修改后的请求,是一个标准的http请求,你通过postman的codesnippet视图也可以看到,代码如下- POST /mobile-server/manager/ HTTP/1.1
- Host: api-gw-test.pkulaw.com
- Cookie: CookieId=b97385476b3c721c81a9163f1c8a85dd; SUB=347c9e9e-076c-45e3-be74-c482fffcc6e5; preferred_username=test; session_state=458053bd-5970-4200-9b6f-cf538ec9808b
- Content-Length: 508
- Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW
- ----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW
- Content-Disposition: form-data; name="folder"
- app/icon
- ----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW
- Content-Disposition: form-data; name="domain"
- https://static.pkulaw.com
- ----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW
- Content-Disposition: form-data; name="fileName"
- xzcf.png
- ----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW
- Content-Disposition: form-data; name="multipartFile"; filename="/C:/Users/User/Pictures/21111.png"
- Content-Type: image/png
- (data)
- ----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW--
复制代码 开发过程中的一些坑
- 参数拼接错误,form-data的文件流应该是第一个参数
- 有空的boundary,
- boundary与字段之间没有\r\n换行
- 将所有\n替换为\r\n,可能会办理上传文件和参数在接收端为空的问题
- http请求头中的boundary是没有开头的两个减号的,这块非常容易出错,例如ngx.req.set_header("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" .. boundary)
- boundary在各字段之前并不相同,需要着重看一下,一般是------开头,看看是否-的数量不同,可能接收端会有下面的错误,体现请求体拼接不精确
- Failed to parse multipart servlet request; nested exception is java.io.IOException: org.apache.tomcat.util.http.fileupload.FileUploadException: Stream ended unexpectedly
- 请求报400,大于8K的文件无法上传
- 缘故原由:apisix中的nginx设置中,client_max_body_size默认设置为0,体现没有限制,不是它的缘故原由
- 缘故原由:client_body_buffer_size在apisix中没有设置,它会使用默认值,默以为8K,大于8K的文件就会报错,是这个缘故原由
- 办理:修改apisix-helm/values.yaml文件,nginx.configurationSnippet.httpStart节点添加设置client_body_buffer_size:15m
- nginx:
- # -- Custom configuration snippet.
- configurationSnippet:
- main: |
- httpStart: |
- client_body_buffer_size 20m;
复制代码 file-upload-proxy文件上传转发插件源码
- -- author: zhangzhanling
- -- 文件上传服务代理
- -- 代理前端,与文件上传服务进行通讯
- -- 在请求体中,添加统一的参数
- local core = require("apisix.core")
- local uuid = require("resty.jit-uuid")
- local ngx = require("ngx")
- -- 定义原数据格式
- local schema = {
- type = "object",
- properties = {
- folder = {
- type = "string",
- description = "相对目录"
- },
- domain = {
- type = "string",
- description = "图片服务的域名"
- }
- }
- }
- local _M = {
- version = 0.1,
- priority = 1009, --数值超大,优先级越高,因为authz-keycloak是2000,它需要在authz-keycloak之后执行,所以把它定为1000,因为咱们也依赖proxy_rewrite插件
- name = "file-upload-proxy",
- schema = schema
- }
- local function get_specific_header(ctx, header_name)
- local headers = core.request.headers(ctx)
- local value = headers[header_name]
- if type(value) == "table" then
- return table.concat(value, ", ")
- else
- return value
- end
- end
- -- 辅助函数:查找边界字符串
- local function find_boundary(content_type)
- return content_type:match("boundary=([^;]+)")
- end
- function _M.rewrite(conf, ctx)
- ngx.req.read_body()
- local body_data = ngx.req.get_body_data()
- if not body_data then
- core.log.warn("Failed to read request body.")
- return 400
- end
- local content_type = ngx.req.get_headers()["content-type"]
- local boundary = find_boundary(content_type)
- if not boundary then
- core.log.warn("No boundary found in content type.")
- return 400
- end
- local startBoundary = "--" .. boundary
- local sub_value = get_specific_header(ctx, "sub")
- local folder = conf.folder
- if sub_value then
- folder = folder .. "/" .. sub_value
- end
- ---- 构建新的请求体
- local new_body = ""
- local fileExt = ".jpg"
- local filename = string.match(body_data, 'filename="([^"]+)"')
- if filename then
- -- 从filename中提取扩展名
- local _, _, ext = string.find(filename, "%.([^.]+)$")
- if ext then
- core.log.info("文件扩展名为: " .. ext)
- fileExt = "." .. ext;
- end
- end
- -- 添加新字段
- local new_fields = {
- { name = "domain", value = conf.domain },
- { name = "fileName", value = uuid() .. fileExt },
- { name = "folder", value = folder }
- }
- ---- 添加新字段
- for _, field in ipairs(new_fields) do
- new_body = new_body .. string.format("\r\n%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"\r\n\r\n%s", startBoundary, field.name, field.value)
- end
- new_body = new_body .. "\r\n" .. body_data
- -- 设置新的请求体
- ngx.req.set_body_data(new_body)
- -- 更新 Content-Type 头
- ngx.req.set_header("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" .. boundary)
- -- 计算并设置 Content-Length
- local content_length = string.len(new_body)
- ngx.req.set_header("Content-Length", content_length)
- -- 日志输出新请求体和内容长度
- core.log.warn("boundary:", boundary)
- core.log.warn("New request body: ", new_body)
- core.log.warn("Content-Length: ", content_length)
- end
- -- 注册插件
- return _M
复制代码 免责声明:如果侵犯了您的权益,请联系站长,我们会及时删除侵权内容,谢谢合作!更多信息从访问主页:qidao123.com:ToB企服之家,中国第一个企服评测及商务社交产业平台。 |