1. 讲故事
二:WinDbg 分析
1. 托管还是非托管
要想看托管还是非托管,可以用 !address -summary 观察下内存段。- 0:000> !address -summary
- --- Usage Summary ---------------- RgnCount ----------- Total Size -------- %ofBusy %ofTotal
- Free 384 7dbe`3d662000 ( 125.743 TB) 98.24%
- <unknown> 9653 241`9e9fd000 ( 2.256 TB) 99.98% 1.76%
- Stack 153 0`125d0000 ( 293.812 MB) 0.01% 0.00%
- Image 1912 0`0b0f2000 ( 176.945 MB) 0.01% 0.00%
- Heap 110 0`0669a000 ( 102.602 MB) 0.00% 0.00%
- Other 12 0`001ce000 ( 1.805 MB) 0.00% 0.00%
- TEB 51 0`00066000 ( 408.000 kB) 0.00% 0.00%
- PEB 1 0`00001000 ( 4.000 kB) 0.00% 0.00%
- --- State Summary ---------------- RgnCount ----------- Total Size -------- %ofBusy %ofTotal
- MEM_FREE 384 7dbe`3d662000 ( 125.743 TB) 98.24%
- MEM_RESERVE 2794 23f`666dd000 ( 2.248 TB) 99.59% 1.76%
- MEM_COMMIT 9098 2`5c2b1000 ( 9.440 GB) 0.41% 0.01%
复制代码 从卦中信息的 MEM_COMMIT 和 Heap 来看,应该就是托管内存的问题了。
2. 托管堆排查
要查看托管堆,可以用 !eeheap -gc 观察下。- 0:000> !eeheap -gc
- ========================================
- Number of GC Heaps: 8
- ----------------------------------------
- Heap 0 (00000273748727a0)
- Small object heap
- segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
- generation 0:
- 02b388ff24f0 027615400020 0276157f76f8 027615800000 0x3f76d8 (4159192) 0x400000 (4194304)
- ...
- generation 1:
- 02b388ff5e00 02762a000020 02762a01e460 02762a0b0000 0x1e440 (123968) 0xb0000 (720896)
- generation 2:
- 02b388f81840 027385000020 0273853a2b20 027385400000 0x3a2b00 (3812096) 0x400000 (4194304)
- 02b388f818f0 027385400020 0273857ee220 027385800000 0x3ee200 (4121088) 0x400000 (4194304)
- 02b388f81e70 027387400020 0273877914e8 0273877b2000 0x3914c8 (3740872) 0x3b2000 (3874816)
- 02b388f823f0 027389400020 0273897bf580 0273897df000 0x3bf560 (3929440) 0x3df000 (4059136)
- 02b388f82600 02738a000020 02738a3644e0 02738a368000 0x3644c0 (3556544) 0x368000 (3571712)
- ...
- 02b388f85fc0 02739f000020 02739f253e10 02739f257000 0x253df0 (2440688) 0x257000 (2453504)
- 02b388f861d0 02739fc00020 02739fffc9f0 02739ffff000 0x3fc9d0 (4180432) 0x3ff000 (4190208)
- 02b388f86490 0273a0c00020 0273a0f829c0 0273a0fbd000 0x3829a0 (3680672) 0x3bd000 (3919872)
- 02b388f87040 0273a5000020 0273a5332f78 0273a5337000 0x332f58 (3354456) 0x337000 (3371008)
- 02b388f875c0 0273a7000020 0273a72e4710 0273a7305000 0x2e46f0 (3032816) 0x305000 (3166208)
- ...
- Large object heap
- segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
- 02b388f84f40 027399000020 02739908f520 027399090000 0x8f500 (587008) 0x90000 (589824)
- Pinned object heap
- segment begin allocated committed allocated size committed size
- 02b388f812c0 027383000020 02738300b080 027383011000 0xb060 (45152) 0x11000 (69632)
- ------------------------------
- GC Allocated Heap Size: Size: 0x2212923b0 (9146278832) bytes.
- GC Committed Heap Size: Size: 0x23b676000 (9586565120) bytes.
复制代码 从卦中看当前的托管内存是 9.5G,通过观察内存都是被 Gen2 给吃掉了,那 Gen2 上都是什么对象呢?我们用 !dumheap -stat 观察下。- 0:000> !dumpheap -stat
- Statistics:
- MT Count TotalSize Class Name
- ...
- 7ff954ecd918 91,030 9,467,120 System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo
- 7ff95701c8f0 572,034 18,305,088 System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo+TokenHashValue
- 7ff954c9fd00 1,010,024 62,198,216 System.String
- 7ff95502fc10 62,645 173,045,678 System.Byte[]
- 0273747f9610 28,313 8,761,969,520 Free
- Total 3,305,047 objects, 9,143,856,580 bytes
复制代码 不看卦不知道,一看吓一跳,9G的内存,Free 就吃掉了 8.7G,看样子又是经典的 内存碎片化 了,赶紧到 Gen2 上去看一看狼狈现场。- 0:000> !dumpheap 02739fc00020 02739fffc9f0
- Address MT Size
- 02739fc00020 0273747f9610 717,136 Free
- 02739fcaf170 7ff95502fc10 8,216
- 02739fcb1188 7ff955478798 64
- 02739fcb11c8 0273747f9610 607,864 Free
- 02739fd45840 7ff95502fc10 8,216
- 02739fd47858 7ff955478798 64
- 02739fd47898 0273747f9610 2,205,336 Free
- 02739ff61f30 7ff95502fc10 8,216
- 02739ff63f48 7ff955478798 64
- 02739ff63f88 0273747f9610 99,736 Free
- 02739ff7c520 7ff95502fc10 8,216
- 02739ff7e538 7ff955478798 64
- 02739ff7e578 0273747f9610 76,504 Free
- 02739ff91050 7ff95502fc10 8,216
- 02739ff93068 7ff955478798 64
- 02739ff930a8 0273747f9610 355,728 Free
- 02739ffe9e38 7ff95502fc10 8,216
- 02739ffebe50 7ff955478798 64
- 02739ffebe90 0273747f9610 60,168 Free
- 02739fffa998 7ff95502fc10 8,216
- 02739fffc9b0 7ff955478798 64
- Statistics:
- MT Count TotalSize Class Name
- 7ff955478798 7 448 System.IO.FileSystemWatcher+AsyncReadState
- 7ff95502fc10 7 57,512 System.Byte[]
- 0273747f9610 7 4,122,472 Free
- Total 21 objects, 4,180,432 bytes
- ...
