1. 编写CMAKELists.txt文件
- # the minimum version of CMake.
- cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4.1)
- project(XComponent) #项目名称
- #头文件查找路径
- include_directories(
- )
- # 编译目标so动态库
- add_library(nativerender SHARED
- samples/minute_view.cpp
- plugin/plugin_manager.cpp
- common/HuMarketMinuteData.cpp
- common/MinuteItem.cpp
- napi_init.cpp
- )
- # 查找需要的公共库
- find_library(
- # Sets the name of the path variable.
- hilog-lib
- # Specifies the name of the NDK library that
- # you want CMake to locate.
- hilog_ndk.z
- )
- #编译so所需要的依赖
- target_link_libraries(nativerender PUBLIC
- libc++.a
- ${hilog-lib}
- libace_napi.z.so
- libace_ndk.z.so
- libnative_window.so
- libnative_drawing.so
- )
复制代码 2. Napi模块注册
- #include <hilog/log.h>
- #include "plugin/plugin_manager.h"
- #include "common/log_common.h"
- static napi_value Init(napi_env env, napi_value exports)
- {
- OH_LOG_Print(LOG_APP, LOG_INFO, LOG_PRINT_DOMAIN, "Init", "Init begins");
- if ((nullptr == env) || (nullptr == exports)) {
- OH_LOG_Print(LOG_APP, LOG_ERROR, LOG_PRINT_DOMAIN, "Init", "env or exports is null");
- return nullptr;
- }
- PluginManager::GetInstance()->Export(env, exports);
- return exports;
- }
- static napi_module nativerenderModule = {
- .nm_version = 1,
- .nm_flags = 0,
- .nm_filename = nullptr,
- .nm_register_func = Init,
- .nm_modname = "nativerender",
- .nm_priv = ((void *)0),
- .reserved = { 0 }
- };
- extern "C" __attribute__((constructor)) void RegisterModule(void)
- {
- napi_module_register(&nativerenderModule);
- }
复制代码 定义napi_module信息,里面包含模块名称(和arkts侧使用时的libraryname要保持划一),加载模块时的回调函数即Init()。然后注册so模块napi_module_register(&nativerenderModule), 接口Init()函数会收到回调,在Init()有两个参数:
- env: napi上下文环境;
- exports: 用于挂载native函数将其导出,会通过js引擎绑定到js层的一个js对象;
- if ((env == nullptr) || (exports == nullptr)) {
- DRAWING_LOGE("Export: env or exports is null");
- return;
- }
- napi_value exportInstance = nullptr;
- // 用来解析出被wrap了NativeXComponent指针的属性
- if (napi_get_named_property(env, exports, OH_NATIVE_XCOMPONENT_OBJ, &exportInstance) != napi_ok) {
- DRAWING_LOGE("Export: napi_get_named_property fail");
- return;
- }
- OH_NativeXComponent *nativeXComponent = nullptr;
- // 通过napi_unwrap接口,解析出NativeXComponent的实例指针
- if (napi_unwrap(env, exportInstance, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&nativeXComponent)) != napi_ok) {
- DRAWING_LOGE("Export: napi_unwrap fail");
- return;
- }
- char idStr[OH_XCOMPONENT_ID_LEN_MAX + 1] = {'\0'};
- uint64_t idSize = OH_XCOMPONENT_ID_LEN_MAX + 1;
- if (OH_NativeXComponent_GetXComponentId(nativeXComponent, idStr, &idSize) != OH_NATIVEXCOMPONENT_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
- DRAWING_LOGE("Export: OH_NativeXComponent_GetXComponentId fail");
- return;
- }
复制代码 4.注册XComponent事件回调
- void MinuteView::RegisterCallback(OH_NativeXComponent *nativeXComponent) {
- DRAWING_LOGI("register callback");
- renderCallback_.OnSurfaceCreated = OnSurfaceCreatedCB;
- renderCallback_.OnSurfaceDestroyed = OnSurfaceDestroyedCB;
- renderCallback_.DispatchTouchEvent = nullptr;
- renderCallback_.OnSurfaceChanged = OnSurfaceChanged;
- // 注册XComponent事件回调
- OH_NativeXComponent_RegisterCallback(nativeXComponent, &renderCallback_);
- }
