第一部分,观察通过snmp OID能获取的信息,对信息进行关联。
1、通过 snmp获取到接口IP地址和掩码信息,发现IP地址作为索引值;

get_vlan_network.py- import re,os,ipaddress
- #get the interface Vlan value
- def get_Vlanif_value(host,SNMP_community):
- vlan_dict = {}
- pattern = re.compile(r'(\d+)\s*=\s*STRING:\s*(\S+)')
- cmd = "snmpwalk -v 2c -c " + SNMP_community +" "+ host + " ifname | grep Vlan" # 进行过滤,仅显示VLAN接口
- tmp = os.popen(cmd).readlines()
- # print("begin:",tmp)
- for i in tmp:
- matches = re.search(pattern, i)
- if matches:
- if_id = matches.group(1) #if_id: interface_snmp_ID
- Vlan_value = re.search(r'\d+', matches.group(2)).group()
- # print(if_id,Vlan_value)
- vlan_dict[if_id] = Vlan_value
- return vlan_dict
- # VLAN = get_Vlan_value(host)
- # print(VLAN)
- # get the interface ip address and inetface snmp ID
- def get_if_ip(host,SNMP_community):
- if_dict = {}
- pattern = r'(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}) = INTEGER: (\d+)'
- cmd = "snmpwalk -v 2c -c " + SNMP_community +" "+ host + " ."
- tmp = os.popen(cmd).readlines()
- for i in tmp:
- matches = re.search(pattern, i)
- if matches:
- ip_address = matches.group(1)
- if_id = matches.group(2)
- if_dict[ip_address] = if_id
- return if_dict
- # IF_value = get_if_ip(host)
- # print(IF_value)
- def get_network_value(host,SNMP_community):
- network_dict = {}
- pattern = r'(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}) = IpAddress: (\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})'
- cmd = "snmpwalk -v 2c -c " + SNMP_community +" " + host + " . | grep -wv -e"
- tmp = os.popen(cmd).readlines()
- for i in tmp:
- matches = re.search(pattern, i)
- if matches:
- ip_address = matches.group(1)
- subnet_mask = matches.group(2)
- network_str = f"{ip_address}/{subnet_mask}"
- network = ipaddress.IPv4Network(network_str, strict=False)
- network_dict[ip_address] = network.with_prefixlen
- return network_dict
- def get_network_subnet_Vlan(host,SNMP_community):
- # 将网段信息与VLAN ID进行关联
- Netowrk_Vlan ={}
- Vlan_info = get_Vlanif_value(host, SNMP_community)
- If_info = get_if_ip(host, SNMP_community)
- Network_info = get_network_value(host, SNMP_community)
- # print(host,SNMP_community)
- for k ,v_net in Network_info.items():
- # print(k)
- if k in If_info:
- # Netowrk_Vlan[v_net]
- if If_info[k] in Vlan_info: #Vlan_info 进行了过滤,
- # print( v_net, Vlan_info[If_info[k]])
- Netowrk_Vlan[v_net]=Vlan_info[If_info[k]]
- return Netowrk_Vlan
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- with open('host_snmp.txt', 'r', encoding='utf8') as f:
- for line in f:
- dict = {}
- host = line.split(" ")[0]
- snmp_community = (line.split(" ")[1]).strip()
- # print(host,snmp_community)
- #将所有数据放入字典
- dict[host] = get_network_subnet_Vlan(host,snmp_community)
- print(dict)
复制代码 将设备IP地址、snmp团体字保存再host_snmp.txt 文件中,每行一台设备,通过脚本遍历进行查询。将结果保存为字典格式,便于后续对数据进行利用。文件存储格式:host_ip snmp_commuinty 数据数据格式:{'host_ip':{network/mask':'vlan_id',network/mask':'vlan_id'}}
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