Android Studio所有过往版本链接:Android Studio 下载文件归档 | Android Developers(tips:如果打开了网页但是没有的话可以尝试把语言切换到英文)
由于我之前下载了jdkse8,最新支持Java SE 8的Android Studio版本是Android Studio 4.1.3。从4.2版本开始,Android Studio捆绑的JDK版本从JDK 8变动为JDK 11。因此,需要利用Java SE 8,发起利用Android Studio 4.1.3版本。
因此我卸载了我的新版本Android Studio,并下载了Android Studio 4.1.3的压缩包文件。
Failed to load JVM DLL D:VavaVjdkVjrelbin\server\jvm.dllf you already have a 32-bit JDK installed, define a JAVA HOME variable inComputer > System Properties > System Settings > Environment Variables
A problem occurred configuring root project 'HelloWorld'. > Could not resolve all artifacts for configuration ':classpath'. > Could not resolve Required by: project : > > No matching variant of was found. The consumer was configured to find a library for use during runtime, compatible with Java 8, packaged as a jar, and its dependencies declared externally, as well as attribute 'org.gradle.plugin.api-version' with value '8.7' but: - Variant 'apiElements' declares a library, packaged as a jar, and its dependencies declared externally: - Incompatible because this component declares a component for use during compile-time, compatible with Java 11 and the consumer needed a component for use during runtime, compatible with Java 8 - Other compatible attribute: - Doesn't say anything about org.gradle.plugin.api-version (required '8.7') - Variant 'javadocElements' declares a component for use during runtime, and its dependencies declared externally: - Incompatible because this component declares documentation and the consumer needed a library - Other compatible attributes: - Doesn't say anything about its elements (required them packaged as a jar) - Doesn't say anything about its target Java version (required compatibility with Java 8) - Doesn't say anything about org.gradle.plugin.api-version (required '8.7') - Variant 'runtimeElements' declares a library for use during runtime, packaged as a jar, and its dependencies declared externally: - Incompatible because this component declares a component, compatible with Java 11 and the consumer needed a component, compatible with Java 8 - Other compatible attribute: - Doesn't say anything about org.gradle.plugin.api-version (required '8.7') - Variant 'sourcesElements' declares a component for use during runtime, and its dependencies declared externally: - Incompatible because this component declares documentation and the consumer needed a library - Other compatible attributes: - Doesn't say anything about its elements (required them packaged as a jar) - Doesn't say anything about its target Java version (required compatibility with Java 8) - Doesn't say anything about org.gradle.plugin.api-version (required '8.7')
好吧原来是我之前下载的最新版本Androidstudio是安装的gradle8.7,但是Androidstudio4.1.3所需的 Android Gradle 插件版本范围是 3.2 到 8.2.又不适配。
新版Android Studio火烈鸟 在新建项目工程时 无法选java的语言模板解决方法_androidstudio没有java语言选项-CSDN博客
我经过一顿搜索猛如虎,发现最新版本ladybug实在就是最新的Stable Channel(稳定版本)的一部分,所以对于初学者来说是可以利用的
Gradle JVM version incompatible.
This project is configured to use an older Gradle JVM that supports up to version 8 but the current AGP requires a Gradle JVM that supports version 17.
关于gradle和Android Studio的关系见以下链接。
Android studio 和 gradle插件版本对应关系(最新 2024年)_android studio版本和gradle版本对应-CSDN博客
一番操纵猛如虎之后我终极只能改了Andriod Test\gradle\wrapper\gradle-wrapper.properties里面的distributionUrl改成了本地路径,C:\Users\Acer\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\
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