复制代码 卦中信息是明显的 内存碎片化 现象,可以看到每一个 Free 后面都跟着一个 8216,那这玩意是干嘛的,为什么它不会 GC 回收呢?
3. 碎片化排查
要想找到不会回收的原因,我们用 !gcroot 看一下。- 0:000> !gcroot 02739fffa998
- Caching GC roots, this may take a while.
- Subsequent runs of this command will be faster.
- HandleTable:
- 0000027374723fc0 (async pinned handle)
- -> 02739dc758c8 System.Threading.OverlappedData
- -> 02739fffa998 System.Byte[]
复制代码 从卦中可以看到它是被 System.Threading.OverlappedData 持有,熟悉异步编程的朋友应该都知道IO完成端口,C# 中的 OverlappedData 还会绑定 handle,byte[],IOThread 等信息,我们挖一下其中的 _userState 。- 0:000> !do 02739dc758c8
- Name: System.Threading.OverlappedData
- Fields:
- MT Field Offset Type VT Attr Value Name
- 00007ff95502bce0 4000b00 8 System.IAsyncResult 0 instance 0000000000000000 _asyncResult
- 00007ff954af93b0 4000b01 10 System.Object 0 instance 000002739dc75910 _callback
- 00007ff95547f208 4000b02 18 ...eading.Overlapped 0 instance 000002739dc75880 _overlapped
- 00007ff954af93b0 4000b03 20 System.Object 0 instance 000002739fffa998 _userObject
- 00007ff954c9ac30 4000b04 28 PTR 0 instance 000002b41023f130 _pNativeOverlapped
- 00007ff954c99250 4000b05 30 System.IntPtr 1 instance 0000000000000000 _eventHandle
- 00007ff954c1e8c0 4000b06 38 System.Int32 1 instance 0 _offsetLow
- 00007ff954c1e8c0 4000b07 3c System.Int32 1 instance 0 _offsetHigh
- 0:000> !do 000002739dc75880
- Name: System.Threading.ThreadPoolBoundHandleOverlapped
- Fields:
- MT Field Offset Type VT Attr Value Name
- 00007ff95547f558 4000b08 8 ...ng.OverlappedData 0 instance 000002739dc758c8 _overlappedData
- 00007ff955478d48 4000d2f 10 ...ompletionCallback 0 instance 00000273869e27a8 _userCallback
- 00007ff954af93b0 4000d30 18 System.Object 0 instance 000002739fffc9b0 _userState
- 00007ff9554791a8 4000d31 20 ...locatedOverlapped 0 instance 000002739dc75860 _preAllocated
- 00007ff954c9ac30 4000d32 30 PTR 0 instance 000002b41023f130 _nativeOverlapped
- 00007ff955479790 4000d33 28 ...adPoolBoundHandle 0 instance 0000000000000000 _boundHandle
- 00007ff954c1b3c0 4000d34 38 System.Boolean 1 instance 0 _completed
- 00007ff955478d48 4000d2e 930 ...ompletionCallback 0 static 00000273869e2898 s_completionCallback
- 0:000> !do 000002739fffc9b0
- Name: System.IO.FileSystemWatcher+AsyncReadState
- Fields:
- MT Field Offset Type VT Attr Value Name
- 00007ff954c1e8c0 400002b 30 System.Int32 1 instance 1 <Session>k__BackingField
- 00007ff95502fc10 400002c 8 System.Byte[] 0 instance 000002739fffa998 <Buffer>k__BackingField
- 00007ff955026688 400002d 10 ...es.SafeFileHandle 0 instance 000002739dc757d8 <DirectoryHandle>k__BackingField
- 00007ff955479790 400002e 18 ...adPoolBoundHandle 0 instance 000002739dc75828 <ThreadPoolBinding>k__BackingField
- 00007ff9554791a8 400002f 20 ...locatedOverlapped 0 instance 000002739dc75860 <PreAllocatedOverlapped>k__BackingField
- 00007ff955479248 4000030 28 ...eSystem.Watcher]] 0 instance 000002739dc75848 <WeakWatcher>k__BackingField
复制代码 从卦中可以看到原来是 FileSystemWatcher 在作祟,说实话看到这个东西我马上就有条件反射,肯定又是经典的 ReloadOnChange=true 导致的,果然直觉就是对的,一搜代码果然有,截图如下:

说实话 ReloadOnChange=true 真的是万恶之源,据往期分析可列出如下四大罪证:
- 文件句柄暴涨
- byte[]导致的内存暴涨
- pinned 导致的内存碎片化
- 线程池暴涨 导致的程序无响应
大家使用前需 慎之又慎,三思而后行!!!

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