复制代码 在事件回调中可以获取组件的宽高信息:
- tatic void OnSurfaceCreatedCB(OH_NativeXComponent *component, void *window) {
- DRAWING_LOGI("OnSurfaceCreatedCB");
- if ((component == nullptr) || (window == nullptr)) {
- DRAWING_LOGE("OnSurfaceCreatedCB: component or window is null");
- return;
- }
- char idStr[OH_XCOMPONENT_ID_LEN_MAX + 1] = {'\0'};
- uint64_t idSize = OH_XCOMPONENT_ID_LEN_MAX + 1;
- if (OH_NativeXComponent_GetXComponentId(component, idStr, &idSize) != OH_NATIVEXCOMPONENT_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
- DRAWING_LOGE("OnSurfaceCreatedCB: Unable to get XComponent id");
- return;
- }
- std::string id(idStr);
- auto render = MinuteView::GetInstance(id);
- OHNativeWindow *nativeWindow = static_cast<OHNativeWindow *>(window);
- render->SetNativeWindow(nativeWindow);
- uint64_t width;
- uint64_t height;
- int32_t xSize = OH_NativeXComponent_GetXComponentSize(component, window, &width, &height);
- if ((xSize == OH_NATIVEXCOMPONENT_RESULT_SUCCESS) && (render != nullptr)) {
- render->SetHeight(height);
- render->SetWidth(width);
- }
- }
复制代码 5.导出Native函数
- void MinuteView::Export(napi_env env, napi_value exports) {
- if ((env == nullptr) || (exports == nullptr)) {
- DRAWING_LOGE("Export: env or exports is null");
- return;
- }
- napi_property_descriptor desc[] = {
- {"draw", nullptr, MinuteView::NapiDraw, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, napi_default, nullptr}};
- napi_define_properties(env, exports, sizeof(desc) / sizeof(desc[0]), desc);
- if (napi_define_properties(env, exports, sizeof(desc) / sizeof(desc[0]), desc) != napi_ok) {
- DRAWING_LOGE("Export: napi_define_properties failed");
- }
- }
复制代码 6.在NapiDraw中绘制分时图
- vector<HuMarketMinuteData *> myVector;
- size_t argc = 3;
- napi_value args[3] = {nullptr};
- napi_get_cb_info(env, info, &argc, args, nullptr, nullptr);
- napi_value vec = args[0]; // vector
- napi_value vecNum = args[1]; // length
- uint32_t vecCNum = 0;
- napi_get_value_uint32(env, vecNum, &vecCNum);
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < vecCNum; i++) {
- napi_value vecData;
- napi_get_element(env, vec, i, &vecData);
- HuMarketMinuteData *minuteData = new HuMarketMinuteData(&env, vecData);
- myVector.push_back(minuteData);
- }
复制代码- #include "HuMarketMinuteData.h"
- #include "common/MinuteItem.h"
- #include "napi/native_api.h"
- HuMarketMinuteData::HuMarketMinuteData(napi_env *env, napi_value value) {
- napi_value api_date, api_isDateChanged, api_yclosePrice, api_minuteItems;
- napi_get_named_property(*env, value, "date", &api_date);
- napi_get_named_property(*env, value, "isDateChanged", &api_isDateChanged);
- napi_get_named_property(*env, value, "yClosePrice", &api_yclosePrice);
- napi_get_named_property(*env, value, "minuteList", &api_minuteItems);
- uint32_t *uint32_date;
- napi_get_value_uint32(*env, api_date, uint32_date);
- date = int(*uint32_date);
- napi_get_value_double(*env, api_yclosePrice, &yClosePrice);
- uint32_t length;
- napi_get_array_length(*env, api_minuteItems, &length);
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
- napi_value api_minuteItem;
- napi_get_element(*env, api_minuteItems, i, &api_minuteItem);
- MinuteItem *minuteItem = new MinuteItem(env, api_minuteItem);
