Solana 开发学习之Solana 基础知识
Install the Solana CLI
- sh -c "$(curl -sSfL"
- downloading v1.18.2 installer
- ✨ 1.18.2 initialized
- Adding
- export PATH="/Users/qiaopengjun/.local/share/solana/install/active_release/bin:$PATH" to /Users/qiaopengjun/.profile
- Adding
- export PATH="/Users/qiaopengjun/.local/share/solana/install/active_release/bin:$PATH" to /Users/qiaopengjun/.zprofile
- Adding
- export PATH="/Users/qiaopengjun/.local/share/solana/install/active_release/bin:$PATH" to /Users/qiaopengjun/.bash_profile
- Close and reopen your terminal to apply the PATH changes or run the following in your existing shell:
- export PATH="/Users/qiaopengjun/.local/share/solana/install/active_release/bin:$PATH"
复制代码- vim .zshrc
- # 复制并粘贴下面命令以更新 PATH
- export PATH="/Users/qiaopengjun/.local/share/solana/install/active_release/bin:$PATH"
- 通过运行以下命令确认您已安装了所需的 Solana 版本:
- solana --version
- # 实操
- solana --version
- solana-cli 1.18.2 (src:13656e30; feat:3352961542, client:SolanaLabs)
复制代码- solana-install init 1.16.4
复制代码 设置网络环境
- solana config set --url
- Config File: /Users/qiaopengjun/.config/solana/cli/config.yml
- WebSocket URL: wss:// (computed)
- Keypair Path: /Users/qiaopengjun/.config/solana/id.json
- Commitment: confirmed
复制代码 创建账号
Check your installation
运行以下命令检查 solana-keygen 是否安装正确:- solana-keygen --version
- # 实操
- solana-keygen --version
- solana-keygen 1.18.2 (src:13656e30; feat:3352961542, client:SolanaLabs)
复制代码 使用 solana-keygen 工具,可以生成新的种子短语,以及从现有的种子短语和(可选的)密码短语派生一个密钥对。
For full usage details, run:- solana-keygen new --help
- solana-keygen-new
- Generate new keypair file from a random seed phrase and optional BIP39 passphrase
- solana-keygen new [OPTIONS]
- -C, --config <FILEPATH>
- Configuration file to use [default: /Users/qiaopengjun/.config/solana/cli/config.yml]
- --derivation-path [<DERIVATION_PATH>...]
- Derivation path. All indexes will be promoted to hardened. If arg is not presented then
- derivation path will not be used. If arg is presented with empty DERIVATION_PATH value
- then m/44'/501'/0'/0' will be used.
- -f, --force
- Overwrite the output file if it exists
- -h, --help
- Print help information
- --language <LANGUAGE>
- Specify the mnemonic language that will be present in the generated seed phrase
- [default: english] [possible values: english, chinese-simplified, chinese-traditional,
- japanese, spanish, korean, french, italian]
- --no-bip39-passphrase
- Do not prompt for a BIP39 passphrase
- --no-outfile
- Only print a seed phrase and pubkey. Do not output a keypair file
- -o, --outfile <FILEPATH>
- Path to generated file
- -s, --silent
- Do not display seed phrase. Useful when piping output to other programs that prompt for
- user input, like gpg
- --word-count <NUMBER>
- Specify the number of words that will be present in the generated seed phrase [default:
- 12] [possible values: 12, 15, 18, 21, 24]
复制代码 实操
- sosolana-keygen new --force
- Generating a new keypair
- For added security, enter a BIP39 passphrase
