS_ID and byjg.BYLXM = '08' and byjg.GDMC is null
- join LY_YJS_HXSJ.T_XSGL_XSXX_XJXX xjxx on xjxx.XS_ID = byjg.XS_ID
- <where>
- <if test=" studentIdOrName != null and studentIdOrName != ''">and (instr(xjxx.XM, #{studentIdOrName}) > 0 or instr(xjxx.XS_ID, #{studentIdOrName}) > 0)</if>
- <if test="studentCultureLevelCode != null and studentCultureLevelCode != ''">and xjxx.PYCCM = #{studentCultureLevelCode}</if>
- <if test="degreeClassify != null and degreeClassify != ''">and xjxx.XWLXM = #{degreeClassify}</if>
- <if test="educationCategory != null and educationCategory != ''">and xjxx.JYLXM = #{educationCategory}</if>
- <if test="studyModeCode != null and studyModeCode != ''">and xjxx.XXFSM = #{studyModeCode}</if>
- </where>
- ) t on (t.XS_ID = xjxx.XS_ID)
- when matched then update set xjxx.BJYZSBH = t.JYZSH
- ;
- end;
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