- minuteList.push_back(minuteItem);
- }
- }
- HuMarketMinuteData::~HuMarketMinuteData() {
- for (MinuteItem *item : minuteList) {
- delete item;
- item = nullptr;
- }
- }
- void MinuteView::Drawing2(vector<HuMarketMinuteData *>& minuteDatas) {
- if (nativeWindow_ == nullptr) {
- DRAWING_LOGE("nativeWindow_ is nullptr");
- return;
- }
- int ret = OH_NativeWindow_NativeWindowRequestBuffer(nativeWindow_, &buffer_, &fenceFd_);
- DRAWING_LOGI("request buffer ret = %{public}d", ret);
- bufferHandle_ = OH_NativeWindow_GetBufferHandleFromNative(buffer_);
- mappedAddr_ = static_cast<uint32_t *>(
- mmap(bufferHandle_->virAddr, bufferHandle_->size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, bufferHandle_->fd, 0));
- if (mappedAddr_ == MAP_FAILED) {
- DRAWING_LOGE("mmap failed");
- }
- // 创建一个bitmap对象
- cBitmap_ = OH_Drawing_BitmapCreate();
- // 定义bitmap的像素格式
- OH_Drawing_BitmapFormat cFormat{COLOR_FORMAT_RGBA_8888, ALPHA_FORMAT_OPAQUE};
- // 构造对应格式的bitmap,width的值必须为 bufferHandle->stride / 4
- OH_Drawing_BitmapBuild(cBitmap_, width_, height_, &cFormat);
- // 创建一个canvas对象
- cCanvas_ = OH_Drawing_CanvasCreate();
- // 将画布与bitmap绑定,画布画的内容会输出到绑定的bitmap内存中
- OH_Drawing_CanvasBind(cCanvas_, cBitmap_);
- // 清除画布内容
- OH_Drawing_CanvasClear(cCanvas_, OH_Drawing_ColorSetArgb(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF));
- float padding = 30, with = width_, height = height_ / 2;
- float ltX = padding, ltY = 1, rtX = with - padding,rtY = 1,lbX = padding,lbY = height - 1,rbX = with - padding,rbY = height - 1;
- // 创建一个path对象
- cPath_ = OH_Drawing_PathCreate();
- // 指定path的起始位置
- OH_Drawing_PathMoveTo(cPath_, ltX, ltY);
- // 用直线连接到目标点
- OH_Drawing_PathLineTo(cPath_, rtX, rtY);
- OH_Drawing_PathLineTo(cPath_, rbX, rbY);
- OH_Drawing_PathLineTo(cPath_, lbX, lbY);
- // 闭合形状,path绘制完毕
- OH_Drawing_PathClose(cPath_);
- OH_Drawing_PathMoveTo(cPath_, padding, height / 2);
- OH_Drawing_PathLineTo(cPath_, with - padding, height / 2);
- OH_Drawing_PathMoveTo(cPath_, with / 2, 1);
- OH_Drawing_PathLineTo(cPath_, with / 2, height - 1);
- // 创建一个画笔Pen对象,Pen对象用于形状的边框线绘制
- cPen_ = OH_Drawing_PenCreate();
- OH_Drawing_PenSetAntiAlias(cPen_, true);
- OH_Drawing_PenSetColor(cPen_, OH_Drawing_ColorSetArgb(0xFF, 0xE6, 0xE6, 0xE6));
- OH_Drawing_PenSetWidth(cPen_, 2.0);
- OH_Drawing_PenSetJoin(cPen_, LINE_ROUND_JOIN);
- // 将Pen画笔设置到canvas中
- OH_Drawing_CanvasAttachPen(cCanvas_, cPen_);
- OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawPath(cCanvas_, cPath_);
- double minPrice, maxPrice;
- computeMaxMin(minuteDatas, &minPrice, &maxPrice);
- OH_Drawing_Path *pricePath_ = OH_Drawing_PathCreate();
- OH_Drawing_Path *avgPath_ = OH_Drawing_PathCreate();
- // 指定path的起始位置
- HuMarketMinuteData *minuteData = minuteDatas[0];
- // 单位长度
- float unitHeight = height / (maxPrice - minPrice);
- float itemWidth = (with - 2 * padding) / (240 * minuteDatas.size());
- float pointX = padding;
- float pointY = 0;
- float avg_pointX = padding;
- float avg_pointY = 0;
- bool isFirst = true;
- float yClosePrice = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < minuteDatas.size(); i++) {
- HuMarketMinuteData *minuteData = minuteDatas[i];
- if (i == 0) {