- NOTE! This passphrase improves security of the recovery seed phrase NOT the
- keypair file itself, which is stored as insecure plain text
- BIP39 Passphrase (empty for none):
- Wrote new keypair to /Users/qiaopengjun/.config/solana/id.json
- =================================================================================
- pubkey: 账号的地址
- =================================================================================
- Save this seed phrase and your BIP39 passphrase to recover your new keypair:
- 对应的BIP39的助记词
- =================================================================================
复制代码 查看当前账号的地址,Keypair文件的中的公钥:申请水龙头
- solana airdrop 1
- Requesting airdrop of 1 SOL
- Signature: GTVSLYa9Vm1FfjBSDVxf8cBL6D47caXHuETRbdD3eQ5C36ZA261MLJXBxzWU2HoiaedAAmBdiy17YFnSaiWsvW3
- 1 SOL
复制代码 Solana CLI Reference and Usage
查看 config
- cat .config/solana/cli/config.yml
- ---
- json_rpc_url:
- websocket_url: ''
- keypair_path: /Users/qiaopengjun/.config/solana/id.json
- address_labels:
- '11111111111111111111111111111111': System Program
- commitment: confirmed
复制代码 转账
- solana transfer --allow-unfunded-recipient H6Su7YsGK5mMASrZvJ51nt7oBzD88V8FKSBPNnRG1u3k 0.01
- Signature: 5t9ysYELu2Gv1jc7SDXzmZotLUDhkUwuSd48tH2QSqJy8iTYkXD7Sf9fNVxXhkcUZsCy7s7WvsddRbxrfK3tKmEg

通过命令行,发行一个代币。并给自己账号mint一定数量的代币。 并通过插件钱包或者命令行的方式给其他同学空投该代币
- 设置环境为开发环境
- 创建账号
- 申请水龙头
- 创建Token
- spl-token create-token
- Creating token E7eHC3g4QsFXuaBe3X2wVr54yEvHK8K8fq6qrgB64djx under program TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA
- Address: E7eHC3g4QsFXuaBe3X2wVr54yEvHK8K8fq6qrgB64djx
- Decimals: 9
- Signature: 51yuJ91agCKxYWEbLgMfEq5BWBTaFZoezxfnKVoTmrGi59S44q7nKkfVjsCpMJNVLwW8AKuiNbNKb4JSUzLHQy9d
复制代码- spl-token create-account E7eHC3g4QsFXuaBe3X2wVr54yEvHK8K8fq6qrgB64djx
- Creating account HDv1RgdHjrjSdnTFJsMqQGPcKTiuF7zLjhNaSd7ihbKh
- Signature: 3shwWeUAiFYTE2qfARofhyPRtHvtGBRNf2oB8AoxsAX11mEbUsxk2q35YSmWBcBQEnhS2t2LsBnQ9bjt4m2WR3qt
复制代码- spl-token mint E7eHC3g4QsFXuaBe3X2wVr54yEvHK8K8fq6qrgB64djx 100 HDv1RgdHjrjSdnTFJsMqQGPcKTiuF7zLjhNaSd7ihbKh
- Minting 100 tokens
- Token: E7eHC3g4QsFXuaBe3X2wVr54yEvHK8K8fq6qrgB64djx
- Recipient: HDv1RgdHjrjSdnTFJsMqQGPcKTiuF7zLjhNaSd7ihbKh
- Signature: 4XdNt4yotJdcKN1JGSqm4CL8tQ8vELzGLNGT8ChucQWmofSBpSz2jU8gHmET18PBu2Z3ZGt9RkzRAwuZ5DdBEzba
复制代码- spl-token balance E7eHC3g4QsFXuaBe3X2wVr54yEvHK8K8fq6qrgB64djx
- 100
复制代码- spl-token transfer --fund-recipient E7eHC3g4QsFXuaBe3X2wVr54yEvHK8K8fq6qrgB64djx 10 H6Su7YsGK5mMASrZvJ51nt7oBzD88V8FKSBPNnRG1u3k
- Transfer 10 tokens
- Sender: HDv1RgdHjrjSdnTFJsMqQGPcKTiuF7zLjhNaSd7ihbKh
- Recipient: H6Su7YsGK5mMASrZvJ51nt7oBzD88V8FKSBPNnRG1u3k
- Recipient associated token account: HY1GfCQabyUMFRGpDu3eFoVW3ny8ifHKVZ8LbvzbDPsK
- Funding recipient: HY1GfCQabyUMFRGpDu3eFoVW3ny8ifHKVZ8LbvzbDPsK
- Signature: 4jbcoJYS6ZGPcUmHpqTnxeLHfQxvUqQQnzgoJCgWWA1LpKkKWRA5y2FZ7rDQ2v4NBBcuUJqh37A9p92mvbTmS6iY
复制代码- spl-token balance E7eHC3g4QsFXuaBe3X2wVr54yEvHK8K8fq6qrgB64djx
- 90
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