- yClosePrice = minuteData->yClosePrice;
- }
- if (minuteData != nullptr) {
- for (int j = 0; j < minuteData->minuteList.size(); j++) {
- MinuteItem *minuteItem = minuteData->minuteList[j];
- if (minuteItem != nullptr) {
- pointY = (maxPrice - minuteItem->nowPrice) * unitHeight;
- avg_pointY = (maxPrice - minuteItem->avgPrice) * unitHeight;
- if (isFirst) {
- isFirst = false;
- OH_Drawing_PathMoveTo(pricePath_, pointX, pointY);
- OH_Drawing_PathMoveTo(avgPath_, avg_pointX, avg_pointY);
- } else {
- OH_Drawing_PathLineTo(pricePath_, pointX, pointY);
- OH_Drawing_PathLineTo(avgPath_, avg_pointX, avg_pointY);
- }
- pointX += itemWidth;
- avg_pointX += itemWidth;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // 创建一个画笔Pen对象,Pen对象用于形状的边框线绘制
- cPen_ = OH_Drawing_PenCreate();
- OH_Drawing_PenSetAntiAlias(cPen_, true);
- OH_Drawing_PenSetColor(cPen_, OH_Drawing_ColorSetArgb(0xFF, 0x22, 0x77, 0xcc));
- OH_Drawing_PenSetWidth(cPen_, 5.0);
- OH_Drawing_PenSetJoin(cPen_, LINE_ROUND_JOIN);
- // 将Pen画笔设置到canvas中
- OH_Drawing_CanvasAttachPen(cCanvas_, cPen_);
- // 在画布上画Price
- OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawPath(cCanvas_, pricePath_);
- OH_Drawing_PenSetColor(cPen_, OH_Drawing_ColorSetArgb(0xFF, 0xFF, 0x9D, 0x03));
- OH_Drawing_CanvasAttachPen(cCanvas_, cPen_);
- OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawPath(cCanvas_, avgPath_);
- OH_Drawing_PathLineTo(pricePath_, pointX, height);
- OH_Drawing_PathLineTo(pricePath_, padding, height);
- OH_Drawing_PathClose(pricePath_);
- OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawShadow(cCanvas_, pricePath_, {5, 5, 5}, {15, 15, 15}, 30,
- OH_Drawing_ColorSetArgb(0x00, 0xFF, 0xff, 0xff),
- OH_Drawing_ColorSetArgb(0x33, 0x22, 0x77, 0xcc), SHADOW_FLAGS_TRANSPARENT_OCCLUDER);
- // 选择从左到右/左对齐等排版属性
- OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle *typoStyle = OH_Drawing_CreateTypographyStyle();
- OH_Drawing_SetTypographyTextDirection(typoStyle, TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR);
- OH_Drawing_SetTypographyTextAlign(typoStyle, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT);
- // 设置文字颜色,例如黑色
- OH_Drawing_TextStyle *txtStyle = OH_Drawing_CreateTextStyle();
- OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleColor(txtStyle, OH_Drawing_ColorSetArgb(0xFF, 0xFF, 0x9D, 0x03));
- // 设置文字大小、字重等属性
- double fontSize = width_ / 15;
- OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontSize(txtStyle, fontSize);
- OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontWeight(txtStyle, FONT_WEIGHT_400);
- OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleBaseLine(txtStyle, TEXT_BASELINE_ALPHABETIC);
- OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontHeight(txtStyle, 1);
- // 如果需要多次测量,建议fontCollection作为全局变量使用,可以显著减少内存占用
- OH_Drawing_FontCollection *fontCollection = OH_Drawing_CreateSharedFontCollection();
- // 注册自定义字体
- const char *fontFamily = "myFamilyName"; // myFamilyName为自定义字体的family name
- const char *fontPath = "/data/storage/el2/base/haps/entry/files/myFontFile.ttf"; // 设置自定义字体所在的沙箱路径
- OH_Drawing_RegisterFont(fontCollection, fontFamily, fontPath);
- // 设置系统字体类型
- const char *systemFontFamilies[] = {"Roboto"};
- OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontFamilies(txtStyle, 1, systemFontFamilies);
- OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontStyle(txtStyle, FONT_STYLE_NORMAL);
- OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleLocale(txtStyle, "en");
- // 设置自定义字体类型
- auto txtStyle2 = OH_Drawing_CreateTextStyle();
- OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontSize(txtStyle2, fontSize);
- const char *myFontFamilies[] = {"myFamilyName"}; // 如果已经注册自定义字体,填入自定义字体的family
- // name使用自定义字体
- OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontFamilies(txtStyle2, 1, myFontFamilies);
- OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate *handler = OH_Drawing_CreateTypographyHandler(typoStyle, fontCollection);
- OH_Drawing_TypographyHandlerPushTextStyle(handler, txtStyle);
- OH_Drawing_TypographyHandlerPushTextStyle(handler, txtStyle2);
- // 设置文字内容
- const char *text = doubleToStringWithPrecision(yClosePrice, 2).c_str();
- OH_Drawing_TypographyHandlerAddText(handler, text);
- OH_Drawing_TypographyHandlerPopTextStyle(handler);
- OH_Drawing_Typography *typography = OH_Drawing_CreateTypography(handler);
- // 设置页面最大宽度
- double maxWidth = width_;
- OH_Drawing_TypographyLayout(typography, maxWidth);
- // 设置文本在画布上绘制的起始位置
- double position[2] = {100, height / 2.0};
- // 将文本绘制到画布上
- OH_Drawing_TypographyPaint(typography, cCanvas_, position[0], position[1]);
- void *bitmapAddr = OH_Drawing_BitmapGetPixels(cBitmap_);
- uint32_t *value = static_cast<uint32_t *>(bitmapAddr);
- uint32_t *pixel = static_cast<uint32_t *>(mappedAddr_);
- if (pixel == nullptr) {
- DRAWING_LOGE("pixel is null");
- return;
- }
- if (value == nullptr) {
- DRAWING_LOGE("value is null");
- return;
- }
- for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width_; x++) {
- for (uint32_t y = 0; y < height_; y++) {
- *pixel++ = *value++;
- }
- }
- Region region{nullptr, 0};
- OH_NativeWindow_NativeWindowFlushBuffer(nativeWindow_, buffer_, fenceFd_, region);
- int result = munmap(mappedAddr_, bufferHandle_->size);
- if (result == -1) {
- DRAWING_LOGE("munmap failed!");
- }
- }
复制代码 绘制流程:
- 向OHNativeWindow申请一块buffer, 并获取这块buffer的handle,然后映射内存;
- 创建画布Canvas, 将bitmap和画布绑定;
- 使用Canvas相关api绘制内容;
- 将bitmap转换成像素数据,并通过之前映射的buffer句柄,将bitmap数据写到buffer中;
- 将内容放回到Buffer队列,在下次Vsync信号就会将buffer中的内容绘制到屏幕上;
- 取消映射内存;
- "devDependencies": {
- "@types/libnativerender.so": "file:./src/main/cpp/types/libnativerender"
- }
- export default interface XComponentContext {
- draw(minuteData: UPMarketMinuteData[], length: number): void;
- };
- 使用XComponent并获取XComponentContext, 通过它可以调用native层函数
- XComponent({
- id: 'xcomponentId',
- type: 'surface',
- libraryname: 'nativerender'
- })
- .onLoad((xComponentContext) => {
- if (xComponentContext) {
- this.xComponentContext = xComponentContext as XComponentContext;
- }
- })
- .width('100%')
- .height(600)
- .backgroundColor(Color.Gray)
- this.monitor.subscribeRTMinuteData(this.TAG_REQUEST_MINUTE, param, (rsp) => {
- if (rsp.isSuccessful() && rsp.result != null && rsp.result.length > 0 && this.xComponentContext) {
- this.xComponentContext.draw(rsp.result!, rsp.result.length)
- }
- })
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